Finding Home (9 page)

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Authors: Lacey Thorn

BOOK: Finding Home
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Meet me at the pool house where we bumped into each other at two this afternoon so we can talk. There are things I want to share with you. Things I think you need to know. I’ll be waiting. I hope that you won’t keep me waiting like I did you.




PS I took your spare key so that I could lock the back door when I left. Meet me and I’ll give it back if you want.


Andy couldn’t stop the laugh that bubbled out of her. He took the key to ensure that she would come. That was just so Jordan. And she would meet him there. She wouldn’t keep him waiting on her. Her need for vengeance was a thing of the past. They did need to talk and she would be honest with him about what she was feeling, both for him and for his brother. She owed them both no less than that.

But first she needed that shower and some coffee so that she could face the rest of her day. Her first stop would be her sister’s house. She’d put this confrontation off for far too long. Then maybe if they could mend some fences they could both go see their parents together. Her father had another radiation treatment this morning, and she was anxious to see how he fared after her mother had shared that his body didn’t seem to be handling it well so far. It was long past time the women of this family banded together. Which meant that she would have to find time at some point today to call her Aunt Carmen as well.

She’d managed to stay long enough for the coffee to have brewed, so she poured a cup before heading to the bathroom and a long, hot shower. Any way you looked at it, today was going to be a hell of a day.


Chloe looked surprised to see Andy on the other side of her door, but she did hold it open and invite her in. Andy took that as a good sign. Besides, this was the beginning of a new time for them, a time of friendship and finally becoming the sisters they should have always been.

“Come on in and have a seat,” Chloe said, but Andy could sense the nerves and tension in her sister and it made her sad. How had they got to this point?

Andy made a snap decision and reached out to grab her sister’s hand. “Where are the kids today?”

Chloe looked at her and shook her head. “Bryson is at preschool and Amanda is at playgroup. I have to pick them both up in another hour and a half. Why?”

Andy grabbed her sister’s purse with the other hand and pulled them towards the door. “Come for a ride with me. We need to get out for a bit and talk.”

Chloe looked unsure for a moment and then asked, “Are you driving the convertible?”

Andy laughed. “Absolutely.” Then she reached into her pocket and gave the keys to Chloe. “You drive.”

Chloe looked surprised but took the keys and her purse from Andy. Her sister was laughing when they walked out the door. “Where are we headed?”

“Wherever you want to,” Andy said as they hopped in the car and buckled in. “I just want to clear things up, and I thought maybe a drive and fresh air were just what we needed.”

Chloe sighed and turned the key, starting the car with a low purr. “I don’t know what to say, Andy. I am sorry for what Bryan and I did to you, but…” she took a deep breath and pulled away from the kerb. “But I love him and our kids and it’s hard to be sorry for the happiness that we’ve found. But I would have done anything not to hurt you. I love you, little sis.”

“Then don’t be sorry,” Andy said simply. Chloe glanced over at her before focusing on the road once more. “I mean it, Chloe. Don’t be. Just be happy and know that not marrying Bryan was what was best for me.”

“What?” Chloe sounded surprised.

“Honestly, it was.” Andy reiterated. “He and I were never meant to be together and, fortunately, he was man enough to realise it and prevent us both from making a huge mistake.”

“But he shouldn’t have been seeing someone behind your back,” Chloe said as she pulled into the city park and shut the car off. Andy could see her gathering her courage before she turned to face her. “He shouldn’t have been seeing me.”

“No, he shouldn’t have,” Andy agreed. “But he did and that is that.”

“What?” Chloe said again and Andy laughed.

“You both did it and nothing I do or say will change anything. And quite honestly I wouldn’t want to. What happened was the best for all of us,” Andy admitted to herself as well as to her sister. “Perhaps we could have all handled it better but that is beside the point at this time. It happened. Everyone is happy with their lives, and it is time we all put it behind us and moved on.” Andy sighed and shook her head. “I shouldn’t have ignored you for so long, shouldn’t have been as surprised as I was back then. Everything was as much my fault as it was anyone else’s. It just took me some time to realise that.”

Chloe looked like she was going to cry. “Are you happy Andy? You left and I didn’t hear from you and I was so scared.”

Andy reached out and took her sister’s hands in hers. “What were you scared of?”

“That I had lost my little sister forever,” Chloe whispered and a tear streaked down her cheek.

Andy pulled her in for a hug and squeezed her tight. “I was mad. I’ll admit that I didn’t handle things well.” They pulled apart, and she looked her sister in the eyes making sure that there would be no more doubt or uncertainty between them. “But I am happy, with myself and what I have accomplished since I left here. And you will always be my big sister.” She grabbed Chloe’s hand again and held it tight. “And no matter what life throws at us, I’ll always love you.”

“Oh, Andy,” Chloe murmured, and pulling Andy close, she hugged her and cried.

Andy held her as the tears flowed and wasn’t ashamed to shed a few of her own. When they were both finally done, she was surprised to see that no one was out in the park today. “How much time do we have left before you have to get the kids?”

Chloe glanced down at her watch. “About half an hour.”

Andy opened her car down and smiled. “Race you to the swings.” She took off laughing as she listened to her sister scrambling to follow her.

“Damn it, Andy,” Chloe hollered. “That’s cheating.”

“Yeah, I learned it from my older sister,” Andy called.

Chloe’s laughter hooted out as they reached the swings. “That was a low blow,” Chloe said.

“Yeah, I learned that all by myself.” Andy stated with a smirk.

It took Chloe a minute to get the innuendo, then they were both laughing again as they swung higher and higher in the sky. It was good to finally put the past where it belonged. In the past. And it was good to be with her sister again. With their father sick, they needed each other and their mom needed them. Family. When it came right down to it, family was the most important thing in the world.


Andy was surprised that her parents still weren’t home. How long did these radiation treatments take? She’d have to ask a lot of questions and let her parents know that she wanted to be more involved. She still needed to call Aunt Carmen and let her know exactly what they were facing. But first she needed to find out how her dad had fared with today’s treatment. So many questions and she felt helpless with no answers.

She went to the barn and saddled Sunfire up. It was close enough to the time to meet Jordan. She’d go for a nice long ride and then head that way. Maybe the wind in her hair and the sense of utter freedom that filled her when she rode wild and free would help her clear her mind enough to figure out that part of her life as well. Should she give Jordan another shot? Or should she see where things might go with Jackson? Or should she just move on without either of them in her life? Her stomach knotted at that thought and her pussy clenched.

She gave Sunfire her head and just let her run. The wind blew over her and there was an erotic sensation to the muscle of the horse as it moved under her. God, she had missed this. Not even her convertible could compete with riding horseback. She tried to let her mind just go blank but that was a useless endeavour. She’d never been real good at yoga either for just that reason. She found it impossible to shut her mind off. Of course, that was one of the reasons why she was such a successful writer. Her mind was always plotting and planning whether in reality or fiction. It didn’t shut off.

By the time she headed towards her meeting with Jordan, she still hadn’t reached any decisions. She’d just see what he had to say and take it from there. What other choice did she have? She rode to the gate and slipped over, heading towards where Jackson had taken her. She groundtied Sunfire and headed to the door where she could see a piece of paper taped to it and fluttering in the soft breeze.


Go inside and enjoy the pool. Suit is optional. I put one out for you but I wouldn’t mind if you decided not to wear it. I’ll join you soon…



Suit optional. Andy snorted with laughter. How like Jordan. She slipped inside, tucking the note into the front pocket of her jeans. The lights were low, and the clear water of the pool looked perfect after her ride. She slipped free of her clothes and left them in a jumble by one of the many lounge chairs and glided naked into the water. It felt sinful and delicious. And made her think of her time here with Jackson.

She swam leisurely for a bit before heading towards the falls and letting it spill over her nude body. Here was another erotic sensation. The water was warm and felt heavenly as it caressed every inch of her exposed skin. And yet the skin below the water was just as seduced by the rippling as the water fell and merged. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back arching her neck and relaxing into it. Like hands, fingers stroking over her flesh, enticing and awakening her nerve endings. She was so lost in the moment that she almost drowned when hands grabbed her and she opened her mouth to scream, inhaling water instead.

Her eyes flew open and latched onto the site of an equally naked Jordan in the water with her.

“I didn’t hear you,” she choked out and wanted to hit him when he just grinned and laughed.

“Well, that was obvious when you tried to scream.” He grasped her around the waist and propelled them backward and out of the falls towards the back edge of the pool. With an ease that still managed to awe her, Jordan lifted her and sat her on the edge so that her legs dangled in the water with him between them. “Take a few deep breaths and settle down.”

“Yeah,” she said doing just what he said until she felt a little less water-logged. “What do you think you’re doing?”

What he was doing was spreading her thighs wider and placing his mouth on her inner thigh. She groaned and leaned back on her arms keeping her eyes on what he was doing. And what he was doing was torture. His tongue licked and explored everywhere around where she wanted him. And his wicked grin said that he knew it.

“Jordan,” she murmured, “quit torturing me.”

“And what is it that you want?” he questioned, though they both knew where she wanted his mouth.

She reached down with one hand and spread the wet lips of her pussy for him. The engorged bud of her clit seemed to pulse and throb with hungry need. “Right here,” she said. “I need you right here.”

groaned and leant forward taking the bud between his lips and lashing it with his tongue. She cried out and moved her hand to grasp his hair instead. Her hips jerked and thrust towards his wicked tongue and mouth, and he was more than willing to please at this point. Fingers entered her pussy, fucking her while his mouth continued its assault on her clitoris.

This was what she needed to clear her mind, what she needed to banish the often never ending thoughts that tumbled through her head. So close, she was so close to orgasm when Jordan bit down gently on her clit and threw her over in a rush of ecstasy. No gradual build up, just the instant explosions that rippled through her body.

She collapsed onto the concrete, her legs limp in the water as Jordan continued to lick slowly on her pussy. His fingers were gentle and easy but still moving within her.

“Is this why you invited me to meet you at the pool?” Jackson’s voice cut through the daze surrounding Andy and had her sitting up straight and trying to close her legs. “You wanted me to see how much Andy wanted to be with you?”

stayed between her thighs keeping them wide, his fingers still stroking, though he did look up at his brother. “No. I wanted you to join us here.”

“What?” Andy whispered but her voice was drowned out by Jackson’s much louder bellow of the same word.

looked up at Andy and smiled softly. “I know that you’ve been going back and forth in your head on which of us to give a shot.”

“How in the world could you know that?” Andy shot back.

“Because I know you,” he placed a kiss on the inside of her thigh.
“I know how you work, how you think.”

“Really?” she queried. “And where was this knowledge when you disappeared for a year?”

shook his head. “I can’t change what I did. I can’t go back and undo the past year. But I love you and I will never make a mistake like that again. That I promise.”

“This is all touching,” Jackson said with a bite in his tone, “but that still doesn’t explain why I’m here.”

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