Fighting for her Mate: Shape Shifter Paranormal Romance (Sassy Mates Book 5) (3 page)

BOOK: Fighting for her Mate: Shape Shifter Paranormal Romance (Sassy Mates Book 5)
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As Rocco lay back with the women, he said, “I thought you’d say that.”

Caleb didn’t like the smug sneer on his uncle’s face. He kept reminding himself he would leave for college in a few months and never come back to this house.

He opened his bedroom door then closed it quickly, locking it. His finger punched the power button on his radio then a sickly sweet scent hit his nose.

Behind him, women poured out of the en suite bathroom. This invasion of his privacy pissed him off, big time. But he would play the gentleman and not yell or hurt anyone in the process of getting them out.

The gaggle of naked women pushed and grabbed at him. Hands were everywhere on his body, feeling, rubbing, squeezing. He politely knocked away reaching arms, but when one was gone, another took its place.

The women pushed him backward until his legs hit the bed and they shoved him back onto the mattress. He’d reached the point he didn’t care if he hurt someone or not. He put as much of his young alpha as he could into his voice. “Out now. Get out of my room.”

The women ran for the door. There was a moment of chaos as they tried to unlock the knob, everyone pushing and crowding against the door.

Finally alone, he threw a large duffle bag onto his bed and shoved in clothes, personals, a few pictures of his parents, and anything else he wanted to keep. This would be his last time he’d ever be under this roof—so he hoped at that time.

On his way through the living room, his uncle jumped up, again throwing females off him. “Caleb, stop!”

Caleb’s hand fisted as he turned. “I have nothing to say to you except watch your back. I’m the rightful alpha and I will come back to claim my birthright.”

Unexpectedly, Rocco plowed into him, leaving a hole in the drywall. “If you whisper a word about what goes on in this house, your mate may find herself in danger when you’re not around to save her.”

Caleb had the final word with a punch to his uncle’s face. He might have been younger and not near Rocco’s size, but he wasn’t going down quietly. During his four years of college, he never returned to the house.

He stayed at a cabin his father had built for his mother as her private space on the edge of the property. Even Rocco didn’t know where it was. Throughout his time in college, Caleb had grown into his body and his animal. He wasn’t afraid and wasn’t letting Rocco continue to take advantage of his people.





“Who wants more wine?” Ellie held a red bottle in the air, waving it side to side. The girls and Ellie’s mom gathered in the main house for a bit of men bashing before everyone sat down to Sunday dinner. Man, she loved these women. They were the best friends anyone could ask for. She glanced at Jordan and smiled.

A few years ago, Jordan would’ve been sitting here mindlessly daydreaming of Aric, now she was mated to him and finally living the happy life Ellie wanted for all her friends.

Nicole raised her glass. “I will. I’m not driving. Oh, wait. I’m a wolf now. I don’t have to worry about that anymore.” She laughed at herself. “None of us do, right, Barbara?”

Barbara glanced at Karla. “It depends. Has our mama busted out her fur, yet?”

Karla blushed. “Not in the way you’re meaning.”

“What other way is there?” Emma asked with a confused look on her face.

Ellie laughed. She knew her brothers way too well. They were horny little fuckers. “Let’s just say Jake has always been more creative than Mason when it came to their imaginations.”

“You mean—” Emma’s mouth hung open. “No stinking way. I’m am so going shopping before going home tonight. How late do
type of stores stay open on Sunday?”

“The one in the strip center,” Ellie’s mom said, “closes at six.”

Ellie shook her head and closed her eyes. She tried to shut off the image that popped into her head of her mother shopping at that toy store in Vegas. “Mom, I don’t even want to know how you know that.”

“Please, Ellie,” her mom said, rolling her eyes. “Must we have this discussion again? How do you think
were born?”

“Mom!” Ellie’s hands slapped over her ears. “TMI. I was delivered by a stork. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Perhaps it was childish, considering how much Ellie loved sex with Caleb, but what she didn’t want to think about was her parents doing it. Ever. It was easy to be open about sexuality around everyone, but her mom was…her mom. Parents having sex was so…not the image she wanted.

Karla laughed. “That’s what Nate always says. He can be such a dunce.”

Jordan glanced at her watch. “Barbara, when are the guys supposed to be here?”

“Tristan texted saying they were on their way.”

Ellie poured the last of the red wine into Nic’s glass, then turned to her mother with a curious look. “Did Dad say if Caleb was coming? Last I talked to him, he wasn’t sure.”

Her mom gave her sympathetic smile. “He didn’t say. We’ll have to wait and see.”

Ellie let out a long sigh and set the bottle on the coffee table in the middle of the chairs and sofa. Emma eyed her. “Are you and Caleb still having troubles? I thought since you two secretly married—thanks for the invite, there, Ellie—things would’ve gotten better.”

“I thought so, too.” Ellie plopped into her oversized plush seat. “But until this thing with Rocco is done, I don’t think we’ll be normal.”

Karla looked up, worried. “Nate has been with Caleb a lot again hunting for rogue wolves. He comes home every night with torn clothes and scratches on his face. I’m getting worried he may get really hurt one of these nights.”

Ellie clenched her jaw and sighed with frustration. “Caleb says he’s waiting for the right time, but I don’t know anymore. I think he thinks by taking out the rogues, the final battle won’t injure as many people. He knows Rocco is taunting our pack, but I don’t know why Rocco would want to bother us.”

Her mom abruptly stood and hurried out of the room. All eyes watched her walk out then flipped to Ellie.

Jordan raised her brows and motioned with her head toward where her mom had gone. “Is everything all right with Barbara?”

Ellie shrugged. “I don’t know. Ever since the scenting ritual, she’s been really tense. You’d think having all her sons mated and getting three grandchildren in one shot would have mellowed her, but she’s gotten quieter and quieter instead.”

“Well, that explains that.” Jordan pursed her lips. “I couldn’t imagine living with all your brothers after all the stuff that’s happened since the scenting ritual. I thought Aric alone would drive me crazy. He’s calmed down a bit since getting back from the honeymoon.”

Lael sat quietly, nursing her glass of wine. Since the night of the attack behind Mason’s bar, Emma had been thinking of a way to include her. On her own accord, Lael was endangering her health by using her Wiccan powers to keep an eye on the future of the pack. When Emma suggested they invite her over, everyone thought it was a great idea. Ellie liked Lael and having her as part of the ladies’ night had been a good move.

“I don’t think it’s your brothers that’s bothering your mother, Ellie.” Lael’s eyes glazed over for a second. “There’s darkness in her past the fates were able to save her from. That darkness would have consumed everyone here. Now, it lingers over the pack.” Her cheeks warmed and she dropped her chin to her chest. “Sorry, Ellie. I didn’t mean to pry into your mother’s life. Sometimes my powers decide to do their own thing.”

She gaped at Lael. She knew the witch was powerful, but damn, this was something she hadn’t expected. Her mother was keeping something from her. “I don’t have a problem, but she might. What darkness do you see?”

Lael chewed on her lip. “You should ask your mom. It’s not my place. I should not have said anything.”

Jordan gave Ellie a glance that spoke volumes and sat her wine glass on the table. “Lael, we can’t thank you enough for what you’re putting yourself through for our pack’s safety. I didn’t know what you are capable of and how it affected you until you passed out when Emma was attacked behind the bar.” The others agreed.

“Thank you,” she replied. “It’s my honor to be chosen as the one to protect your kind’s species and the role you play in the future.” The others sneaked looks at each other.

Jordan repositioned in her chair and smiled at Lael. Ellie knew that smile. She wanted answers. “What do you mean
our kind’s species and our role in the future

Lael dropped her gaze to the floor. “I’ve said too much. I apologize.” She looked at Ellie. “How’s your training with the enforcer, Mike, coming along?”

Ellie was taken aback at the sudden change in subject. “It’s going great. Once Caleb got over smelling him on me, Caleb’s been happily pushing me to work with the guy. We’re set up on a schedule to train in the gym after the kids have left for the day. I’m definitely more prepared for an attack from any douchebag Rocco sends our way.”

She scanned her friends’ faces. “You all should get training, too. You never know when you’ll need to defend yourself. Especially you, Jordan, since you’re the pack’s next alpha.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right. I’m sure me getting more training would only make Aric happy,” Jordan said. “But this book on the mating ritual is taking up so much time. After I get it published, I’ll look into it. If not with Mike, then maybe a class at one of the women’s shelters.”

All eyes turned to Jordan with excitement and expectation.

“When do you think it will be published?” Emma asked.

“I need to add some pictures—”

“Oh my god,” Emma interjected, “tell me you’re not writing the wolf version of the Kama Sutra.” The group burst into laughter. If Ellie had wine in her mouth, it would’ve come out her nose.

Ellie’s mom’s voice floated into the room. “I heard that. Wait for me before continuing that line of thought.”

“Nope,” Ellie whispered, “we’re changing the topic right now. Not going there with my mother.”

“I heard that, too, spawn of mine.” Everyone laughed.

Ellie rolled her eyes. “Great.” She wracked her brain for anything else to talk about. “Oh, Emma, have Aria and Trevan hooked up yet? We’ve all seen the looks they give each other.”

Emma shook her head. “I know, right? I feel like maybe they need some help or something. They clearly have the hots for each other, but vamps and shifters don’t mix. You know the story about Trevan’s pack being wiped out by vampires—”

Nicole gasped. “Seriously? Holy crap. Talk about twisted fated mates.”

“No doubt,” Emma continued. “That’s the whole issue. He’s having a hard time getting past that species thing. He’d gladly take out every vamp, if someone would let him. But I think he’s starting to see Aria is different,” Emma said. “Seeing her as different, but her still being a vamp is probably messing with his head and his emotions. I mean, he hates them, but he probably can’t help wanting her. I don’t care what either of them say, those two are meant to be together.”

“Do you think they’ll get together? Trevan seems like a nice guy,” Jordan said. “That would be some love story. Vampire and wolf.”

Emma gave a sad shake of her head. “Right now, Aria is supposedly engaged to the leader of the southern vamp clan. They’re supposed to get bonded or married to bring the two groups together. But she never talks about the guy. I’ve never seen him around. And no one has ever mentioned his name that I know of. Very strange, that group.”

Barbara entered the room. “Okay, back to Kama Sutra. What page?” She held up a thick paperback book.

Ellie groaned and the others howled in laughter.





Lael watched the women interact. She enjoyed the camaraderie and bond they shared. It went past blood. This family was stronger than anything physical. All was right in the world of the Wolfes, until Ellie’s mom decided to share her sex life. At that moment, a baby’s cry cut through the air.

Ellie sighed. “Saved by the screaming baby bell. Thank god.”

Karla hopped to her feet, as did Lael. “Karla, may I see the babies? I hear they’re adorable.”

“Absolutely. Come on back with me. We’ll see who’s fussy. Be right back, ladies.” Lael followed Karla down the hall to the new nursery Tristan put in so there was no excuse for his grandbabies not to come over any time.

Karla opened the door to see three sets of eyes patiently waiting. “Well, now that one of you woke the rest, I guess you all want to get up, hmm?” Karla stood at the crib with all three lying in content.

Lael raised a brow. “Is it safe to have all three in the same bed? Doesn’t that pose some kind of danger?” She realized how that might come across as intrusive and rude so she winced. “Not that I know; I don’t have kids or anything.”

Karla checked their diapers. “When we brought them home from the hospital, we put each in their own cribs. And they all cried and cried. Nate and I were at our wit’s end. Then, one time, he put them all in one crib to change their diapers and they instantly stopped crying. We figured it was a sibling thing where they wanted to be together. I’m sure you’ve heard that kind of story before.”

Lael nodded. “Yeah, I’ve seen shows on TV that talk about twins and triplets having an uncommon bond other siblings don’t have. It’s like they know what the others are thinking or when the other is hurt. That kinda thing. What are their names?”

Karla reached down and grabbed the toes of a little one. “This is Matthew. He’s the oldest by five seconds.” She blew kissy faces at the boy and Lael was shocked to see the baby gurgle at his mom. Karla grabbed a second little foot. “This is Michael. He’s the second baby. And in front of you is our little girl, Madison.”

Lael smiled and brushed a finger down the child’s bare leg. “I could tell she was a girl, even though she doesn’t have any hair like the others. She will be special.”

Karla’s head snapped up, worry evident in her gaze. “What do you mean by special?”

Lael slapped a hand over her heart. “I’m sorry, Karla. I didn’t mean she’d need special care, but that she will be like no wolf in the pack. She will possess abilities others do not. Those talents need to be exercised and celebrated and not suppressed. To stomp out creativeness is to kill the soul.”

A relieved smile spread over Karla’s face. “I’ll keep that in mind.” Lael gave a nod saying that’s all she could ask for. She reached in and wiggled the feet of the little girl. “They’re so cute. Have they shifted into their wolves?”

Karla shook her head and tickled the second boy’s tummy. He blew bubbles at her. “Barbara said they won’t be able to shift for a while. Something about them being too young to understand their other side. It’s like the wolf’s soul half hasn’t joined yet with the baby’s. They have several years to go. Barb said this was a safety measure so they don’t accidentally shift and not be able to shift back.”

Lael stared at Madison. Worry grew in the pit of her stomach. “Wow, I wouldn’t have ever known that. Interesting.”

Karla looked around the room. “Do you see the baby bag?” Lael joined in the search.

Lael frowned. “I don’t see anything. Did you leave it in the car?”

Karla sighed and caressed the babies’ heads one more time. “Apparently I left it somewhere. I’ll be right back.”

Lael watched Karla leave the room, then hurried to close the door as quietly as possible. She tiptoed back to the crib and lowered the side rail. She laid a hand on the first infant’s belly. She had to do this for them and hope it helped when the time came.

“Matthew Wolfe, I hereby grant thee the protection of the lupra gods by joining you and your beast’s soul as one. May you grow early in wisdom to start your path toward your destiny. May you live a long and happy life and obey your queen in your mind and heart.”

She quickly laid a hand on Michael. “Michael Wolfe, I hereby grant thee the protection of the lupra gods by joining you and your beast’s soul as one. May you grow early in physical and mental strength to start your path toward your destiny. May you live a long and happy life and obey your queen in your mind and heart.”

When she came to Madison, she went down on one knee. “The Powers that be, I thank you for bestowing upon me the sight and knowledge and honor of blessing our future queen of the sisters.”

Lael stood and placed her hand on Madison’s forehead. “Madison Wolfe, may the light of the Powers fill you, keeping you safe through your trials and tribulations yet to come. May you grow in the knowledge of your people until the day you bring all into the fold as one family. Listen to your brothers’ wisdom and depend upon their strength, for their purpose is to guide you along the pathway to your destiny. May you live a long and happy life and obey the Powers in your mind and heart.”

She raised the crib’s rail and re-opened the door. Karla stepped into the hall, a large bag decorated with cute baby wolves slung over her shoulder.

“I left it in the kitchen when we came in. I swear I’d lose my head if it weren’t attached.”

Lael laughed and took a slow breath. “Well, you have a lot to deal with. You’re doing a way better job than I ever could.”



Karla sighed. It was always hard to wonder if she could possibly be better than her mother. “Barbara ensured me that being a good mother was innate in most women. I’m relieved she’s Grandma. I’m not convinced of my own innate-ness. My mother didn’t do a great job while I was growing up.”

Lael laid a hand on Karla’s shoulder. “You turned out wonderful. You learned to be a great mother by raising yourself along with your two siblings. You know right from wrong and never falter from the path. I
you’ll do a great job.”

Karla held Lael’s look until a noise from one of the children broke the silence. Lael smiled. “I should be going now. My bar shift starts soon and I need to get home and change. It’s great to finally meet and talk with you. Seems like it’s been forever.” With that, the bartender left the room.

Karla turned to the silent babies staring at her. She had a fleeting thought that her children at that moment were hundreds of years old, not weeks. A chill ran down her back. It must’ve been from the feeling Lael gave her. Why did the woman say it seemed like forever since she wanted to meet her? They’d only known about each other’s existence for a few years and she’d seen her here and there, even though they hadn’t really had a chance to have a conversation like tonight.

Lael also felt certain Karla would be a great mom. She looked at her three children with love exploding in her heart. “Well, cutie pies, I hope she knows something I don’t. I’m not that confident. But with your daddy by my side, we’ll do our best.”



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