Fight 3 (3 page)

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Authors: M Dauphin

BOOK: Fight 3
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Chapter 4


I can’t get enough of this woman. We’ve been searching for houses all day, but every time I look at her, I just imagine how beautiful she would look with my dick buried in her ass. Ever since yesterday on the couch, when she responded so fucking well to my goddamned finger, I almost bust a nut every single fucking time I look at her ass.

One day it will happen. I’ll make sure of it.

As of today, I need to figure out how to focus better on the task at hand. At this rate, I’ll never be able to decide on a house to buy because I keep fantasizing about her.

“Oh, that’s so cute!” she practically screams as we pull in front of a brick, two story home in the outskirts of San Antonio.

We decided to widen our search for a home to the bigger cities surrounding us. San Antonio is new to both of us, which is why it sounds like the perfect place to start over. We’ve been at this all day, going from house to house, liking things about each of them, but nothing really stood out. Nothing put the stars in my girl’s eyes.

Nothing until this house.

A two story brick, red shutters, red door. Cute house. Nothing spectacular about it, but so far it’s making her light up.

I smile to myself as we walk through the house. The realtor really cares nothing about what we want, and everything about the price of the house. I, on the other hand, want whatever Red wants. As far as I can tell, Red fucking loves this place. Pulling her into the bathroom and shutting the door, I fight the urge to strip her tiny tank top and shorts off of her and fuck her senseless, instead I lock the handle and grin at her.

“What do you think?” I whisper.

“I love it.”

Setting her on the bathroom sink, it’s a perfect fucking height to bury myself in her if I could. Shit, she’s got me all kinds of riled up.

“How much do you love it, baby?” I trail small kisses down her neck and see the goose bumps rise on her arms.

“It’s perfect, Tex.” She gasps as I nip her neck, then pull back.

“Done,” I say, adjusting myself before walking out to the realtor, glowering at us.

“I’ll take it. When can we move in?” I say, arms crossed.

“This is only the sixth house we have looked at, sir. Wouldn’t you like-”

“No. Just tell me where to sign.”

“Eddie, are you sure about this?” I feel Red’s hand touch my arm and I turn to look at her.

“Baby, absolutely. Your face lit up the minute we pulled in front of this house. This is what you want. I want to give you everything you fucking want in life, Red.” I wrap her in a hug and look towards the agent, now staring at us incredibly awkwardly.

“When can we sign? I need it as soon as possible,” I say, impatiently waiting for her to get her jaw up off the floor.

“Oh, uh, great.... Let me see.” She walks away with her phone to her ear.

Red is smiling next to me, clutching onto my arm until the relator gets out of sight.

“SHIT, BABE!” she screams, obviously alerting the realtor to the level of excitement pouring out of her. It’s fine, though. I couldn’t care less what I have to pay for this place. I’ve got the fucking funds. I just want my Red to be happy.

“You sure about all of this?” Red asks as I continue to daydream about all of the places in this house I can fuck her. My mind has taken perma-residence in the ‘filthy’ category and won’t stop flashing images of Red tied to my bed.

Shit, I need to get more ropes.

“Eddie?” Her voice cuts through my thoughts and I smile down at her.

“Of course, Red. I want everything with you.” It’s so fucking hard not to pull the ring out of my pocket right here and now, but I can’t do it. Not until this place is officially ours.

The realtor walks back in, closing her phone and smiling at me.

“Mr. Roe, the owners of the house are in for a quick sale, as long as you have twenty percent to put down today.”

I hear Red gasp at the amount, but it’s nothing really. It might bring my fluff down a bit, but I’m sure the next job from the Savages will thicken my account again.

“Great, where do I sign?” I clap my hands together, ready to get this show on the road.

“Why don’t you two follow me to the office and we will get it all put together.” She smiles at us and walks towards the front door.

Red is so giddy, I can’t stop laughing at her. This is really happening. I’m really buying a house with a woman that I’ve fallen madly in love with in less than a month. It’s hard to believe, but I wouldn’t change it for anything.

After signing some papers and setting the closing date for next week, we’re ready to grab some food before heading back to Tatum’s parents’ house. As much as I’m appreciative that they have let us stay there, I’m ready to get into our own place.

“I can’t believe it, we really found one!” Red squeals from the front seat of my truck.

“I knew we would, babe.” I laugh, reaching over to grab her hand.

We head to a nearby steak house and wait in the lobby until a table is ready. Looking around, I see how much the two of us really don’t fit in here. Stetsons litter the scenery, cowboy boots are on just about every pair of legs in here. I laugh at the thought of ever owning either of those, but when I look at Red, she has a different look on her face. A solemn look.

“What’s on your mind, babe?” I ask, nudging her shoulder.

“My dad... he used to love his Stetson. It’s crazy to think of, since he wasn’t a cowboy or a farmer, but he always said ‘if a man is gonna live in Texas, he needs the big hat’.” She smiles and laughs at herself. “Jesus, we really don’t fit in here, do we?” Her laughter is infectious, and soon I’m laughing right there with her.

“Roe... table for two,” the hostess calls and walks us towards our table.

We’re tucked in the back of the restaurant, dim lighting making Red’s features even more prominent. Strange how that works. She’s looking at me curiously, like she has something on her mind but is afraid to say it.

“What now?” I smile at her, but I know whatever she has on her mind isn’t an easy subject, or else she wouldn’t be holding back.

“I just got to thinkin....” She trails off and shakes her head.

“About what, Red?” I feel like I should be worried. What the hell?

“Your dad...” she whispers so quietly I almost didn’t hear it.


I did hear it, though. I heard it and it feels like a brick was just thrown at my chest.

I don’t talk about him. The only time I’ve ever talked about him to Red was the night I told her about everything. She hasn’t brought him up since then, and I’ve been stupid to think that was the last I’d ever have to talk about him.

“Hear me out, Eddie. I see you getting angry and that’s not what I wanted. That’s why I was hesitant on saying anything.” She sighs and takes a sip of her water.

“Go ahead,” I say, trying not to growl at her.

I want her to feel like she can tell or ask me anything. Even if it hurts like a bitch. I need to get over this feeling that happens whenever he’s brought up. I want to move on.

“Have you ever wondered where he is? What he’s doing? What would you do if you ever saw him again?”

“Wow... that’s a lot of questions, Red.”

She nods and waits patiently as I digest her questions. I sit, staring at my hands for what seems like forever before I finally speak.

“When I was a boy, I looked up to my father. Before everything started. I thought he was the coolest dad. Back then, I would do anything to spend a day with him.” This is actually easier than I thought it would be, so I continue without letting her talk. “The day I walked in to him hitting my mom, I knew my dad was gone. The man I grew up with, up until that point, was not the man hovering over my mother. That was the day that my father died in my eyes.”

“So you don’t wonder where he is?” she asks, like she can’t believe it.

“Honestly, there are times when I wonder, but I’ve never wanted to look for him. I look for my sister almost every day, but I’ve never really cared about where my dad is”

“What if he’s dead?” she whispers.

“Red, if I ever found him alive, I would beat the shit out of him. I’m not about forgiving that bastard. Maybe dead is better,” I say, not fully believing my own words.

“What about your sister?”

“I will find her. She has to be out there somewhere,” I say. “I won’t give up until I know where she is. Until I know she’s safe.”

She doesn’t ask what I would do if I found out my sister were dead. That’s just not an option.

Once our food arrives, we spend the rest of dinner talking about lighter subjects. What colors she wants to paint different rooms of the house, landscaping, house work. Shit I never thought I’d be discussing with a woman, but here I am.

And I couldn’t be more excited for it.

Chapter 5


Making it back from lunch, I was full of guilt for bringing up the subject of Eddie’s dad, but I’ve always been curious. I know how he can feel so cold towards him, but I guess a sliver of me was hoping that he would feel some sort of remorse for not trying to find him now that he is an adult that can defend himself.

“Hey, Red, I’ve got a few messages, I’m gonna head out to the porch and check them, then call Tatum back. You good?”

I smile and nod, saluting him as he walks out back.

Looking around the Savage house, I take in all of the decorations. Mrs. Savage has good taste, and part of me wants to copy some of her designs in our house. I’m so excited to get into our house, to start doing everything together. It’s a foreign feeling, to want to have that partner in crime for the rest my life, but I’m getting used to the fact that I need him.

As I sit on the couch, mentally planning the layout and decoration of our house, I hear my phone buzzing on the counter. Hopping up, I surprise myself with how much better I feel from a week ago. Nothing hurts anymore and the bruises are practically gone.

I grab my purse and reach in for my phone. Swiping the screen before even looking to see who was calling, I immediately regret my actions.

“Hello, Gwynnie,” Mac’s voice growls through the phone and I immediately get the chills.

“Mac,” I say with as much hatred as I can.

“You have a few more fights for me, girl. I let you off last weekend since you wouldn’t have been any good to me anyway, but I need you in the ring tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow?! Fuck, Mac, are you joking me?” I haven’t been to the gym all week, and I’m just back to feeling better.

“Not joking, Gwynnie. Dead ass serious.”

“Who am I fighting?” I’m not showing up if it’s another upper class fighter.

“Just a little bitch from your class. Alexsandra Elite is what they call her. You haven’t fought her before, but we have a shit ton of money riding on this fight, babydoll. Do what’s good for you. Be here at 5:30 to start warming up.” He clicks off the phone and I’m met with silence.


I wish I had never signed that contract with him. I wish I had never started fighting. I wish so much right now that I can’t change, but in all reality, I just wish I could back out. I’ve never been a quitter, but right now all I want to do is tell Mac to shove his contract, and back the fuck out of these last fights.

I know that’s not possible, though. Mac has me locked into my contract, and if I back out now he’ll own me for life. It’s a terrible contract really, but I was so happy just to be fighting that I didn’t really look over it when I signed.

Sitting on the bar stool, I put my head in my hands and let out a sigh. How can things be so fucked up right now? I’m so excited for this next step with Eddie, and at the same time so fucked with this deal with Mac. Add in the drama with Jase and the unknown dead body from the fire, and my life has really taken a turn for the worse.

My phone buzzes next to me and I grab it to check the message that just came through.

Shit, it’s Jase.



Before I’m able to respond, I get another text.


I sigh and curse under my breath. I know he’s not going to give up, at least not until he gets out whatever it is that he needs to. Pulling up the text, I respond.

GWYNN: I’m free now. Wanna meet at our park?

JASE: I’ll be there in twenty.

Wonderful. Maybe I can finally get this over with and move on without the threat of Jase lurking around every corner. Now all I have to do is tell Eddie. I guess I have the option of not telling him, but I couldn’t lie to him like that. We’re rebuilding our lives together, and starting off with a lie like this wouldn’t be a good thing.

“Hey, Red,” Eddie calls in from the patio door.

“Yea,” I answer, getting up from my stool.

“We got anything going on the weekend of the 19
?” he asks with his phone still to his ear.

“Hang on,” I say as I check my phone.

The 19
is in a week and a half. We’re supposed to sign on the house in a week, so I would have hoped we would be moving in by then. Other than that, though, there’s nothing in my calendar. It’s then, though, that I notice my calendar marks. Every month since I started my period I had been leaving dots on the calendar to tell me when my period started and how long it lasted. I might be the only girl out there that still does this, and it might be OCD, but it’s something I’ve always done. I’ve been on the pill for years, but sometimes those fail. The dots help reassure me that things are all still ok and nothing unplanned has happened. When I got my iPhone I started putting marks on the calendar in my phone, that way it’s always with me.

Standing there, staring at my screen, my stomach drops as I realize this month has no dots. Before I panic, I scroll to last month. I’ve been so preoccupied with Vegas, the injury, and the fire, that I have completely been off with taking my pills. One day I remember in the morning, the next not until I go to bed. It’s terrible and I know I’m supposed to take them at the same time every day, but these last few weeks have really thrown a wrench in my schedule. Apparently more than I thought, too. Because as I glance back at the months and do the calculations in my head, I’m about a week late.

“Shit,” I say as the realization that I very possibly could be pregnant starts to set in. Again, since I’ve met Eddie, my emotions are put on a roller coaster ride. I could be growing a baby right now. I lean back on the counter and look down at my stomach, placing a hand over my abdomen instinctively. I smile at the thought of having Eddie’s baby. Or babies. Shit, what is my deal?! I don’t even know if he wants kids. Shouldn’t I be worried that he’s going to leave me?

“What the hell is going on,” I whisper to my abdomen, laughing at myself for talking to a body part.

“What’s that, babe?” Eddie hollers from the back porch.

I immediately stand up straight and look his way, hoping he didn’t see me considering the fact that his baby was growing inside of me.

“Oh, uh.... We sign on the house in a week, Tex, but other than that, I’m free.” Putting my phone in my purse, I walk to the door to give him a quick kiss goodbye. I need to leave right now, and I need to make a pit stop before meeting Jase.


“Heading out to meet Jase, Tex. He just needs to talk. I’ll be back soon,” I whisper in his ear, before nipping at it and pulling away.

Growling, he curses and pulls the phone away from him, holding onto my arm with his hand. Gently, but enough to tell me he isn’t letting me go that easily.

“What the fuck are you talking about? You aren’t going to meet that psycho by yourself,” he growls in a low voice, so the person on the other line doesn’t hear him.

“We’re meeting at a park, he used to be my best friend, Tex. It’s fine. I’ll call when I’m on my way home.” I can’t have Eddie come along for this one. I don’t want him to freak out at the possibility of a pregnancy, and I can’t have Jase flip a shit when I show up at the park with Eddie. “Just stay here, Eddie. I’ll be fine. I promise.”

Cursing and shaking his head, he holds on to me and puts the phone back to his ear.

“Mr. Savage, I’m sorry, something just came up and I need to go. Can we continue this phone call later on?” Eddie waits, his eyes boring into mine as the person on the other end of the phone answers. “Great, thank you,” he says, ending the call and pushing the phone in his pocket.

Glaring at me, he takes a massive breath in and lets it out before speaking. I know he’s pissed, and it’s obvious he is trying to reign in his anger before blowing up on me. I’m not scared of him, I just really don’t have time for this fight right now. I still need to stop by the store and grab a test before meeting Jase. Possibly even fucking take it, if I have time.

“Before you talk, just let me say that maybe this is for the best. Jase obviously needs to get something off of his chest. Maybe meeting with him one last time will help clear the air, and we will all be able to move on.” I’m trying my hardest not to cry, and I don’t even know why the feeling has come over me. I’m just so screwed up lately, that everything I do has to be so full of damn drama and it pisses me off.

“I’m coming with you, Red. That idiot stalks you and you know it,” he growls. “I’ll stay in the fucking car, I’ll leave you be and let you two talk out whatever it is, but I need eyes on you at all times.”

His tone sounds angry, but his eyes are pleading with me. Begging me to let him come. Begging me to let him in. What’s it going to hurt if he sits in the car? It may actually make me feel better that he’s there, just in case Jase does have something up his sleeve.

“Fine, but I need to make a pit stop first.” I say, huffing back into the house to grab my flip flops and purse.

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