Read Finding Chrissten: Legacy, Book 5 Online
Authors: N.J. Walters
A sense of urgency filled him. “Please.” She was in his arms but he felt as though he was losing her.
“Okay. I guess.” She tilted her head back to look at him. “But it’s not fair to you.”
“It’s what I want.”
He braced himself for the inquisition as Quinn headed in their direction. Her brother had held off longer than Hank had expected. Chrissten saw him coming too and tensed.
“It’s whatever you want. Remember that.” He wasn’t going to let anyone bully her, not even her brother. She’d endured enough of that kind of behavior to last a lifetime.
Before Quinn reached them the front door opened and a massive wave of power echoed through the bar as three people stepped inside. The wait was over.
Donovan Brody had arrived.
Chapter Eight
Chrissten was still reeling from the dance she’d shared with Hank. Her body hummed and her emotions were scattered. It felt so good, so right to be in Hank’s arms. But it was wrong too. No matter what he thought or said it wasn’t fair to him. She couldn’t even begin to think about being with another male until the problem with Brian was resolved.
What a tame, civilized word. This wasn’t the human world where an amicable divorce would settle things. Some packs wouldn’t even see anything wrong with what Brian had done to her. The werewolf culture was much different, more primal and basic. But she was part human too and she couldn’t accept having a male forced upon her.
Beside her, Hank stilled, his gaze on the front door of the club. Three people had entered—two men and a woman. Chrissten stared at the man in front. He was tall and broad-shouldered. His hair was brown and hung around his shoulders. His features were as familiar to her as her own. It was like looking at a slightly older version of Quinn.
This had to be Donovan Brody.
Her legs quivered and she struggled not to give into the urge to run. She didn’t want to deal with him now, this male who’d gotten her mother pregnant and left her. Left them.
All her life she’d wondered about him, who he was, where he came from. Now that the moment of meeting him was at hand she no longer wanted to know. Quinn came to stand beside her, his expression grim.
“Are you okay with this?”
She nodded at her brother. She wasn’t the least bit okay, but Donovan Brody was here now and he’d seen her. He wasn’t going to leave until he met her.
Hank stood on her other side, silent and steady. She was beginning to depend on his unwavering support. That wasn’t good. It would be too easy to start counting on him to be there whenever she needed him.
Something else that wasn’t fair to him. This wasn’t his life, wasn’t his fight.
The couple behind him stopped to speak to Isaiah and Meredith. The male looked a lot like Isaiah. In a word—intimidating.
Hank leaned down to speak quietly in her ear. “The man speaking to Isaiah is his brother, Joshua. The female with him is his wife, Alexandra.”
He didn’t mention who the other male was. There was no need.
Chrissten was suddenly too warm. Her clothing felt too tight and confining. At the same time she felt a chill rush through her. This man was her father. She’d dreamed about him over the years, thought about him. At different times in her life she’d longed to meet him. At other times she’d hated him. Now he was here.
He stopped about five feet in front of her and simply stared. His gaze ran over her body from head to toe. She bristled under his regard. Donovan—she simply couldn’t think of him as Dad—turned his attention toward Quinn. “Aren’t you going to introduce us?”
“I’m standing right in front of you. Why don’t you introduce yourself to me?”
His eyes narrowed and his eyebrows crinkled as he frowned. “All right. I’m Donovan Brody and I’m your father.”
Chrissten shook her head. “You’re the man who got my mother pregnant and then left her. I never had a father.”
He propped his hands on his hips as he studied her. “I never knew she was pregnant.”
Why did men always use that as an excuse? “You knew you were having sex with her. Obviously unprotected sex at some point. Didn’t it ever occur to you to check?”
She wasn’t cutting him any slack. She had far too many memories of her mother crying when she thought no one was looking, of her mother working herself to death with two jobs to support her kids, of doing everything alone. Chrissten loved her mother and respected the hell out of her. She’d missed her every day since she’d died.
“Chrissten.” She could hear the warning tone in Quinn’s voice and it pissed her off.
“What? What’s he going to do? Beat me? Attack me? Sorry, been there and done that this past year.” As tough as her façade was it was starting to develop cracks. All she wanted to do was curl up in a corner somewhere and cry.
“No one is going to do anything to you.” Hank stepped forward until he was half in front of her. His intent was obvious. He was more than willing to protect her.
Tensions ratcheted up as they stared at one another. Donovan obviously wasn’t pleased with her reception. What did he expect? He hadn’t considered her feelings when he’d come here tonight. Had he never once thought this might be too much for her to handle right now? He’d wanted to meet her so he’d come.
Arrogant males. She was sick to death of all of them.
The front door closed with a thud and Isaiah prowled over to stand beside Donovan. “You could have waited until we’d cleared the place out.”
Chrissten was relieved to see the bar was now empty except for pack members and the new visitors. Everyone was here, including Craig, who hurried to her side and took her hand in his.
“I wanted to see my daughter.” Donovan’s voice was deep. She could understand why her mother had slept with him. He was handsome and mysterious, a typical bad boy from the looks of him. Her mother had always been drawn to that type. And look where it got her—alone with kids to raise.
Chrissten liked to think she’d learned from her mother’s mistakes. No arrogant male for her. She wanted a male who would treat her like an equal partner.
Which made her think of Hank. There was no denying he was all male. He was persistent and stubborn, but he was different. More respectful. Maybe it was because he was half human, just as she was, and had been raised as a human.
The other new male came to stand beside Isaiah. He offered her an apologetic smile and stuck out his hand. “I’m Joshua Striker.”
She took his hand and shook it. “Chrissten Lawton. Pleased to meet you.”
Joshua wrapped his free arm around a tall woman with short, glossy brown hair and beautiful gray eyes. “And this is my mate, Alexandra.”
“Call me Alex. I’m so glad you’re okay.” There was kindness in her eyes that appealed to Chrissten.
“Thank you.” They all stood around watching one another. Very awkward. Part of her view of Donovan was blocked by Hank who was still standing partially in front of her. Her brothers were on either side of her. And Kevin had come to stand behind her. She was totally surrounded and protected.
The gesture brought tears to her eyes, but she blinked them back. She couldn’t afford to show any weakness in front of Donovan or any of the pureblooded werewolves. They’d probably see it as a sign of her inferior diluted human blood.
And that wasn’t fair. Not to the Haven pack. None of them had ever treated her with anything other than respect and kindness.
“Why don’t we all sit down?” There was more command than question in Meredith’s tone. Every member of her pack started to move toward several tables that had been pushed together.
Chrissten needed to sit. Her legs were shaking and she was starting to feel a little weak. She hadn’t eaten much this evening other than the milkshake.
Quinn took one arm and Craig the other and they led her over to the table. She sank down in the chair and her brothers took up posts in the ones on either side of her. Hank stood behind her chair, his hands resting on the back. She felt his fingers playing with her braid and wanted to lean back into his touch, to acknowledge it, but didn’t dare. She had to keep her emotions compartmentalized. It was the only way she’d make it through this meeting.
Donovan pulled out a chair and sat down across from her. “Isaiah told us what happened. We’re going to get that bastard and the rest of his pack.” His upset for her seemed genuine.
Chrissten was slightly taken aback by his vehemence. She was starting to slightly thaw toward him when he dropped a bomb on her.
“You’ll come back to the Wolf Creek pack and stay with the Brody clan.” He announced it as though it was a done deal.
“Excuse me.” She put enough frost in her voice to freeze a hockey rink.
Her biological father ignored her and turned to Quinn. “As the eldest male of the clan she falls under my protection.”
“I fall under no one’s protection but my own.” Her voice shook she was trembling so hard with barely suppressed fury. “How dare you walk in here and lay down your pronouncements. You’re nothing to me. You’re as bad as Brian.” She slung the barb and knew when it hit home. Donovan flinched slightly, but it didn’t deter him.
“I demand it.” He turned to Joshua. “It’s my right as her father.”
She jumped to her feet, knocking her chair back. It would have hit the floor if Hank hadn’t been behind her. He growled low in his throat, his hands coming up to rest on her shoulders. Her brothers both stood beside her.
“You’re not my father and you have no rights over me. Depositing sperm doesn’t automatically give you a place in my life. You forfeited that years ago. I’m half human and I make my own choices.”
“Damn right.” Quinn growled. “You leave my family the fuck alone.”
Donovan was on his feet now, teeth bared. The situation was quickly deteriorating. Isaiah slowly came to his feet. “Enough.” He didn’t yell. He didn’t have to. His anger was very evident in that one word.
Chrissten was afraid. What if they took her? What if Isaiah and his pack sided with Donovan? What would she and her brothers do then? They couldn’t win a fight against these full-blooded werewolves. And Craig was human. He could be hurt, even killed.
The shadows on the far end of the room shimmered and a man stepped out from the darkness. Immense power ricocheted around the room, pressing down on her until she almost couldn’t stand.
Isaiah rubbed his hand over his face in obvious frustration and glared at the man. “How long have you been standing there, Damek?”
“Long enough.”
So this was the vampire. He certainly lived up to his reputation. His voice was as deep and compelling as the man himself. He was everything a vampire should be wearing a dark suit, his dark hair pulled away from his pale face. He was classically handsome. And he was scary as hell. Chrissten held her breath waiting to see what he would do next.
“This isn’t your business…” Donovan began.
“I said enough.” Pure steel laced Isaiah’s voice. “This is my home and Chrissten is under my protection. She goes nowhere she doesn’t want to.”
Her relief was so profound she got lightheaded and started to sway. Hank steadied her without really seeming to as she sat back down. The gesture meant everything to her. He knew how important it was for her to appear strong in front of the rest of the group. She’d only let down her guard with her brothers and with him.
Donovan looked as though he wanted to say more but subsided.
Damek strolled over to the table and picked up the thread of conversation. “It is my business, wolf, since the moment I was drawn into it. Chrissten has been through more than you can imagine. More than most could ever hope to survive.”
He knew everything. She’d forgotten that. He’d gotten into the mind of Philip Morton and discovered all his secrets and hers as well. He knew all her shame and the pain she’d suffered. It was like being totally naked in front of a stranger. Well, she’d had that happen to her before and survived. She would get through this as well.
When her eyes met the vampire’s she saw nothing but respect and compassion in his gaze. He inclined his head toward her. Then he looked at Craig and smiled. “I find I like these Lawton siblings. They are under my protection.” Damek walked behind Donovan and stopped and put his hands on the male’s shoulders. “That means they are to be left alone.”
“You can’t do that,” Donovan protested, but he didn’t move to attack the vampire.
Damek shrugged and walked away. “It is already done. They are protected by me and by this pack. You have no claim to her. If you want any kind of relationship with her I suggest you stop acting like an arrogant ass and more like a concerned parent.”
Chrissten held her breath, not knowing what to expect from Donovan. At the very least she expected an outburst of some sort, verbal if not physical.
Instead the man hung his head and rubbed the back of his neck. “Okay. I know you’re right. It’s just that I feel so damn helpless. I want to protect her.” He raised his head. “I want to protect my children.”
At that moment, she pitied him. He’d lost both children before he’d even had them. Maybe they could forge some kind of relationship in the future but it would never be what it might have been. She and Quinn were adults with lives of their own now. The time for bonding with them was long gone. Then there was Craig. No way would either she or Quinn go anywhere without him.