Feral Instincts (The Feral Series) (17 page)

BOOK: Feral Instincts (The Feral Series)
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dried herself quickly and pulled on a pair of cotton yoga pants and a tank top.
She toweled her hair dry as best as she could and ran a brush through her damp
locks. She knew she didn’t look her best and usually would have fixed herself
up a bit more but there just wasn’t time tonight. Quickly she slid on the pair
of flip flops she walked around in when she was in her room and headed down the
hall towards Teagan’s room.

stood nervously outside of his door for a moment and nibbled on her bottom lip.
Taking a deep breath she raised her hand to knock on the door. Ava’s hand met
nothing but air as she squeaked in surprise when Teagan open the door.

He laughed at the expression on her face and tapped his ear. “Sorry,
supernatural hearing and all, didn’t mean to scare you.”

smacked both hands on his bare chest and shoved him into the room. “Don’t you
give me that you big jerk. You totally knew you were going to scare me!” Teagan
stepped back as she walked into his room.

I don’t know what you are talking about.” Teagan proclaimed with a look of
innocence on his face. Ava couldn’t help but laugh at him. He was always so
serious she loved seeing this side of him.

all thought left her poor little brain when it dawned on her that he was
shirtless and standing in front of her  freshly showered and  in
nothing but a pair of low hung jeans and bare feet. Ava tried not to stare but
failed miserably. He had the most amazing body. The shadows of the dim lights
played across his chest and down the wash board of his stomach where two
muscles Ava didn’t even know the name of made a V above the waist of his low
hanging jeans.
Do you suppose he was commando under there?
Ava could
feel her heart rate speed up.

enjoyed Ava’s eyes on him. She probably had no idea she had been caught staring
at him. She looked adorable in her comfortable clothes with her damp hair
starting to curl around her shoulders as it dried. She was fresh from her
shower and smelled delicious. Teagan took a deep breath as he felt himself
harden under her stare. He didn’t want to send her running for the door just
yet. Teagan turned away from her to reach for his bottle of water and to give
himself a minute to cool off.

you want something to drink?”

turned to look at her when she didn’t answer right away and found her staring
at him looking very uncomfortable. “What’s wrong?” He suddenly realized what he
had said and burst out laughing. “Water, do you want a drink of water?” Teagan
laugh as her cheeks turned a beautiful shade of pink. He found he was totally
enjoying her discomfort.

relaxed, smiling at him. “Oh ha, ha, very funny Teagan!” Ava flopped onto his
bed sitting crossed legged and pulled a pillow into her lap.

let me try that again… Would you like some water Ava?” Teagan asked her with a
crooked little grin.

thank you.” Ava answered primly.

took several gulps of his water and then sat down on the bed next to her. He
leaned in close to her for a moment so he could put the bottle on the table
next to the bed. When he leaned back he stopped when his face was just a few
inches away from hers. Suddenly serious he softly asked her. “You ready?”

took a quick breath in and held it. “Yes, I guess so. Teagan, you know you
don’t have to do this. I mean…” Teagan silenced her with a growl and pulled the
pillow out of her lap. He knew he was playing a dangerous game but couldn’t
seem to help himself. Being near her all night but unable to touch her had
driven him mad. He knew he could never claim her for his own but having her
around the other males at the bar while he had no official claim to her had
infuriated him. He had wanted to snap and snarl at all of them. His beast
demanded that he have his scent on her and his blood in her veins.

slowly leaned in a little closer to her, placing his cheek next to Ava’s and
leaving his neck exposed to her. He inhaled her warm clean scent. Unable to
resist, he rubbed his face against her nuzzling her ear and cheek for a moment,
sending chills down her arm. Ava hesitantly wrapped her arms around him and
buried her face into the curve of his neck. She loved the way he smelled. He
smelled of his soap, warm werewolf and something that was just… Teagan.

cell in her body seemed suddenly focused on the man in front of her. It was as
if nothing else existed outside of the space between the two of them. She
closed her eyes as she felt her instincts begin to awaken. One moment she
wasn’t hungry and the next she was starving for even a taste of him.

faintly became aware of the sound of her heart beating. Focusing on the sound
she was able to hear it clearer. Then she realized hers was actually beating
much faster than the one she heard. Ava was astonished, she heard two
heartbeats, both Teagan’s and her own. She listened closely to the beat of his
heart and after a moment she realized her own heart rate had slowed to match
Teagan’s rhythm until the two were indistinguishable from each other.
Ava lovingly kissed his neck and rubbed the tip of her tongue across the vein
just beneath the surface of his warm skin.

growled at the feeling of her mouth on his skin and wrapped one arm around her
back. He was trying to be patient and let her take her time. If she truly knew
what was going through his mind right now she would probably hop out of his bed
and make a run for the door.

rubbed her tongue across the tips of her fangs. With one last kiss to his neck
she gently pierced his skin. Teagan growled and fisted the back of her tank top
in his hand, holding her tightly. Ava pulled Teagan deep inside of herself, she
loved the wild, coppery taste of him on her lips. Feelings of hunger wrapped
her in its embrace, she was confused though when the emotion didn’t feel like
her own. She was shocked to realize that it was emanating from Teagan. Along
with the hunger she could feel the wildness of his beast and the strength it
took to hold it at bay. She felt like he had become a part of her, like they
were connected somehow. Was this what Victor had tried to explain to her, this
connection with the soul, or was this something more, she didn’t know. She
couldn’t imagine sharing such intimacy with anyone else.

several blissful moments had passed, Ava regretfully released Teagan and closed
the bite with the slide of her tongue. No matter how good he felt Ava was
afraid to push things too far and possibly hurt him. Again she was awash in a
feeling of euphoria. Moaning she leaned her forehead on Teagan’s shoulder and
let the feeling roll through her body.

few minutes later, Ava open her eyes, suddenly realizing she was now lying in
Teagan’s bed with no memory of having laid down. Ava snuggled deeper under the
covers and moved closer to the heat source she was tucked up against. All that
she knew was that she was safe and protected and she was finally delightfully
warm for the first time in days.



awoke slowly the next day. She had been having the most exquisite dream. She
had been lying on a beach with the warmth of the sun raining down on her bare
skin. Spread out on a soft blanket, she had been lying in Teagan’s arms and he
had been doing the most amazing things to her body.

woke up flushed and achy. Ava moaned as she felt heat pooling in her core. She
must still be dreaming because she could still feel Teagan’s rough palm
caressing her breast.

slowly became aware of her tank top bunched up high above her bare breasts. She
gasped as the heat of Teagan’s body shifted behind her and his fingertips once
again began to strum across her swollen nipple.
Oh god, not a dream.
breath began to leave her body in soft pants.
I should stop this.
fingertips danced across her skin in a soft caress making her breast swell in
In just a minute I will stop this.
Spreading his fingertips
wide he fully cupped her breast, palming the weight and grasping her firmly.
maybe in a few minutes.
Releasing her he moved his attention to her other
neglected breast and began strumming the other peak the same way he had the
Oh dam.
With a low groan Ava arched her body against his broad
chest and pressed her head back against his shoulder.

chest rumbled in approval beneath her back. Raising his head he lowered his
face to the tender skin of her neck. Gently he nuzzled his lips against the
vulnerable skin and breathed deeply of her vanilla scent. His firm mouth spread
into a devious grin as he watched goose bumps roll down the length of her arm
just before he ran his lips up towards her ear and pulled the tender lobe in
between his lips.

bone jarring shiver racked Ava’s body as his teeth ruthlessly nibbled on her
ear. Abandoning her breasts he ran his hot palm across the plane of her stomach
and down across the rounded curve of her hip, loving the way Ava squirmed against
him in response.

had thoroughly enjoyed playing with her while she slept. Her body had been so
responsive to his every caress. Her soft moans of pleasure had quickly driven
him to the edge and she hadn’t even been awake yet.

had spent the entire night in his bed. He had slept wrapped around her
protectively all night and had woken up to her lush curves pressed tightly
against his body and his hand possessively cupping her full breast as though it
belonged there. He knew he shouldn’t have spent the night with her but he
couldn’t find it within him to wake her up and move her.
His beast
howled at him. His beast had wanted her here, in his bed where he could watch
over her.

his palm across her hip he ran his hand over the inside of her thigh. Ava held
her breath as his hand slowly eased higher up the inside of her thigh. As his
hand drew across the thin fabric of her cotton pants she couldn’t resist
arching into his fingers as they finally ran across the heat of her core. Ava
gasped as he continued to tease her through the thin layer of fabric. Blood
roared through her veins as heat began to build beneath his fingertips.

a low growl, Ava gasped to suddenly find herself rolled beneath Teagan’s
powerful body. She delighted at the feeling of Teagan’s hips nestled in between
her thighs. Wanting to purr in appreciation, she curled her legs over the back
of his thighs, trying to get closer. She loved the feeling of his weight
pressing against her. She was painfully aware of the hard bulge nestled against
her core. There was very little clothing separating her from his hardness but
it was suddenly too much. He had apparently taken off his jeans and slept with
her in just his briefs.

his head he claimed her lips in a brutal kiss. The heat of his mouth seared her
as she gasped for breath, breathing his very essence into her body. Ava tensed
as he sank his hand into her sleep tangled hair, pulling it slightly and
holding her prisoner to his ravaging lips. His beard lightly chaffed her delicate
skin as his kiss became harder, more possessive. With a nip to her lower lip he
forced her mouth to open to him, as his tongue tangled with her own in carnal

Ava.” He growled and suddenly pulled her tank top over her head, leaving her
breasts bare to his gaze. “So beautiful.” His eyes feasted on her before he
lowered his mouth to her breast. Ava braced herself for his hungry mouth but
then gasped in surprise when instead he gently swirled his tongue around the
peak of her nipple, drawing a groan of pleasure from her. Laving the same
attention to her other breast, he teased her with gentle flicks of his tongue
until she arched into his mouth, aching for more.

a low growl of approval he gave her what she needed and took her fully into the
heat of his mouth. Eagerly he sucked the tender peak and then lightly scraped
his teeth across the swollen tip. Ava gasped in surprised at the pleasure that
bordered on pain. She was spiraling out of control, conscious of nothing but
the pull of his lips and feeling of his hands on her skin. She was overwhelmed
by the new and unexpected sensations the man above her was creating. Never had
she thought that she could her burn like this.

ran his hand down her side, easily sliding his fingers past the elastic of her
pants and running beneath the lace of her panties. Ava instinctively clamped
her thighs together, at first embarrassed at being touched so intimately. Her
resistance quickly enraged his beast. His female would not deny him what clearly
belonged to him.

felt a moment of fear as he suddenly tensed above her and growled harshly at
her reluctance to open for him. Not wanting to displease him she took a deep
breath and forced the muscles of her legs to relax. Please at his female’s submission,
Teagan growled softly in approval and slid his fingertips across the sensitive
folds of her core.

arched her hips in surprise as his skillful fingers teased across the bundle of
nerves at her core. Sliding his fingers through her curls he growled deeply to
find her slick and ready for him. Finding her so ready, he could feel a haze
begin to fill his mind. His beast began to fight against the tight reins of his
control. Withdrawing his hand, he gripped her hips and ground his shaft against
her, hating the clothing that prevented him from burying himself deeply inside
of her.

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