Fever (32 page)

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Authors: Tim Riley

BOOK: Fever
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Sign O' the Times


Silver Lining

Simon, Carly

Simpson, O.J.

Sinatra, Frank

“Since I Lost My Baby”

“Sleeps with Angels”

Sly and the Family Stone

“Smackwater Jack”

“Smells Like Teen Spirit”

Smith, Arlene

Smith, Patti

Smither, Chris

“Soldier Boy”

Some Girls


“Something to Talk About”

Sonic Youth

Sonny and Cher

Soul to Soul

Souther, John David

“Southern Boys”

“So You Want to Be a Rock 'n' Roll Star”

“Spanish Harlem”

Spears, Britney

Spector, Phil

the Beatles and

Tina Turner and

Spector, Veronica (Ronnie)

“Spider and the Fly, The”

“Spirits in the Night”

Springfield, Dusty

Springsteen, Bruce

Springstein, Bruce

Spungen, Nancy

Starr, Ringo

Stein, Chris

Stevenson, Mickey

Stewart, John

Stewart, Rod

Stigwood, Robert

Stills, Stephen

“Stolen Car”

Stoller, Mike

Stone Free

“Stop! In the Name of Love”

“Stop Your Sobbing”

Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea


“Strange Love”

Streetcar Named Desire, A

“Street Fighting Man”

Streisand, Barbra

“Stubborn Kind of Fellow”

“Stupid Cupid”

“Stupid Girl”

“Summer's Love”

“Summertime Blues”


“Surfin' U.S.A.”

Sweet Baby James

Sweet Forgiveness

“Sweet Little Sixteen”

“Sweet Talkin' Guy”

“Take Me for a Little While”

Takin' My Time

Talking Heads

Tallent, Gary


Tarantino, Quentin


Taylor, Elizabeth

Taylor, James

“Tear Off Your Own Head”

“Tears of a Clown, The”

Teddy Bears


“Tell Me Why”


“Tennessee Flat-Top Box”

Ten Song Demo

“Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out”

Terrell, Tammi

Tex, Joe

“That Ain't No Way to Treat a Lady”

“That'll be the day”

“That's All Right, Mama”

“Then He Kissed Me”

“There He Is (At My Door)”

“There's No Other Like My Baby”

“Think It's Gonna Work Out Fine”

“This Boy”

“This Could Be the Night”

“This Flight Tonight”

“This Has Happened Before”

Thompson, Hank

Thompson, Linda

Thompson, Richard

Thomson, Jim


“Ties That Bind”

“Time Warp”

Tina Turns the Country On

Tippie and the Clovers

To Bring You My Love

“To Know Him Is to Love Him”



“Too Pooped to Pop”

“Top Down Time”

“Tougher Than the Rest”

Townshend, Pete




Travis, George

Treasury Bandstand

“True Love Is Hard to Find”

Truth or Dare

“Trying to Get to You”

“Try Me”

Tucker, Corin

Tunnel of Love

Turbulent Indigo

Turner, Ike

Turner, Joe

Turner, Tina

Phil Spector and

“Turning into Elvis”

“Tutti Frutti”


“Two Hearts Are Better Than One”

“Two Lovers”

Two Virgins

“Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right”

Tyrell, Soozie

“Under My Thumb”


“Up on the Roof”


Urge Overkill



Valli, Frankie

Vandross, Luther

Vanilla Fudge

Van Zandt, Steve

Vedder, Eddie

Vicious, Sid



“Visions of Johanna”

Viva el Amor!

“Viva Las Vegas”

Wafford, Norma Jean

Wagoner, Porter

“Waitin' on a Sunny Day”

Waits, Tom

“Walking in the Rain”

“Walk Like a Man”

“Walk Like an Egyptian”

Wallace, Sippie

“Wallflower, The”


Ward, Billy, and the Dominoes

Ware, Martyn

Warhol, Andy

Warwick, Dionne

“Watching the Clothes Go Round”

Wayne, John

“Way You Do the Things You Do, The”

Webb, Chloe

“We Got the Beat”

Weinberg, Max

Weiss, Mary

Wells, Kitty

Wells, Mary

“We'll Sweep Out the Ashes in the Morning”

Weston, Kim

“We Won't Get Fooled Again”

Weymouth, Tina

“What It Feels Like for a Girl”

“What's Love Got to Do with It”

What's Love Got to Do with It

“What's the Matter with You Baby”

“What You See Is What You Get”

“When I'm Gone”

“When the Lovelight Starts Shining in His Eyes”

“When You Walk in the Room”

“Where Did Our Love Go”

White, Ronald

Who, the

“Whole Lotta Shakin' Going On, A”

Who Sell Out, The

Who's Next

“Why Do Fools Fall in Love”

Wild at Heart

“Wild Billy's Circus Story”

“Wild Horses”

“Wild Side of Life, The”

Wild, the Innocent, and the E Street Shuffle, The

Wild Things Run Fast

Williams, Lucinda

Williams, Victoria

Willis, Ellen

Willis, Kelly

“Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow”

Wilson, Brian

Wilson, Jackie


“With Every Wish”

Wolfe, Tom

Wolff, Daniel

“Woman Is the Nigger of the World”

Wonder, Stevie

Wood, Natalie


“Words of Love”

“Working-Class Hero”

“Working on the Highway”

“Work with Me Annie”

“Worlds Apart”

“Wreck on the Highway”

Wyman, Bill

Wynette, Tammy

“X Offender”

“Yes It Is”

“You Beat Me to the Punch”

“You Can Look (But You Better Not Touch)”

“(You Can't Let the Boy Overpower) The Man in You”

“You Don't Own Me”

“You Got the Look”

“You Keep Me Hangin' On”

Young, Neil

“Young Blood”


“You're All I Need to Get By”

“You're Gonna Get What's Coming”

“You're Missing”

“Your Heart Belongs to Me”

“Your Precious Love”

“You Turn Me On (I'm a Radio)”

“You've Got a Friend”

“You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin”

“You've Made Me So Very Happy”

“You've Really Got a Hold on Me”


Tell Me Why

Hard Rain

Madonna: Illustrated

Copyright © 2004 by Tim Riley. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For information, address Picador, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.


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First published in the United States by St. Martin's Press

First Picador Edition: June 2005

eISBN 9781466876569

First eBook edition: June 2014

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