Finding Acceptance in His Arms (11 page)

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Authors: Thomas Briar

Tags: #Erotic Fiction, #Interracial, #Romance

BOOK: Finding Acceptance in His Arms
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Chapter Seven



next evening Kara sat with Evan in the back corner of a café following a
delicious meal of hamburgers and fries. By the appearance and attire of the
omers at the counter and the ones spaced out
sporadically amongst the twelve booths, the café catered to the working class.
She wore a bright yellow sundress. Evan wore black slacks with a buttoned down
dark blue shirt and a sky blue tie. So, just like whe
they’d eaten at the sidewalk café, they were overdressed. But be that as it
may, she bubbled with happiness and wanted their animated conversation to go on
all night.

you haven’t been to the movies in over three years?” Evan’s dancing eyes
revealed c
onstrained laughter. “And it’s because you
don’t think you’re pretty enough? I never knew there was beauty assessments
performed on moviegoers. But the next time I’m in a theater I’ll keep an eye
out for the beauty police escorting the undesirables outside
to the paddy wagon. Or do they just confiscate their
popcorn, issue them a fine, and then send them home with a warning to never
come back?”

succumbed to the giggles. Between breaths, she said, “That’s not what I meant
and you know it. I was just say
ing to consider all
the lead actresses in movies these days. They’re all thin, hip, and so very
beautiful. I always feel inferior to them when they tower above me with their
giant, flawless faces on the movie screen.”

grinned largely, still holding ba
ck his laughter. “If
I ever make the offer, outright refuse to accompany me to a certain porn
theater I know of that is still in operation. The genitalia showcased there
look enormous from the audience’s perspective. The one and only time I ever
went there
I couldn’t enjoy my date’s affections for
dodging the mammoth penis stabbing at my face from the screen. It was a badly
directed movie. I still carry emotional scars.”

you don’t think 3D porn has a chance of becoming popular?” Despite Kara’s best
rts to convey mock seriousness, she simply
couldn’t hold the giggles in.

took on a frightened expression. “I would definitely warn everyone to stay
clear of those. I almost lost an eye. I swear it’s the truth!”

did your date think of the movie?”
Kara cackled
loudly, arms wrapped around her stomach as her whole body shook uncontrollably.

kept her face buried in my lap for most of the movie so she missed my near
violation. She was a very sweet girl.”

I’m sure you think she was sweet. Most
every other
man on the planet would probably think that also. Because isn’t that every
man’s secret fantasy? Blowjob in the car, theater, subway, restaurant,
public park
…” Kara began giggling again. “I can’t
think of any more places.”

train, conve
rtible, elevator, hotel hallway, concert,
pool, dressing room, and not forgetting the most forbidden place of all,
circular clothing rack in the lingerie section of a high-end department store.”
He beamed a triumphant smile.

I suppose you’ve done them
all?” she asked, finding
it didn’t bother her in the least about Evan revealing his past sexual
experiences. Actually, she was more than a little impressed with his

shrugged. “Well, I dated her for a whole month, among a few other oral
ly inclined women before and after her. So I’ve gotten
around to living out most of those fantasies, if not all of them.”

is the most astonishing thing you’ve ever done sexually?” She didn’t know why
she wanted to bring seriousness back to the conver
after the date had become so lighthearted and fun, only felt compelled to find
out the answer to this question.

stared her straight in the eyes, his expression growing somber. “Last night. We
came together at the same time without you needing any
physical stimulation. It was a first for me. And at this point in my career, I
don’t think I have many of those left.”

heart thrilled at learning she’d shared a first with Evan. She couldn’t help
smiling. “It was a first for me also. Jennifer has a
possessed the ability to connect with lovers on a deeper emotional level than I
ever could. I think I’ve just always been too guarded before last night. Or
maybe you put some kind of spell on me. Whatever it was, I liked it a lot. I’m
hoping we can d
o something like it again sometime
soon, possibly even later tonight.”

sat back in the booth, admiration filling his eyes. “That right there is what
really gets me about you. You’re the most sexually bold and vulnerable woman
I’ve ever met. How can yo
u really be both at the same

shook her head, not summoning up an adequate answer.

“Simply marvelous!
That’s what you really are.”

glad you think so, Evan. But I’m just a normal girl looking for my break in

you’re muc
h more than that, Kara. Much, much more, I
promise. You have absolutely no idea how rich and famous you’re going to

can you know that for certain?” She didn’t like the turn this conversation had
taken because it was starting to resemble the p
her first manager threw at her to get her to sign with him. She worried that
Evan was only playing on her
ambitions now.

you obviously don’t know it, everyone in here has been taking surreptitious
glances at you ever since I escorted
you in on my
arm. Some people, a very select few, have a special quality about them that
makes people feel compelled to watch them. You have that quality. I know this
because I’ve seen a lot of girls come and go in the business. And though it
took me a lit
tle while to recognize it in you, I
really do believe you have star quality.”

gave up a cursory smile. Evan’s enthusiasm made her grieve at the thought of
having to tell him the truth of her deception before she went back to New York.
Yes, she’d decid
ed earlier today to admit everything
to him following their performance. He deserved that at the very least. On a
personal note, it made her very sad to have finally met a man that seemed so
sexually compatible with her only to have him be unavailable. Her
squeaky clean image wouldn’t survive her publically dating
a porn performer. At least, she didn’t think it would. And her career took
precedence over her love life. Always had and probably always would.

don’t we get out of here?” Evan suggested.

where exactly will we be going?” Kara’s arousal sparked at
the thought of undertaking another sexual adventure like last night.

going to crash a very high-end social gathering. It’s sort of eclectic mix of
individuals who will appreciate all that w
e have to

immediately deduced this description denoted the patrons of Evan’s lifestyle.
An unenviable thought made her gasp. What if one or more of the patrons
recognized her from the plays she’d headlined in Chicago and New York? Rich
people w
ere notorious for attending such events.

is it?” He eyed her evenly. “You just gasped in surprise.”

nothing,” she lied. “I just didn’t think I’d get to meet the patrons until
Saturday. It’s kind of intimidating. They’re very rich from what I un
derstand and I’m not. They’ll pick up on the difference
between me and them right away.”

they certainly will. But meet and greets are necessary in this business. You
must remember we are selling ourselves and our emotions. And once we give them
a tea
ser of what you’re capable of, the number in
attendance for your first performance will triple the usual amount, which in
turn, will triple the amount of tips we will receive. All you have to do is be
comfortable in your own skin, and above all else, be yo
urself. Posers don’t get very far with them. They like authenticity, no
matter the state of one’s bank account.”

Kara nodded along with her words, knowing she couldn’t refuse, no matter the


do you mean by givi
ng them a teaser of me?”

going to be very amorous toward each other while in their company. Under no
circumstances are you to exhibit any attraction to anyone in the room except
for me. These people will act friendly toward you, but make no
they are not your friends. So just
stick with me and follow my lead. Oh yeah, if you’re wondering, we won’t be
having any kind of sex tonight. Our purpose in going is just to tease them,
nothing more.”

she answered and then asked about something
that now
puzzled her. “Why haven’t you ever invited Jennifer to meet the patrons? She’s
never mentioned you making an introduction for her.”

shrugged. “She doesn’t have your ambition.”

nodded her head, not really liking Evan pointing out Jennifer
’s shortcomings. But still, she knew he was right.

are you ready to go turn some heads and raise some eyebrows?”

but I want to know something first.”


do you do it?
The three
ejaculations in a row without taking a break in betwee
I’ve never heard of such a thing in
real life. I’d always believed men came only one time and that was it until
they’d recuperated. If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes I wouldn’t have
believed it.”

shrugged nonchalantly. “I just can.”

really an answer,” she pressured.

frowned. “You don’t want to get me started on the evils of circumcision.”

you’re not circumcised. What has that got to do with anything?”

has everything to do with maintaining sensitivity in the head of my dick.
Remove the foreskin from a cock and the cockhead becomes
desensitized over time. I think my former religious beliefs during my late
teens of abstaining from sex might have something to do with it also. Kind of
like when you deny yourself something for far
long and then you can’t get enough of it once you experience it. I think it’s
like that but I don’t really know. So, I say again, I just can.”

this explanation, Kara saw a perfect opportunity to bring up something that she
thought he should know
about her before their trial
run on Friday night. “That makes sense because some women are multi-orgasmic
while others aren’t. In all truthfulness, I’ve always been kind of envious of
those women who can have multiples.”

be. You have gifts I’m sure
some of those women would
be much more envious of.”

have to take your word for it even though you’ve never seen me have sex. I’m a
one-orgasm wonder.” Although she tried to hide it, an inkling of embarrassment
accompanied this admission. And it wasn’
t the good

features softened. “You say that if it’s a bad thing. I assure you it isn’t.
Besides, have you ever thought that those girls might be multi-orgasmic because
it takes ten of theirs to equal one of
Another thing, I felt you com
with me last night and it was amazing. You know I’m telling the truth.”

scoffed. “Sure you are. Can we go now before I turn into a complete charity
case and embarrass myself more than I already have?”

Evan escorted her outside, he hailed a cab
and held
the door open for her. He also helped her to be seated. After he climbed inside
and gave an address to the cab driver, he retook possession of her hand,
saying, “I’m so happy you didn’t give up when I tried to get you to leave the
bar upon introdu
cing yourself to me last Saturday
night. Talk about a monumental blunder on my part. I would have never known
what a wonderful discovery you really are.”

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