Fight (14 page)

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Authors: London Casey,Ana W. Fawkes

BOOK: Fight
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When she stepped out of her panties,
I gritted my teeth.

I came forward and pressed my lips
to her mound, tasting her smooth skin. Inching down, I slipped my tongue
between her legs, demanding to taste her. The tip of my tongue cut along her
wet folds, bringing me her sweet flavor. One taste was not enough for me. No
fucking way in hell.

My hands slapped at her hips and I
pushed her back on the bed. Winter cried out as she fell to her ass on the bed.
My hands touched her knees and opened her legs. No more time could pass by now.

I kissed her inner thigh and then
raced up her leg. Her smell flooded my senses. I placed my right hand on her
mound, my thumb rubbing the gentle nub of her clit. She cried out and thrust at
me. My thumb slid down between her folds.

I had to devour her right then.

I brought my mouth to her slick
center and tasted her. My tongue moved up and down, pressing against her pussy,
feeling her throb against my touch. I put my hands to her inner thighs and kept
her open. I was fast, aggressive, needing her so badly.

At her clit I suckled, rolling her
between my lips. Each time she jumped, groaned, pressing her hips at me,
wanting more.

One of her hands grabbed at my neck
and then my shirt. She scratched, pulled, cried out, wanting my shirt off.

I tasted her again, top to bottom,
then bottom to top. I pulled away, savoring her sweet taste.

I stood up and hurried to rip my
own shirt off.

There before me on the bed, Winter
was fully nude. Her succulent body was all mine now. Her hands on the bed,
holding the covers. Her left leg a little bent, her legs still open, her tender
pussy folded up for me. The curve of her hips, her breasts just hanging there,
hard and rose pink nipples. But it was her face that got me the most. Her
natural beauty shined through.

Goddammit, I think I loved her
right then.


I shoved my jeans down and kicked
them off.

My cock was almost painfully hard.

I grabbed her legs and pulled at
her, bringing her to me.

She cried out and I lowered my body
down to hers. Her burning warmth instantly welcomed me. I thrust and opened
her, sliding just a little into her. She throbbed against me, her pussy teasing
me to fucking come already.

I pulled back and thrust again,
easing myself into her.

Once I was deep, I lowered my body
to hers. Her hands instantly went around my back, holding me. My right hand
pressed at her waist, holding her steady. My left hand slid up her body, over
her breast, and up to her face.

I held her just like that as I
started to fuck her with slow and long thrusts of my cock. Pulling all the way out
to the tip of my dick and then rushing right back inside her. Each thrust she
moaned, her mouth open, a sexy desperation in her eyes.

She then started to thrust her hips
at me. She rocked left to right, lifting, wanting it. Her head slowly fell back
and her body shook as she reached her first climax. Her nails  cut into my back
muscles like she wanted to tear me apart.

I fucking loved it.

I held tight inside her as she
came. I kissed her neck as she cried out with each push of my cock and each
throb of her insides.

Winter looked at me again, panting.
I didn

t give her a chance
to catch her breath. I simply kissed her. My tongue explored her mouth,
wondering if she could taste her own sweetness on my tongue.

That turned me on even more.

I pushed and pulled, thrusting and
fucking her. I kept our bodies tight, tighter than I had ever been with someone
before. Maybe this was beyond a good and sweaty fuck. Maybe this was me making
love to her tender body. Showing her how beautiful she was, no matter what
happened to her.

I had no clue.

I kept thrusting at her though. My
knees hit the bed and then I climbed up on the bed. My hands grabbed her ass
and lifted. Without exiting her, I crawled up the bed even more. When her head
was on a pillow, I started to fuck her again. Slowly, I inched away, lifting
the top half of my body.

Winter grabbed at my chest, clawing
at first, then her hands opening. I was on my knees, fucking her. Watching my
cock slide in and out her. Watching her breasts bounce with my movements. All
of it added up inside me. My anger, frustration, guilt. My deepest needs that I
never thought would be cared for.

That feeling of love raced through

Maybe I just loved her pussy. Or
her body. Or the moment we were in. She was frail and needed me. That was a
turn on.

I gritted my teeth and hissed as
the rush started. My balls tightened and I sped up even more. The wild sound of
bodies hitting became matched by Winter

cries of pleasure. My cock finally started to pulse, spilling inside her.

I held her hips tight and pressed
deep, holding steady as I came inside her.

With each release inside Winter,
her body jumped. She rocked her hips, her sweet pussy squeezing at me, wanting
it all. So I gave her all of it, over and over.

There were just too many emotions
raging inside me to figure out what the fuck I was doing, why, or if anything
could make any kind of sense.

When I finished, I stayed there,
with Winter, deep inside her. My stomach touched hers. My hands were tight
around the pillows, holding my chest off hers. Our eyes met. Gently, she
reached up and touched my face. She pulled at me, bringing me down so I

d kiss her again.

That kiss kept going. Our kiss was
hot, wet, sloppy, perfect. Ours heads moved side to side. I nibbled on her lip,
tasting her tongue. She did the same to me.

It only took a matter of a few
minutes for me to get hard again.

And I started to thrust at her.

Fuck, again.






I woke and wanted everything to be
a dream. The fact that I had given everything to Tripp the night before seemed
impossible. Nobody knew my secrets. Sarah didn

even know, and she was kind of my best friend.

Endo had his grip on me for a
while. We had been playing a dangerous game that was fun in the beginning, but got
old fast. Then I got pregnant. He kept me hidden to keep the pregnancy hidden.
The only ones who really knew were Rocky and Stoney. Endo had some deal with
them to keep it from Endo


Who I now knew was Tripp

s boss.

It was a mess to think about. But
my mind wouldn

t erase it.
Let alone being in that room when they took Autumn from me. I had the chance to
kiss her, just once. That warm, small head of hers. There was a sweet smell to
her, something I could never find again. She wasn

exactly ripped from my arms, but taken gently. Yet my heart would beg to
differ. My heart was never able to accept it.

Fine, I hated myself for it all.
Even if Autumn had the best life in the world, with the best mother and father,
it still hurt me. Then again, if my pain and sacrifice was for her, then what
more could a mother give a child?

I tried to shut my eyes and chase
it away.

The truth was lingering though.
Someone wanted to find Autumn. Killing Rocky was part of it. Coming after me?
Maybe someone wanted to kill me, but they wanted information first. That was
something I didn

t have. My
secrets were exposed, the rest of it all in ashes on the floor.

I forced myself to sit up.

The covers inched down my body. I
was still naked. That at least made me smile.

The bedroom door slowly opened and
I was treated to something sexy.

Tripp, standing with two mugs of

He was shirtless, leaving my eyes
all the time in the world to climb up and down his body. Picking out all the
lines and cuts of muscles, miles for my tongue to explore.

If we could survive all this


re finally awake,

he said.

time is it?

I asked.

past noon.


I couldn

t have been that surprised. Last time I saw the
clock it was past three in the morning and I was rolling off of Tripp. That
would have been three of four times we were together before I finally tapped
out and had to fall asleep.

My body felt like I had run a
marathon. And God help me, I was still warm between my legs. I was still
feeling good, because of him.

Tripp climbed onto the bed and
handed me a coffee.


I said.


d make you breakfast but there

s no food. We

ll have to go out and grab
something when you get out of bed.

I won

t get out of bed.



not forever,

I said with a

Tripp touched my cheek.

We can

t do that, darling. I just want you to know
everything you told me last night, it means something to me. I

m sorry if I bullied it all out
of you. I had no idea what you were going to say. I mean, I just

I just wanted you to not be
involved in all of it.

I am. Something is going to happen to me. To us.

Tripp nodded.


a fighter, darling. So are you. Just let me get my head around it all and come
up with a plan here. It

s a
lot to take in.

I nodded.

I know.

I leaned up and kissed his chin.

Tripp tugged the sheet down,
exposing my breasts. His free hand touched and played, bringing my nipple to an
erect state. The palm of his hand moved over my breast, cupping, sending a warm
pressure down my body.

that up and I

m definitely
not going to leave this bed.


Tripp said.

He took his hand away. He sipped
the coffee and then anger washed over his face.


s wrong?

Skull X group,

he said.

Was Endo involved there?


t know. I only saw him
with Rocky and Stoney. I

not even sure the rest of the Red Aces knew Endo. And obviously it was all a
secret from your boss. So I don

know what to think.


s all family shit,

Tripp said.

Bad family shit. It doesn

t take much for them to kill
each other. And depending on what you did depends on if you even get a fucking

why are you involved?



re a good fighter, right? Can

t you do something else? Fight
for real?

So what I do isn

t real?
You and me right now? This isn


Tripp moved out of the bed. I
grabbed the sheet and tried to go after him, almost spilling coffee on myself.

No. I didn

t mean it like
that. I meant like, you know, legal fighting.


t work that way,

he said.

If I tried to leave Aldo, he

d have me killed. Simple as
that. Plus, why would I want legit?

Tripp looked back at me.

like fighting the way I do. Knowing that there

no rules. Knowing that there

death waiting. It

s like a
drug to me. I told you. I

no good. I

m street trash.
A thug.

saying that,

I said. I
finally got out of the damn bed. I put my coffee down and walked to Tripp. I
let the sheet fall from my body, standing there completely naked. I pressed my
breasts to his back and kissed him.

are nothing bad. You are all good, I swear. I

sorry I said anything, Tripp. I just want to find an answer out of this.

Tripp turned and faced me. His
hands touched my waist, sending warmth everywhere.

I don

know if there is an answer, darling. One thing I need to do

I need to talk to Stoney again.
I need to get to Skull X and see what they know.


t tell you anything.

ll kill you.

like to fight, right?

I guess.

do I. I

ll fight it out of them.


s cocky and cute at the same

I said. I dug my
hands into his back.

really like you, Tripp. I mean, aside from you throwing me into a wall, beating
up my best friend

boyfriend, twice, and me almost getting blown up, hiding in a motel, and
confessing everything to you. It



it hasn


Tripp said.

This situation is bad. But us
together. Yeah, that


We kissed. So soft. So romantic.

hate to fucking say this,

Tripp said,

but you need
to put on some clothes.

I backed away from him, grinning. I
slipped my hands over my breasts and just stood there. Anytime I had to deal
with taking my clothes off, I was numb. I taught myself to be numb. It was
easier that way. The thing with Tripp though was that he was far too real to feel
numb around. I was standing there, touching myself. I felt sexy. Alive.

Even if we were just messing with
expiring time.


~ ~ ~


Harlan jumped from the top of a
picnic table. He threw a cigarette to the ground and embers danced along the pavement.
He blew his smoke with a curled lip. His face was looking better now, but there
were still some yellow fading bruises from where Tripp had gotten him.


Tripp asked as he
walked by, holding my hand.


Harlan said.

He turned and walked away.

I didn

t know how Tripp could walk the way he did. Without
fear, worry, even care. I mean, the Red Aces weren

t exactly the biggest MC in the world, but they
were powerful. There were bodies of their enemies buried too close for comfort.

Stoney came walking from the back
of the compound, wiping his hands with a towel.


t expect to see you so soon,

Stoney said.

Figured you

d be making your calls and

The second Stoney got within range,
Tripp grabbed him by his leather cut. I screamed and watched in horror as Tripp
spun Stoney around and put him against a pole that was part of a canopy off the
back of the clubhouse.

Stoney put his hands out.

There were ten guys charging toward
Tripp, guns drawn, ready to take him out.


I yelled.


re not going to have to them
shoot me,

Tripp said.

So call them off.

Stoney grinned.

Mind getting your fucking hands
off me first?

Tripp backed away.

One of Rocky

s friends, Pat, put a gun to the back of Tripp

s skull.

Stupid asshole.

the trigger,

Tripp said.

Trust me, brother, do it.



s good,

Stoney said.

stand down.

A few seconds
later Stoney bellowed,


All the guys backed away and put
their weapons away.

want everyone inside. This is personal business.


Pat said.

If he

get the hell out of my face,

Stoney said.

Or I will
shoot you.

Everyone cleared out.

Tripp looked at me and nodded.

I had no idea what he was planning
on doing.

you call Aldo?



Tripp said.

You want to be afraid, be
afraid. But I need to know what happened.


Stoney said.

know about the baby. What happened with Endo.

Stoney looked at me, eyebrow


is in a coma right now,

Tripp said.

Someone tried
killing him. They shot him.


Stoney asked.

Skull X wants the baby, well, the kid, and is going after who knows


s not making sense to me, Stoney. Your hands aren

t as clean as you think, are

the fuck are you talking about?

Stoney asked.

Rocky was my
best friend. He was like my brother. He insisted on pushing on them.




t buy it.

Winter, there was a woman Rocky loved. Skull X took her out, okay? He always
wanted revenge.

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