Festive Seduction: The Holiday Engagement Series

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Festive Seduction

The Holiday Engagement Series

Sidney Bristol

Inked Press


Kinky bells, kinky bells, kink all the way!


A playful evening spent with her Dominant was all Jade expected from a snowed-in Christmas Eve. After a year of turmoil, she's ready for pleasure. But Philip has more in store for his submissive than Christmas light bondage. He'll push past her limits, and ask for everything.





May the festive season of Christmas make our relationship grow stronger and longer. I want to live all the Christmas’ of my life with you, baby. Merry Christmas to you.





Festive Seduction

The last place Jade wanted her parents to find her on Christmas Eve was bound by a string of colorful lights, with a crown of garland on her head, wearing nothing but a pair of Ho-Ho-Ho panties and knee high striped socks.

“No, you don’t have to check on us,” Jade said into the phone her long-time-boyfriend Philip held to her ear. Her hands were otherwise occupied with ornaments hanging from each finger on one side and a sprig of crumpled mistletoe in the other. The cabin smelled of evergreens and the pleasant aroma of burning wood.

“But the power’s out and it’s snowing again. Are you sure you don’t want Dad to come get you two? It would only take him a couple of minutes, I’m sure.” Jade could picture her mother now, probably standing in the kitchen of the great house, staring out at the cabin Jade had claimed for her and Philip. Once every five years the family splurged on an extravagant holiday. This year included renting a mini-mansion and the outlying cabins for their entire extended family. Jade loved them, she just didn’t want them coming into the cabin at inopportune moments. Like now.

Philip rubbed his icy cold thumb over her nipple, the corners of his mouth turning upward. God, she loved it when he smiled. He didn’t do it near enough for her tastes. She bit her lip and squirmed as much as her cheerful restraints would allow. She pulled her arms in close to her chest, muscles screaming for a little relief. The glass balls clinked together and Philip frowned. Inwardly she groaned. Obediently, she extended her arms as he’d directed her earlier and earned a slight smile.

Patience was not in the man’s vocabulary.

Her legs were bound, ankle to hip, by a string of lights raided from the tree someone had put up in the guest cabin. The rest of the strand was looped around her chest, for what purpose she wasn’t sure she wanted to know yet. Philip was nothing if not inventive. Jade twisted her upper body away from his grasp. If he kept playing with her nipple, she was likely to say something she’d regret where her mother could hear.

I’m on the phone with my mother,
she wanted to scream. But she loved the dare-devil in him. Loved that he was in a place to push boundaries once more. How he took the most taboo of moments and spun it on its head.

“Jade? Are you there? Oh, where is your father?” The sounds of the family filtered through in the background. Jade was pretty sure she could hear the strands of White Christmas amidst the screaming children.

“Mom, no, Philip had a question. Really, we’re fine. We’re so stuffed from that amazing Christmas Eve dinner you cooked, we’re about to go to bed anyway. The furnace is going, there’s a fire, we’re snug as a bug. Don’t bother Dad. Besides, we have snowmobiles up here, remember?”

Part of the appeal for the holiday get away to Breckenridge for her and Philip was the opportunity for a little extreme snowmobiling. Plus the snowfall this season was killer awesome. Philip had already brought up the idea to potentially lengthen their stay to take advantage of the prime conditions. It wouldn’t be the helicopter snowboarding jumps they’d done last year, but Jade didn’t know if she’d ever be able to jump out of a helicopter again. Not after last Christmas.

Philip grabbed the cord of lights looped around her waist and pulled her against him. The ornaments on her right hand clanked loudly, swaying back and forth with her movements. Her biceps and triceps were going to hate her tomorrow, but some part of her always complained after a great night with Philip. His brows drew down and his lips pursed, but his eyes, they danced with laughter. She’d missed that look. She couldn’t help but grin and rub her thighs together as warmth pooled low in her stomach. He did this to her. Philip was the only man she’d ever met who could get her to laugh and make her panties wet at the same time.

“Oh, I don’t know, we could make up the couch here for you. It has to be awfully cld up there,” her mother continued.

The temperature in the cabin had dropped a noticeable amount, but it was still comfortable, if a little chilly when naked. All the more reason to spend the evening pressed up against each other. She inhaled his cologne, and smiled again because he wore this scent for her. If it weren’t for her, he might wear the same thing every day for a month without noticing.

Jade leaned against Philip, soaking up his warmth and luxuriating in the feel of his hand coasting across her back. She’d been starved for his touch, and ate up any opportunity to have his hands on her once more.

“Get off the phone so I can spank you,” Philip whispered in her other ear.

Jade’s stomach fluttered and her pulse skipped.

Yes, Sir.

Already her bottom stung with the remembered smack of Philip’s hand. They’d played together so much and he knew exactly how to send her over the edge with nothing but the palm of his hand to her skin.

Jade yanked her mind back to the moment. Only Philip would have her trussed up like a Christmas tree and talking to her mother at the same time. “No, Mom. I love you, but I am not sleeping in the living room with all the kids running through to see if Santa’s come yet. I’m going to hang up now. See you in the morning.”

“Are you sure, dear?”

“Bye, Mom. Love you!”

Philip ended the call and tossed the phone over his shoulder. It missed the sofa by a yard and clattered to the floor. His attempt at a serious scowl cracked and they sputtered, laughing. She let him support her, loving his arms wrapped around her, and lifted up on tip-toe to press her mouth to his. The scent of peppermint and chocolate flavored his lips from the thermos of hot cocoa she’d brought back to the cabin with them.

“Mm.” She suckled his lower lip, seeking more contact. Even the simple act of kissing him still made her toes curl two years later.

Philip’s hand cracked against her ass and she yelped against his mouth.

“Did I give you permission to kiss me?” he asked, voice low and rough.

“No, Sir.” She drew each word out to three times its necessary length and bat her lashes at him. It wouldn’t work. He wasn’t easily swayed, which was another thing that made her hot all over. She knew she was a handful, and not many Doms could handle her. Philip had seen through her act during their first play, knocking her on her proverbial ass and stealing a big chunk of her heart in the process. He was a man worth fighting for.

Philip sighed and pinched her nipple, delivering a swift kick of adrenaline fueled lust to her system. Jade went back up on tip-toe, her jaw dropped on a silent gasp. Her nipples were one of the most erogenous zones on her body, and even the gentle pressure of his icy fingers elicited immediate and swift reactions from her body. She arched her back, thrusting her chest forward and let her eyes drift close. Endorphins danced along her veins, sending giddy shivers of bliss down her spine.

“Tsk, tsk. And here you were being so well behaved.” He flattened his palm over her breast and stroked the abused flesh. She moaned slightly and squeezed the sprig of holly tighter in her palm, the sharp little leaves poking her fingers, keeping her aware of her body and where they were.

He let her catch her breath for a moment. She was close to reaching subspace, her mind flirting with the dark edges. Subspace was the euphoric state of mind a submissive might reach at the height of a BDSM scene. For Jade, she felt more connected to Philip when he put her there. There was no other moment where she was more in tune with him, not even when they used to take the leap down a slope at the sound of a bell. Right here, right now, she was his to play with, punish, fuck, care for—whatever he wanted.

Jade peeked at her Dominant, and her heart ached. This moment, it was so normal. So far from what they’d been through as of late.

“I’m sorry, Sir.”

It was hard for Jade to look at Philip and not search for a reason to laugh or smile. He’d brought the most joy into her life outside of her family. But they’d fought through so much over the last year that the joy and laughter was hard to come by. That he felt like playing with her, it made her heart sing. There was a lot of time to make up for. Months worth of smiles, laughs and happiness to use up.

The firelight cast shadows across his face, making the little scars on his cheek and chin appear worse for the dark lines they cast in relief. The gel in his hair was losing its battle and an unruly lock of hair fell forward on his brow. She itched to push it back into place—but he hadn’t given her permission to move. She’d learned that lesson already.

Philip only wore a pair of athletic shorts now. Nothing blocked the view of his shoulders and arms. Scars along his chest and arms showed each battle he’d fought, everyone a badge of victory in her eyes.

She’d spent most of the night eyeing his ugly Christmas sweater, dreaming of peeling it off him and kissing every exposed inch of flesh. He hadn’t let her, but she had at least gotten to see him naked for a few moments. They both preferred to be semi-nude when they played. Easy access. Clothes could become part of the scene as much as anything else, as she was reminded by the way he’d pulled her panties up between the crease of her ass.

Even after the accident, Philip stole her breath. The boyishness was gone. He’d grown up in a hard way over the last year, most of it documented in the scars on his body. She knew he still resented the prosthetic leg on his left side, but to her, he was perfect. The same man she’d fallen head over heels for.

The accident was one of those freak things that shouldn’t happen, but did. They’d been doing a routine snowboarding helicopter jump onto the face of a mountain in California. Philip had gone first, sailing out through the air with the ease of many such jumps under his belt and fueled by the need to achieve the next adrenaline rush.

That’s when it happened.

The helicopter tipped the tiniest bit and a metal box of gear which should have been strapped down went sailing through the air. It hit an outcrop of rocks as Philip soared past. Metal and stone bounced off, knocking him over.

Jade had froze, and to this day she hated herself for those moments, even knowing those likely saved her life from the small avalanche that had buried him for a short while. It had been enough for the rescue team to dig him out and not cause further injury. He’d lost his left leg, just below the knee due to a combination of injuries, crushed bone and frostbite. Any one injury they could have worked with, but the mix created an impossible situation.

“I don’t think you’re all that sorry,” he said after a moment, pulling her from the past back to the present. His gaze was hotter than the fire blazing in the hearth.

She shook off the dark memories. This Christmas was different. They had each other. And that was more than enough.

“I’m sorry I didn’t remember to ask permission.” Her gaze dropped to his lips and she pressed harder against his chest. The lights on the cord poked her, but she enjoyed the sensation. It reminded her she was bound by his design and under his control. “I’m not sorry I kissed you. I love your kisses. And you taste like peppermint and hot chocolate.”

“Imp. You do need a spanking.” Philip stepped away and his gaze slid down her body.

She missed his heat immediately. Chill seeped into her skin and she shivered without him there to warm her, but he would come back. Philip always came back to her.



Philip turned toward the sofa
, searching for something he could use. The little cabin was littered with their things after only two days. He was actually surprised Jade had wanted the rustic, no frills cabin. The only festive adornments to be had was the small tree, which he’d stripped all the decorations from. It was a single room, with a fireplace set into one side with a small sofa and armchair clustered around it besides the bed and a dresser they were sharing. Hell, there wasn’t even a bathtub, just a shower for one. But the secluded location made sense.

Jade was from a large family, like him, but hers were nosey as hell. They were always into everything. If they were at the great house, there wouldn’t be moments like now. And they needed this.

There. Exactly what I need.

“You can put your arms down, but don’t drop anything.” Philip pulled Jade’s wooden hairbrush from where it had almost disappeared between the sofa cushions. He slapped the flat side against his palm with a nice, loud
. It stung nicely, and she did her little shiver-dance move she only did when she was really excited. Unless he was mistaken, she was tipping over into subspace.

The firelight bathed her body in a warm glow, only eclipsed by the heat in her gaze. Knowing she wanted him, that he could still arouse her and bring her to climax, was enough to make him hard. Sometimes, the way she looked at him was the only thing that kept him going. Her unwavering belief he could go on was stronger than his will at times. He didn’t know how to tell her what she meant to him, how integral she’d been to his recovery, but he could give her this. For months, it had been all about him.

Now, he wanted to give back to her.

Make her smile.

Make her wet.

Make her come.


“Hm?” She shook her head. “Yes, Sir?”

Philip chuckled and tapped her chin with his knuckle. “Put your arms down, sweetheart.” Not that he didn’t like the way her extended limbs made her breasts perk up a bit, but he had other uses for them.

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