Fighting Chance (10 page)

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Authors: Paulette Oakes

BOOK: Fighting Chance
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Chapter Sixteen


Soft music continued to play in the background as Mikael set
Mahoney on her feet next to his warrior-sized bed. Their lips found each other
again when he cradled her face in his big hands and claimed her mouth with a
ravenous kiss. Mahoney’s hands were busy, too, by sliding the buttons of his
shirt free and exposing the hard, cut muscles of his chest to her hands. She
broke away from him to catch her breath and tug at the offending garment

A breathy chuckle escaped from his mouth. “Patience, my
little warrior. We have all night to explore each other.”

She continued to pull the shirt from him and tossed it to
the floor. “Yeah, well, we have a saying where I come from. A little less talk,
and a lot more action.”

His laugh was loud and booming, causing her own smile to
blossom over her face. Impulsively, she reached up to cup his jaw in her hand.
His beard was soft under her palm and she traced her thumb over the sharp angle
of his cheekbone. “You should laugh more often, Commander. I like the sound of

He sobered quickly, his gaze searching hers intently. “I
have not had a reason to be joyous until I met you, Katsuko.”

Their lips met again, with more urgency this time, and
Mikael took advantage of his position to run his palms up her thighs, dragging
her skirt along in their wake. When he reached her hips, he slid his hands
further back to cup the swell of her bare bottom in his hands. An appreciative
hum vibrated from his lips to hers as he hooked his thumbs in the tiny string
around her waist and found out it was connected to a another string snuggled
between the cheeks of her ass.

Breaking free from her kiss, he dropped to his knees before
her. His eyes met hers again and he never broke contact as he started his journey
all over again up her lean, muscled legs until he grasped the thong underwear
in his hands and dragged them down to pool around her heeled shoes. His lips
took up where his hands left off as he trailed hot, wet kisses up the inside of
her thighs until his head disappeared under her skirt.

Her heart was beating a fast tattoo against her ribs as he
got closer to his goal. She could feel her sex heating, swelling, and crying
out for his touch. Her soft pants for breath turned into a groan when she felt
him run his tongue in a long, wet lap from her core straight up to her clit and
then back down again. Her legs were trembling, but the sight of the big warrior
half hidden by her dress nearly drove her wild. He kissed, licked, and suckled
at her lips, stopping to dip his tongue inside to draw down more of her wetness
before he zeroed in on the tight bundle of nerves with renewed fervor.

“Please, Mikael,” she begged. “I’m going to collapse if you
keep this up.”

His head reappeared from beneath her skirt and she ran her
fingers through his hair. “I will always catch if you fall, sweet one,” he
answered her, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

Gently, he pushed her backward until she sat at the end of
his bed. Very carefully, he lifted each of her feet and patiently worked the
buckles with his blunt fingers until each shoe fell to the floor. Next, he
unfastened the belt at her waist, and then slowly rucked her dress up her body
until it came off over her head. His eyes were riveted on her chest where her
breasts sat high and firm, tipped with hardened points.

“Mmm, like ripened
berries,” he breathed,
leaning in for a taste. “My favorite dessert.”

Her hands traced the contours of his shoulders while he
feasted on her breasts. His lips and teeth worshiped the little tip until she
cried out. He switched sides and drew her deep into his mouth and suckled her
with strong pulls and flicks of his tongue while she held his head to her
chest. Her body was on fire with need, twisting and churning, desperate to have

Mikael released her breast reluctantly and gazed up into her
face. “Lay back and let me take care of you.”

She was dizzy from want of him, and readily complied.
Lifting each of her legs, he draped them over his shoulders and buried his face
in her honeyed warmth. He feasted on her flesh, humming with pleasure, as he
drank her essence. Mahoney whined when he pulled his tongue from its teasing
dance around her clit, but sucked in a sharp breath when she felt two of his
fingers slide inside her sheath until they could go no further. Slowly, he
dragged them back down before plunging them into her again. He kept his pace
steady and firm as his mouth lowered to torment her clit with laps of his
tongue and suckling from his lips.

Mahoney couldn’t hold back the groans and cries of “Yes!
Faster, Mikael!” and “Please, please, please!” Her body was in delicious
torment, arching off the bed and reaching for the promise of completion that
seemed to hover just out of reach. As if he knew she was teetering on the brink,
he curled his fingers toward the front wall of her abdomen and pressed on the
bundle of nerves he knew would be there while his tongue ran circles around and
over her clit. Mahoney grabbed fists full of the bedding and hung on as she
raced up the peak he relentless drove her towards. With one final push of his
fingers, she fractured into a million pieces and cried out while her body
convulsed with wave after wave of blinding ecstasy.

Mikael eased back on his ministrations, his licks becoming
softer and less focused as her body began to relax and her voice quieted into
soft moans. Gently, carefully, he slid his fingers from her core that continued
to pulse and grip him as if trying to pull him back inside. With a final kiss
to her delicate lips, he stood to his feet and began to strip the rest of his
clothing from his body.

Mahoney’s body was limp with satisfaction, yet her core
still pulsed with need. She watched with appreciation as Mikael’s body flexed
and moved as he bent to pull his pants and shoes off and a sizzle of heat
traveled up her body when he stood naked before her. His shaft was long and
swollen, bobbing with impatience, and she reached out her hand to run her
fingertips over it and tracing the veins that ran from base to tip.

“I need you, Mikael,” she whispered, longing and desire
making her voice husky.

His eyes darkened with lust. Bending down to the bed, he
eased his arms under her body and moved her upwards to recline against the
pillows. He followed her down to the bed and eased his way between her thighs.
Mahoney wrapped her legs around his lean hips and pulled his face to hers for a
long, drugging kiss. Her hips slid over his hardness, seeking to give him
entrance, but he continued to feast on her lips and run his hands through the silk
of her hair.

,” she groaned into his mouth while
her hands roamed down his back and pulled at him in desperation.

“As my lady wishes,” he breathed into her ear.

Fisting his shaft in one hand, he lined it up with her core
and eased his way inside. His breath hissed out followed by a groan as he
steadily slid inside until he could go no further. When his hips were flush
with hers, he dropped his head to the pillow next to her face and groaned, “So
wet…so hot. The stars have blessed me with the gift of your body.”

Mahoney fought off the tears building behind her eyes and
blinked rapidly to prevent their falling. Instead, she dug her heels into the
clenched muscles of his ass and forced him yet deeper inside her. He took her
hint and began to move, sliding out of her body until the crown of his shaft
kissed her entrance, and then plunged back in to the deepest recesses of her
channel. He continued his slow, steady thrusts, never giving in to her demand
for more, until she was writhing underneath him, panting and moaning, and
demanding ever more of him.

Mikael could feel his control slipping the death grip he
held on it. Her body was too lush, too tight, too slick to continue his
torturously slow thrusts. Mahoney broke his control when she leaned up to sink
her teeth into the cords of his neck with a firm grip before letting go to
swipe her tongue across the stinging skin. With a growl of impatience, his hips
slammed into hers causing a wail of pleasure to erupt from her lips. His pace
grew quicker, harder, and her body rose up to meet him equally. Her sheath
gripped him and squeezed, demanding his release, but he resisted until she
could join him.

To that end, he broke free from her embrace and rose to his
knees. He continued his punishing assault on her core and added his thumb with
firm pressure against the swollen bundle of nerves above where his shaft
stretched her open. Almost immediately, Mahoney came apart underneath him, her
body arching into rigid lines as her climax claimed her. Mikael followed her
with a harsh groan, his hips snapping in jerky movements as he released his
seed inside her.

His body slumped over top of hers, but he caught himself on
his forearms before he could crush her beneath his weight. Their breaths were
ragged and their chests heaved for air, but Mikael couldn’t keep from nuzzling
the graceful column of her neck and sneaking his tongue out for a taste of the
salty moisture beaded there. Her hands were trailing lazily along his back with
no destination in mind, simply enjoying the journey of discovering each line
and muscle under her fingertips.

“Did I harm you with my passion, Katsuko?” he whispered in
her ear, his tone anxious.

A sultry, satisfied chuckle pressed her breasts deeper into
his chest. “No, Mikael. I have never felt better in my life.”

Chapter Seventeen


It was past midnight and they lay together in his bed,
sweaty and replete after coming together yet again. Mikael was on his back with
Mahoney’s head resting on his chest and her leg thrown over his. His breath had
begun to deepen, signaling his body’s descent into sleep, but she was too wired
to join him.

“Mikael?” she whispered, tracing circles through the dusting
of hair on his chest.

He stirred at the sound of her voice and rolled over to pull
her into his chest and flush against his body. “Yes, my sweet one?”

“I met your mother today,” she announced, smiling against
his chest.

He hummed a sleepy noise and replied, “I assumed as much
since your injuries were healed. Did my
behave herself?”

She nodded her head. “Yes, of course. She was quite
wonderful, actually. I was wondering, if you don’t mind my asking, why is her
appearance so different from other T’Kalan females I have seen?

His hands moved over the dips and curves of her body while
he answered. “That is because she is only half T’Kalan. Her mother, my
is a human female from Earth.”

Mahoney’s head popped up to look him in the eyes in
surprise. “What? How is that possible? And you said she
human, not
She is still alive and living on T’Kala?”

His chest rumbled with laughter. “Of course she is, Katsuko.
With the technological advances we gained through The Great Alliance, life
spans have been greatly increased, most in part due to cellular regeneration
through corrective treatment.”

“How did she get there? Did your grandfather kidnap her,
too?” she asked, her voice full of indignation.

He smoothed his hand over her hair and replied, “Calm
yourself, little warrior, and I will tell you her tale.” When she reluctantly laid
her head back on his chest, he continued. “Humans have been abducted from your
planet for thousands of years, and not just by my people. It has been a rarer
occurrence of late, thanks to intervention from The Great Alliance, but it
still happens from time to time by those willing to risk it. My
was also a captain of a starship, and he had been forced to stop for refueling
at a seedy planet known for black market trading. While he was purchasing
supplies, he noticed that an illegal slave auction was in progress. His
attention was captured by a spirited human female that was fighting her handler
as he led her to the platform. Even in the midst of unfamiliar aliens and the
threat of being sold as a slave, she cursed and fought like a wild
He was immediately taken with her fiery spirit. Though it cost him most of his
savings, he purchased the human and brought her back to T’Kala.”

Mahoney’s eyebrows lowered in consternation. “Did your
grandfather give her the same deal you offered to me?”

His chest rose and fell with sigh. “As I have explained to
you before, that is the law on my world. Whether a captive is taken or
purchased, they must be returned to their home world at the end of a month if
they so choose it. Thankfully, she did not choose to. My
is a
wonderful woman and her
filled with
berry jam
will make you moan louder than I do,” he teased her.

She pinched his chest in payment before asking, “That sounds
a lot like pancakes. What country on Earth does your grandmother hail from?”

“She was born and raised in a country called Norway. My
siblings and I grew up at her knee listening to tales of the Norse gods and
goddesses. My favorite tales were those about the Valkyries, choosers of the
slain warriors in battle. They escorted their spirits to the halls of Valhalla
where they would serve the warriors mead and help them prepare for Ragnarok. As
you can imagine, these stories greatly appealed to a young boy eager to begin
his warrior training,” he explained, his tone full of fond memories.

They were silent for a time, but Mikael spoke again, rousing
Mahoney out of a pleasant drowse. “Speaking of warrior training, I would like
to ask you something,” he announced cautiously.

Knowing she would fall asleep if she continued to snuggle
against his warmth, she lifted her body to a sitting position. “What is it?”
she asked, curious and suspicious at once.

With his arms now empty of her soft body, Mikael pulled them
behind his head to brace himself up. “I was hoping that you would consider
working with my warriors until you decide if you will stay or not. Your skills
are new to us and we could greatly benefit from your instruction in matters of
evasion and speed.”

Her eyebrows climbed up her forehead. “Really? Do you think
they would be open to receiving training strategies from a woman? I’d be glad
to help, as much as I’m able, but many of these techniques took me years to
learn and to master. I’m still learning myself, especially when it comes to
Krav Maga and Jui Jitsu.”

His lips twisted into a wry grin. “Since last eve, I have
had no less than ten different warriors asking me when you will return for training.
Some of the older warriors, like Zandar, may take more convincing, but the
young ones are eager to learn and have been begging me for access to the Earth
database so they may seek more information and training videos. It will keep
them busy for the next 12 days until we arrive at T’Kala, and give them some
time to learn new skills. Will you consider this, Katsuko?”

Her heart swelled with pride and excitement. From the moment
she met Mikael, he had never belittled or doubted her skills as a honed fighter.
His faith in her abilities and the trust he was bestowing on her to teach his
warriors was humbling.

Grabbing his hand, she brought it to her mouth for a quick
kiss. “I would be honored to work with them and train alongside them. Thank you
for this opportunity, Mikael. It means the world to me.”

Reaching out to her, he dragged her down to his chest and
bent his head for a fierce, passionate kiss. “It is you who do me the honor,
Katsuko. However, I have some moves of my own that I could share with you now,
if you like.”

Her eyes danced with amusement. “As you wish, my lord,” she
purred before leaning back in for another taste of his lips.

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