Fiendish: A Twisted Fairytale (26 page)

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Authors: Meka James

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BOOK: Fiendish: A Twisted Fairytale
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“Seth, please,
please…” she begged. 

The sound of my name rolling off her lips sent me over the edge.
 I gripped onto the headboard for support. Her nails dug into my back. Calida screamed out in pleasure as she reached her orgasm and I let out a low groan in the back of my throat when I finally came.


Chapter 23


What the hell have I done?
 I should have listened. I should have treated Calida like all the others, but even from the beginning, I couldn’t. I couldn’t lock her away; she had already done that to herself. 

Last night I pushed myself to the point of exhaustion, yet I couldn
’t sleep with her beside me. The feel of her soft body pressed against mine when she snuggled closer to me was unsettling. It was more than just resisting her naked body; it was the sighs of contentment she let out. She appeared to be relaxed, happy, and even safe nestled in my arms.

There was something about her that had been pulling me in. I thought finally letting myself enjoy her would free me from this strange longing, but having her only made me want her more. Kissing her, that
’s what did me in, the way her lips felt against mine, the way she tasted, the sounds she made as her body melted into me. 

Calida didn
’t act like a woman who had been with only one lover, and she certainly didn’t act like the prude she previously claimed to be. She was eager and so responsive, yet at times still shy. By the time we finished round three, I knew there was something in her that was begging to be released. The game had changed, and I was no longer clear on what the outcome was going to be. 

Now I sat listening to the soft rhythm of her breathing, I needed to figure out what to do next.
 A gentle sigh escaped her lips, causing me to look in her direction. Calida shifted in her sleep, revealing the full curve of one of her breasts. I slid the covers down a little more so I could admire her better. She had perfect breasts, firm yet supple. My eyes traveled down to the curve of her hips. All the running she did made her thighs strong. I recalled the feel of them clamped around my waist like a vice I didn’t want to escape from. She shivered slightly, and my first impulse was to awaken her from her peaceful slumber in order to ravish her body again. Instead, I pulled the covers back up.

“Shit!” I muttered, running a frustrated hand through my hair.
 A cold shower was needed to clear my head and cool my body. 

Sex, up to this point, had been just another tool I
’d used to get what I was after. A skill I’d spent years of my youth honing and perfecting at the expense of the maids or maid’s daughters. It wasn’t that I really cared to pleasure my partner, but it made it much easier to do what was needed if they were taken care of.  A woman would be agreeable to almost anything if asked at the right moment during her euphoric state. I’d learned that fact early in my sexual exploits. 

Last night, however, I wanted Calida to have that pleasure.
 By the time she drifted off to sleep, she had the most blissful look of satisfaction on her face. Knowing I put it there gave me my own sense of satisfaction.




I had a fleeting moment of panic when I opened my eyes, but it faded away when the memories of last night came flooding back. I looked under the covers. I was very much nude in his bed. It hadn’t been a dream. 
It hadn’t been a dream, but what happens now? 
I was glad now he wasn’t beside me when I woke up since I was struck with a wave of morning after panic. Last night was amazing, at least on my end.
What if he didn’t feel the same way? Is that why he wasn’t in here?

“It was your fault. You were such a lousy lay I was forced to find satisfaction elsewhere.”
I closed my eyes and counted to ten, trying to shut out the memory of Paul’s taunting words.

Opening them, I glanced around the room, taking it all in for the first time. It was huge; my entire house could
’ve fit in his master bedroom alone. The walls were covered in a deep maroon and gold wallpaper. The furniture was all dark mahogany woods including the very large four poster bed I was in. The turned wood spindles were beautiful, as were the carvings on the headboard and footboard. My eyes came to rest on the black club chair that sat by the window. The very chair he sat in last night when I stripped for him.
Oh god, I stripped for him
. What was I thinking? I wasn’t; that was the problem.

My bag was sitting on the floor by his chair. My clothes from last night were folded neatly on the table with my panties and bra sitting on top.
 I was in his house, so it wasn’t as if I could leave without facing him. Besides, he would have to take me home since I couldn’t even tell Macy where to come if I called her. 

Swinging my legs over the side of the bed, I grimaced in pain. I over did it last night. I needed a long, hot bath, but for now it would have to be a quick shower.
 My body got hot thinking about last night. I’d never acted like such a wanton person in all of my life, but oh my, was it fun to let go. I got a glimpse of what it must be like for Macy. No wonder she was always so damn happy.

“Did you sleep well?”

I was startled by the sound of his voice. I was so caught up in thought remembering the things I did to him, and the wonderfully wicked things he did to me, that I didn’t hear him enter the room.

“Oh shit, you scared me! Where did you come from?” I asked, covering myself up with the thick gold comforter.

“The hall.” 

Seth stood there staring at me, making me more nervous. He was so sexy yet oddly intimidating.
 He wore nothing but a pair of jeans that sat low on his hips. My eyes were drawn to the Celtic tattoo with the dagger in the center that sat in the middle of his chest. I remembered tracing the outline of it as I dozed off to sleep last night. I was shocked to see he had a tattoo when I took off his shirt, even more shocked to see he had more than one. I thought the black tribal dragon on his upper right arm was scary looking, but it was the large black wolf’s head with red eyes on his back that was really frightening. I never thought I would be attracted to someone inked, but I had to admit, he wore them well. But then again, everything was sexy when it came to my view of Seth.

My body instantly recalled the feel of his chiseled abs, and I resisted the urge to go run my hands along each and every well-defined muscle.
 I wrapped the blanket tighter around me, feeling my face get warm with that thought. I wanted him to say something, anything, but he stayed silent, choosing instead to stare at me. 
Was he trying to figure out a polite way to get rid of me?

“Like being with a doll, only without the plastic smell.”
Paul’s hateful words echoed in my head once more.

“Do, um…do you mind if I take a shower?” I asked, pulling the comforter higher around my naked body.

“Of course not. The bathroom is through that door.” 

He pointed to the door beside the bed.
 I waited for him to turn and leave, or at the very least divert his eyes, but he did neither.

“Um...can you, I mean I know this is your room but…”

He started laughing at me, and I knew my face was turning red. “Are you asking me to leave?”

 I mean yes. Or close your eyes.” 
Shit what was wrong with me? I just spent the night with this man and now I’m worried about him seeing me naked
Yes, I’m worried his view won’t be clouded this morning.
 I sounded and felt ridiculous, but him staring at me, watching me, it was unnerving. 

Seth stepped closer to the bed, unbuttoning his pants as he walked. “Drop the covers, Calida.”
  There wasn’t a hint of humor in his voice which caused me to hold on tighter. “Now!”

I had that same rush of fear from last night, yet my fingers released the blanket. The moment the cool air hit my bare skin I felt my nipples tighten in response, and a smile spread across his face.

“On your stomach.” 

I swallowed hard, but did as I was told. I waited for him to say something or do something.
 Instead, I heard the door close as he exited. Not knowing if he was coming back, I lay there waiting until I heard the music, his music. 
What the hell was that?
 I got up to shower and had just finished dressing when Seth entered the room again.

“I made you breakfast.”

“Oh, okay. I just need to finish packing my stuff, and I’ll be down.”

Seth strolled over towards me, and my breath caught in my throat as he approached.
 He took the shirt from my hand, tossing it onto the bed before circling his hands around my waist.

’ll come down now. My twenty-four hours aren’t up yet, which means you’re still on my terms.”

I took a deep breath drinking in his masculine scent.
 His body was warm and inviting. I was no longer concerned about eating or packing. Instead, I hoped he’d kiss or throw me down on the bed and take control of my body like he’d done last night. Neither of those things happened. Seth took my hand, leading me downstairs where French toast and fresh fruit waited for me at the dining room table. 

’t you eating?” I asked, noticing there was only one place set.

’ve been up for a while, so I’ve already had breakfast.” 

He sat across from me, watching as I ate.
 He stared with an unnerving level of concentration, and I felt like my every action was being scrutinized. 

“The way you look at me makes me nervous,”
 I said quietly.

“How do I look at you?”

I looked down at my plate, wanting to avoid that intense gaze; the same gaze that stared at me last night as I undressed for him. I stuffed another bite of fruit into my mouth, chewing slowly while keeping my head down.

“You didn
’t answer my question. How do I look at you?”

“Like you
’re trying to see into my soul,” I whispered.

“That would only make you nervous if you were hiding something.
 Are you hiding something?”

“No, of course not.”

“Then there is no reason to be nervous. Besides, I’m not trying to see into your soul, I’m merely captivated by your immense beauty.”

I nearly choked on my juice when he said that.
 It was a nice thought, but I wasn’t sure I believed him, especially after this morning’s incident. As I composed myself, I debated briefly on if I should ask him about it.

“Earlier, why did you, I mean you left.”

“I was helping you.”

I looked up directly into those memorizing blue eyes. “Helping me?”

“Yes. Clearly you needed to be told what to do since you appeared so…uncertain in front of me this morning.”

I folded my arms in front of my chest.
 “I’m not a child, and don’t need to be
what to do. And I wasn’t…uncertain, I was just…”

 His lips twitched into a smile, and humor danced in his eyes. “What I don’t understand is why so shy? I mean after last night, I don’t think there is any part of your body I didn’t see and explore.” Seth leaned forward, looking as if he wanted to devour me.

“This is really good,”
 I said, taking the final bite of the French toast. “I could get used to having you cook for me.” Seth sat back, laughing softly to himself. 

“Thank you for the compliment.
 I normally cook for only myself, so it’s nice to have my skills appreciated.”

“Oh, I appreciate
of your skills.”

The moment the words tumbled out of my mouth I wanted to take them back.
 Seth started laughing, and my entire body burned with embarrassment. He got up to clear my plates, continuing to laugh as he walked into the kitchen. Getting up from my chair, I took a look out the window. Even in the full daylight, his yard looked scary. I was hoping it would be less imposing.

“So, why do you keep your yard looking so creepy?” I asked when he walked back into the dining room.
 Without a word, he lifted my shirt off and removed my bra. “Um, Seth what are you doing?”

He looked directly into my eyes as he unbuttoned my jeans, pushing them down along with my underwear before turning me around to face the table.

“It keeps out unwanted visitors,” he answered, kissing my back. “I like my privacy. As for what I’m doing, well, I am sharing more of those
you appreciate.”

Moments later, my face was planted on the table where I
’d just eaten breakfast as he drove himself into me.




Calida was like a virus. The more I tried to get rid of her, the more I wanted her. We spent the day together, and I felt an odd sense of calm being around her. She was an interesting person. I could tell that her insecurities ran deep. Compliments embarrassed her and constantly caused her to blush. She was uncomfortable with nudity unless we were actively engaged in sex. The hours I spent with her were relaxing, yet troublesome. 

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