Fiendish: A Twisted Fairytale (24 page)

Read Fiendish: A Twisted Fairytale Online

Authors: Meka James

Tags: #Itzy,

BOOK: Fiendish: A Twisted Fairytale
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Seth led me into the living room.
 The first thing I noticed was the painting that hung over the fireplace. It was the painting from the auction, the one I had been admiring. I turned to face him and was met with his knowing smile.

“Have a seat, I
’ll be right back,” he said, directing me over to the sofa.

I sat down as he walked back towards the foyer to dismiss the driver I assumed.
 I took a look around the room, feeling more uncomfortable. The fireplace was going and helped to warm up the chill that was running through me. His house was very museum like. I got off the sofa and walked around the sparsely decorated room; dark wood wainscoting with deep forest green wallpaper coated the walls. The shaded wall lamps gave off a dim glow, adding to the overall creepy feel.

The furniture was all Victorian replica pieces, or at least I thought they were replicas. With Seth, they very well could be the real thing. The sofa was cream colored with an ornately designed carved, wood-curved back. The chairs flanking either side were in the ol
French Bergère Victorian style in matching cream upholstery. His house felt like one of those spooky houses you’d see in horror films. Even the view out of the window left me with that same creepy house feeling. His lot backed up to woods, dark, spooky looking woods. I couldn’t even see lights coming from windows of neighboring houses.

I was overcome momentarily with fear as I recalled the nightmares I
’d been having off and on the last few months. Shaking my head, I tried to clear out those thoughts for something more pleasant. The smells coming from the kitchen were a perfect distraction. I don’t know what it was, but it smelled wonderful. My stomach grumbled in anticipation.

“My apologies for leaving you unattended.”

I jumped at the sound of his voice.

“No problem. Just taking in the sights.”  I gave him a nervous smile when he stepped closer.

He curled a strand of my hair around his finger. “It
’s not a lot to see, but I will give you a tour after dinner if you would like.”

“I would love a tour.
 Speaking of dinner, what are you making? It smells delicious.”

’s just a simple grilled shrimp and lobster Alfredo dish,” he answered. “You look lovely tonight.”

“Thank you.
 You don’t look so bad yourself.”

“Thank you. Would you like a drink?”

“Yes, please.”

Seth left me once again, returning shortly with a glass of white wine. “Sit and relax,” he said, handing me the glass. “Dinner will be ready shortly.”

I sipped on my drink and listened to him moving about in the kitchen. He didn’t have a TV, no magazines to flip through, nothing to keep me occupied. The only thing I had to look at was the painting and the flames of the fire, unless I wanted to stare out of the window at the darkness. Eventually I found myself wandering towards him. His kitchen, like the other room, was done in dark tones, deep rich cherry cabinets with beautiful black marble countertops that had light gray veining throughout. The appliances were stainless steel and from a professional line I could tell. I walked over and took a seat at one of the stools that sat at the island. Seth turned and smiled when he saw me. 

’s ready.”

I followed him to the dining room. A long, glass-top table big enough to seat twelve people sat in the center of the room. The walls were covered in gold-toned, textured wallpaper, and a massive chandelier hung overhead.

“Do you eat dinner in here every night?” I asked as he pulled out my chair.

“No, normally I eat at the smaller table in the kitchen or at the island.”




’s eye met mine as she took her first bite. “This is so good,” she said, moaning as she took a second bite. “It really is quite sad that you’re a better cook than I am.”

“Why, because I
’m a man?”


“I didn’t think you would limit yourself to such roles.” 

She shrugged her shoulders before taking another bite. Calida kept stealing glances at me as we ate, as if she wanted to say something, but didn
’t know how.

“Did you get my messages?”
 she asked finally.

I put my fork down then settled back in my chair. I was wondering when that question would come up.
 Calida fidgeted in her seat as I continued to look at her without answering.


“Why didn’t you call me back?”

“Because I figured we would talk when I saw you.”

“Oh,” she said quietly, taking a drink of her wine.

That wasn
’t exactly the true reason. She needed to be punished, to be taught a lesson. Considering how much my absence bothered her last time, it seemed only fitting to withhold it again.
Not to mention you needed the time to collect yourself.

“Would you like more wine?”

“Yes, please. Your house reminds me of Wayne Manor, only not as large.”

“I don
’t think I know what that is.”

“You know, Bruce Wayne, Batman.
 His house is well, like yours, um…antiquated but elegant.”

“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”

“Neither. It’s not what I expected. I saw you as more of a modern guy with sleek lines, lots of black and leather, and chrome. You know a real man’s man modern day bachelor pad. But, this does fit your whole distinguished gentleman persona. However, it would be way cool if you had a bat cave,” she said smiling broadly. The sound of my laughter filled the dining room as I got up to clear our plates.

“Would you like dessert now or after the tour? I
’m not much of a baker, but I found a local place that makes the Chocolate Mi-Cuit.”

Calida bit the corner of her lip at the mention of the dessert.
 A sweet smile played on her lips before she answered. “After. I think I need to work off that very delicious dinner first.”

Calida picked up her wine glass before taking my hand. I showed her around the rest of the first floor which consisted of a second living room, my office, gym, laundry room, and half bathroom.

“Most of the rooms up here are bedrooms,” I said as we got to the top of the stairs. Reaching out, I ran my hand across her cheek. Calida turned her head into my touch, and that feeling hit me again. “This one is where I spend a lot of my time,” I commented, stepping back to open the first door on the left. 

She looked around the library then smiled. “You like to read.”

“Yes. It was one of my favorite pastimes growing up. It stuck with me as I got older.”

“Now I understand the lack of a TV.”

I slid my hand under her hair to massage the base of her neck. “I prefer other forms of entertainment,” I whispered, letting my lips brush against her cheek.

A small shiver ran through her before I stepped away. I saw the color flood her face when she looked back at me briefly.

“You have a very wide variety of subjects here,” Calida said as she walked along looking at the shelves of books. “Wow, you even have some first editions.”  I took a seat on the lounger while she wandered around. “So that’s it for the tour?” she asked, draining the remaining wine from her glass.

“Unless you want to look at all the bedrooms, but they
’re pretty basic.”

’s through there?” she asked, pointing to the double doors across from the library. 

That room was my sanctuary, the one place where I could just be, no expectations, no pretenses, nothing but me and the music.

“My piano.”

“Oh, really?
 Do you play? Would you play for me?” Her eyes danced with excitement. 

I wanted to say no, but instead I found myself walking towards the doors and allowing her in.

My fingers lightly caressed the keys of my mother’s piano as I settled onto the well-worn bench. We would spend hours sitting here together, either I would just listen to her play or she would be teaching me, passing on her passion for this instrument. Her husband had all but killed the joy out of her. Her eyes only showed a spark of enjoyment when she played or looked at me. There was a time when I’d looked forward to our moments together here, and it’s what I missed about her being gone. I closed my eyes and started playing her favorite composition, Chopin’s “Fantaisie-Impromptu

Calida sat her empty glass down on the side table beside the sofa before taking a seat beside me. Her smell was intoxicating, her very being, infectious. I
’d never let anyone in, yet here she sat beside me. Rarely was I ever unsure of things, but as I played, I couldn’t tell if it was the music or the woman beside me that brought on the sense of calm I was feeling. She rested her head on my shoulder when I got to the end of the song. Her eyes closed and a half smile graced her face, she looked so peaceful.

“That was beautiful,” she whispered.

“Thank you.”

“What was it?”

“‘Chopin’s ‘Fantaisie-Impromptu’.”

I sat there listening to her steady breathing.
 She looked at me, and I could see the want, the need on her face. 

“We should go back downstairs.”
 I spoke stiffly as I got off the bench.



She stepped closer to me as I turned to face her.
 Uncertainty showed in her eyes. I watched as her chest rose then fell with the deep breath she took before she spoke again.

“Would…would you kiss me?”

Color crept into her cheeks and the look on her face told me it took a lot for her to ask that question. The longer I took to answer, the more anxious she got. She shifted her weight from foot to foot and kept her hands clasped together behind her back.


Such a simple word yet it had the ability to have such a profound effect on her while shifting the balance back into my favor. The color drained from her face, and her eyes immediately dropped to the floor in an attempt to hide her embarrassment and disappointment.

“Thank you for dinner. I…I
’m gonna go.”

She spoke slowly, trying to control the quiver in her voice.
 Calida took a step to move past me. I turned, pushing her against the door, pinning her there.

“Seth, what are you doing?” I could hear the panic in her voice. Using her arms, she tried to push against the door in an attempt to move me. “Let me go, Seth!”

I nuzzled my face in her hair drinking in her soft rose scent. “I didn’t say you could leave. You’re on my terms tonight,” I breathed huskily in her ear. Her body stiffened, and she stopped her attempts to move me. “Your heart is beating faster, and your pulse is racing. That’s the adrenaline, your fight or flight response kicking in.”

“Let me go.”
  Her voice had a faint tremor to it which only served to increase my anticipation of what was to come next.

“Where are you going to go?
 You don’t know where you are, you don’t have a car. And as I’ve already stated, I haven’t given you permission to leave.” I pressed my body closer to hers, and I felt a small tremor of fear go through her.


“She won
’t be expecting you back this evening. She sent a bag with the driver. Very forward thinking of your friend. And here I was thinking my use of charm was lost on her. I could keep you for at least twenty-four, possibly forty-eight hours, before she would begin to get suspicious.” I moved her hair to the side and placed a kiss on her exposed neck. “The things I could do to you in that time.” 

Calida began shaking her head. “Y-you wouldn
’t hurt me.” Her voice sounded weak and unsure. 

My own pulse began to race in response to her fear.
 It felt good to feel in control again, to feel like me again, especially while around her.

“How do you know what I would do?” I whispered, wrapping my arm around her waist.

“I…I know you.”

I let out a curt laugh.
 “You believing you know anything about me could prove to be a grave error on your part.”

I heard the sharp intake of her breath as she let my words sink in.
 Her body started shaking as I slowly let my free hand start wandering up her thigh.

“Seth, you
’re…you’re scaring me.” Her breathing was ragged.

“What are you scared of exactly? What I will do?” As I spoke, my hand moved further up her thigh, and a soft whimper escaped her lips “Or, what I won
’t do?” My hand reached the barrier of her panties. Her body quivered as my fingers skimmed across the fabric. 

“Seth.” Her head leaned back a little resting on my shoulder. “Please don

’t what? Give you what you dream about?” I slid my hand into her panties.

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