Fighting Chance (9 page)

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Authors: Paulette Oakes

BOOK: Fighting Chance
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“You know, it took all four of us and almost a full day to
provide corrective treatment when you first boarded,” the officer commented as
she worked. “You have been very hard on your body, young woman. May I ask how
you received so many injuries?”

Mahoney shrugged and then answered, “I don’t mind. I began
training in the martial arts when I was only five years old, much to the
displeasure of my mother. My father, however, was a military general and he insisted
that his only daughter should be able to defend herself should the need arise.
I loved it from the first lesson. From there, I moved on to other styles of
fighting as they caught my interest, and competed for titles around the world. I
got into stunt work when I met a competitor and she hooked me up with an agent.
About four years ago, I was doing a dangerous stunt involving rock climbing
when I suffered a nasty fall. It took me almost a year to get back into top

The woman chuckled and replied, “You remind me so much of my
son. He was always seeking the next adventure, even as a small boy. It wasn’t
enough for him to be a warrior. No, he had to travel the galaxy and pilot his
own ship while searching the worlds for new thrills and danger, just like his

A prickling of unease traveled up Mahoney’s spine as the
woman finished her procedure and placed the device back in a charging station.
“Your son is a pilot, as well as a warrior?”

Removing her tinted goggles, the woman faced her with eerily
familiar icy green eyes. “I realize I have been remiss in introducing myself,
as usually happens when I get absorbed in my work. My name is Ax’Sandre
R’Varsel. Not only am I the chief medical officer, but I am Mikael’s mother.”

Chapter Fourteen


Mahoney paced the floor of her room nervously. It was close
to 7 o’clock and almost time for her to have dinner with Mikael in his
quarters. Her stomach was a fluttering mess of nerves, and she twitched and
straightened her clothes over and over. Jessica, who had been conspicuously
absent the rest of the day, had arrived an hour ago and insisted on helping her
replicate the perfect outfit. Much to Mahoney’s consternation, Jessica chose a
black, one-shouldered dress that cinched at the waist of a skirt that was gauzy
and fluttery and stopped a few inches above her knee. She then paired it with
black, peep-toed heels and a silver bangle for her wrist. Mahoney had showered,
shaved with the help of the hi-tech laser, and brushed her hair until it was
sleek and shiny, and Jessica had helped her apply light makeup to enhance her
Japanese ancestry.

She had almost changed her mind about going after
discovering Mikael’s mother was on board the ship. She was mortified that she
had discussed STDs with her, but had found that Ax’Sandre was a refreshing mix
of candor and maternal guidance. She had encouraged Mahoney to give her son a
chance to explain about their laws without pressuring her into divulging
details of their encounters.

With a deep breath for courage, she left her room and
followed Jarvis’ directions to Mikael’s quarters. She stood outside his door
and debated whether or not to go in, but the choice was taken out of her hands
when the door slid open. The room was pleasantly low-lit with the flicker of
candlelight and soft, classical music played from hidden speakers. She walked
further inside his spacious apartment until she rounded a corner and came to a
shocked stand-still.

In the middle of an open space, there was a table draped with
a starched, white tablecloth and there were lit candles and a bottle of wine
chilling an ice bucket. There were also two plates with silver domes covering
them, and the delicious aroma of seared steak scented the air.

The most astonishing sight, however, was Mikael himself. He
stood before the table looking devilishly handsome wearing creased, black
slacks and a white button-down shirt opened at the nape of his neck, and there
were shiny, wingtip shoes on his feet. His hair was tamed and slicked back, and
his beard was groomed and trimmed. Mahoney’s mouth went dry at the sight of him
with his muscles outlined in the fabric as if he stepped off the pages of
In his large hand, he was holding a single Stargazer lily.

Apparently, she had been silent for too long, because he
shifted his stance uncomfortably, and said, “Did I do it wrong? Command assured
me that this was the acceptable atmosphere and clothing for such an occasion
according to your Earth database.”

Mahoney shook herself out of her daze and replied quickly,
“No, everything looks perfect. I’m just surprised, is all.”

Relief swept over his face, transforming him into a
roguishly handsome man. His long legs ate up the distance between them, and he
handed her the flower before bending down to brush a kiss along her cheek. “You
look stunning, Katsuko. Never have I seen a woman as beautiful as you.”

She fought off the uncharacteristic blush, and smiled at his
compliment. “Thank you, Mikael. You look quite fetching yourself.”

With a solid, warm hand against her lower back, he led her
over to the table and held her chair for her as she sat. He picked up the wine
bottle and poured a glass of fragrant, deep red wine and handed it to her.
“Thank you for accepting my invitation. I have given you no reason to trust me
or my actions, yet you came anyway. I am humbled by your presence.”

She took a hesitant sip of the wine, and then a larger one,
when the flavor burst across her tongue with a mix of dark chocolate, cherries,
and the smoky accent of aged wood. “I almost didn’t come,” she admitted. “But I
have to admit that I am intrigued by you.”

He took his seat and faced her across the table. His
hauntingly pale eyes were full of heat and appreciation. “I wish to give you
the explanation for your capture that is long past due while we eat. If you
wish to remain with me afterwards, we will continue this ‘date’. Jessica
MacGregor has been very forthcoming with the proper way of things regarding
courting rituals for your race.”

She smiled wryly and shook her head. “I should have known
she had a hand in this. Thank you for the effort you put into planning this.”

He smiled like a pleased teenager at her compliment. “Come.
Let us eat while we talk,” he offered, leaning over to remove the dome from her

Their dinner looked and smelled divine. The plate held a
juicy steak, medium rare, with a side of grilled asparagus and a baked potato
dripping with butter. Her mouth flooded with saliva and she wasted no time in
cutting a piece of the meat and popping it into her mouth. She moaned as the
juice and rich, meaty flavor suffused her taste buds. It was tender, flavorful,
and perfectly seasoned.

Her enjoyment was interrupted when Mikael said, “Katsuko, if
you continue to make those noises, we will not make it through our meal.”

Her heart pounded at the look of predatory lust in his eyes.
She smiled a knowing smile, and responded, “I make no promises. This is the
best steak I’ve ever eaten.”

He swallowed roughly and dropped his gaze back to his own
meal. He cleared his throat, and began to speak. “Command has relayed to me all
that he has told you of our home world of T’Kala, so I know that you are
familiar with our young king, Korian Ak’Falin and our ruling class of nobles. Do
you remember me telling you that the nobles were very enamored with Earth’s
entertainment broadcasts?” At her nod of agreement, he continued. “They have
recently become obsessed with a popular Earth movie about a young, beautiful
officer of your laws that becomes the target of a demented killer. I have not
seen it myself, but it has been quite popular among the nobles of our world.”

A lightbulb went off of her head. “Oh, my God. You’re
talking about
Taking Heat
, aren’t you? That was the first movie that
made Jessica a star. We met on the set of that movie when I was her stunt
double for some of the action scenes,” she explained.

“Yes, that is the name. In order to give more context to
this tale, I must explain the situation we are currently facing on our world.
T’Kala has never had a king so young as King Korian. Our rulers usually live
long and rule for generations. However, the former king, Korian’s father, was
killed in combat along with my own father during a brief invasion by a hostile
species called the Warfarers. While our forces were ultimately successful in defeating
the scourge, we lost many of our seasoned warriors and our king,” he explained.

“I am sorry for the loss of your father, Mikael. I, too, am
the child of a military man and am well aware of the danger and threat of
losing your loved ones too soon to war,” she added, her eyes full of

Mikael nodded in acknowledgment of her statement. “My
died bravely in defense of our world, as did our king. They are with
the stars now and are enjoying their rest. Unfortunately, these events gave an
opportunity for the dissenters among the nobles to stir up unrest among the
people. They wish to dethrone Korian and place their own candidate on the
throne, one who will be easily swayed and controlled by the ruling class. The
people of my world are nervous and do not have the confidence in Korian’s
ability to rule, so the nobles are gaining influence at an alarming rate.”

Mahoney’s eyebrows lowered in confusion. “That sounds very
similar to what has happened in our world’s history for thousands of years. How
does this pertain to Jessica, though?”

“Korian is a young warrior, fresh out of training. He had
not expected to claim the throne for at least another 20 years. Our royalty is
descended from a long line of warriors, and they lead T’Kala with a firm hand.
The aristocracy is made up primarily of wealthy families who live for intrigue,
power, control, and political jostling. Many of them believe that they should
control the kingdom and that the age of a warrior king has passed. They feel
that now is the time to strike while the new king is young and inexperienced.
They plan to take the throne for themselves and relegate warriors to mere foot
soldiers. What Korian needs is to buy time to figure out who is behind the coup
and the best way to achieve that is a distraction,” he finished.

Her eyes widened in understanding. “That’s why he sent you
to get Jessica. What’s more distracting than a celebrity from another world in
their midst?”

“Exactly. You need not fear for her safety, because she will
be treated like a visiting dignitary with all the comfort and luxury that
position affords. While the nobles are distracted with her presence, his
trusted advisors will be able to move quickly to ferret out the source of the
coup and contain it. At least, that is our plan,” he amended before popping the
last bite of his steak in his mouth.

“Wait. You just said ‘our’ plan. Are you part of this? And
what will happen to Jessica when all this political maneuvering is completed?”
she asked, pushing her empty plate away.

Mikael studied her shrewdly, then answered, “Yes, I am the
senior guard for the king, just as my father was before me. It was my idea to
use the nobles’ vices against them in the hopes that it will buy us the time we
need.” He stopped and took a deep drink of his wine. He paused, as if hesitant
to continue before he spoke again. “In order to understand the rules governing
the taking of captives, I fear I must give you one more history lesson. There
is an ancient and honored custom on our world that started with the first
warrior king. During his travels to other planets seeking alliances, he came
across a beautiful woman from the planet Balanx. His hoped-for alliance with Balanx
fell through, and they had to vacate quickly. However, he was so taken with the
beautiful young woman that he kidnapped her. As you well understand, she was
furious and demanded to be returned. The king wanted her badly, so he struck a
bargain with her. If she would give him one month’s time to win her heart, he
would return her to her home if she did not wish to stay. If she chose to remain
with him, he would claim her as his lifemate and she would be granted full
rights and citizenship on T’Kala.”

Hope and dread mixed in her heart and caused her hand to
shake when she lifted her wine glass. “What did she choose?”

He smiled wickedly and arched an eyebrow. “Her marriage
painting still hangs in the palace to this day. She was a revered and
celebrated queen.”

Mahoney’s mind scrambled to put the pieces of his tale
together. “So you’re saying that if Jessica wants to return home at the end of
a month, she will be taken back to Earth?”

He nodded soberly. “Not just Jessica, my little warrior.
That law applies to you, as well.”

Chapter Fifteen


Mahoney’s breath whooshed out of her in a rush. “I’m not a
prisoner, then, or a slave? I get to make the decision on whether I get to go
home or stay?”

His face was an impenetrable mask. “Yes, at the end of a
month’s time.”

“Why can’t you just take us back now? What if we don’t want
to wait for a month to return home?” she asked, pushing her chair back to

He tossed his napkin down on the table and stood to join
her. “As a warrior sworn to the king, I cannot disobey his command. I must take
Jessica to our world; I have no choice. But for you, Katsuko,” he added,
closing the distance between them and taking her into his arms. “If you demand
it, I will turn the ship back around and take you back to Earth after I have
delivered Jessica to the king. I do not wish to let you go, but I will, if it
is what you want. I can deny you nothing.”

Her heart melted under his sincere, husky words. She allowed
him to pull her into his chest and hold her close. Her arms made their way
around his waist of their own accord, and her head rested against his hard chest.
“I can’t leave Jessica behind, and I think you know that. I will stay with her
and watch over her, and then we will return together when the month is out.”

Mikael’s body flexed under her cheek, but his voice was
moderate when he replied, “If that is your wish, then it will be so. However, I
have 28 more days to try and change your mind.” His hand came up to stroke her
hair and his voice was thick with emotion when he said, “One thing you must
know, my Katsuko. Should you ultimately decide to return to Earth, you will
remember none of this. Your planet is not yet advanced enough to join the Great
Alliance, and must be kept ignorant of our existence until such time as they
are capable of joining. We will be forced to modify your memory and remove all
traces of your experiences while you were gone from your own world.”

Mahoney closed her eyes against the heart-wrenching thought
of losing even the memory of Mikael’s touch. He was infuriating, arrogant, and
high-handed. He was also tender, fair, strong, and sexy as hell. “I understand,
Mikael,” she whispered, her body molding against his. “Since we have so little
time left together, I think we should make the most of it. What’s next for our
date that you had planned?”

He stepped away from her, took her hand, and led her over to
a large space that had been cleared of his desk and chair which were now against
the wall. He came to stop with her and called out, “Command, initiate protocol

Romantic date

“Affirmative,” the computer replied.

With a soft
, large window panels at least four
feet tall and six feet wide slid open to reveal a breathtaking view of space.
The lights of the room dimmed even more, allowing the illumination from
billions of stars to filter over them like a disco ball. Mahoney’s hand drifted
up to her mouth as she watched the twinkling lights and burning trails of
comets, shooting stars, and glowing orbs of passing planets. So engrossed in
the sight was she, that she jumped when the soft strains of a guitar began to
play in the background.

“Katsuko Mahoney,” Mikael whispered in her ear. “May I have
this dance?”

No words were necessary as she slipped into his solid
embrace and wrapped her hands around his neck. She blinked back sudden tears as
the song began to play and he led their bodies in a gentle sway. “This is
in a Bottle
by Jim Croce. How did you know this was my favorite song?”

He pulled her in closer against him and ran his big hands up
and down her sides and over her back. “Jessica told me. She said that this was
your father’s favorite singer.”

She nodded mutely, not trusting herself to speak. They swayed
to the music while their hands roamed and caressed each other under the lights
of the stars. Mahoney could tell he was unpracticed in the art of dancing, but
she didn’t care as long as his body was pressed against hers.

When the song stopped, Mikael murmured, “I like this song
very much. Perhaps this singer was a T’Kalan warrior, for I understand what he
means when he sings, ‘
I’d save every day like a treasure and then, again, I
would spend them with you

Mahoney stared up into his face, her heart swelling with
emotion. She waited in breathless anticipation as his head lowered towards
hers, but grew impatient and rose up on her tiptoes to meet him halfway. Their
lips met with soft, exploratory kisses that grew firmer, deeper, and hungrier.
He traced her bottom lip with his tongue, and when she opened for him, he
slipped inside her mouth to taste her sweetness. Mahoney hummed in pleasure,
relishing the taste of wine on his lips, and fed him her passion through every
breath they exchanged.

Mikael dragged his mouth away from hers reluctantly, and
said, “If you wish, we can proceed to the viewing area for an Earth movie now.
Jessica gave me a list of your favorites.”

Mahoney shook her head in the negative, ran her hands up
over the soft fabric of his shirt, and whispered, “I’d rather you took me to
your bed, Commander.”

His face broke into a panty-dropping smile. Reaching down
with one arm, he hooked her under her legs, scooped her up into his arms, and
began to stride across the room. “As my lady wishes.”

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