Fifthwind (58 page)

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Authors: Ken Kiser

Tags: #Fantasy

BOOK: Fifthwind
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smiled. "How are you ever going to settle down?"

shrugged. "Someone's got to keep those Murg out of the local goat
pens at night, and with a little luck maybe the thieves will come
back and provide me with some sport on the roads around here."

like Kishell Springs just found itself a hero," Jimmy laughed. "We
always did need some law out here."

said, "Besides, I'll want to start a family before I get much

blushed and quickly stood up with a broad smile, "I've got to check
on the wounded upstairs. Time to change bandages and brighten some

said, "I'll give you a hand." And then left the men to

got up from the table and made his way outside and to a chair at the
corner of The Step. He leaned back and propped his feet up on the
railing and looked out over the fields to the east that led to the
green trees of the North Torn. He realized it had been months since
he last relaxed and even now he felt the jostling of thoughts in the
back of his mind.

are you going to break the news to her?" a familiar and gruff voice
asked. Mason pulled up a chair and joined Ben.

don't have much of a choice," Ben said. "they'll come for me
again. It's only a matter of time."

talk like it's a punishment, like you are being forced to do
something you don't want." Mason laced his fingers behind his head
and leaned back in his chair. "I know you too well for that. You
were meant to be one of them. You long for it."

been a long time since I felt about anyone the way I feel about
Kyla." Ben thought about the Lady Elaine and the vision he had been
shown that suggested that she might still be alive. However, that
same vision also suggested that she had betrayed both him and the

scratched at his belly. "Kyla's been through a lot, but she'll
understand. She always knows more about things than she lets on."

no one left for her, she's all alone."

nodded, "But she's not a child."

sighed. He would have to make his decision before much longer. For
the time, though, he just wanted to see to the recovery of the men
and the rebuilding of Kishell Springs, and take a long last look at
what he would leave behind. As much as he tried to push it from his
mind, Kyla returned to his thoughts. "It was at this very spot when
I first spoke with her. She was wearing a yellow dress and no shoes."

said, "I remember."

great news about you and Megan. I'm happy for you both. The Masked
Pig will be in good hands."

make a trip to the East in the spring to settle up her household.
There isn't really much family to speak of, but certain assets will
need to be divided."

said, "Jimmy mentioned that he's taking a small cottage and some
land in an even exchange for The Masked Pig."

said he always wanted to live by the ocean. According to Meg, the
place she'll give him isn't all that big, but it'll make him a land
owner and give him certain privileges."

looked down at his hands and flexed his fingers. "I don't feel as
young as I used to."

times will do that to you."

looked up at Mason and thought back to all they had been through
together. Mason had never doubted Ben and had always shown absolute
loyalty. It was going to be hard to part ways after sharing so much
with the old soldier. Sergeant Mason Corde was not one he would ever
forget. He was a soldier's soldier, and deep inside, he always would

two men sat quietly and enjoyed the morning like they had done
everyday before their world so abruptly changed. A hint of spring was
on the air, and the promise of rebirth was carried on it. Kishell
Springs had survived. Somehow, Ben was pleased it had. As his former
Captain had once said, the town possessed a nasty attitude but Ben
realized that some things tend to grow on you over time. It felt like
home, and he was glad it was still around.

bit at a finger nail, and looked off to the north. He did not look at
Ben when he said, "I think Captain Haddaway and Fahd Cobalius would
have been the best of friends."

was no man Mason had ever known that he respected more than Captain
Tad Haddaway. Even though he kept his feelings hidden well, Ben knew
that Mason sorely missed him. It was with the highest level of
admiration that he would include Fahd Cobalius in his company.
Cobalius had touched the lives of even those who had known him for
mere days. Ben's life was forever changed because of the Fahd that
had located and trained him.

the distance, a single cloud grew on the horizon in an otherwise
clear blue sky. The world still needed men like Fahd Cobalius, there
was always more at stake than met the eye. Ben looked again at the
growing cloud and was reminded about a mouse named Cyril. He smiled.
Sometimes all the answers you needed were right in front of you, as
long as you took a step back and looked.





snows were less frequent, and the roads leading into Kishell Springs
witnessed the steady trickle of families returning to their homes and
shops after the winter hiatus. Many knew nothing of the events that
had transpired in the preceding months and were shocked to find that
most of the structures were in varying degrees of need, from total
reconstruction to minor repairs. Others had heard rumors of the
troubles and had come prepared with wagon-loads full of materials and
tools. Even a few construction teams arrived in hopes of finding

of the soldiers had dedicated their every waking minute to the proper
burial of those who had fallen. A field on the westward side of the
Tower was alloted as a battleground cemetery, and plans were
discussed to place a monument and proper headstones for the soldiers
interred there.

Ben walked the southern road out of town, he was amazed at the
resilience of prosperity and hope. Without missing a beat, the
townsfolk had stepped up and taken on the new challenges with ardor
and commitment.

few weeks and it would be hard to tell that anything happened here,"
Kyla said, reaching for Ben's hand. "It's good to see a few
children coming back and bringing some laughter with them."

not as safe as it used to be. The Core is gone, but dangers still
remain. The people of Kishell Springs live in a different time now.
Things have changed. Who knows what will come crawling out of those
forests next."

said, "You've warned them of the Gray-folk. They'll be careful and
adapt. They'll have to. I'm glad you stopped calling them the Murg.
Now that Vincent and William are gone, they're just another nuisance
that these people need to be aware of."

looked at the pendant hanging from Ben's neck. "He meant a lot to

caught her eye and reached down to tuck the pendant back under his
tunic. "He was a good man."

kept his eyes toward the eastern horizon and moved slowly. He had
opted to leave his cloak behind and was pleased to feel a bit of
warmth in the late winter air. The sky was bright upon his face and
the fabric of his shirt drank up the sun and felt good against his
skin. Another small caravan of wagons crested the hill and creaked
down the final leg into Kishell Springs. Ben perked up and strained
his eyes on the approaching group.

and Megan won't be back for at least another week," Kyla smiled. "I
can't wait for their wedding. I just love weddings."

glad she agreed to have the ceremony in the Masked Pig," Ben
chuckled. "Mason's not one for formal court or fancy dress."

their new home and the beginning of their life together. Megan loves
him so much."

turned and walked along the ancient crumbling wall that stuck up out
of the ground in sporadic patches along the eastern boundary of town.
Stonewall was long forgotten but still stood in fragmented memory in
the remote valley. The history of this timeless place was engraved
forever into the very landscape and uttered a silent warning to never

the statues torn down and destroyed, like I instructed?" Ben asked.

entire site has been cleansed of any hint as to its significance.
Only Vincent, Babbitt and a handful of us ever knew anything about
what happened there."

Core will continue to seek out the sources of the Fifthwind's origin,
but only the Fahd have the skills needed to find those precise
locations. We don't need to be leaving monuments in place as road

was buried in an unmarked grave miles from that location. Only myself
and two others know the exact spot." Kyla's voice still held
contempt. "I ordered that he be put in the ground without his feet.
He can crawl like a snake on the next turning of the wheel!"

stopped and turned to Kyla. He looked into her eyes and she lowered
them to hide her emotions. The only father she had ever known had
turned out to be no father at all, but a deceitful man that meant her
terrible harm. Still, having never known her real father, she must
have, at some level, missed him.

quickly changed the subject, "Where will we go from here, Ben?"

made the turn onto the western path that would lead them back to the
center of town. The shops and homes on the outskirts were all
burnt-out shells, but several families were already working hard
clearing out the debris and preparing to rebuild. Ben knew that the
time had come to break the news to Kyla that he would not be staying.

Cobalius taught me much..."

it true that they will hunt you down and kill you if you don't join
them?" Kyla frowned. "How can they call themselves noble and
dignified if they behave in such ways."

had already realized that while the Fahd were perhaps forceful in
their persuasions, the threat of death was only symbolic. The Fahd
would most certainly track down and destroy their enemies, but Ben
would be allowed to continue an uneventful existence if he so chose.
The Fahd were most certainly noble and righteous and held themselves
above reproach in all areas. They were saviors, not killers. Ben knew
this deep inside his own heart. But, despite the understanding that
he would be allowed to remain with Kyla... he could not choose a path
at her side.

Kyla prodded.

war," Ben started, "is not over. I'm needed."

bit her lower lip but failed to keep it from quivering. "I've known
for some time now what your decision would be. Do not feel guilt. You
saved us and all and I will always love you. Even if you can't be
with me."

pulled her to him and kissed her deeply. He embraced her for what
felt like hours, and finally eased her back and looked into her eyes.
"It's not an easy decision."

goodbye to her, Morbis.

blinked and swiveled his head to look behind. There was no one there.
The distant voice must have been in his mind, an echo of important
teachings. He almost smiled, as he envisioned Fahd Cobalius saying
the words.

turned and continued to walk until they rounded the corner into town
center and the road that led through the plaza and up to the Masked
Pig. Ben stopped again and tried to find the right words.

will always deeply care for you, Kyla," Ben stumbled on his words,
"but there's a calling that I have to answer. I don't know if you
can understand—"

me make this easier for you, Morbis.

time, Ben realized that the words were not in his head. If fact, even
though he had not yet taken on the name Morbis, no one would dishonor
the name without preceding it with the proper title of 'Fahd'. Only
one spiteful of the brotherhood would address him in such a way.
Ben's eyes grew wide with fear and he reached for Kyla.

is it? Kyla asked, clearly recognizing the urgency in Ben's behavior.
"What's hap—"

froze in mid sentence and winced in pain. She looked down and watched
in horror as a red pool began to stain her chest where a sword tip
protruded from her. Her knees buckled and she began to collapse, but
before Ben could step up to grab her, the air shimmered and a figure
appeared directly behind her and pulled her back.

sneered over her shoulder at Ben, and he pushed the blade harder into
her. "Now, you will feel my pain. You will know what it is to walk
truly alone in this world!"

rushed forward as Phaetalis pulled his blade free and pushed Kyla
into his arms. He caught her and eased her to the ground. He chanced
a glance at Phaetalis and watched as the wretched man smiled and
slowly faded into nothing.


held her up against his chest and cradled her face in his hand.
"Don't talk... it will be alright."

us!" Ben croaked through a constricted throat and fighting against
a torrent of tears.

tried to speak, but only a hiss of air escaped her lips. She kept her
eyes locked to his and continued to mouth words to no avail. Her
hands clawed at Ben's back and she grew rigid as her body began to

Ben cried and turned to the people moving along the street and
yelled, "Someone, please help!"

watched hopelessly as she shuddered in his arms. Her skin was growing
pale and the color was draining from her hair. Her teeth were clamped
and her eyes began to change from green to blue. The air became
bitter and the hairs on Ben's arms were standing on end. She was
drawing the Fifthwind to her.

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