Finding Forever (Living Again #4) (24 page)

BOOK: Finding Forever (Living Again #4)
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“You heard me,” he said. “She’s gone through hell. First, she had to have a partial mastectomy and now she’s going to have to start chemotherapy.”

“She’s so young,” his mom said, emotion filtering through her voice. She didn’t know Lacey, but his mom couldn’t handle anything being less than ideal.

“And she’ll fight this, and I’ll be there for her every step of the way,” Brant said defensively.

“Have you been working?”

“Yes,” Brant said. “I’ve done a few local shoots, but not I’m not doing any traveling. My job is to take care of Lacey.”

“Am I going to get to meet her?”

Dread curled in his gut. If she met her that meant that his dad did, also. She would never come herself. That would also mean taking Lacey out to the ranch. “I would love for you to meet her, Mom, but we’re getting ready to go to Florida for a week, and then Lacey starts treatment.”

“Why are you taking her away? Is that wise?”

“She wants to go. Her friend has a beach house there, and she wants a getaway before she will be too sick to go anywhere.”

“What’s her prognosis?”

Anger sparked inside him. “Her prognosis is unknown, Mom. It depends on how her body responds to the treatment. She has stage 2 cancer. It’s not great, but not the worst it could be.”

She sighed. “We miss you, Brant. I would hate for you to get all involved with this girl and then…”

me? You could see me any time you want, you just won’t without Dad. And you hate for me to get ‘involved’ with her? I’m not just ‘involved’ with her, Mom. I love her. Someday, God willing, she’s going to be my wife and the mother of my children.”

“Brantley,” she said softly. “Do you think that’s wise, thinking that way?”

“It’s the only way I
think, Mom. I have to have faith. If I don’t, who will? When dad had his accident and heart attack, did you hope and pray for him to survive, to spend the rest of his life with you?”

“Well, of course,” she answered. “But we’ve been married for thirty years!”

“It’s no different,” Brant retorted. “When we get back from Florida, if you and Dad can handle meeting her without judgment of me
her, then we will come out to see you. I’ve got to go. We have to get to the airport.”

“Goodbye, son,” his mother said. “I love you.”



The private jet that was owned by the one and only Samantha Kerrigan-Warner touched down on the runway, jolting Lacey from her sleep. She had been passed out on his lap for most of the flight, and he was glad. It wasn’t often that she got enough rest these days. When Lacey had said she wanted to go to Florida, Sam had gone all out setting it up for her, refusing to allow them to fly on a regular airline.

Sam had also told him about a big surprise she had planned for Lacey while they were down here. He only hoped that it didn’t upset her. It would require him to get her away from the beach house. How he was going to do that, he still wasn’t sure. It was hard to get her out and about on a regular day, and she had made a point of saying she was going to the beach and not moving.

“We’re here,” he whispered, smoothing her hair back. She sat up, stretching, the smile he loved so much spreading across her face. Seeing a genuine expression of happiness from her was a rarity these days.

He hadn’t been to this part of Florida before, but Lacey had told him all about being here with Sam a few years ago for her birthday. Sam and Ellis owned a house on Sunset Beach, which Lacey described as ‘sweet’.

“Here’s to a week of relaxation and just being a couple,” Lacey said, wrapping her arms around his waist. “This isn’t about sick Lacey and caretaker Brant. This is us, as a couple. Okay?”

“You got it, Doc. Just how private is this beach?”

She laughed, kissing his neck gently. “Private enough.” He swore that he felt those words all the way through his body. The desire he had for her bloomed to life. He wasn’t sure what she was going to be ready for, so he needed to keep himself in check.



Lacey sat in the shade by the pool, reading a book. Brant was content just watching her relax, because it hardly ever happened. He couldn’t wait until the weekend when Sam arrived. Lacey might be facing an uphill battle over the next several months, but she was going to know how much she was loved by everyone around her. All he had to do was keep her away from the television or internet for a few days, because he was sure the word had gotten out. Lacey hadn’t had any interest in either for quite a while, so he figured it would be rather easy.

The house was amazing, as Lacey had said. He thought he could stay here for the rest of his life. Here he could pretend there was no such thing as cancer or chemotherapy or the possibility of losing the love of his life. Even in October, the weather was perfect.

“Whatcha lookin’ at?” Lacey teased. His gaze traveled the length of her body, barely covered in a tiny bikini bottom and a tank top. She wasn’t comfortable in a bathing suit top, and he understood. She still hadn’t looked at herself, even though he had reminded her gently that he had seen her every day and there was nothing to be ashamed of. But she wasn’t ready to admit that it was gone, he guessed. He had no idea what she felt like, so he felt it wasn’t his place to push. She even showered in a sports bra, and avoided any reflection where she might see herself at all.

“Maybe I’m looking at you,” he teased, scooting his chair so it was close enough for him to touch her. “Have I told you how devastatingly beautiful you are today?” He traced his finger up her bare leg, making her squirm as he reached her inner thigh.

“Brant,” she breathed, putting down her book and surprising him by grabbing his face and kissing him, her tongue sliding into his mouth and making him forget anything else he may have wanted to say. He was insanely attracted to her, and nothing she had been through thus far had changed that, no matter what she thought. He wanted to prove that to her, but also didn’t want to push her too far past her comfort level. But her taking the lead made him feel a lot less pressure.

“I want to kiss every inch of your body,” Brant growled in her ear, cupping her through her bathing suit bottom. She ran her hands down his chest and abs, stopping at the drawstring to his shorts. The way she was touching him was making his head spin.

Slowing the kiss, Brant let her take the lead as she pulled back and looked into his eyes. “I want you, GQ.”

His mouth opened and closed, his brain fumbling for an appropriate response. She
What exactly did she mean by that? Before he could answer, she laughed, untying his drawstring.

“I’ve never seen you speechless,” Lacey said, pulling him so he was leaned over her, caging her slight body. “Do you not know what that means? I. Want. You. Brant.”

He moved her skimpy bikini bottom to the side and sunk one finger inside her, watching as her eyes fluttered closed, then back open to watch him. He wanted badly to reach up and touch her breast, but he was afraid of her reaction, so he dipped his head and kissed her neck, licking and biting until he reached her ear.

“I know exactly what that means,” Brant murmured, continuing to tease her with his fingers. She was gripping his arms with her hands, small whimpers escaping her lips. “I just want to make sure you that you’ve thought this through.”

“Don’t overthink it,” she breathed, taking one of her hands and touching him under his shorts. He sucked in a breath, the soft pressure of her hand almost making him lose the last shred of control he had.

He stood up abruptly, and she frowned at him. He wasn’t doing this out here. “Let’s go inside,” he said, holding out his hand for her to stand up. She smiled, standing up and pressing her body into his. He groaned when she began rubbing herself against him as she kissed his neck. “Now, Lacey.”

She laughed as he practically dragged her into the house, but now that she had given the green light, he could barely contain himself. They were staying in one of the guest suites, which was nicer than most five star hotels he had been in. Sam hadn’t spared any expense.

They stopped and kissed several times along the way, Brant pressing her gently against the wall as they touched and nipped each other’s bodies. He hadn’t tried to touch her breast, and he wouldn’t unless she said it was okay. He didn’t want to do anything but make her feel as good as possible.

Brant swung open their door and they practically fell in, all mouths and hands. “Now,” she whispered against his lips. She stopped and slid his shorts to the ground, making him the first one naked. When she began touching him, his mind warred with itself on what he should do next. He settled for sliding her bottoms to the floor and resuming what he had been doing on the porch, walking her gently to the bed.

He lay them both down, their mouths fused in heated passion. When she wrapped her leg around him and began rubbing against him as they touched each other, he couldn’t wait any longer.

“Doc,” he gasped. “Are you sure?”

She nodded, rolling over so she was on top of him. It wasn’t lost on him that she was still wearing her tank top, a padded sports bra on underneath. He knew she needed this, so he didn’t press taking the shirt off. He wanted to feel her skin on his, but he wasn’t going to be selfish.

“Protection?” God, he hated killing the moment. He wasn’t sure what the likelihood was of her getting pregnant, with chemotherapy only a week away, but he had to say it.

She shook her head no, caressing him as she guided him into her. Brant gripped her hips as she began moving on him. God. It was quite possible that he had just entered heaven. She rocked back and forth, her head thrown back. His eyes wanted to close from the sensations, but he fought to watch her. Her eyes were partially closed and there was a blush on her cheeks. She breathed out in short bursts from her lips. His eyes traveled her face, down to her chest, trim waist, slim hips and muscular thighs. She blinked her eyes open and shifted, leaning over and sucking his lips into her mouth.

Her chest was pressed against him, and he could feel the nipple of her right breast pebbled through her shirt. He took the chance to touch her, rubbing his thumb across her nipple. She froze, and he wanted to kick himself. He didn’t stop, though. He wanted Lacey to know that everything about her was sexy to him. He’d touch the other one if she would let him, but that he wouldn’t push.

He cupped her behind and pulled her closer into him, and that seemed to be enough to stop her slight panic. She went back into action, her hands roaming his body as she rode him.

“Brant,” she breathed, and he could feel her body starting to tighten. He had never seen anything as sexy as her, right here, right now.

“Lacey,” Brant said, her name a sigh on his lips. God, she was beyond fabulous. Nothing could top being in love with her and being able to show it. She entwined her fingers with his and began moving faster, the only sounds in the room their breathing and moans.

He couldn’t wait any more. He had waited so long for this moment, and she was so striking, her hair cascading down her back and around her face. She threw her head back and screamed out his name, and he lost it, both of them crashing down around the other.

As they both came down from what for him was the best feeling he had ever had, she lay on his chest, her hands caressing his sides as their hearts thumped in tandem.

“Lacey,” Brant said, kissing the top of her head. “That was… beyond my wildest imagination. You’re an amazing lover.”

She lifted her head, a smile so big it made his heart ache on her face. “I want to do that again.” He laughed, rolling her gently so they were lying side by side.

“I will never say no to that. Come on, let’s go get cleaned up. That’s a kick ass shower for two in there.”

He saw the look before she hid it. She was worried about being naked in the shower with him. “I love you, Lacey Russell. My favorite doc.”

She smiled. “I love you, too, Brant Tucker. My one and only GQ.”

“Come on,” he prompted. She allowed him to pull her to the bathroom. He opened the glass shower and turned on both of the shower heads. When he turned around, she was staring at the mirror, still dressed only in the tank top.

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