Fierce (Storm MC #2) (17 page)

Read Fierce (Storm MC #2) Online

Authors: Nina Levine

Tags: #biker, #love story, #Family

BOOK: Fierce (Storm MC #2)
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I used my hand that was still gripping his hair to pull his face to mine and I gently bit his lip before laying my lips on his and slowly kissing him.  This kiss threatened to swallow me; our lips and tongues melded together and the in and out movement of his tongue almost matched the in and out movement of his finger at my pussy.  His hard cock jerked against my stomach and I reached my free hand down and slowly grasped it and began to move up and down his shaft.  As I began to increase my speed and pressure, he groaned and kissed me harder and deeper until he abruptly pulled away and twisted me so that I was facing the wall.  He grabbed my hands and placed them against the wall on either side of me and tilted me so that I was leaning against the wall with my ass slightly out.  His hands both grasped my ass, one cheek in each hand.  He massaged me and then slowly trailed his hands up my back until they reached my neck.  Moving my hair to the side he leant forward and kissed my neck, sucking and gently biting as he went.  One hand moved around to cup my breast and he pinched my nipple between his fingers.

I was so lost to him, my body alive from his touch, that I didn’t realise he’d knelt behind me until his tongue licked my ass and he nudged my legs apart with his hands. 

“Wider, babe,” he directed me and I parted my legs wider for him.  They were so far apart now that I had to rely on the wall to hold me up.  Scott grunted his appreciation and ran both hands over my ass.

“Look down,babe,” he bossed me and it turned me on even more than I already was, if that was possible. 

I did as he said and watched as he sat on the shower floor and positioned himself under me so that the back of his head was almost against the wall with his mouth in line with my pussy. 
Oh, dear Lord.  He really was going to kill me
.  He ran his hands up my legs and then took my pussy in his mouth.  His tongue dipped into me while his thumb massaged my clit.  I watched for awhile before the pleasure became too much and I dropped my head against the wall as it overtook me.  Between Scott sucking, licking, rubbing and gently biting me, I was close to one of the most intense orgasms I’d ever had.  When it hit, my limbs almost gave way and Scott quickly moved from what he was doing to hold me up.  I screamed in pleasure and let it take over; allowing him to take my weight and keep me from falling.  Eventually, I crumbled into his lap, straddling him, and rested my head on his shoulder. 

We sat like that for a couple of minutes before he nudged my head.  “Babe, you okay?’ he asked in a husky voice.

I lifted my head and looked him in the eyes.  “I’m more than okay.”

He grinned.  “You ready for the next round?  Because, I’ve gotta tell you, my dick is so ready to be in you.”

I didn’t respond; just kissed him.  Madly, passionately and like my life depended on it.  Lips, tongues and teeth were colliding in this kiss that set my nerve endings on fire.  I pushed myself closer to him.  The need to be as close to him as I could was so intense that it was all I could process at the moment.  We were skin to skin and I felt like I was right where I was meant to be; Scott felt like my destiny in that moment.  The way our bodies moved in unison felt like they’d been made for each other.

He broke the kiss and eyed me wildly.  “Fuck.  Now, babe.  I need you right fucking now.”

I nodded.  He didn’t have to tell me twice; I was completely on the same page.  He gripped my hips and moved me so he could enter me.  Just as he was about to, he stopped mid thrust and moved me away.  “Shit, we need a fucking condom,” he muttered.

“Shit,” I agreed.  Bloody hell, I couldn’t believe we’d almost done that.

He smacked me on the ass.  “I’ve got one in my bedroom.”

I moved off his lap and we stood up.  Stepping out of the shower, I reached for the towel but he put his hand on my arm and stopped me, shaking his head.  He turned off the water and then placed his hand on my back and guided me to his bedroom.  We dripped water as we went but he didn’t seem concerned about it.

As we entered the bedroom, he pointed at the bed, indicating for me to lie down.  I’d never had sex with such a dominating man and I decided then and there that I loved being dominated.  As I lay on his bed, he stood next to it and watched me while reaching into the top drawer of his bedside table to find a condom.  Once he found it, he used his teeth to rip the packet and then he rolled it onto his cock.  Good Lord, even the way he did that was a turn on.  He held his cock with one hand while rolling the condom on with his other hand and once it was on he reached under and massaged his balls for a moment while his other hand ran up and down his cock a couple of times.

“You still wet, babe?  Or do you need me to take care of that again?”

“You have no idea how wet I am for you right now.”

He was still sliding his hand up and down his cock; there was no way I wasn’t wet but he cocked his head to the side and said, “I need you to show me.  Dip your finger in your pussy and touch yourself.  Then I want to lick your fingers.”

Oh. My. God.  Scott had the dirtiest mouth I’d ever had the good fortune of listening to.  Without moving my eyes from his, I slipped a finger into my pussy, and then slowly pleasured myself for a minute.  Then I pulled it out and rolled onto my side so I was closer to the edge of the bed where he was standing.  I reached my hand out so that he could bend down and take my finger in his mouth.  He took it all the way in and licked it with his tongue before sliding it back out.  We didn’t lose eye contact once while this all happened.

“Told you I was wet for you,” I purred.

He’d been going pretty slowly all night, but his patience snapped at my words and he moved quickly onto the bed.  In one swift movement, he had me on my stomach and he was kneeling on top of me.  He pulled my hips up off the bed until I was on my hands and knees.  Leaning over me, he whispered in my ear, “You ready for my cock now, sweetheart?”

I didn’t answer him, just nodded.  He moved back and positioned himself behind me.  Holding onto my hips his cock hit my entrance but he didn’t enter me completely straight away.  He teased me instead, circling himself over my pussy.  It was maddening and I pushed back, hoping to take his cock deep inside. 

“Greedy.  I fuckin’ love greedy,” he grunted, and thrust hard and fast inside me.  Finally.

His cock filled me and I was in a state of bliss as he thrust in and out, gaining speed as he went.  His hands remained on my hips in a firm grasp as he brought me to another orgasm.  I squeezed my eyes shut and white lights flashed as I came and screamed his name.

“Fuck babe, I’m gonna come hard.  Your pussy is so fuckin’ sweet,” he grit out just before he lost himself in an orgasm. 

I was spent.  Waiting until he was finished, I barely held myself up.  As soon as I knew he was done, I collapsed onto the bed and lay sprawled on my stomach.  He followed closely behind and lay next to me, his hand lazily reaching out and wrapping around my waist.  I tried desperately to keep my eyes open but eventually gave in and closed them.  My last thought was that my one night with Scott Cole had been so worth it.

Chapter 21


I checked the time again.  It was eight am and Harlow was still asleep.  I’d been up for an hour now and was showered and ready for the day.  For the past five minutes I’d been standing here watching her sleep, remembering how good it felt to fuck her.  She’d gotten under my skin; no other woman had ever made me feel the things I was feeling.  I had no idea where we’d go next but what I did know was that I had to get back inside her.  Soon.

I was concerned that she might be needed at work this morning so I reluctantly sat on the side of the bed and gently woke her up.  It took a couple of minutes but she eventually rolled onto her back and opened her eyes.

“Morning,” I smiled at her.  Fuck, she was beautiful.  My eyes roamed over her body while she woke up some more.  A fuckin’ glorious sight to start the day with.

“Hi,” she said, hesitantly. 

I wasn’t sure what the hesitation was all about but chose to ignore it for now.  “You sleep well?”

“Yes, thanks,” she replied in a quiet voice. 

Fuck, it was like the Harlow who’d screamed my name last night was gone and had been replaced with someone who wasn’t familiar with my cock.  I was about to find out what the fuck was going on when my phone rang.  I pulled it out of my pocket to see who it was.  Shit, it was Griff.

“Sorry, I need to take this,” I apologised, holding up my phone.

She nodded and I left the room to talk to Griff.  “What’s up, Griff?”  This had better be important because it was dragging me away from the sweetest pussy I’d ever had in my life.

“The meeting with Bullet is in an hour.  I just got word.”

“At Gerry’s?”

“Yeah, brother.  I’ll see you there,” he said, and disconnected the call. 

I walked back down the hall and into my bedroom.  Harlow was no longer in my bed.  Figuring she was in the bathroom, I headed into the kitchen and put the kettle on to make her a coffee.  She joined me about five minutes later, dressed in shorts that barely covered her ass and the tightest fuckin’ tank top I’d ever seen.  I was instantly hard.

“Fuck, babe.  You’re killing me here,” I said as I handed her a coffee.

“Why?” she asked as she reached up and pulled her hair into a ponytail.  I wasn’t interested in her hair as much as her tits that jiggled with her arm movements.

“Seriously?  You come out here wearing that and you don’t know what it does to a man?”  And that right fucking there was what turned me on the most about her.  If I had the time, I’d rip those shorts off and show her just what the fuck she was doing to me.

“I’ll take that as a compliment,” she said as she winked at me.  Then she took a sip of coffee and asked me, “Can you drop me off at the café?”

That wink almost tipped me over the edge but I managed to keep my shit together.  “Yeah.  What time do you need to be there?”

“As soon as you can.  I want to help Mum with the morning rush.”

I picked my keys up off the bench.  “Let’s go,” I said as I shrugged my cut over my shoulders.

She followed me out to the garage and I led her to my car.  As I opened her door for her, I followed her gaze to my bike.  She stared at it for a moment and then turned to me.  “Can we take your bike instead?”

I shook my head.  “Not gonna happen while you’re wearing what you’re wearing.  You cover up some skin and we’ll discuss it again,” I said as I indicated for her to get in the car.

She looked down at what she had on and then back at me with a confused look. “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”

“We come off the bike, how do you think you’ll hold up wearing that?”

It only took her a moment but she got it.  Nodding she agreed, “Okay, I get it.”  She ducked her head and sat in the car but placed a hand on the door to stop me closing it and looked up at me.  “But will you take me for a ride one day?”

I stared down at her; listening to her words and hearing that hesitation again.  With one arm resting on the top of the car door, I leant into the car and invaded her space.  “Just to be crystal fuckin’ clear, you’ll be on the back of my bike, for any kind of ride you want.  You get me?”

She sucked in a breath and her face flushed. 
.  “Time to rock and roll babe, before I pull you back out of the fuckin’ car and let you wrap that mouth around my cock,” I said as I closed her door.  Christ, I needed to get her as far away from me as possible.  My concentration was shot to shit and I really needed it to be clear today.


he first thing I noticed when we pulled up outside the café was the bike parked across the road.  The second thing I noticed was that it wasn’t a Storm member.  And the third thing I noticed was that the motherfucker was leaning against it grinning at me. 

I checked my anger and got Harlow safely inside.  Stoney had pulled up down the road; thank fuck I’d called him this morning and arranged for him to keep an eye on Harlow.   

“What time are you working till?” I asked her.

Cheryl was behind the counter and piped up.  “I only need her for a couple of hours.  Should be finished by eleven.”

“I’m not leaving you by yourself, Mum,” Harlow scowled at her mother.

“Rubbish.  You’re running yourself ragged working two jobs so I’m sending you home at eleven for some sleep.”

Before Harlow could argue anymore, I interjected, “I’ll pick you up at eleven and take you home so you can get some rest.”

Cheryl sent me a thankful smile and mouthed a thank you to me.  I nodded at her and then curled my arm around Harlow’s waist and pulled her close so our faces were close.  “If you need me, you call me.  For anything.  Okay?”  I didn’t want to alarm her by sharing my concerns for her safety with her but I needed her to know she could call me.

“Okay, but I don’t think I’ll be needing you,” she replied.

I roughly pulled her even closer and brushed my lips across hers.  “Just make sure you call me if something comes up,” I said, gruffly.  Christ, would she ever stop arguing with me?  Even as I was thinking this I knew that the day she stopped challenging me would be the day I lost interest in her and I fuckin’ prayed that she never changed her ways.


exited the café and called Stoney as I walked to my car.  “Harlow’s here until about eleven, at which point I’ll be back to get her.  You stay on her till then, and Stoney, guard her like your fuckin’ life depends on it.  Am I clear?”


“Good.  Also, that bike parked across from the café belongs to one of Bullet’s guys.  Keep your eye out for trouble from him.  And, call me with any problems.”  I disconnected the call and shoved my phone back into my pocket.

Without giving Bullet’s guy my attention, I got in my car and took off to Gerry’s for the meeting.  Shit was about to go down and I was ready for whatever Bullet threw our way.  Storm wasn’t a club that you fucked with and Bullet had done just that.


barreled into the back room of Gerry’s Café, ready to go to war if fucking necessary.  Bullet had succeeded in pissing me off by crossing the line when he sent his boy to my house the other day and again this morning by sending him to the café.  He’d jumped the gun and now I’d shove that gun in his face if necessary.

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