Finding Carson Lee (Oh Captan, My Captain #3) (18 page)

BOOK: Finding Carson Lee (Oh Captan, My Captain #3)
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I have this feeling that you’re lying to me. I think once you see some of my secrets, you won’t be so quick to throw me out of bed.”

The only place I plan on throwing you is onto the bed, sweetheart. Why do I only get to see some of the secrets?”

Aw, you’ll just have to be patient.” She walks away, leaving me watching the sway of her hips.


~ ~ ~


Cassie ended up dragging Kinley out for a night on the town, not coming back until late, so she had to wait some more. The next night, she swore up and down that she didn’t have time because she had to get some work stuff together for her boss. There is no way to distract Kinley when she’s in pure work mode. Trust me, I tried. Our flirting keeps going with secret moments when no one is paying attention.

Today wrapped up the campaign. We have one more day here in Utah before we’re going back home. I’m standing outside Kinley’s door and this is the day. My four knocks are quick. It takes forever for the door open, but once it does, I step forward and pull Kinley against me, pressing my lips to hers.

I’ve got her off guard, but in three seconds, she wraps her arms around my neck, kissing me with the same fierceness as I’m kissing her.

Tonight, Kinley,” I murmur between breaths.

She hums her agreement when I slide my hands under her shirt, tugging her closer. A loud “Ahem!” halts things immediately. I pull away to see that we’re not alone. Cassie is sitting on the edge of Kinley’s bed. One thing is for sure, I don’t have any more patience. Kinley glances at Cassie before looking back at me. I haven’t even remotely released my hold on her.
I could say something, but if Kinley wants this, then she’s going to have to be the one to speak.



Chapter Twenty-Five



Carson is still holding me, and even I forgot that Cassie is still in the room.

I’ll guess I’ll leave you two alone.” She winks as she walks around us both and leaves.

Well, Cassie knows,” Carson teases and leans in to kiss me again.

Wait one second.” I untangle myself from his arms and start cleaning off the bed. I know that I should have been a little bit more prepared for this but there’s so much to do before we leave.

You’re telling me to wait, and I’ve hardly seen you the past couple of days.”

I look over at him, cocking an eyebrow. “I do believe you told me to be patient. Does it suck having a taste of your own medicine?”

He rolls his eyes, and I giggle picking up the folders. I pretend to shuffle through them trying to hold back my laughter because I know that it’s killing Carson.

Sweetheart, if you don’t hurry up, I’ll bend you over that desk.”

I turn, keeping a small smile on my face. “And who said I wouldn’t like that?”

I see the fire in his eyes as he takes two quick steps to me. Instantly, he kisses me and moans at our connection.

I want you in the bed,” he whispers against my lips. “This time.”

Carson rips open my shirt, causing the buttons to fly every which way, and I feel my heart beat faster. I tug on his shirt, pulling it over his head. I had seen him without a shirt numerous times, but as I lightly trace my finger down his chest, I’m turned on with each bump and ripple I feel.

I’m not going to last if you keep looking at me like that,” he moans as I reach the top of his jeans.

You average twenty-two minutes on the ice for a game, so I’m pretty sure you’re going to do just fine right now.” I unbuckle his belt and unleash the bulge in his pants.

I’ve felt him rub up against me, and I know that he’s large. However, my mouth goes a little dry when I grip him. He’s much bigger than I had thought. Guys I had been with before were average size. Carson is anything but that.

He lays his head in the crook of my neck and breathes heavier as I stroke him slowly. He yanks at my bra, freeing me. He bites down on my nipple, causing me to hiss through my teeth with pleasure and a little bit of pain.

I thought you wanted me on the bed,” I pant out to him.

You will be in one second.” Carson switches sides to the other breast, repeating the same action. I can’t concentrate on his words because I’m in a deep sexual haze with his mouth on my breasts.

I close my eyes. I feel myself being lifted and placed onto the bed. When I open my eyes, Carson is kicking off his jeans and boxers. Seeing him fully naked in front of me almost makes me pass out. I have been turned on by men’s bodies before, but not in such a way that I practically had an orgasm right at that moment.

He uses his pointer finger to beckon me over and I rise up on my knees, making my way over to him. He removes my shirt, unhooks my bra, and tosses the articles of clothing away from us. I bite my lip staring into at the determination on his face when he unsnaps my jeans. The sound of the zipper being pulled down causes me to stop breathing. My body shivers when he tells me to lie back down, and he removes the last two pieces of clothing on my body.

Now, I’m on the bed, naked in front of Carson Lee.

Fuck, I love your curves.” He kisses my stomach, and then both my hips. His dark brown eyes drink me in. He pulls on my thighs, opening me up more for him. He lays feather light touches from his lips on the inside of my thighs as I feel two fingers slip inside me.

I can’t stop the pleasurable sound that leaves my lips from his contact. My body begins to rock, and every part of me wants to feel his tongue inside of me. As if he’s a mind reader, I feel the first swipe, and I latch my hands onto either side of his head, holding tightly to dark brown hair. Carson wraps his arms around my hips, pulling me closer to his mouth. My hips rock against his biting, sucking, and licking maneuvers.

The tension in the pit of my soul builds up and ready for its release as Carson’s fingers dig deeper into my skin. I don’t care if I have bruises in the morning because all I care about is Carson and his tongue. I keep panting his name over and over as he continues his assault on me. I pull on his hair as my body lets go of everything I’m holding in and yell out his name.

He let’s go of me and kisses my skin, all the way back up to my mouth. My lips tingle from his soft kiss, and I can taste myself on his tongue. Typically, I would be grossed out, but right now I wanted to ride him like a rocket ship to the moon. Carson rolls off of me and grabs his jeans, pulling out a condom. I watch him swiftly put it on and hover back over me.

I haven’t even shown you one secret yet.” I pout my lips at him.

We’ll save it for the next time. Right now, I need to be inside you.”

Before I can utter a word, Carson drives himself into me, and I yell out. It’s a mixture of lust and pain. My body wants him, but wasn’t prepared for the penetration. He pulls out and slams right back in, waking up my tender core again. Never have I felt back-to-back pleasure like this, but already I’m ready for more of Carson.

He says my name several times, while I pant his. I lock my legs around his waist, pulling him closer me. I arch my back, letting go again. Carson’s movement tells me he’s close too. The joint release causes the room to echo with our collective pants and sighs of relief. I quickly think two things when Carson relaxes against me: there’s sex with guys, and then there’s sex with Carson Lee.

Chapter Twenty-Six



Being home means finally seeing the work that Elliott did for me. It’s good to be back, that’s for sure. I toss my keys onto the table and set my bags down by the door. I’ll unpack later. Walking through the house, I’m thankful I had someone come by to tidy up before I arrived. My eyes inspect the work that Elliott completed. Kinley was right. He’s good at what he does.

I take a moment to call him and give a virtual pat on the back for a job well done. One of the rooms will definitely come in handy for future parties. With that done, I go to my room and fall into my bed. Between the early plane ride and the time difference, I’m tired. I grab my phone before I take my nap and text Kinley.


Me: Don’t forget about the dinner I won.


She’s off visiting her parents, so I don’t expect a reply anytime soon. My eyes close for a nap. Five minutes pass and the weirdest thing happens. I can’t sleep. It’s too quiet, yet at the same time, I can hear every little creak, bump, and any other odd noises the house makes. I swear I can even hear the ice falling into the ice container in the fridge.

Thankfully, my phone rings.

Hey, Mike. Let me guess, you’re calling to congratulate me on doing exactly what you wanted?”

Mike laughs. “I’m not congratulating you on anything, though I did get a good report.”

A good report? What the hell are you talking about?”

I called Ms. Wright to find out if I needed to kick your ass or not. She said you were almost pleasant.”

Almost pleasant?
She said I was
pleasant? What kind of word is pleasant anyway? She sure made out that I was more than fucking spectacular the other night, but she said I was
almost pleasant

Nice to know. I gotta go.” I hang up and speed dial Kinley. When she answers, I quickly get straight to the point. “What the hell does ‘almost pleasant’ mean, sweetheart?”

Um, what are you talking about?” Could she have actually forgotten the pairing of those two words? Doubt it.

You told Mike I was ‘almost pleasant,’” I remind her. “What does that mean?”

It means that those two words are a nice way of saying you’re a pain in my ass.”

I don’t recall you telling me that when I was in your bed the other night. And that’s a nice way of saying it.”

I was saying that about your professionalism.” She pauses. “Not any other activities.”

So my professionalism is what sucks? I was on my best behavior the entire time, you know.” And I was. I wasn’t the source of any troubles, I pretty much kept my dick to myself, and was on time to everything.

I highly doubt that. However, I wasn’t rating you on anything else. Now, are we still on for tomorrow?”

Depends. What’s your rating on everything else?”

Kinley groans and then whispers, “Are you really wanting me to say this right now?”

Yes, I am.” I laugh. “It’s only a rating, Kinley. I’m not asking you to talk dirty to me yet.”

Of course, you would go there.” After a moment, she says, “Fine, everything is about average. Happy now?”

Average? “Not even close. I’m a bit disappointed honestly. I would’ve rated you higher than average.”

Hang on.” I hear her shuffling around, presumably leaving the room. “Are you aware that I’m at my parent’s house having dinner?”

Yes, but you answered, so…”

Fine, your bedroom skills are the best I’ve ever had,” she rushes. “Does that make you happier?”

Happier than you could imagine. Tell your parents ‘hi’ for me.” I smirk.

I will, and am I still going to cook tomorrow or not?”

Of course you are. Send me a list of what you’ll need. And don’t forget about dessert.”

I am the dessert, Carson Lee.” The click of the call disconnecting follows her words immediately.


~ ~ ~


It should be no surprise to me whatsoever that when I do get that grocery list, it comes in the form of an email. That girl and her emails. There should be a rehab for people like her. I print off the list, scanning over it to see if I might actually have any of these items here already. The only thing I have is stuff to make sweet tea. A grin quickly appears when I see one thing in particular.

BOOK: Finding Carson Lee (Oh Captan, My Captain #3)
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