Fighting For You (13 page)

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Authors: Megan Noelle

BOOK: Fighting For You
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I wanted to hug him, kiss him and spend the rest of the day in bed with him.

“Now let me feel you and love you the way I have been craving to.” I gulped and nodded.   His finger left my lips and, in a second, my bra was unhooked and the straps were sliding down my arms.

Corey’s hands reached out, cupping my breasts in them.  My head fell back as he gently squeezed and rolled my nipples between his rough fingers.  A wave of pleasure slid between my thighs as I fought the urge to close my eyes.  I was terrified this was nothing more than a dream and I didn’t want to miss a second of it.  My self-control seemed to be in place, until Corey’s lips pressed against the base of my neck.  The feeling of his full, luscious lips and slightly unshaved stubble caused a delicious mixture of sensations.  Very lightly he blew onto the spot he just kissed and I sighed as my body began to tingle.  He brought his mouth down again, this time letting his teeth nip at my skin until I let out a soft squeal.  His tongue licked across the red mark, but didn’t stop there as he focused his attention on my swelling chest. 

My nipples hardened under his touch and my body shook against his hands.  His tongue rolled and twirled around my swollen bud and no longer could I hold back my audible moans of pure pleasure.  While his tongue and lips focused on my breasts, he softly hummed an inaudible tone that brought out a rumbling that purred and vibrated my sensitive body. 

“Corey,” I moaned, while his fingers pressed into the knots of my back and trailed down to my hips. 

His hands grabbed hard onto my ass before pressing my pelvis roughly against his.  I felt the hardening of his length rub against my sex and I almost found release right then and there. 

“Tell you want me, Danielle,” he demanded in a heated whisper against my neck.  I shivered at the husky tone of his voice.

“God, Corey. I want you. So badly.  You’re all I want, baby.” A deep growl rocked through his body and in an instant I was pressed roughly into the wall behind me.  My hands were pinned beneath his above my head as our bodies lined up.  Our deep breathing synchronized and I knew I was about to lose my mind if my pants weren’t the next thing to go. 

“Say it, Dani.” I looked into his eyes, trying to decipher what he wanted me to say.  Then I saw it.  That hint of uncertainty, that unfortunate touch of doubt that remained present in his eyes.  As much as he wanted to trust me, he still didn’t. At least not completely.  But I knew what he needed to hear and, this time, I had no intention of shying away from it.

My fingers twisted into his hair and held his face inches from mine, giving him a perfect view of every truth and the meaning behind what I had to say.

“I love you, Corey Preston.  Only you.  Right now, yesterday, tomorrow and forever—it will only be you.”  His lips seized mine in a hungry, determined kiss.  Tongues, lips, teeth - it was rough and passionate and filled with everything we’ve needed and everything we’ve missed.

My fingers began the exploration down his chest until I reached the end of his hoodie. I pulled my mouth away just enough so I could rid him of his very pesky clothing.  I didn’t stop at the sweatshirt.  His t-shirt was next and, before he could stop me, I unbuttoned his jeans.  Before the zipper was all the way down, my hands were pinned back on the wall. 

“Ladies first,” Corey whispered against my mouth.  My tongue lashed out and took a tasteful trail around his lips before he pulled back with a smirk.  “I’m not done playing yet.”

I shuddered.

His hands released mine from the wall and his thumbs slid into the top of my yoga pants and, in a tantalizingly slow fashion, lowered them from my hips.  It wasn’t until I felt the friction of his jeans did I realize my panties were coming down, too.  Anticipation, need and excitement bubbled deep inside me. Corey sank to his knees to finish pulling them all the way down but having him so close to my throbbing sex was giving me heart palpitations.  His nose pressed to the inside of my calf and, oh-so-slowly, began its pursuit upward.  The closer he crept into my inner thigh, the more I began to writher against his hands. 

Just when I thought I couldn’t stand anymore, his tongue brushed against my skin and was followed by the painfully delicious bite of his teeth.  After a few more nips along my skin (that I secretly prayed left bruises as a reminder), Corey slid his tongue across my throbbing and sensitive clit.  A scream that was a mix of surprise and pleasure escaped my mouth and my teeth clenched down as his tongue did it again.  Back and forth - his tongue swirled around my pulsing bud and then he added a finger to this pleasurable torture.  My hands pressed into his shoulders, as my nails dug into his skin. I was rewarded with a completely tantalizing, sexy, husky humming sound that vibrated against my most sensitive part.

I heard myself moan Corey’s name, but I hardly remembered it, nor could I stop the next five or six that followed. 

“I can’t wait anymore,” he said in a hurried, desperate voice.

I was once again in Corey’s arms, but this time I was tossed onto my bed.  He crawled onto the bed, his abs and pecks glistening with a single layer of sweat—looking perfectly oiled up.  I watched his arm muscles flex and bulge as he walked them towards my heaving chest.  The way they tightened made me want to lick every single tempting line and vein that shone through.  With his jeans still on, I don’t think I could have been more turned on if
I tried … until I saw that heart-stopping, soul shattering, playfully intense smirk that made me want to ‘come and get it.’ 

Our mouths molded together and, as much as I wanted him inside of me now, I enjoyed the moment.  My nails dug deep into his back and scratched him until I pulled out that sexy growl again.  Just when I thought I could get used to teasing him this way—his jeans came off.  And, before I could process anything else, his throbbing hard cock was deep inside of me.  My eyes rolled back into my head and my body screamed. 

Corey’s body stilled, despite my hips rolling under his, trying to get his to thrust into mine again.  His hands moved up my arms until they met mine and our fingers laced together.

His eyes gazed down at my naked chest and back up to my face.

“You are so goddamn sexy, Dani.”

I had to slow my breathing before I could respond. “Trust me, if you could see yourself right now, you wouldn’t be saying that about me.”

“Is that so?” he asked with a smirk on his lips.


“Do I get sexier when I do this?” Just then his hips pulled back and then slammed back into me.  My eyes rolled back into my head. When I could finally see again, Corey was staring at me with a smile.

“Oooh, yeah.”

“And what about this?” This time he went out and pressed deep back into me excruciatingly slow, making my insides twist and clench, waiting for more.

“Yes!  Please stop teasing me, Corey.  I need you!” I pleaded.

His tongue reached down and licked a line of sweat from my throat, making me moan relentlessly.

“If that’s what you want, Baby.”

“YES!  Dear God! Corey, please!”

Just like that, the feeling of our bodies thrusting and moving together rocked me to my core.  Our hands squeezed so hard, but I could care less if I lost a hand because right now. I was experiencing everything I desired.  Corey rocked above me and my insides clenched as the sensation of an approaching climax built.  Everything felt heavenly, but the second our eyes met it - became that much more powerful.  We held onto the feeling, onto each other and, together, we let go of the past.  He pressed into me with a hiss through clenched teeth, while I screamed his name and not caring who heard.

We began to calm down from our climaxes and, slowly, Corey pulled himself out of me and skillfully maneuvered the blanket out from under us. I was panting like an idiot, but managed to take the non-verbal instructions that helped make us more comfortable.  The next thing I knew, I was curled up in Corey’s arms, happy and sated.  My now exhausted body was ready for sleep once more, but one question on the tip of my sleepy mind made its way out.

“Where were you yesterday, Corey?”

I felt his body stiffen next to mine and not in a good way.  My eyes opened and I gazed into his face.

“Core?” I asked again, before I could stop.

He reached a hand out and brushed a few strands of hair from my face.

“I can’t tell you, Dani. But I promise you that everything will be okay.”

“Will be?” Panic settled into the pit of heart.

“We’re together, Dani.  So everything is perfect right here, right now.  So, please, let’s just have this.”  I wanted to protest and get up and immediately question him mercilessly until I found out, but I didn’t.  It wasn’t that I was afraid to ask, but Corey never kept something intentionally from me, so he didn’t have to tell me how crucial it was that I respect his wishes.

I just had to hope that I found out sooner rather than later.  For now, though, wrapped up in the love of my life, after some of the best sex of my life—I fell asleep.  Corey was right.  Everything was perfect.

For now.

Chapter Twelve


We awoke around noon, but it was like I was opening my eyes for the first time.  Lying next to me was the man of my dreams, but even better was the fact that I was the woman of his.  Corey slowly blinked awake and cast me that beautiful sleepy smile that I had been longing to see every time I opened my eyes.  This, though, was real.  It wasn’t just a dream or a fantasy—my Corey was here.  He reached a single finger up and traced my hairline, brushing my hair behind my ear. 

In the past, I would let this be enough; Corey’s touch caressing and adoring me.  I took it for granted, but never again was I going to do that.  My finger craved the feel of his skin - his heat, his warmth and that tingle I got every time our skin was in contact.  Being with Corey was a high, an adrenaline rush, my ultimate drug and without him, I couldn’t function.  I would always crave and yearn for him; this was something I had never felt with another man and I knew it was because he was the only one for me.

I reached out and brushed the side of his face with my fingertips, smoothing stray pieces of hair off his forehead and letting myself re-memorize every inch of him.  The tickle of his stubble against my fingers, the strength of his jaw and the soft, slow breaths blowing into my face were committed to memory.  His smile widened as he took my hand within his and brushed a kiss against the palm of my hand.

“This is the only way I want to wake up.” I opened my mouth to respond, but was then reminded what awoke me in the first place.

Soft, but prominent little kicks pressed against my lower abdomen.  The feeling was actually more like someone was popping bubbles deep inside me.  That someone could only be my little bean! I let out a squeal that nearly made Corey jump out of bed in alarm.  I took his hand and shoved it under the covers.  The way his lips smirked and his blue eyes sparked with amusement - I couldn’t help but giggle like a school girl. 

“No, not that! This!”  I fanned his hand out over my growing bump and we waited. 

Between the two of us I don’t think either of us let out a breath.  We didn’t blink.  We didn’t move.  That’s when it happened, our little creation kicked once more and, together, we felt it.  Corey’s eyes darted to my stomach and then up to my face; his smile grew wider than I have ever before seen.  His hand gave a gentle squeeze to my stomach and as if they were communicating. It kicked again. 

He looked at me and when those deep blue eyes stared back at me, I saw the undeniable glisten of approaching tears.  The pregnancy hormones already had my tear ducts under their control, but seeing my big strong man shed a tear at the feeling of his baby kicking, I didn’t stand a chance.  Even though Corey’s face was inches from my own, he was nothing but a blur. 

“That’s our baby,” he whispered. I nodded furiously, unable to speak. 

Corey’s lips pressed against mine in one hungry kiss after another. 

“That’s the first time I’ve felt any kicks,” I managed to say through the sobs and the persistent kisses.  If I thought Corey couldn’t look any happier—I was wrong.  “Our baby waited for us to be together.  For everything to be perfect.”

“I love you.” He kissed me again and the salty taste of my tears, and his, mixed together. 

Our beautiful kiss took on an even hungrier turn and, the next thing I knew, we picked up where we had left off earlier this morning.  Not that I had any complaints—I could never have enough of him.  After the bed, we moved into the shower where we stayed washing and kissing until the water ran cold.  If it wasn’t for my growling belly in need of food, I don’t think we would have managed to take a break. 

I kicked Corey out of my bedroom while I got dressed because I didn’t trust either of us right now to not be distracted.  Even with the comfort of knowing that Corey was just a room away, I felt like I needed to go as quickly as I could to get back out to him.  The air was still far too chilly to pull out a cute sundress and I wasn’t really ‘feeling’ the idea of jeans.  Black yoga pants were quickly becoming my best friend. So, with those and a nicer top on, I went back out to meet with Corey. 

Immediately, we were drawn to each other. Our fingers laced, palms pressed together and our eyes couldn’t look anywhere else.  We didn’t release our hands while I locked up or while we crossed the front lawn and, if we could have both managed to get in the car without letting go, we would have.  Corey slipped into the driver’s seat and I leaned over the center console, held his face between my hands, and kissed him deeply. 

I pulled back far enough so the heat from his breath still touched my lips. 

“I missed you.”

Corey smiled and pecked our lips together once. “I’m sorry it took me so long to get around to this side of the car.”

I laughed but shook my head. “No, I missed you. Us—this.” 

“I did, too, Dani. More than you could ever imagine.” 

I doubted it.  There was no way missing me was more difficult than me missing him. 

We held hands the entire drive to the bar and while Corey watched the road—I watched him.  It was as if I was hypnotized by him - his charm, the slight contented smile on his lips, and the fact that this man was once again a part of my life.  At every stop he had to make on the road, Corey brought my hand to his lips for a kiss.  How I ever managed those months without him—I’ll never know.  At least now I knew for certain that my heart was made for Corey and as long as I never had to do it again, I’d be okay. 

We got to the bar and we walked in together, our fingers laced together with smiles on our faces.  Sanders was behind the bar with a rag, drying some glasses.  When he saw us walk in, he put it down.  The grin that appeared on his face when he saw us made me giggle like a school girl that was caught holding hands with a boy by her family. 

“Let’s give a hand to the happy couple who finally got it right!”  There were a few random customers that turned to us and joined Sanders in his clapping.  The loudest cheers I noticed were from Corey’s friend Alex. I hadn’t seen him since the night he took Gabriella home. 

Alex stood and walked to us with a shit-eating grin on his face. 

“Atta boy,” he said, clapping his hand on Corey’s shoulder. 

Alex ignored Corey’s eye roll and walked to my other side and took hold of my free hand.  I watched in almost amazement at his bold moves while Corey kept his eyes trailed on him like a hawk. 

“I know I’ve only met you a few times, my dear, but this son of a bitch talks about you so damn much!  So please, don’t feel creeped out by the amount of stuff I know about you for having actually met you like twice.” I laughed, suddenly feeling warmer to the idea of getting to know Alex. 

Before, I hardly knew if I would have Corey in my life and, if I didn’t, I knew I wouldn’t want to be friends with the people he spent his time with.  Each time I would see a mutual friend, I knew exactly what would happen - they would try to cheer me up and not bring up Corey’s name, but I wouldn’t be able to handle that.  I’d hate to ask about him but wouldn’t be strong enough not to.  It would become a sick obsession and, quite frankly, I just didn’t have the energy for that. 

I gave Corey’s hand a squeeze while I shot him a smile. “You talked about me that much, huh?”

He began to shake his head and was about to deny it, but Sanders jumped in first. “Incessantly.”

“Hardly!” Corey denied, as we took a seat on the bar stools in front of Sanders.

“I really don’t know who you’re trying to fool, Core.  We’ve been with you just about every day and night—not a lot gets passed us,” Alex added.

“Alright! Fine. Yes, Dani. I bring you up. A lot.”  I pressed my hand against his rock hard thigh, leaned in and placed a kiss to his lips.

Alex and Sanders awed at us like a group of old women.  Corey broke our kiss and picked up the drying rag from the counter and chucked it at Sanders. 

“Enough, you two!  Sanders, why don’t you get my girl here whatever it is she wants.” He turned to me with an adoring smile on his face. “Well, I suppose it would be whatever our little one wants.” 

Both guys were on the verge of making some smart ass remark in response, but stopped as they realized what he said. 

“Little one?” Alex asked.

“Are you pregnant, Dani?” Sanders stared at me with eyes opened wider than the beer glasses he dried.

My hands covered my stomach and my eyes found Corey’s. “I am.”  The cheering and clapping was back - and not just from the boys, but from some of the surrounding customers who were apparently much nosier than I pegged them to be.  A lot of hugging was next and that was followed by both guys snapping to attention with the sudden need to make sure I had absolutely everything I needed. 

It wasn’t long before the counter in front of me was filled with more things than I could possibly want.  Water, tea, and soda all appeared before me, in addition to a milkshake that Alex whipped up, despite my constant reassurance that I did not need it.  I thought that was bad! A few minutes later, Sanders came in with what he described as a ‘meal.’  I, on the other hand, would have categorized this as a small feast.  On one plate, there was a burger with three different types of cheese, bacon, with an assortment of veggies on the side, along with a generous helping of seasoned fries.  That alone would have filled me up, but he wasn’t done.  Next came out a baked potato with all the fixings, chicken noodle soup, macaroni and cheese, a variety of fruit and a piece of chocolate cake.  Corey watched with amusement, but never once told them to stop - even when Alex hopped behind the bar to start making drinks for awaiting customers.

I couldn’t remember the last time I had been this happy and, even now, I didn’t feel like this could be real.  There was no way I deserved this kind of love and affection; as much as I wanted to tell them to stop, I didn’t.  It wasn’t just about me anymore.  These three guys weren’t just bending over backwards for me, but for this little baby that wasn’t just mine, but Corey’s, too.  It is for those reasons that I didn’t fight it and, instead, sat back and enjoyed every little thing they did.  I even managed to eat a little bit of every single thing, some more than others.  I ate all the macaroni, most of the baked potato and had to force myself not to lick the plate clean.

Corey assisted in the devouring of almost everything else, but there was just impossibly too much food to finish it all (although Alex made short work of the bits we couldn’t get to).  All the while, Corey made jokes about needing to order more food since Sanders made everything that was just delivered.  If it wasn’t for the unfaltering look of pride and joy on Corey’s face, I would feel the need to jump to Sanders’ aid.  There was no denying it though, this day was beyond perfect, even if I kept waiting for a pinch from reality to shake things up. It simply never came.

Not long after eating enough to satisfy a bear before hibernation, I was in desperate need of a nap.  When I mentioned it to Corey, he got a look of panic in his eyes.   

“I mean, I don’t have to nap, Baby.  I’ll stay awake with you,” I said, trying to smooth the worry lines from his forehead.

“No, you need to rest, Dani.  I can, uh, take you home.” Corey gulped down the lump in his throat and that’s when I understood.  I wasn’t the only one waiting for the perfection to fade away and the thought of bringing me home was the start of Corey’s nightmare.  Each time I saw Corey’s pain about anything—I hated myself even more.  Every time he dropped me off and said goodbye, he’d wonder if it was for the last time.  If I left him so easily once, I’m sure he figured I could do it again. 

That’s where he was very wrong.  Leaving him was the biggest mistake I ever made and even though the first time I came back for the Inn, this time I was back for him.  And one day he would believe it and know in his heart that I wasn’t going to walk away again. 

“I don’t want to go home, Corey.  I was hoping I could sleep in your room.” For some reason, I blushed—furiously.  I cast my eyes downward and felt my heart pound rapidly.  The last time around, I could come and go as I pleased with the knowledge that not only was Corey okay with it, but that I was his girl.  The only stuff upstairs that wasn’t his—was mine.

That was different now.  While he said I was the only one for him, he had no obligation to me.  Meaning, the possibilities of what lie upstairs were endless.

“Yes!  Let’s go! I could use a good nap, too.” He leapt off the stool and held a hand out for me.

I pointed to the bar. “But what about …” I trailed off as Alex’s hand clamped down on my shoulder.

“We got it, Toots.  You two go on ahead and don’t worry about anything but yourself and that baby of yours.” He gave us a wink, but it was easy to see he meant everything he said.  It was clear to me why he was Corey’s best friend. They both were playful and sarcastic but, when it was needed, they would be the first to drop everything for someone else.  The world needed more men like them.

Being back in Corey’s room, in his bed and wrapped in his arms, everything felt…right.  Corey’s soft, deep breaths lulled me to sleep and, for the first time in months, I felt at peace. 




As the days and weeks passed, things only got better.  It wasn’t long before the routine Corey and I had was back, but this time, it was different.  Whenever we were together, we had to be touching in some way.  Whether it was our hands locked together, our legs brushing that other, or any other way possible – we were touching.  Bailey and the boys all joked about it, but Corey and I knew they wouldn’t have it any other way.  Honestly, neither would I.

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