Finding Chrissten: Legacy, Book 5 (15 page)

BOOK: Finding Chrissten: Legacy, Book 5
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Time was of the essence.

Hank slipped his hand between her thighs and moaned when he touched her slick folds. She was warm and wet. He wanted to burrow between her spread thighs and taste her essence, suck her slick folds until she screamed his name.

Probably way too soon for that but a guy could dream.

He stroked up and down the length of her labia, gritting his teeth against the storm of arousal that threatened to swamp him. His dick was leaking and he could smell the tang of his own arousal as it hovered just out of reach.

He rimmed her opening and slipped one thick finger inside. The muscles of her channel wrapped around it. Hank thought he might lose it then and there.

Chrissten tilted her hips upward, taking him deeper.

It was now or never. He had to make her come before he did.


Chrissten closed her eyes and listened to the sound of her own breathing. She could barely hear it above the pounding of her heart.

Her skin felt too small to contain her body. Every part of her seemed swollen and sensitive. Waiting expectantly.

Hank hovered above her like something from a dream, a very hot, erotic dream. His every touch, every stroke was designed to push her deeper and deeper under his sensual spell. She should have been frightened by how easily he accomplished this. Instead, she was reveling in it, embracing it.

Brian had taken something precious from her. But it was her choice to take it back.

She’d had sex with several long-term boyfriends over the years, but she’d never really enjoyed sex, hadn’t understood what all the hoopla was about. Then Brian had happened and sex had become a nightmare, more about pain and subjugation.

This was something totally different from any of her previous experiences.

Hank’s every touch ignited sparks beneath her skin, leaving her wanting more. She felt alive with sensation. She could smell his dark, musky spices mixing with the scent of her soap and the sweet tang of her arousal.

His breathing was harsh, but controlled. That was Hank—controlled. Chrissten didn’t think she’d ever met a man who was more in command of himself than Hank was. For a brief second, she wondered what it would be like to make him lose that control.

His lips closed around the peak of her breast and he suckled gently, drawing the nipple deeper into his mouth. She arched upward, wanting to give him more, wanting him to take whatever he wanted.

The hand between her legs teased and tormented her slick folds. He slid one thick finger into her core and Chrissten couldn’t suppress the moan of pleasure that broke from her throat.

Oh, that felt amazingly good. Better than she’d ever known it could.

Being touched by a male she genuinely liked and respected was so different from the way it had been with Brian. Her arousal hovered on the edge of a knife as his name evoked so many nasty memories. She banished that male from her head. He had no place in this bed. She was with Hank. He was all that mattered.

He lapped at her nipple before releasing it and shifting his attention to her other breast. He nuzzled the mound, his stubbled beard arousing her sensitive skin. “Okay?”

Tears filled her eyes. Even now his concern was all about her. She swallowed hard. “Better than okay,” she assured him.

“Good.” He tilted his head back so he could see her face and winked at her. That lighthearted gesture drove back the sadness. She laughed before she knew she was going to.

Her laughter turned to a moan as he inserted a second finger into her channel. The muscles contracted and then relaxed. Accepting him.

His thumb rubbed her clit and her hips jerked upward, seeking more of his touch. She moaned again and Hank surged upward, covering her mouth with his. In the back of her mind she knew she was making too much noise. Much more of that and she’d have her brother and the others in here checking on her. She didn’t want that. Not until she got the prize. She was so close to coming.

Hank’s kiss was passionate, not gentle as his previous ones had been. She loved it, loved the fact he wasn’t holding back. It made her feel more whole, more like a real woman and not one who’d been damaged.

He worked his fingers in and out of her core, driving deeper with each thrust. His thumb continued to stimulate her clit. Round and round. Back and forth. Driving her up and up until she had to burst or go crazy.

When he pulled his fingers back to the edge of her sheath, he curled them upward, touching a spot that pushed her over the edge. Explosions of light burst behind her eyes. She cried out and Hank took the sound into his mouth, smothering it, keeping this moment between only them.

Her eyes opened wide and she met Hank’s gaze. Pure masculine pleasure shone from his face.

Her entire body shook and quivered as her orgasm continued to swamp her. Gradually the trembling lessened and Hank withdrew his hand from between her legs. He carefully smoothed her nightgown down and tugged the sheets to her waist, covering her.

His tenderness and concern for her touched her heart. Hank was a very special man. She wished she’d met him before her life had exploded and become the living hell it had. But she had to deal with reality. Even now she could smell the faint odor of Brian on her skin. She hated it with a passion and fought the urge to go to the bathroom and scrub her skin until it bled. There was only one way to get rid of Brian for good. And soap and water wasn’t it.

“Hey, you okay?” So lost in her thoughts, she hadn’t even realized Hank had stopped kissing her and was doing up the buttons to her nightgown. When he was finished, he pulled the covers the rest of the way up.

She shoved the negative thoughts aside and concentrated on the beautiful gift Hank had just given her. “I’m wonderful. How about you?”

Chrissten glanced downward. There was no hiding the heavy thick erection pressing against the front of Hank’s jeans.

He gave a chuckled that sounded a little strained to her ears. He moved gingerly as he rolled off the bed, picked up his shirt and pulled it back on. “I’ll live.”

She felt awful. She’d taken with little thought to how he would feel.

The side of the mattress depressed as he sat down next to her. He cupped her face in his hand. “Hey, none of that. I got what I wanted.” He leaned down and this time she met him halfway. Their lips met in a tender kiss. She slid her hand around to the nape of his neck, feeling the strong muscles beneath her palm. So much strength, but he never used it to hurt her.

Hank was a revelation to her, reminding her that not all men were abusive jerks. Intellectually, she already knew that. After all, she had two brothers who were both examples of what a good man was. But in her heart she’d feared they might be the only ones. Irrational, to be sure, but considering everything she’d been through she’d cut herself some slack.

“Sleep.” He eased down onto the bed beside her. He was on top of the covers and she was tucked beneath. She felt warm and safe and cared for.

“Wake me early.” She needed a shower before her brothers showed up in the morning. Craig might not notice anything different, but Quinn would surely smell the essence of her climax on her skin and nightgown.

“I will.”

She knew he understood without her having to explain it. Hank seemed to understand her better than anyone else she’d ever met. She snuggled against his body and released a sigh, totally relaxed.

As she started to drift off to sleep, she wondered what it would be like to touch his skin, to have the muscles rippling beneath her palms. What would it be like to touch his cock and make him come?

Maybe it was too soon for them to have intercourse, that’s assuming she could even find the courage to do so, but there were other things they might do. If she was brave enough to reach out and take them, the possibilities were limitless.

Chapter Ten

Hank tilted his head down and let the cool water rush over the back of his neck and down his body. He was so hot he was surprised he wasn’t steaming. The cold shower did little to alleviate the sexual arousal riding him.

With his eyes closed, he could still see Chrissten when he woke her this morning. She’d given him a sleepy, sexy smile that had made him want to roll her onto her back, slide into her hot depths and fuck her until they both screamed with pleasure.

Instead, he’d gotten her out of the bed and into the shower. It had been pure torture to have to listen to the rush of water over her skin and know she was naked behind that closed door, rubbing soap over her lush breasts and between her slick thighs.

To distract himself, he’d changed the sheets on the bed and aired out the room. Chrissten had still been in the shower when Bethany had come knocking on her door, and Hank had taken the opportunity to slip away, needing some time alone.

He hadn’t gone downstairs, had not wanted to face any of the others yet. Instead, he’d gone up to the roof and watched the city come to life, the traffic getting thicker as the morning went on.

When his body was finally under control, he went back to his apartment, grateful to find the women were gone downstairs for breakfast. He’d slipped into the shower and cranked the water up to cold.

Which was where he found himself now. Shivering but still aroused.

“Fuck it.” He turned down the cold. The water warmed gradually and he lifted his face, letting it cascade down his front. His cock was at full attention, the cold shower had done nothing to alleviate the persistent ache. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been this horny. He hadn’t been this bad when he was a teenager. There was something about Chrissten that kept him on edge and his body primed.

He grabbed the cake of soap from the ledge and rubbed it between his large hands. When he had a substantial lather, he dumped the bar back into the tray and grabbed his cock. There was only one way to get rid of his hard-on since he didn’t anticipate having sex anytime in the next ten minutes.

He gripped his shaft and squeezed. Soapy bubbles frothed from between his fingers and coated his penis.

He closed his eyes and reveled in the pressure. It felt good, but it wasn’t nearly enough. Visions of Chrissten ran through his mind like a movie. Chrissten smiling. Chrissten sleeping. Chrissten’s soft, lush breasts and long, shapely legs. Oh, yeah. Picturing her naked was easy. Her image was burned onto his brain.

Hank pumped his hand up and down, the soap making it slide easily. His testicles were tight. Heavy. He’d almost come a couple of times last night, but somehow managed to keep it together. He deserved a medal for that.

He wanted Chrissten so bad he could taste it. He licked his lips, easily remembering the salty, sweet taste of her skin. He’d wanted to go down on her and bury his face between her slender thighs. But that would have been too much too soon.

Patience. He needed to woo her with patience. Even if it killed him.

His hand jerked up and down, pumping hard. What would her hand feel like wrapped around his cock? The warm water caressed the head of his shaft. It was all too easy to imagine it was Chrissten’s hot mouth closed over him.

He groaned, hips jerking as he came, white liquid spilling onto his hand before being washed away. He didn’t stop until he’d drained himself. He knew the temporary relief wouldn’t last, but it was welcome.

The water was turning cold again. “Shit.” The hot water had run out. Hank grabbed the soap and made quick work of washing himself. As soon as he was rinsed off, he turned off the water. The silence surrounded him. He grabbed a towel and rubbed it over his head before wrapping it around his hips.

The mirror was covered in a filmy coating of steam and he used the side of his hand to swipe enough away so he could see himself. Pale blue eyes stared back at him. Determination was etched on his face.

A layer of thick stubble covered his jaw. He rubbed a hand over his face. He definitely needed to shave. He couldn’t kiss Chrissten without leaving a mark on her skin. He hated being away from her for even five minutes. Intellectually, he knew she was safe enough downstairs with the others. There were at least three pureblooded males and several other half-breeds watching her.

Still, Hank knew he wouldn’t feel settled until he could see her with his own two eyes. He grabbed his electric razor and started to shave. The quicker he finished here the quicker he could see Chrissten again.


Chrissten’s gaze kept sneaking back to the door that separated the club from the stairwell to the apartments upstairs. There was still no sign of Hank. It surprised her that he hadn’t joined them for breakfast. Of course, he’d spent all night watching over her. The man was probably sick of her by now. He had a life of his own. Things to do. He couldn’t be with her all the time.

The entire pack was here with the exception of Hank. Joshua and Alex were here as well. Thankfully, Donovan Brody was absent. Chrissten wasn’t up to dealing with her biological father until she’d had her coffee. He was expected later today.

Her stomach fluttered and she placed her hand over it to try to settle it. She had to be realistic. Hank didn’t belong to her, wasn’t her man anymore than she was his woman.

Yes, last night had been wonderful, but nothing could ever come of it. She was mated until death to another male.

BOOK: Finding Chrissten: Legacy, Book 5
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