Fighting for her Mate: Shape Shifter Paranormal Romance (Sassy Mates Book 5) (5 page)

BOOK: Fighting for her Mate: Shape Shifter Paranormal Romance (Sassy Mates Book 5)
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Ellie glanced around the living room as each couple took a chair. These people were her family. She would die trying to protect them. She wondered at the thought that her best friends, those she met at different places at different times in her life, ended up being her brothers’ mates. Like her mom said about the babies, this was destined.

Caleb wrapped his arms around her and she leaned against his chest, she on his lap. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah, fine. I was just thinking about the past and how things turned out for us.” He frowned and turned her around to face him.

“Ellie, I know we haven’t fully mated, and we agreed on that reason, but you’re my life. Don’t forget that in the crazy mess going on.” The fear for her was real in his eyes and she hated it was there to begin with. “I would walk away from the Rahound pack and become a Wolfe if I didn’t know the atrocities my uncle is submitting the pack to. You know I can’t let them suffer.”

She didn’t expect him to and that’s what bothered her most. She didn’t want him to fight this alone, not when he had her to lean on.

He paused and noticed everyone had taken a seat. “We’ll talk about this later.” He kissed her like he wasn’t afraid to show his feelings anymore. When he suggested they secretly get married, she was all over that in a heartbeat.

She knew her mother was upset with their decision, but she kept her feelings to herself. Her mom had spoken several times about what a grand event it would be when the alpha princess wed. She even had her wedding gown preserved so Ellie could wear it. When she was little, they went through magazines to cut out pictures of things they liked and stored them in a shoebox. She wondered if her mom still had it.

When the room quieted, Ellie pushed away from Caleb’s chest. “To be continued later.”

She turned to her dad. “You’re in charge, unless you want me or Aric to talk.” To her surprise, he didn’t reply right away. He looked between Caleb and her.

“Being alpha for the Wolfe pack, I will make the final decisions concerning our pack.” He paused again. “You, my little princess, are now a Rahound and should join with your mate to care for your people.”

Ellie froze with his words. After their impromptu wedding, nothing felt different for her. She slept at the home she grew up in. Still had dinner most nights at home. Still did the same chores she’d been doing since ten years old. They didn’t even wear the rings they exchanged, trying to keep the bond a secret.

But now, the reality of their decision hit her in the face. She was glad she and Caleb married, she wouldn’t have it any other way, but knowing now her life consisted of different responsibilities and a different role, she no longer felt like Daddy’s little girl. She was Daddy’s little kick-ass alpha mate. She should get a cape with that on it.

Her father clapped his hands and sat forward in his recliner, bringing her out of her thoughts. “All right. We have several things we need to talk about as a family. A lot of things are coming to a head or lingering closely behind.” Jake raised his hand. “Yeah, Jake. What is it?”

Jake cleared his throat and adjusted Nicole on his lap. “Dad, we haven’t talked about this and I’m starting to trip because of it.” He paused.

Dad pulled his chin in, confusion clearly on his face. “Well, son, whatever it is, I’m sure we can move it out of your way. No need to injure yourself over a trip hazard.” Giggles and suppressed smiles broke out. Dad looked at Mom. “What did I say?”

She didn’t hide her big smile and loving eyes from him. “Dear, in this case, ‘trip’ means to freak out.”

His brow rose. “I don’t get the correlation: trip, freak out. How do you get one from the other?”

She patted his knee and winked at him. “You don’t, dear. It’s part of the younger generation. It’s okay, though, darling. You’re not expected to know every term out there.”

He sat back, relief on his face. “That explains that.” He turned to Jake. “Okay, Jake. What are you tripping over?”

Jake grinned, clearly ready to mess with their dad, but before he did, their mom answered.

“It’s trip
, dear.”

With an angry huff, Dad crossed his arms over his chest. “How do you know this and I don’t? I thought I kept up with the young ones’ jargon.”

“The boys aren’t teens anymore, dear.” Her mom patted his thick bicep. “Don’t worry. I’ll always be here to translate for you.”

“Dad, forget about it. What’s bothering me is that we haven’t heard anything from the Las Vegas pack. We killed their alpha, for crying out loud. They can’t just let that go, can they? What about the law on whomever kills an alpha takes their place?”

Aric sat forward and looked at his father. “Dad, if I may?” His father nodded. “I talked extensively with Jaxon about this yesterday. I haven’t had time to talk with you all yet.”

“Who’s Jaxon?” Karla asked.

“Jaxon Gold. He’s the alpha for the Golden Falls pack in Vegas. He and his pack were at Nicole’s parents’ house to help us when Harris attacked. He loaned us some guys to fight the rogues coming here. Great guy. Anyway, he said Grady Harris had just taken the alpha spot. His father’s death certificate listed the cause of death as unknown.”

Ellie remembered that fight quite well. Poor Nicole had to fight for her life.

Jake snorted. “I bet it should say cause of death: son.”

Aric nodded. “That’s how Jaxon felt, too. Harris’s pack has a lot of money, not him personally, though. Jaxon thinks Harris offed his dad because they found out he’d been dipping into the community fund for his own purchases. How? I don’t know. It’s all hearsay. But Jaxon did say after Harris took control, the petitions to join the Golden Falls pack tripled in a matter of days.”

“Everybody suddenly wanted out,” Nate thought out loud.

“Yeah, Jaxon said the reason on most apps was irreconcilable difference or of that nature. I guarantee something was going on, and Harris was the start of it. Jaxon said stay as far away as possible from them. Several of his cronies are still around.”

The sound of two car doors closing snagged their attention. Nicole was closest to the window overlooking the front of the house. Moving the curtain a touch, she frowned. “I don’t recognize the two guys. They look pretty big. And from the expression on their faces, they’re not happy campers.”

Shit, what now? Ellie’s stomach churned. She had a bad feeling about this.

The men were out of their seats and at the front door in the matter of seconds. Tristan opened the door before the strangers climbed the porch stairs.

“I’m Alpha Tristan Wolfe. What can I do for you, boys?” His sons and Caleb gathered behind him, arms crossed over their chests.

The two men didn’t flinch at the aggressive stance. One of the men placed a foot on the bottom step and stopped. “We’re from the Las Vegas pack here to talk to you about the death of our most recent alpha.”

Jake’s mouth dropped open. “Oh, fuck.”





Nicole watched Barbara set a tray of drinks and crackers on the coffee table in front of the two visitors on the sofa. “There we go. Please, help yourselves.”

“Thank you, ma’am. The flight here was delayed a couple hours and we came straight here, hoping to finish in time to catch the last plane out this evening.”

“Oh,” Barbara breathed a sigh of relief. “Then this meeting should be easy since we aren’t doing anything radical.”

“It should be easy, ma’am. All we need is for Nicole to leave with us.” The room erupted into chaos. Chairs flipped back as bodies sprang from them. Yells got louder as each family member told the visitors where they could go. A loud crack of a bone leading into a shift drew everyone’s eyes to Jake.

Nicole took Jake’s face in her hands and brought him down to her level. “Jake, honey. Look at me.” His normal eye color had given way to the wolf’s. “Listen to me. Calm down. We’re civilized and we will talk like civilized people. No need for a fight. Let’s see what they have to say.” She took his hand and guided him to their chair. The room quieted and the other couples followed suit.

Under any other circumstance, Nicole might have been concerned, but seeing how the entire family had jumped to their feet in her defense helped her keep her shit together. She looked at the two visitors. “I’m sorry, I didn’t get your names and positions within the pack.”

The men looked a bit pale compared to a minute ago. But what did they expect? The taller of the two turned to her. “I’m Paul Montgomery, pack enforcer, and this is Turner White, also an enforcer. Are you Nicole Acosta?” His eyes slid down her curvy frame. A deep growl started low in Jake’s throat. “You must be Jake Wolfe, her mate.”

“Good guess, asshole. Why are you looking at my woman?”

Nic elbowed him in the gut and whispered, “Stop taunting him. Apologize for calling him an ass--”

“No, I’m not apologizing. Did you see the way he looked—” His face scrunched.

“Jake, calm down—”

Paul lifted a hand in placation. “I apologize for the rude stare a moment ago. I wasn’t prepared for someone of your small stature to be the one who took down our alpha.”

Nicole elbowed Jake again and gave him a “see, I told you there was a reason” look. She swiveled to Paul. “Yes, it is a bit shocking. But size doesn’t always reflect inner strength and determination when it comes to survival instinct.”

Paul nodded. “You’re very correct. Which brings me to the reason we’re here.” He set his glass of water on the coffee table. “As you know, universal pack law says whoever kills an alpha male is to take the alpha position of the defeated pack. Since you’re a female, that has presented a conundrum for us.”

Nic raised her brows. “Let me guess, you can’t stand the idea of a woman ruling over you men.”

Paul and Turner glanced at each other before Paul answered. “Well, uh, yes. But the pack has come to a groundbreaking decision. Being in Las Vegas, we’re very much up with the times of the human world. And it’s been decided that having a female alpha as leader is acceptable, if mated to a male alpha.”

Indignant heat flared in her face. Her eyes narrowed and she leaned forward in Jake’s lap. “Are you actually telling me, to my face, that a female can be your leader only if mated to a male who could also lead? Will said male really be the leader while the female carries only the title?”

She jumped to her feet. “Listen here, you—”

Jake grabbed her around the waist, whispering, “Be calm, remember?”

She fought his grip. “Being calm is for you, not me. I can rant any time I choose.”

“That’s right! You go, girl.” Emma cheered Nic on before Mason could get a hand over her mouth.

Jake had to lift Nic off the floor to haul her back to the chair, but she kept up her fight. “You can bet your scrawny ass, I won’t be just a figurehead. I’ll be the real thing. Your pack has never been as fucking happy as I’ll make them.”

Paul looked pale again. “We intend for you to be a real leader. Really. Also, there is a male in the pack who wants a challenge to the death for the position.”

The room burst into chaos again. A few of the brothers looked ready to throw the Las Vegas enforcers out the door. The women had gathered around Nicole and Jake, each giving their thoughts on feminism and staying alive.

A loud whistle cut through the air, silencing everyone. Jake raised his voice. “Everyone settle down. As my kick-ass alpha mate just stated this is a civilized discussion. Please, everyone take a seat.” Angry faces and low grumbles dispersed to their previous corners.

Jake plopped Nic onto his lap and met her eyes. No words were spoken between them, but they didn’t need that archaic form of communication. They were mates with a bond and were destined to be together. The perfect match for each other. Jake gave a tentative nod and Nicole gave back a smile.

Both turned to the enforcers. “Nic and I have come to the conclusion that we will
the Las Vegas pack to see if we’re a good fit.” As expected, they received confused looks.

Nic sat straighter. “What that means is, there are conditions that must be met before we go. First, if we decide to take the position, Jake will invoke the law for the right of a mate to fight on behalf of the other. That is a must, if we get that far.

“Second, we request the pack give us a few days to meet everyone and talk with them about issues and concerns they have with this whole new alpha thing. They need to understand we’re not there to immediately takeover, but to talk to make decisions.”

She looked over her shoulder at Jake. “Am I forgetting anything?” He whispered into her ear. Nic rolled her eyes. “We’ll discuss that later.”

Paul seemed worried at Jake’s secrecy, so Nic shared with the group. “He wants to have a guys’ night out at the casino.” The brothers high-fived and the gals just groaned remembering the last time they were all in Vegas.

Turner, the quiet one of the two enforcers, smiled. “I think you’ll make a great alpha.”

Nicole shrugged. “Maybe, but that,” she said, referring to her answer to Jake, “was based on knowing how my mate acts in Vegas.”

Paul set a file folder on the low table in front of them. “Sounds great. Here are your plane tickets for tonight. We’ll meet you at the gate.” Both men stood.

“Wait a minute.” Barbara stood, seeming flustered. “That’s it? You’re going away? Just like that? When are you coming back?” Tristan took her in his arms. “They can’t just leave. It’s…it’s too quick.”

Jake and Nicole shared a look. She gave him a smiling nod. Jake went to his mother and hugged her. “It’s okay, Mom. Nic and I are just going to visit. We’ll be back before you know it.”

His mother sniffled and pulled away. “I know. It’s just…you’re the first to leave the nest. I guess I’m not ready for it yet.”

Nic ran to Barbara and hugged her. She was the mother Nic had gained once she’d married Jake. There was no way in hell they’d be separated for long.

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