Feel The Fire (Unforgettable Series) (17 page)

BOOK: Feel The Fire (Unforgettable Series)
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“I have a better idea. How about you apologize to the lady?”
Brian’s heated gaze seared Toni and she found herself plopping back down into her seat.
“I can’t hear you,” Jonas sneered and rammed the man’s head back into the wall.
“I-I’m s-sorry.”
Another ram.
“I said I-I’m sorry.”

Jonas glanced at her now. It took a moment before she looked at him and when she did, he was disturbed by the shock and horror written in her face. “Toni?” he said softly.

Tears rose to her eyes, surprising the hell out of him and touching a tender spot his heart. “What do you want to do? Call the police?”

“What? Wait,” Brian protested. “There’s no reason to call the police.”
Jonas rammed the man’s head again.

Blinking out of her stupor, Toni shook her head. After all, what had he really done-grabbed her arm? She was suddenly embarrassed by her reaction. “No. Just...let him go.”

Jonas twisted the man’s arms.
“Aagh!” Brian roared.
“Are you sure?” Jonas asked.

“Yes, let him go,” she shouted, equally irritated at Jonas. Was he trying to impress her with his brute strength? It was just like a man to think that was the only way to settle a dispute.

Jonas released Brian and then watched the man quickly slink away to grab his briefcase. “We’ll talk later,” he said to Toni.
“I don’t think so.”
Brian started to say something else, but Jonas cut him off. “All right. That’s enough. You heard the lady.”
Brian bolted out the office.

Anna, who stood wide-eyed at the door, jumped out of Brian’s way when he raced out and then looked to her boss. “Is there anything I can get you, Ms. Wright?”

“No. I’m fine. Thank you.”

Anna hesitated, glanced at Jonas, and then finally left the doorway.

Jonas strolled over to the door and closed it to give them some privacy. “Are you sure you’re all right? You still look a bit shaken up.”

And she was. Damn it. Even after several deep breaths, her body shook like the last fall leaf on the first day of winter. For what? Her ex-boyfriend grabbed her?

She swallowed. “I could’ve handled him,” she said, unconvincingly. “I didn’t need your help.”
Jonas blinked and then held up his hands. “My bad. The rules for boyfriends must have changed in the last year or so.”
The comment calmed her instantly. “Boyfriend?”

Hearing the word being tossed back at him, his smooth caramel coloring reddened. “Well, I guess I should ask whether the position is available.”

Her smile was instant, but her answer wasn’t. “Boyfriends,” she said finally feeling like herself again. “Cause complications.”
“So do girlfriends.” He stalked his way to her desk. “By the way. You certainly know how to fill out a skirt.”
Toni glanced down at her short black skirt. Her eyes narrowed as she looked back up. “Are you flirting with me?”

His gaze caressed her face. “I like flirting with you. Even though it doesn’t seem to have much effect.” He stopped before her and leaned back against his desk. “Or does it?”

Toni smiled. “Are you trying to get inside of my head?”

Their eyes locked.

“I can think of something else I rather get into.” His gaze lowered back to her long curvy legs. When he looked back into her eyes, she smiled. Standing up, her breasts brushed against his chest before she swept an arm across her desk, knocking everything to the floor.

Jonas chuckled but soon found his shoulders pinned to the dark mahogany surface. His smile disappeared when Toni, the tigress, climbed on top and pulled at his shirt until its buttons zinged across the room.

“You’re costing me a fortune in shirts.”
She lifted a brow. “You’re complaining?”
He gave her a look of mock horror. “Never.”
“I didn’t think so.” Her hands dove to his pants while her lips crashed against his.

Jonas moaned and plowed his large hands through her thick hair while he deepened the kiss. Still, the very talented Toni managed to slip down his pants while retrieving a condom from his back pocket.

After skillfully rolling on the latex, Toni simply hiked up her short skirt, pushed aside her blue thong and joined their bodies together.

Pulsing and bucking his hips beneath her, Jonas swore he’d died and gone to heaven. The things this woman could do, the way she continued to make him feel pleased as well as disturbed his peace of mind.

He wasn’t so distracted not to notice there was something different in the way she used his body. She seemed more like a woman determined to prove something. Whether it was to him or her, he wasn’t sure.

Toni bounced, rocked and gyrated around his cock in a rhythm that had Jonas promising to give and do whatever she wanted. In his mind, nothing was off limits: a mansion, cars, money-he didn’t care. He would give it all to her as long as she didn’t stop what she was doing.

Her body tightened. It was a telltale sign she was close to exploding. He sat up, pulled her body close and then swallowed her orgasmic cries as her body quaked and quivered all around him, setting off his own explosion.

Drained, they slumped against each other in a small cocoon of bliss. In this moment, Jonas knew without a doubt that he would never set Toni aside. He could never keep his emotions detached and he would do everything he could to keep her by his side.

Chapter 21


“Where are you taking me?” Toni asked, stealing a peek out of a small square window in Jonas’s new private jet.

“It’s a surprise.” Jonas winked and then leaned back in the plane’s plush leather chair. “Trust me. You’ll love it.”

Only one side of Toni’s lips curled into a smile as she absently hand-ironed her short, black skirt against her legs. “How long are we going to be gone? You didn’t let me go home to pack anything.”

“Maybe I like you without clothes?”

Jonas watched as her brows climbed up her forehead and he realized he was becoming fond of the little habit. “Besides,” he added. You look like you need a vacation.”

“I don’t have time for a vacation.” She sighed and stole another glance out of the window. “In case you forgot, I’m trying to get a new business off the ground.”

“Ah, yes, by suing me.”

“By suing your company.”

“Same difference. And unfortunately you’re wasting your time. Your client, Ms. Gibson had a personal relationship with William Bassett. It took me a moment, but I remember those two together when I attended Marcel and Diana’s wedding. Ms. Gibson was Mr. Bassett’s date.”

Toni shifted in her chair. “We have DVDs.”
“Audio?” he asked.
She nodded.

“We have DVDS, too,” he said with an impish smile. “I have to tell you: there are a few things on these things that even I wouldn’t do. Well, maybe with the right woman.” He jiggled his brows.

Lost for words, Toni blinked.
“Face it, Toni. You’re being played. I hope you have other clients you can cash in on.”
Stiffening in her chair, Toni’s eyes narrowed. “I don’t believe you.”
“I take that as a no.”
The jet’s airline stewardess approached. “Can I get you something to drink?”
“I’ll just have a Diet Coke,” Toni ordered, still reeling from Jonas’s news.
“Make that two,” Jonas said.
Toni’s irritation melted into surprise.
He caught her expression. “What?”
“Nothing,” she covered with a smile and took a moment to reassess him.
The stewardess delivered their two chilled glasses of Diet Coke and then discreetly disappeared to the back of the plane.
“You know, it’s way past time you told me more about yourself—and since we have a few hours to kill...”
“At least.” He shrugged.

Toni shook her head and returned her attention to the thick silvery clouds surrounding the plane. “There’s not much to tell.” Silence trailed her words and after a while Toni’s curiosity caused her to chance a look in his direction.

“Why do you always do that?” he asked gently.
She swallowed. “Do what?”
“Evade the question.”
“No, I don’t,” she lied.
Jonas cocked his head, slicing her with a cool, even gaze. “Is it because you don’t trust me?”

Toni squirmed in her seat, tempted to snatch the life raft he’d tossed, but she couldn’t force the lie to fall from her lips. Despite the short time they’d known each other she did trust him. “No. That’s not it.”

“Then what?”

She shrugged again. “I just—I don’t know. I don’t like talking about myself. It doesn’t do any good to get wrapped up in the past. You can’t do anything about it.”

Jonas frowned. “Our history is what makes us.”
“No argument there,” she mumbled.
“I’m curious about you,” he pressed. “But I understand if you don’t want to talk about it.”

A second life raft. This time she was going to take it. “Thank you.” To her surprise and horror, a small wave of tears stung the back of her eyes and threatened to breach the levies she spent a lifetime building.

“How about...a foot massage?” Jonas set his drink aside and bent forward to grab one of her feet.

“That’s okay.” She instinctive tried to pull her foot from his grasp. “That’s not necessary.”

Jonas’s grip remained firm. “No. Please allow me. I really would like for you to try and relax.” He slipped off her beloved high-heeled pumps. “Ah, fresh as a daisy. I can’t tell you how many points you would have lost if they had smelled like corn chips.”

Toni laughed and then demanded his foot. “Let’s see if you can pass the test.”
Jonas gladly lifted his left foot and held a Cheshire-like smile as she slipped off his size fourteen shoes.
“Oh, good Lord.” She tossed her head, fanned the air and then pretended to faint.
“Don’t even play like that.”

Toni erupted in laughter, but the moment his large hands began kneading the bottom of her foot, her head lolled back and she exhaled a heavenly sigh.

“Aw. You like that, do you?”

“Oh God,” she moaned. “Don’t stop. Don’t. You. Ever. Stop.”

Watching the myriad of emotions play across Toni’s beautiful face was a potent aphrodisiac and Jonas again had to deal with his growing and throbbing hard-on. Things only grew worse from there.

Toni sighed, squirmed and arched her breasts high into the air until Jonas had to take a few seconds to

“Problem?” Toni asked, peeking through the mesh of her eyelashes.

He simply smiled. “Nothing I can’t handle.”

Toni slipped her foot out of his hands, lowering it to his lap and rubbing it against his stiff erection. “Now this feels pretty damn good, too.”

“Very funny.” He reached for her foot again, but she evaded his grasp by digging her foot beneath is erection to play with his balls.

Jonas’s brows popped to the center of his forehead. “Oh. You want to play?”

want to play.”

“Is that right?” Jonas took hold of her foot again and began working muscles she’d long forgot existed. Each movement and caress caused waves of pleasure to ripple up her legs and splash against G-spot. Slowly, his hands left her feet only to climb past her ankle, calf and even the tender area behind her knee.

Toni was on the verge of an orgasm and the man hadn’t even made it to her thigh. But then his lips took over and she suddenly found it difficult to keep oxygen in her lungs.

He hit a button on the side of her chair and she gasped when it instantly reclined. Her thoughts flew to stewardess at the back of the plane.

“Jonas, maybe we shouldn’t do this.”
He looked up from the trail of kisses he planted on her thigh. “What? Are you scared?”
Toni’s heart raced at the challenge in his eyes. “Not on your life.”

Jonas’s hands slipped behind her skirt and gingerly rolled her panties off her hips and down her legs. When his head lowered again, it rested between her V of curls. Upon the first stroke of his warm tongue, Toni’s toned legs encircled his head and her long fingers roamed through his short hair.

He licked and sucked her body juices as though it was the elixir of life while Toni couldn’t help but rotate her hips and try to feed him all that he could take. Given his skill and his tongue’s powerful strokes, it wasn’t long before Toni’s orgasmic cries filled the cabin.

And still he continued to feed.

She had barely caught her breath when her second orgasm detonated. This time she was sure the plane’s captain heard her—and frankly, she didn’t give a damn.

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