Figure Eight (Celtic Knot Book 2) (41 page)

BOOK: Figure Eight (Celtic Knot Book 2)
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My loft is huge. There are two bedrooms, both with on suite bathrooms. The kitchen opens up into the living room. It has all stainless steel appliances. Daddy had the furniture delivered. The sectional is a plum color, with white throw pillows. There is also a large flat-screen TV. As I walk into my bedroom, I realize how big my bed is, it has to be at least a king size. My mom must have picked it out, all the bedding is purple and gray. I start putting all my clothes away and decide to call my best friend Tatum.

“Hey, baby-cakes, how the hell are you? I’m in this big ol’ city. I need to go find that sexy ass brother of yours.”

“I’m so glad you made it there, I miss you already. I’m going out with Thayer tonight. So I better go, but tell my brother and the other guy’s hello for me. Please look after Evan.” She whispers.

“Okay, will do, be safe. I love you.”

“Love you too, Audrey.”

Looking around the room, I decide to set some pictures out. I have several of Ta and me when we were younger. I notice one of Zander and me. His eyes are so goddamn sexy. They are a deep mocha brown. I set that picture on my night stand.

Moving into the living room, I set out more pics of my family. I decide I should take a shower, I feel kind of icky from the trip. I start the shower and just as I start to undress, my phone beeps. It’s a text from a private number.

Private Number:
You can run, but not far enough.

Motherfucker, looks like that creepy ass got my number somehow. I’ll have to get it changed again. As I get in the shower, the thoughts of that night play in my mind. It makes me cringe as I think of it all. Everything he’d put me through was just bull shit.

“Ian, please just leave me alone. I will never love you. Why can’t you understand that? Please go on with your life. Leave me alone. What we had is over, so please just stay away.” I say as I try walking away from him. But he grabbed my arm and turned me to face him.

“You are mine Audrey Renee, you hear me? There is no way in hell that you will be with anyone else. All this is mine and has been since we were in middle school. Let’s get something clear, if I see you with anyone, or hear of you being with anyone, you will regret it. Are we clear baby?” he seethed and I could smell the Patrón on his breath.

“If you do not stay the fuck away from me, you will regret it. I promise you that, you dirty motherfucker. You are the one that is leading a double life, so be glad I didn’t call your whore.” I said as I bought my knee to his balls. And I pushed up as hard as I could. He fell to the ground.

“Baby, why would you do that? I love you. I will make you happy. I promise.”

“Ian, stay away from me. I won’t tell you again.” I said as I got in my car and drove as fast as I could.

I’ve been here a week today and it is getting somewhat lonely here. I think I may look for a roommate because this place is somewhat big just for me. My classes don’t start for another week and I’ve been looking for a job, so I can stay busy. I’ve ran into Evan a few times but haven’t seen Zander yet.

There is a small café around the corner and I’m addicted to their coffee already. Although I love my Keurig, there is just something about theirs that is addictive.

Today, as I walk in, I see a tall figure standing at the counter in front of me. I knew it is him, there is no one else that could have an ass that looks as good as his.

“Zander?” I say, as I walk a little closer. He turns around and the smile that spreads across his face, instantly makes my panties wet.

“Well if it isn’t Audrey Renee Ridge. Tatum said you were here. How are you sweetheart?” he says as he pulls me in for a hug. His scent is breathtaking, it’s a mix of something manly and fruity and I could inhale him all damn day.

“I’m good. I saw Evan a few days ago, but hadn’t seen you yet. I actually live down the hall from y’all. So you are welcome to come over anytime. My classes start next week, so I’ve been a little bored. I’m actually looking for a roommate. If you know anyone that is interested...” I say, hoping maybe he needs a place and will move in himself. Hell yeah, that would be fucking awesome.

“Great. Actually, I’ve been looking for a place. I’ve been sleeping on Evan’s couch. It’s a pain in the ass for sure. Maybe I could room with you? The plus side is you would have a man around all the time.” He says laughing.

“Okay, as long as you can keep your hands to yourself.” I giggle. “I’m sure my unit is pretty much set up like theirs. But if you want to come by and look at it to make sure, you want the room. Of course you can enjoy the rest of the place too. My dad furnished everything and there is a new bed in the room you would be staying in.

“Ahh, so we are still playing that game, where you pretend you don’t want me? What are you doing now, well other than getting coffee?”

“Yup,” I say as I pop my P. “Nothing, I’m free if you would like to hang out, we’ll check out the place.” I say as my cheeks blush a bright red.

“Sure thing, sweetheart, let’s go.” He says as he reaches his hand out for mine. I didn’t want to hold his hand, but stupid me lets him grab mine and we walk hand in hand.

“Do you like it here?” I ask him. “I know it’s a lot different than back home. My dad was very nervous about me coming all the way out here alone.”

“It’s good, I like it here. My classes are going good. The food is great and so far all the people are nice.” He says with a smile.

“That’s good. I figured I would like it here. I’ve always wanted to visit, just wasn’t sure about living here.”

“Were you able to transfer your credits? Your dad should be a little worried. I didn’t know you were living alone. Couldn’t talk Ta into transferring, huh? I’ll make sure you are taken care of though.”

The thought of him taking care of me makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over, but I’ve had this ‘I hate Zander wall’ up for so long. I have to continue with it. Have you met Zander? He is one of the biggest players and thinks that he should get exactly what he wants.

“Thanks, Zander, I appreciate that. Yes, everything transferred fine. You know your sister isn’t going to leave Thayer. I still don’t see what she sees in him. Do you want me to help you move your stuff from Evans?”

“Yes, if you don’t mind. It’s not much. But I can use the help.”

“Okay, cool. I’ll show you around first.” I say as I unlock the door.

God, I wanted grab him and lick him from head to toe. His body is so fucking hot. The polo he’s wearing shows off every muscle he has. He has those come fuck me eyes. When I look into them, I instantly want to rip off my clothes and let him have his way with me. I would let him fuck me any and everywhere.




Walking into the loft with Audrey felt so good. I want to rip her clothes off and fuck her so damn bad. I’ve wanted her for to goddamn long; there’s no way in hell I’m going to recommend a stranger to live with her. I’m finally going to make her mine. It’s been way to damn long, she has been playing this ‘can’t stand Zander thing.’ The place looks nice and I think I’ll be just fine here. The plus side is, I get to look at her fine ass every day. I know it’s going to kill me if she doesn’t let me in. I have never loved anyone as much as I do her. The closer I get, the more she pushes me away.

Knowing I can get off of Evan and Brody’s couch is great. I’m going to feel odd having girls around Audrey though. But I didn’t like the idea of her living alone. She is a super sweet girl, but has a mouth of a drunken sailor. I’m not the relationship type but I would be with her. If she would give me the chance. Looking at her sweet ass all day will have my mind running in circles.

“I really like it here. I think we will make great roommates.” I smirk.

“I think so too. Glad I don’t have to live alone anymore. I guess I should tell you… Ian has been stalking me and I think he has my new number as well. But I don’t think he would ever come here.”

“I will kill that mother fucker with my bare hands if he touches you. Has he hurt you in the past?”

“Hell, I will kill him myself. I hate that piece of shit. He’s just being psycho and shit, but it’s taken care of though. He is harmless.”

“How about I make us dinner tonight roomie?” I grin.

“You had me at make.” She giggles. “How is baseball going?”

“We have a great team. There have been talks that one of the New York Mets scouts has been watching me. I don’t want to go pro though. I am here to get my law degree then I am going back home.”

“You are a fantastic pitcher, Zander. I am sure anyone would have you, including the Reds.” She smirks, knowing that I have always loved the Cincinnati Reds. I used to watch the games with my Gramps when I was younger. He would take Tatum and me to any games that he could.

“Hmm, I won’t brag but I am sure they would. Audrey, are you seeing anyone now?” I ask just getting it out of the way. I would hate to walk in and see some dick with his hands on her.

“No, but I am not interested in a relationship right now, Zander. I have so much going on. I just want to focus on school.” She states.

“I understand, so we are still playing that ‘I don’t want Zander’ game?” I say as I lean in and blow in her ear. I can see the goose bumps appear as soon as I lean in.

“Something like that, I love you Zander you know I do. But we just aren’t for each other. Plus you hate my smut mouth.”

“Oh, I love everything about your mouth. I don’t like when you say fuck more than I do though. That’s the only thing I don’t like. But this mouth can do whatever it wants to me.” I say as I run my thumb across her lips. She is like putty in my hands. I know I may be over stepping but I lean my mouth into hers. I place my lips gently to hers. She lets out a moan as I place my hand in the small of her back and pull her into me. She kisses me hard and passionate and pulls away.

“We can’t, Zander, let’s make dinner.” She breathes. I didn’t say anything as I turned to walk into the other room. I will try again, but how the hell am I supposed to make her mine when she keeps pushing me away.

I’ve been staying with Audrey for a week now, her classes have started and she is trying to get a job at the firm Evan works at. I’m working for another firm; honestly, it isn’t as great as that one. But they called me first. I never thought I would be any ones assistant. Pushing papers is different than pushing cow shit that’s for damn sure.

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