Finding Peace (Finding Series Book 1) (41 page)

BOOK: Finding Peace (Finding Series Book 1)
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“Oh.” Is all I can say in return.

We walk out to the limo. Blake opens the door and holds my hand as I climb inside. Soon Blake slides in, closing the door. His deep, raspy voice gives the driver an address but no name. Wrapping his arm around me, he pulls me tightly against his side. Taking in a deep breath, his cologne fills my senses. It is comforting and soothes my nerves a little.

“Where are we going Blake?”

“Asher rented a hotel room for him and Tessa. He let me know when I was here for your birthday. I went ahead and reserved a room for us too. Don’t overthink this Kayla. There were no expectations for tonight except spending the night holding you. Tessa wasn’t going home tonight and she was afraid that her parents would say something if you came home and she didn’t.”

“I understand.”

“I just don’t want you to think I had this planned.”

Putting my finger on his lips. “Shh. It’s fine. I’m glad we have somewhere to go because I never want this night to end.”

Tonight was about to become more than what we had gone into it meaning. The overwhelming passion builds between us by just being cuddled up together in the backseat of the limo.

There were no words spoken for the rest of the trip there. Honestly, words weren’t needed. Our hearts were speaking to each other on their own.

Soon, we were pulling up outside the hotel. Blake climbs out, holding his hand out for me. When I exit and stand to full height, he wraps his arms around me, kissing me tenderly.

“This has been an incredible evening. Thank you for inviting me to share such and important night with you,” he whispers before kissing my nose lightly.

Sighing, I lean into him, more for support than anything. As always, his words take my breath away and make me weak in the knees.

Blake takes us straight to an elevator without checking in. I look at him questioningly, he just gives me that beautiful smirk of his. Squinting my eyes at him, he laughs a little. Once we reach the twelfth floor, the elevator doors open and we step out. Blake leads me down a hallway and to a room that has double doors. This is some kind of suite. He produces a key from his pocket.
He’s had a key the whole time?

He pushes the door open and I’m met with the sound of soft music, large floor to ceiling windows that overlook the city. A huge king size bed with white linens that are accented with warm golds and reds. Everything is in warm tones and so inviting and relaxing. There is a wall with a window that separates a large whirlpool tub from the bedroom. There are purple and red roses throughout the room and petals laid out onto the bed. He has outdone himself. I’m speechless.

“Blake this is too much. You didn’t have to do this.”

“Do you like it?”

“It’s beautiful. I love it, but it’s just too much. It must have cost a fortune.”

“That’s not important. You liking it, is all I care about.”

“Well, of course I love it, but I would have been just as happy with a simple room. You don’t have to do anything to impress me. You’ve got me completely. All I need is you.”

“You’ve got me. You’ve had me since the night I met you.”

“I want all of you, Blake.”

I look deep into those hazel eyes that are greener tonight than they normally are. I’ve seen that green before. It was the weekend that we met. There is an unspoken need that passes between us. Blake swallows as he tries to find the words he wants to say. Seeing the uncertainty in his eyes, I try to reassure him with a smile.

“Kayla, I know that things are intense right now. Believe me, as I look at you in this dress, there’s only one other way I want to see you right now,” he says hoarsely.

“How’s that?” I choke out past the lump in my throat.

“Tangled with me in these sheets. But we made a promise to each other. I love you Kayla. I’d never ask you to break a promise.”

Swallowing hard, “What if I want to break it?”

His growl fills the tense silence between us. “How about this? How about we take this night moment by moment. We have all night together Kayla. I don’t care what happens from now until we fall asleep as long as when I close my eyes, it’s with you in my arms.”

Nodding my head, he walks over to the radio/alarm clock and turns the music up. He then walks slowly back to me.

“May I have this dance?”

Walking into his arms, I’m unable to take my eyes away from his. His hands run up and down the bare skin of my back. A shiver runs up and down my spine. I feel his hot breath against my shoulder as he presses soft kisses across it. Goose bumps covering my skin, I moan.

The sound of my moan is answered by the flex of his hands and a moan of his own. Looking up at him, his mouth slowly descends on mine. When his lips touch mine there is a wave of ecstasy all its own that washes over me. The kiss deepens and my dress slowly glides down my body and to the floor. Standing in only my bra and panties I feel no embarrassment with him. With shaky hands, I work to undress him.

"Kayla," Blake asks breathlessly. "Are you sure?"

"Yes," I breathe.

His mouth is back on mine and soon he's lowering me to the bed. We made a promise to each other to wait, but tonight and getting engaged overwhelms both of us. We are riding on cloud nine. He's my everything and will forever be my soul's other half.

Our bodies come together not in an act of desire, but a declaration of love. Love that stems from more than just a physical need. It is emotional and all consuming.

My hands run his muscled, sweat slicked back. Scraping my nails down as the pressure builds within me, he breaks from my mouth to growl out my name. Blake cocoons my body, as we find a beautiful rhythm together. Our fingers intertwine as he pulls my hand, the one with the symbol of our commitment, above my head and holds it there. He's not in a hurry, no matter how much we longed for each other, there was no rushing what was being exchanged between us right in this moment. He cherishes and loves me, showing me how much with each touch, kiss, and look.

"Blake..." I cry out and he follows right behind me.

Rolling to the side after a moment, he pulls me into his chest and kisses me repeatedly. I love this man with more of my heart than I knew I had.

"I know we promised, we wouldn't do this," Blake starts.

"No, please don't ruin this moment. Yes, we aren't married, but in my heart we are. Tonight we lost ourselves in the moment and in our love for one another."

"We'll wait from now on. I'd wait forever for you," he breathes before kissing me soundly.

As I lay there with Blake wrapped around me, I've never felt more complete in my life. This man came into my life when I thought I'd never be able to pull myself out of the dark space my heart had fallen into. Without even asking where, Blake dove in and found my heart for me. This night was the proof that we are two halves of one whole. He's my forever.

Chapter 40




Lying here awake, I think over the last few months and am still in awe of the way my life has drastically changed. How does someone become your whole world in such a short amount of time? I’ve been awake for a while, but I don’t dare move for fear of waking her. She’s so beautiful here asleep in my arms. I will have to wake her soon even though all I want to do is lay here all day with her. However, we have to get ready for church and then we will be going to see her grandparents.

She starts to stir a little. Snuggling up closer to me she drapes her arm over my chest and lays her head on my shoulder. Tightening my hold on her, she lets out a big breath and her body relaxes into mine.

“Good morning.” I whisper into her hair.

“Good morning, indeed.”

“Unfortunately, my love, we have to get up and get ready to leave.”

“Umm. No. I don’t want to,” She says, throwing her leg over mine.

“Neither do I, but we have a lot to do. You go shower first and I’ll order us some breakfast.”

“If you insist.” She groans.

Popping her on the butt I say, “Get your fine self up and hop in that shower, so I can feed you and we can get this day started.”

After kissing her on the head, she finally rolls over and gets up. The sight of her standing there with her hair everywhere fills my heart with such love and joy.

“You know this morning person thing you got going on is really annoying.”

I laugh at her. “This not a morning person thing you’ve got going on is really annoying too. Move it, woman.”

“You’re a rude caveman today.”

“Baby, I tried to tell you I’m not perfect.”

“Says the man lying in bed looking sexier than I’ve ever seen him.”

She seductively tries to get back on the bed with me.

“Oh, no you don’t! Nice try though.”

I bite my lip to keep from laughing at her. She is so cute when she is frustrated.

“Go!” I say, pointing to the tub that we soaked in last night after we made love. It’s another night I spent with her that I will remember forever.

“Yup. R. U. D. E. Rude.” She says, stomping off toward the shower.

I pick up the phone to order room service when I see her peek around the wall that separates the bathroom from the bedroom.

“Hey, genius. How am I supposed to get ready without any clothes?”

“Ye of little faith. You will find that I had Tessa pack you a bag which I brought here earlier yesterday when I checked in.”

“Huh? But you didn’t get here till after we were getting ready for prom.”

“You don’t know everything, you know. I went to the house while you and Tessa were out getting your hair and nails done. I grabbed the bag Tessa packed and then came to the hotel to check in so everything would be ready when we got here last night.”


“Your bag is in the closet.”

She gives me her gorgeous smile and says, “Thank you, baby. You’re the best.”

“And don’t forget it.”

That earns me an eye roll just before she turns to walk toward the shower. She is just too beautiful.

Once I hear the shower start, I make the call to order breakfast. Breakfast has been delivered and set up before Kayla is even dressed. She walks out looking amazing in a short royal blue dress. Walking over to her I give her a kiss and hug her to me breathing her in. She still reminds me of suntan lotion and summer days.

“I’m going to go shower. You eat.”

“You’re not going to eat with me?”

“No time, baby. We have to hurry.”

She pokes out her bottom lip.

“Don’t pout. Go on now. I’ll make it up to you later.”

“Promise?” She asks with a wicked gleam in her eye.

“Yes. I promise.”

Thankfully Asher and I got together and he agreed to drive my truck to the hotel this morning while Tessa followed him in her car. That way we all had our own cars. Kayla really does have some amazing friends. She was truly blessed when she became friends with Tessa.

We leave in a rush for church, then have a wonderful lunch with everyone. Tessa and Kayla whisper back and forth to each other about their nights. I hear Tessa say, I knew it and I’m pretty sure I know what she is talking about. I have to shake my head. These girls share everything about their lives. I love this family, but I’m nervous about this visit to Kayla’s grandparent’s house today.

Something feels off to me and I know that Kayla feels the same way. Seeing the worry on her face that she is trying to hide from everyone else, but she can’t hide it from me, makes me worry even more.

The ride to the house is tense with anticipation of what will happen when we get there. Kayla is steady bouncing her leg up and down while biting her lip. All a tell tale sign that she is nervous.

Reaching over, I put my hand on her leg. She looks over at me and I can see the stress written all over her face.

“I will be right beside you the whole time. Do you think we should have called your dad?”

She looks a little shocked by my question.

“No. I don’t want him there.”


Nothing else needs to be said. Reaching over, I take her hand and hold it in mine for the rest of the ride.

Upon entering the house, we are welcomed by an older version of Kayla’s dad. Kayla hugs the man and he seems to be getting choked up.

“My Rose. It’s so good to see you.” He says.

Rose? I like that. I’m going to have to ask Kayla about that name. Now that I think about it, I’ve never asked her what her middle name is. She is going to be my wife and I don’t know her middle name.

“Hey Grandpa. I want you to meet my fiancé, Blake McGinnis. Blake, this is my grandfather, Leonard Jameson.”

“Shaking hands with the man who raised Kayla is an honor Sir. She is a wonderful girl and the love of my life.”

He has a good strong handshake.

“She is a very special girl and she deserves a special man.”

“Yes, Sir, she does.”

“You can call me Leo young man. Rose, your grandma will be so happy to see you. She has been asking for you every day.”

BOOK: Finding Peace (Finding Series Book 1)
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