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Authors: T.E. Black

Tags: #Romance

Finding A Way (19 page)

BOOK: Finding A Way
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She follows me upstairs and hops in her spot in the bed with me, cuddling up to me just like Callie did. Putting her head in the crook of my arm. I give her a kiss on the head before we both fall asleep.


I wake up to the sound of a jackhammer going off inside my head. This is horrible. Groaning, I roll over checking my phone to see what time it is. One o'clock.
You've got to be kidding me
. I slept half of the damn day away. I never sleep this late. As much as I don’t want to, I hop out bed. Well, more like crawl out the bed. I check out my appearance in the mirror. I look like I was run over by a truck. My hair is sticking out in every direction possible and I have bags under my eyes which make me look like an old woman.

I make myself presentable before heading downstairs to see what everyone else is doing. I hear no one inside, but outside I hear the loud roaring of a motorcycle followed by laughter. I look out the window and see Sierra and Evan talking to somebody sitting on a beautiful Harley Davidson.

Opening the door, I pad out to them, wishing I’d fixed myself up a little more for the mysterious motorcycle man. I can't make out his face from the steps of the apartment, but I do let myself appreciate his muscular build that lies under his black, worn leather jacket.

I attempt to rid any leftover makeup under my eyes by swiping my fingers underneath them. Sierra stands blocking the man from my view, but as she hears me shut the front door. She turns to see me and yells for me to come over to them.

"Callie, come here! You have to see Mac's bike!" she squeals at me.

Once she moves, I can clearly see Mac, his jean clad legs straddling the beautiful Harley Davidson, looking so sexy I have to pick my jaw up from the ground.
Holy shit
. If I thought he was hot before, then this just tops the freaking cake. Seeing him control such a heavy and big machine excites every nerve in my body. He pulls his aviators off and looks brightly at me with each step I take.

"How ya feeling today, Red?"

I feel my stomach turn just referring to last night, but I put a smile on, making sure he doesn't know I feel like complete hell. The last thing I want is for him to think
I can't hang with the big dogs
as he said last night.

"I'm good," I lie through my teeth.

He doesn't believe me one bit because he chuckles at me, raising his eyebrows.

"You don't look like you're feeling too hot, but then again, a half bottle of jack will do that to ya."

Sierra comes to my defense even though she knows I'm a lightweight when it comes to liquor. Beer I can handle. Wine? Sure. Liquor? Not at all.

"She's fine Mac, but I think what would make her feel better was if you take her for a ride."

I turn to her with every intention of shooting a glare at her, but instead I burst out laughing at her serious face. She has a good poker face at the moment. I'm sure Mac thinks nothing of her suggestion. I, on the other hand, know her matchmaking intentions.

"What do you say, Red, wanna hop on?"

I figure I might as well enjoy my last day before classes start, and the weather is gorgeous and warm. There’s also the plus side of getting to cozy up to Mac for a while.

"Sure, but I gotta shower quickly, and get dressed," I answer.


I sit in the living room shooting shit with Evan, who has been up all night himself. Thoughts of Callie getting on the back of my bike makes my heart do crazy things. It’s a serious thing getting her on my bike. I don’t take chicks on it, except for Ryleigh, but that’s different.

"I see you had a good night,” I imply while my eyes dart to the stairs, waiting for Callie to get ready.

Evan lets out a loud laugh.

“Yeah man, didn’t get much sleep.” Flicking his head toward the stairs, he adds, “My girl has needs, and what kind of man would I be if I didn't fulfill them?”

I shake my head at his cocky attitude.

“Yeah, I guess it’s the least you could do.”

A smile breaks out on his face, directing his attention on me.

“What’s going on with you and Callie? You seemed cozy on the dance floor last night."

I hate he’s implying I would sleep with her after two nights, but I guess I can't say I wouldn't if she wanted to. Usually, by night two, I’d have a woman bent over the kitchen counter in my apartment, screaming my name for the entire neighborhood to hear.

Shaking the thought from my mind, I give him a light tap on the arm.

“Nah, not that one. She’s not the kind you screw and leave hanging. She’s something else. You gotta work for that shit with her, man.”

He looks taken aback by my statement, clutching his chest as he breaks out into a fit of laughter, and wiping at his eyes.

“Wow, I never thought I’d see the day, dude. Never fucking ever. You like this chick. You like her enough not fuck her and duff her. When’s the fucking wedding?”

He continues his fit of laughter, pissing me off. I punch him a little harder this time causing him to wince and grab at his arm.

“What the fuck asshole? I was just kidding.” He continues running his mouth. “I just wanted to know when the wedding was so I could clear my calendar.”

I’m gonna kill this fucker. Hopping up from the couch, I shoot him a glare, ready to give him more than a light tap if he keeps this shit up.

“Shut the fuck up, man. I don’t wanna hear it. I should ask you when your wedding date is. You’re so far up your girl’s ass I couldn’t pull you out if I tried.”

He can dish it, but can't take it.

I move my eyes toward the sound of footsteps. Callie is standing at the bottom of the stairs looking between Evan and me with confusion written on her face. My eyes charge over her body taking in her outfit choice. Her hair is pulled back into a braid which hangs down her back, exposing the pale skin of her neck. Her chest is covered by a black leather jacket that stops just about her waist. It’s tight, and cropped, showing off her luscious stomach, while dark blue denim hangs low on her hips, making my mouth fucking water. Letting my gaze travel down her jean covered legs, I stop at her feet, taking in the same pink converse I’ve become quite fond of.

“Is this okay? I’ve never been on a bike. So, I didn't know what I should wear. I can change if this is wrong.” Her voice trails off, leaving her question linger in the air.

“You're perfect, Red.”


been riding now for about twenty minutes, heading out into the countryside where there aren’t many cars on the road. Mac suggested taking a trip up here for my first time, letting me know sometimes the heavy traffic in the city could be pretty intimidating for a first-timer. Being on the bike was extremely nerve-wracking at first, feeling like I would fly off the minute I let go of Mac. He urged me to wrap my arms tightly around his waist. I was reluctant at first, but soon found out I felt much safer snuggled into his back. I ended up getting comfortable within the first ten minutes, although the heavy fear of falling off still lingered in the back of my mind.

Mac must have sensed my apprehension still because he takes one hand off the handlebar and places it on top of my hands which are currently fisting onto his leather jacket. He slowly rubs circles on my hands and I relax. It's nice being wrapped around him, comforting even. He isn't the man I thought he was a couple days ago. He's exactly like me—protecting his heart so no one gets the chance to break it.

He removes his fingers from rubbing my hand, reaching back, and placing it on my thigh instead. Sparks ignite in me. He gives it a light squeeze nearly making me fall off the back of the bike. I jump slightly causing the bike to sway. I guess that’s what he was talking about earlier.

BOOK: Finding A Way
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