Feral Cravings (2 page)

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Authors: Jenika Snow

BOOK: Feral Cravings
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I pulled into her driveway. Her house was on one of the only actual residential areas in the town. I grabbed my bag, everything I managed to snag when I rushed home before making the trip up here. I packed extra everything, my hopes of snagging a
at the banquet dinner phasing out some of the other boring aspects the night might hold. I didn’t sleep around; the last time I had sex was over a year ago, and not even worth mentioning. I opened my door, the cold wind whipping past me and blowing flakes of snow in my face. I made my way quickly towards the front door and rang the bell. The door opened a few seconds later. Halle stood on the other side, curlers in her hair and a toothbrush in her mouth.


I didn’t understand a thing she said, but didn’t bother asking her what she said when I saw toothpaste drip down her chin. I walked in and shut the door, her pale blond hair trailing behind her as she raced away.

“We have to hurry, I got the time wrong and we have only an hour to get ready,” she yelled at me from the bathroom. I didn’t bother reminding her I didn’t need a lot of primp time. She stuck her head around the corner, her hand in the process of taking her curlers out, her face a mask of panic.

“Okay, okay, I’ll get ready in your bathroom.” I took my stuff into her room and tossed them on the bed. Everything in her house was very modern and very expensive. It was essentially a log cabin, but once inside it looked like a posh apartment in New York City. I grabbed my curling iron and dress and headed into her bathroom, probably the biggest room in the house. I curled my hair. The long brown locks never held a curl, but it gave them a little bounce. I slipped on a simple black dress with crystal accents around the dipped collar and headed out. She stood by the front door, checking herself in her compact and snapping it closed once she saw me.

“Oh good, I was about to come in after you. You look nice.”

Compared to her, I looked bland. Her blue floor-length gown was shimmery and gauzy, making her pale skin and blond hair glow with ethereal beauty. I snorted, completely unladylike, but her statement was funny. I slipped on my black peep-toe heels, my black wool coat and followed her out the door. I looked down at myself, my all-black ensemble suddenly making me feel more like I was going to a funeral than a banquet dinner. We slipped into her Land Rover, the heat blasting me in the face as she pulled out and headed to the lodge.

“Sorry I had to rush you. I thought the dinner was later, but when I double-checked the tickets, I realised it was an hour sooner. I have to be there a little early and go over a few things, but I’m sure there are people already there, so you won’t be alone.”

I should have known Halle would still be working even though she was technically off. “So how long is this thing supposed to last?”

“Eleven, but if you aren’t enjoying yourself, we can leave earlier.”

Wolf Lodge wasn’t too far from Halle’s, but it was up a pretty steep road that curved up the mountain. Her Land Rover handled it with ease and we pulled into the circular driveway in no time. I stared out the window in awe, the three-storey log building massive and elegant. A huge porch greeted us, intricately carved totem poles framing the wide double doors that two men in black suits held open for us.

“Snazzy.” I heard Halle laugh beside me, but didn’t bother turning around to look. My door swung open and a young man in a red valet uniform held out his hand for me. Halle met me on the porch, the Land Rover leaving us as it made its way back down the driveway. I was speechless as she kept laughing and led the way in. I checked out the door attendants, already liking the selection. I thought the outside was impressive, but once we were inside, my jaw actually dropped. White marble and dark wood surrounded us, a magnificent chandelier hanging above us in opulent glory. I must have looked like an idiot just standing there, mouth hanging open and eyes wide. I had never seen such an extravagant place—well, not in person, that is. Halle motioned for me to follow her, a smile on her face as she no doubt took in my expression.

“It shouldn’t take me too
I just have to tie up a few things. You can come with me or hang out in the lobby, it’s up to you.”

I stared at the room she was pointing to, where I saw people coming and going. I couldn’t really see much of the inside, but if it was anything like the rest of this place, it was probably a knockout. “I think I can manage on my own, just find me when you’re done.” She headed up the wide stairs, her heels clicking against the hardwood and echoing off the cathedral ceiling. I made my way into the banquet room, my eyes widening once again. Small circular tables were set up sporadically around the room, candles on top of them,
intimate glow of the flames putting everything in a romantic haze. A large stage was set off to the left with a large wood carving of a black wolf in the background. Its muzzle was open, its razor-sharp teeth poised to attack while a paw was suspended in mid-air. I looked around the room. Each table had a number on it. I had no idea what I was supposed to do.

“Can I be of assistance, Miss?”

I turned and looked at the man who spoke, an older man with grey hair and a kind smile. “I’m here with Halle Pennington.” I didn’t say anything
because I didn’t want him to think I came to a banquet dinner and had no idea what to do—which was exactly my problem.

, yes, I’ll show you to your table. Please follow me.”

I followed him to one of the
right up front, knowing the only reason I was sitting in such a prime seat was because of Halle’s high rank.

“Would you like me to check your purse and coat, Miss?”

I nodded. I’d never been to a place where they catered to you so quickly. He took my purse and coat and headed out of the room. I felt so out of place. I mean, my weekends usually consisted of me hanging out at home—alone—watching old black and white romance reruns and ordering takeout. Now, don’t get me wrong, I enjoy doing that, but there was a burn inside of me, a craving that insisted I do something completely wild. I looked around. Many of the people in the room were dressed elegantly, laughing gently and drinking champagne out of long fluted glasses. I walked up to the podium and stared at the massive wooden wolf carving. It was beautiful and realistic, the kind of creation that took many hours of hard work.

“Would you like a glass of champagne?”

The deep voice behind me instantly had my skin prickling with awareness. Goosebumps popped out along my flesh and my heart started an erratic beat. It was a strange reaction, especially to a voice, but there was something in that voice—deep and
low—that set something off inside of me. I turned around, my heart feeling as if it were going to explode through my chest. Like everything else at Wolf Lodge, the man in front of me was spectacular. He was tall, very tall actually and muscular, like a linebacker. He was the kind of man that made you instantly wet with just a look. His short dark hair was slightly dishevelled, but in a way that was completely stylish. His full lips pursed in a sexy smile as his dark blue eyes roamed over my body, making me feel completely feminine. I cleared my throat and took a step back—well, as far as the stage let me. He held two flutes in his hand, the contents yellow and bubbly. He held one out to me.

“Oh, thank you.” I took the offered glass and stared at him, not able to help taking in the wide expanse of his shoulders under the finely tailored black tux.

“I don’t think I’ve seen you before, is this your first time?”

The way he said ‘first time’ had all sorts of illicit thoughts running through my head, thoughts that had my pussy getting wet and my nipples tingling. I took a sip of my champagne, hoping the cold liquid would cool me down, but of course it didn’t. “Uh, yes, this is my first time.” I grimaced at my choice of words, noticing the wide smile that covered his lips, perfect, straight white teeth flashing in the dim lighting. I had hoped to get lucky tonight, had it all planned out in my head, but as I stared at the man in front of me, I instantly became shy and timid, not at all what I was going for.

“So, since you’re not from Forrest Haven, where are you from?”

I cleared my throat again.
He nodded, confirming he knew where my rinky-dink little town was. “Are you from Forrest Haven?” My voice was getting a little stronger, but I was drinking liquid courage, after all.

“I am, born and raised here.”

“Do you live in town?” What was wrong with me? I didn’t even get this guy’s name and already I was asking him where he lived. Was I really that desperate?

“No, I have a cabin in the mountains.”

Before anything else could be said, the lights brightened and everyone started to take their seats.

“It was a pleasure meeting you.”

I stared in shock as he took my hand, so fast I hadn’t even seen it coming, and brought it to his mouth. He kissed the back of my hand gently, his skin so hot it just about caught me on fire. He walked out of the room and I was unable to tear my eyes from his fleeting form. Absently, I went to my seat and sat down, downing the rest of my alcohol, thankful when a waitress brought me another one.

“Hey, took me no time at all.”

I turned and looked at Halle. Her cheeks were flushed and she had a bright smile on her face. “What has you so happy?”

She shrugged, taking an offered flute and drinking half of it in a matter of seconds. I raised my eyebrows, and her soft laugh told more then she could ever say in words. “Oh. My.
You just had sex!” Her expression was priceless, a truly special moment that made me wish I had my camera.

“What?” She looked around, leaning in closer and whispering in my ear, “Don’t say stuff like that so loudly, I have a reputation to uphold.”

I leant back, eyeing her as I took a sip of my own drink. “Well? Spill it.”

“There’s nothing to tell.”

a bad liar.” Several people made their way up on stage, each one of them impeccably dressed. The women were encrusted with jewels, which I didn’t doubt were real. My breath caught as I saw my mystery man take the stage, his presence overpowering everyone else and actually leaving me breathless. I couldn’t even begin to describe the effect he had on me, but it was all-consuming, to say the least. I leant into Halle and whispered, “You see that guy up there, the one that’s
’?” Everyone up there was really good looking, but as I turned and stared at her, I knew she knew exactly whom I spoke of. “I think I’m going to try for him tonight. Think it’s too much of a challenge?” She looked at me with wide, shocked eyes. “What?”

“That’s Killian St. James.”

“The guy throwing the banquet dinner?”
I didn’t get what her point was; did she think he was too good for me? “You don’t think I have a shot with him?” I didn’t keep the annoyance out of my voice, irritated that she would say such a thing, even though she hadn’t really said
like that.

She shook her head and sighed. “Oh, stop, you know if anything, I think
too good for him. It’s just that, well, don’t expect too much from him. His reputation is pretty legendary with the ladies.

“So he’s a man-whore?” I’ve had worse, definitely, and I could see why he would have a lot of women. I mean, the man looked like a sex god.

“He’s a generous and kind man, don’t get me wrong, but he always has a slew of women around him.”

Before I could respond, Killian walked up to the podium and started to speak. His smile was devastatingly handsome as he looked around the room, his eyes finally resting on mine.

“I want to thank everyone for attending the
black wolf banquet dinner. It’s imperative that we continue our fight to protect the natural habitat for this endangered species. There are pamphlets that will be distributed with more information, but tonight is about celebration and coming together, so everyone sit back, relax, and enjoy the food and champagne.”

I watched as he made his way down the stage, women falling all over him, lust pouring off them in waves. And even though all those beautiful and perfect women were fawning over him, his attention was on me, his eyes burning straight into my soul. I turned away quickly and took a long drink of my champagne, needing to get my hormones under
control and knowing alcohol would probably make it worse.

Chapter Three




We finished dinner and I followed Halle around as she mingled with people I didn’t know. The alcohol was going to my brain, making me light-headed and flushed. “I’m going to get some fresh air.” I spoke into Halle’s ear, but she didn’t bother turning around, just nodded and continued talking with Troy, the owner of Wolf Lodge. It was clear Halle was interested in the guy, her full attention hanging on his every word. I couldn’t take it any longer, and the heat in the room was starting to get to me. I set my empty glass on a passing waiter’s tray and headed towards the French doors that led onto a balcony.

As soon as I stepped outside, the cold
air hit me in the face and woke me up, taking the haze from my brain and cooling my body. I walked onto the stone balcony and leaned against the iron rails, gazing across the pristine snow-covered mountains, the moonlight casting a silvery glow across everything. I wrapped my arms around myself, the chill causing my skin to prickle with goose bumps. I sighed, my breath coming in white clouds around my face as I turned to head back inside. Before I turned fully around, a large, warm jacket covered my shoulders, the heat from its owner still clinging to the material. I gasped and spun around, the snow-slicked ground making me lose my balance and slip backwards. As I braced myself for the impact, strong arms wrapped themselves around my waist and pulled me into a rock-solid chest.

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