Fiendish: A Twisted Fairytale (72 page)

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Authors: Meka James

Tags: #Itzy,

BOOK: Fiendish: A Twisted Fairytale
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Calida looked over her shoulder at me
, giving me a seductive smile. She pushed her hips back, bumping into my erection. 

“Whatever you desire,

I really like the way you say that word,” I said, grabbing ahold of her hips.

Calida cried out when I entered her roughly. My desire for her
was driven to new heights by the fact she was so willing to give herself over to me so freely and completely.

“Say it again,” I commanded, drawing back then slamming forward once more.

She let out a sound somewhere between a whimper and moan. “M…Master.” She managed to croak out.

Her hands closed around the comforter tightly as she braced herself.
 I pulled out of her, wanting to see her face when she came. I pushed her up onto the bed, leaning down to kiss her deeply as I reentered the warm soft folds of her body. Calida wrapped her legs around me, arching her back to accept me deeper. She had given herself over to me of her own freewill and knowing that was a bigger accomplishment than it being a product of force. I looked down on her; her eyes were half closed her mouth slightly open as she let out another deep moan. I felt her walls tighten around me. She was there. Moaning my name, she held onto me tightly as the orgasm coursed through her body. I loved the feel of that moment more than my own release. She was mine, and I was the only person that would bring her to that pinnacle ever again. My own release burst forward as she rode out the aftershocks of hers. I rolled off of her, pulling her into my arms. She smiled up at me then stretched up to give me a soft kiss before wiggling out of my arms. She ran over to the bathroom and came back a few minutes later with a clean face and her hair down.

“You smeared my make
up,” she said sheepishly before climbing back into bed with me.

Calida moved closer to me
, absently tracing the outline of my tattoo. It was something she did often when we were lying together whether it was after sex like now or when she was just drifting off to sleep. I found I enjoyed that habit of hers; it was comforting in a strange way.

“Ms. Birthday Genie,” I whispered softly.

“Yes, Master?” she answered with a smile.

“I have another command for you.”

Calida smiled and sat up to await her instructions. I pulled her head towards me and gave her a long kiss.

“You need to get dressed. We need to grab some lunch and then you will have a first of your own today.”

“And what would that be?”

, since you seem to enjoy my tattoo so much, I’m getting you your own.”

She pulled away quickly. The smile on her face was instantly replaced with fear and uncertainty.

“That’s pain and permanent and pain and…”

“And you said you wouldn
’t refuse me anything legal. This is legal. And the pain isn’t that bad I promise. I will pick you out a very nice, small, simple design.”

“I know I said that, but…” She bit down on the corner of her lip as she gave me a pleading look.

I sat up, sliding my arm around her waist. “There’s nothing to be scared of,” I told her, giving her a small kiss. “But if you want to refuse me, I will understand.”

I watched as she held an internal debate. I knew on one hand the idea of getti
ng a tattoo was not appealing to her, but on the other she wanted to give me what I wanted today. Finally she sighed quietly, letting her hand caress my cheek. She gave me a weak smile before leaning forward to kiss me softly.

“No, your wish is my command,” she replied, but the words didn
’t hold the same excitement.

Calida remained quiet while we showered and got dressed. During lunch
, she asked me several questions mostly related to the pain of the process. I did my best to calm her nerves, but I could tell she had a preconceived notion of what it would be; therefore, nothing I said was going to truly get through to her.

“This isn
’t what I imagined the place would look like,” she stated quietly, holding onto my arm as we walked into the parlor in Alpharetta.

“What did you expect?”

She shrugged a little. “Darker, dirtier looking maybe. This place is…nice,” she said.

“Ah, well some could look like that, but this is Alpharetta. Nothing here is dirty. It
’s not allowed,” I added jokingly.

Calida smiled up at me, but it was forced. She still was very nervous about going through with it, but I knew she wouldn
’t back out. She wanted to please me, especially today.

“I have no idea what I want to get.”

“No worries. I already know exactly what I want you to have.”

“I don
’t get to pick out my own design?” she asked, looking up at me with confusion on her face.

’ve thought about it, and I know the perfect thing for you. Have a seat while I go talk to the artist so he can draw it up for me. He’s the one that did my back. His work is excellent.”

’d called to make sure the shop owner could fit me in since I didn’t have an appointment. Luckily, he’d had a cancellation, so it worked out perfectly.  

“But, do I at least get to see it first?” she asked softly, looking more concerned than before.

“I want it to be a surprise,” I said, pulling her into my arms.

“What if I don
’t like it?”

I could hear the tremor of fear in her voice.

“Are you saying you don’t trust me?”

“What? No, it
’s just. Nevermind, I’m just nervous.”

I walked her over the waiting area then gave her a quick kiss on the top of her head. “Trust me,” I said
, handing her a book to look at before walking away.

Chapter 49


I shifted uncomfortably in my seat
, trying not to focus on the throbbing coming from my shoulder. Seth had stopped at a drug store to pick me up some Advil then wanted to take me out for ice cream. All I really wanted was to see the design, but he was in no hurry to get home it seemed. He said he wanted ice cream, so of course we had to stop and have ice cream. He told me that ice cream from Scoops was the best around, and after getting a bowl, I’d have to agree.

“Shoulder still bothering you?” he asked
, taking a spoonful of my butter pecan.

“Just a little, but it
’s not too bad,” I lied.

In truth, it felt as if my shoulder was on fire
, and the pain radiated down my arm. His small design had me in that chair for an hour and a half. At one point I actually cried when the guy kept going over the same area again and again. Seth held my hand, and he didn’t even flinch when I squeezed it tightly.

He leaned forward
, lifting my chin. His thumb softly caressed my cheek while his eyes roamed my face, probably noting the way I winced when I moved.

“It hurts doesn
’t it?” I bit my lip and nodded in response. “Would you like to go home now?”

“No,” I replied
quickly. “You wanted to see a movie. I’ll be fine; the Advil just needs a little more time to kick in. It’s, it’s not that bad really.”

“You have been very brave today,” he said
, giving me a warm smile. “Let’s go home, and I’ll cook you a nice dinner,” he finished, taking my hands in his, giving my knuckles a soft kiss.

’s your birthday. I’m supposed to cook for you.”

Seth stood and held his ha
nd out for me. I placed my hand into his, and he gently pulled me into his arms.

’s my birthday,” he whispered, “and as my birthday genie, you have to do as I say. I wish to cook dinner for you, so you have to let me.” He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

“As you wish
, Master,” I whispered back with a smile.

When we got back to the house, Seth fixed me
a light cocktail before he went to figure out what to cook for dinner. The rain was still coming down, and even though I doubted he got trick-or-treaters at his house, I was hoping it would let up or there were going to be a lot of disappointed kids tonight.

I took my glass upstairs so I could change out of the outfit Seth wanted me to wear into something more comfortable. I knew Seth said it needed to rest for the day, but I couldn
’t resist looking. I walked into the bathroom, and standing in front of the mirror, I slowly unbuttoned my shirt, easing it off. Very carefully, I peeled back the bandage. 

My eyes took in the delicate design. I smiled seeing the Yin and Yang tattoo
, but it was the beautiful flowers and vine work that made the simple black and white tattoo look very soft and feminine. When I got to the bottom, I stood there staring at my shoulder, trying to process. It had to be wrong; this couldn’t be. He wouldn’t have…I closed my eyes; silently praying that what I was seeing was wrong, but when I opened them again; it was still there. At first glance; one would miss them because they blended into the vine work, but I saw them. I saw them clearly; three letters in a very pretty script: S-D-J.

Seth called out. 

I couldn
’t answer. Instead, I stood in place, too shocked to move or say anything. Of all the things he’d done and that I had forgiven or overlooked, this, this was…he branded me. I stormed over to the door, throwing it open so hard it bounced off the wall.

“You fucking bastard! You…how could you? I trusted you and, and you take advantage. You fucking branded me
, Seth! Like I’m a goddamned cow. I’m surprised I didn’t see ‘property of’ written above it!” I continued, screaming at him. 

I was pissed
, more pissed than when he forced me into a threesome, more pissed than all the times he made things out to be my fault when they really weren’t. He stood there looking at me with those unforgiving eyes, showing no signs of remorse. I shoved passed him to gather up my stuff.

“You took what I wanted to do for you today and you just…”

My tears flowed as the hurt of what he’d done made its way through the anger. I turned in circles as I tried to locate my shoes, ignoring the fact that I was shirtless. I spotted them near the chair, and I walked over to get them.
I’m so stupid. How could I have been so stupid!
Hot tears streamed down my face, my hands were shaking, and all I wanted was to get away from him.
Why? Why did he always have to hurt me?

“Where the hell
do you think you are going?” he asked, grabbing my arm.

I shouted, yanking free of him. “I…I can’t stay here, not now.”

My forward motion was stopped as he gripped my arm again
, spinning me around to face him

“You aren
’t leaving. You’re mine, and now I have the tattoo to prove it.”

His fingers dug painfully into my arm
, and I struggled to break free of him. I glared at him, feeling all the anger, pain, and total humiliation of how stupid I was for trusting him so fully. My free hand balled into a fist at my side. He glared back at me with just as much anger. He had no right to be mad at me; this time I was nowhere near in the wrong. 

Drawing up all the strength that I could, I uncurle
d my fingers and swung hard. The sound of the slap was deafening. My palm stung from the pain, and the side of his cheek was forming a red mark in the shape of my hand. The look on his face was frightening; it wasn’t anger or pain; it was something altogether scarier and indescribable. 

A sinister smile curled on his lips. Seth grabbed my other arm
, giving me a hard yank forward. Our bodies collided. Seth circled one arm around my waist, and the other one tangled in my hair, pulling it so hard my neck was bent back painfully, forcing me to look at him. 

“I never took you for the violent type, but we can play that game
, my Pet.” 

All color drained from my face. I pushed against his chest, struggling to break free of him. The more I fought for freedom
, the tighter he held me, his arm squeezed me like an anaconda. He held me close, and through the thin fabric of my skirt, I felt him growing hard. Fear was quickly overriding my anger. Seth had a vacant look in his eyes, as if he were looking at me, but not really seeing me. The pressure he was putting on me was making it hard to breathe. 

I opened my mouth to beg for release only to be cut off as his lips crushed down on mine. This wasn
’t the kiss of a lover; it was hard and cold. He caught my bottom lip between his teeth and bit down, causing me to whimper from the pain. Releasing my lip, he thrust his tongue into my mouth, making me gag from the assault. I pushed harder, trying to gain my freedom, but it was useless. Seth was bigger and stronger. He easily kept me in place. Seth picked me up and tossed me onto the bed. Quickly, I flipped onto my stomach in an attempt to crawl across. If only I could get back to the bathroom, I would be somewhat safe until he calmed down. 

I didn’
t get far; he grabbed my ankle, dragging me back towards him. I attempted to kick at him with my free leg, but he grabbed ahold of that one as well, pinning my body in place with his. With my skirt now hitched up around my waist, I could feel the fullness of his erection pressing against my ass causing a tremor of fear to roll down my spine.

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