Fierce: New Adult Sport Romance (The Boys of Winter Book 4) (25 page)

BOOK: Fierce: New Adult Sport Romance (The Boys of Winter Book 4)
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After cleaning the kitchen together, Christian takes the rest of the wine and our glasses to the living room. I grab three marrowbones from the freezer for the dogs, and they retreat to different corners to revel in their holiday treat.

The gas fireplace glows when I turn off the lights, leaving just the tree to twinkle in the corner. Walking to the middle of the room, I wait for Christian’s full attention. “I was thinking you might want to open a present tonight.”

I kick off my flats and lift my dress over my head slowly. The chill of being nearly naked makes my nipples harden and press against the sheer fabric of my bra. My barely there panties leave little to the imagination as well. “Unwrap me.”

I stand before Christian and watch his gaze take me in slowly. He lets out a guttural sound before he speaks. “With pleasure.” He crooks his finger at me and slides to perch himself on the edge of the couch.

I walk over, and his hands grip my hips to place me before him and between his legs. I bend down and kiss him, and he releases my bra. I let it slide down my arms to the floor with a faint whoosh of fabric, and he fondles my breasts. Pinching my nipples lightly, he pulls away from the kiss, and I lift to let his mouth move down my chest.

Replacing hands with his mouth, the attention has me whimpering. He pulls my hips closer, and when I stand, hot breath on my stomach causes goose bumps. He bites the edge of my panties and tugs them with his mouth, making me gasp when his teeth graze my skin.

Two fingers take over, and he drags the scrap of material slowly over my legs for me to step out of. “Spread for me.” He kisses my inner thighs when I widen my stance. A cry escapes my lips when he nips at my clit and begins to lick. Hot passion races up my body as every nerve sings in delight. My body trembles, and when I begin to moan he increases his efforts.

Falling over the edge, my knees weaken, and he stands to scoop me up and place me to sit on the couch. He says, “I’m not even close to being done.”

“Good, because neither am I.” I watch as he undresses for me. He teases me when I bite my lip in response to his zipper being released and stops. I sit up and move his hands out of the way. “Let me unwrap you.” His cock is silky smooth and hard when I remove it from his underwear. Denim is a rough contrast when I shove his pants down his thighs and move to take him in my mouth. “I want to finish this time.”

He answers with a groan as I twirl my tongue over the tip, sampling his male nectar. I suck him in as far as I can and let him pump with force. As he approaches orgasm, he too is ready to collapse. I bask in my power to bring this man to his knees and stand to push him onto the couch so he can let go.

While I pull his pants off, he yanks his shirt over his head and says, “Let me eat you at the same time.” I climb over him to rock into his mouth as he bucks into mine. The sensations his tongue sends through my body urge me to suck harder, and it isn’t long before his seed bursts into my throat. I swallow the salty heat of him, and he refocuses his attention on me.

Being able to ride his mouth increases my pleasure, and I nearly scream with my release. I twist around to lie on top of him. Our sweat mingles, and the heady scent of us makes my core twitch for more.

Propping myself up on his chest with my forearms, I look into his face. Tiny wrinkles at the edges of his eyes form as he smiles at me. “We can do this all night long.”

I squirm against his flaccidness. “You might need a little break first.”

He rubs a finger between my legs. “Only a small part of me needs to rest.”

“Small? Haven’t you ever been in a locker room?”

He grins and flips me over so my back is on the couch. “Such a pretty little mouth you have.” And he kisses me as his hand continues its delicious assault.

Chapter 40

istmas morning is still exciting for me. The moment my eyes pop open, I jump out of bed and let the dogs out. I practically bounce, waiting for them to finish. I race back upstairs and into the shower. I’m going to make waffles and bacon and eat all the chocolate I put in our stockings. And then I’m going to peek at the presents Christian has for me, maybe shake the boxes to figure out what’s inside. Conditioner is slippery in my palm when I rub it into my hair, and then I remember—I was going to lay around with my naked boyfriend and have morning sex.

I rinse my hair and think he’s probably wondering what I’m doing. Thirsty cotton soaks up the water that drips down my legs as I step out to rub myself with the towel. Christian saunters into the bathroom in all his naked glory. I give him a sheepish grin. “Sorry. I got up excited to open presents.”

“That’s okay. We’ve got all day.” He uses the toilet while I wait.

When he turns back around, I drop my towel and cock a hip. “That we do.”

He raises his eyebrows, and I run to the bedroom with him chasing me. Squealing, I jump in the bed and hide under the covers. The scent of us wraps around me. Cool air at my feet surprises me when Christian lifts the bottom of my duvet and starts kissing my toes. As he makes his way up my legs I forget all about breakfast and presents and enjoy a different kind of Christmas morning.


I imagine the little-boy version of Christian as he sits with the contents of his stocking spread out in front of him. Instead of taking each item out one a time, he followed my lead and dumped it. Candy, socks, underwear, and silly trinkets lay before him. He dangles a pink rhinestone-encrusted cowboy hat keychain from his finger. “You expect me to use this?”

I reach over and grab it out of his hand. “No, I put it in your stocking because I was trying to be fair.” I shrug. “It seems I found more for me than you when shopping.”

He’s scanning my pile and snatches a thong. He swings it around his finger. “If you run into this problem again next year, and something tells me you will, this would be a good choice. Because it’s definitely for me.”

“Very funny.” I stand and retrieve his presents from under the tree. I put the cowboy boot package in front of him and wiggle my fingers. “Open it.”

“You’re so adorable when you do that hand thing of yours.”

“This is nothing. When I was a little girl, I actually flapped when I was excited.”

“Flapped?” Paper rips as he tears at the seam.

“Uh-huh, almost like I had wings.” I demonstrate for him, and his eyes crinkle in amusement.

He’s taking his time removing the shiny green wrapping paper, and it’s killing me. “Oh, my God!” I reach over and grab an edge to tear it. “You’re torturing me.”

Christian slaps playfully at my hand. “Hands off. It’s my present.” He sends me a quick glance. “I think.”

I give him a smirk. Slowly he removes the cover of the cardboard box, and tissue rustles as he lifts a boot out. A smile forms on his face. “Wow.” He turns it over in his hands, rubbing the leather. “These are amazing.” Yanking them on, he praises the workmanship and stands to model them for me.

“They look great on you. You really like them?”

He pulls me up from the floor by my hands and tucks me against his chest. “I really do. Thank you.”

A kiss lands on my forehead, and he says, “Your turn.”

I reach for a shiny package, but he pulls a small box out of my pile and hands it to me. “This one first.”

I know it’s jewelry when I reveal a black velvet box. I open it to find a cowboy boot pendant set with small diamonds. Tears prick my eyes, and I lift it up. “It’s beautiful, Christian.”

I put it on and press my hand against it on my chest. “I think this might beat Baby.”


“A doll I got when I was three. She was my favorite Christmas present ever, and I still have her on a shelf in my closet.” I step close and wrap my arms around his waist. “Thank you.” This time he kisses me on the lips, and it’s slow and sweet.

We take turns opening the rest of our gifts, and then I retreat to the kitchen to make breakfast while Christian gathers the paper for recycling.

Bacon sizzles in the pan, releasing its irresistible odor as coffee trickles into the pot. Christian’s phone buzzes on the counter, and I glance to see who it is. Noticing it’s his dad, I take it to him as he returns from the garage. They talk often, and Christian usually goes to the den where I hear him laughing and chatting away for an hour or more. I get a little jealous, wishing I had a parent to do that with.

This time Christian leans against the counter to chat, and I determine he’s talking to both of his parents. I listen to his side of the conversation as he tells them about Rhinestone Cowgirl and his grand plans for success, and I smile as he mentions my name often. He speaks about us as a team.

Steam curls up as I pour two cups of coffee for us. I’m about to get the milk when Christian hands me the phone. “They want to talk to you.”

Surprised, I take it. “Hello?”

The canned sound of a female voice on speakerphone comes back to me. “Hello, dear. Merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas to you too, Mrs. Nickelson.”

“Please, call me Sandra.” A male voice pipes in. “And call me Tom.”

Sandra says, “I’ve been hearing so much about you, Dannika. I hope we’ll get to meet you one day soon.”

“I would love that. Do you have plans to come to Colorado?” A spoon clinks against ceramic mugs as Christian stirs milk into our coffee.

“Not now, but maybe in the future. Christian will have to bring you to Vermont, hopefully before the big wedding.”

I glance over at Christian, and smile. “Yes, I think we can find a way to get to Vermont.”

He winks at me and hands me a mug. Tom says, “You go enjoy your breakfast, and don’t let that son of mine work you too hard.”

“I will. It was nice talking to you.” I take a cautious sip of my coffee.

Sandra says, “You too, dear, Merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas.” The phone clatters on the granite when I set it down. “Your parents are so sweet.”

“Don’t you love the speaker phone? Did they talk on top of each other?” Christian pours batter onto the waffle iron, and it creaks when he closes it.

“No, but I can imagine it.”

“Usually when I get both of them, my mother calls and my dad just yells things in the background.” Silverware rattles as he pulls open the drawer and gets us forks and knives. “It makes Gretchen crazy.”

I think about Derrick and wonder what he’s doing right now. “Did they say where Gretchen and Derrick were?”

Christian grins, “Poor Derrick is out running with Gretchen. At least it’s not me.”

“On Christmas morning? What’s wrong with that girl?”

“My point exactly. But she always managed to guilt me into it somehow.”

I move against his back, and cotton is soft under my fingers as I slide my hands around his waist. “Too bad she’s not here to take the dogs with her. I already got my exercise.”

“How about we snowshoe with them together? Then have hot chocolate and a fire?”

I reach by him and grab a piece of bacon. “I like that idea, very much. I suppose it would be good to work off all the waffles I plan to eat.” The salty flavor on my tongue makes me moan. “And bacon, I may not have made enough.”

“Can you get the maple syrup?”

I take a plastic jug that says New Hampshire on it and place it the microwave to heat up. So many Christmas morning breakfasts with Derrick come to mind, and I miss him. I hope he’s having fun with his future in-laws and smile. It’s almost like getting parents again, and it makes me happy for him.

Chapter 41

t’s the day before New Year’s, and I’m up early. Rhinestone Cowgirl will be busy again today, and the shop is not as organized as I would like, so I plan to clean before we open. I need to get a quick snowshoe in with the dogs and get myself to the shop by nine.

The ceramic tile is cool under my feet as I make my way into Christian’s kitchen. So much like mine, even the mugs are in the same location. I reach up for one on the top shelf, and my T-shirt hikes up. Without underwear on, I know I’m flashing my butt at Christian.

“Princess, it’s nice having you to look at over breakfast. I have something I want to talk to you about.”

The strong odor of dark roast coffee tempts my nose as I pour it in the cup. “Sure, what’s up?”

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