Finding Perfect (24 page)

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Authors: Susan Mallery

BOOK: Finding Perfect
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Hope brightened her face. Her lips curved into a smile.

Everything inside of him relaxed. She still cared. They could be together. Except…

“But it won't just be us,” he told her. “You, me and the twins. There's also Peter. I can't leave him in the group home. I want to talk to Mrs. Dawson about adopting him.”

She bit her lower lip. “And if I say no to that?”

He tensed again, feeling the fist hit his gut. “We're a package deal.”

Everything he'd ever wanted and needed hung on what she would say next. He wanted to tell her that he would take care of her forever. That he would always love her and their children. But he couldn't bribe her into accepting. They both had to follow their hearts.

“Right answer,” she whispered. “And yes.”

Happiness exploded inside of him. He hauled her against him and kissed her with all the love and passion he had. Behind them he heard something that sounded like both cheering and sniffing. After a few seconds, he raised his head and glanced over his shoulder.

The women he'd met on the street all stood there, joined by the mayor and Mrs. Dawson.

“I'm so happy,” the social worker said, dabbing at her eyes. “You were cleared as an emergency foster parent when Peter went to stay with you the first time. You can go get him now.”

The other women nodded. Marsha smiled. “I knew you had it in you.”

“You didn't say that earlier.”

“It wouldn't have helped.”

Note to self, he thought, kissing Pia again. Do
get on the mayor's bad side.

Pia wrapped her arms around Raoul's neck and leaned against him. She'd hoped, prayed and done her best to believe it would all work out, but she'd also been scared. Scared that she would spend the rest of her life loving a man who wouldn't love her back. It was nice to be wrong.

He kissed her again. Her insides started that melty thing, which was also very nice.

“We've got a lot to do,” he said, his forehead resting against hers. “Approve the house plans, get married, start birthing classes.”

She laughed. “Don't worry. I'm really good at details. Right now there's only one thing that matters.”

He nodded. “Peter.”

“Yes. He should be home from school by now. Let's go tell him the good news.”

Raoul hesitated. “You're sure about this? We'll have three kids.”

“I'm sure.”

There were other considerations. Like the fact that being a mom to newborn twins and Peter probably meant she was going to need an assistant to help her with all the festivals. And that until their new house was built, things were going to be a little crowded in the rental. And that they should get married right away so she could move in with Raoul and Peter. But those were for later. Now they were off to make a little boy's dreams come true.


bed he'd been assigned. This was the same group home he'd been in before, but the kids were different. Not so mean. No one teased him about crying himself to sleep every night.

He tried really hard not to be scared all the time. He told himself he was bigger now. He didn't need anyone. He was strong. Except when he thought like that, his chest hurt and his throat got tight and then he started crying.

He knew what would happen next. He would be sent to a foster home where he wouldn't know the rules and the other kids would stare at him. He would try to do everything right, but he wouldn't and then he'd get yelled at and maybe hit. And he would be alone.

From downstairs, he heard voices. Adults talking. For the first couple of days he'd waited for Raoul to come. To say he'd made a mistake, that he'd changed his mind. That he wanted Peter with him forever.

He'd thought…he'd hoped…

He shook his head. He'd been wrong. No one was coming for him. Not ever.


He heard Mrs. Goodwin call his name.

“Peter, would you please come downstairs?”

Peter stood and wiped his face so no one would know he'd been crying. He moved to the landing, his head down, his shoulders hunched.

He took one step, then another. When he glanced up, he saw Raoul and Pia standing in the living room, watching him.

Without meaning to, he came to a stop and stared at them. They both looked kind of funny. Not mad, exactly but… Scared, he thought at last. Only adults didn't get scared, did they?

Raoul walked to the bottom of the stairs and looked up at him.

“I'm sorry,” Raoul said. “For making you come here. I messed up.”

Peter shrugged. “Whatever.” He knew people were supposed to apologize, but he didn't know why. Saying you were sorry didn't change anything.

“No. Not whatever,” Raoul said, his gaze intent. “All I could think about was getting you away from the Folios. But there was a next step. You didn't just need to be away from them, you needed to find your way to a real home.”

He cleared his throat. “Pia and I are getting married. We wanted to know if you'd like to come live with us.” Raoul paused. “No, that's not right. We want to adopt you, Peter. If you'll have us as your family.”

Peter's whole body felt hot and cold at the same time. The words were like magic, making everything okay
again. Okay for the first time in forever. Tears filled his eyes, then he was coming down the stairs so fast, he was practically flying. He launched himself at Raoul.

Raoul caught him and held him so tight it was hard to breathe, but that was okay. Peter was crying, then Pia was there, hugging them both. She was saying something about babies and puppies and his own room.

Peter didn't understand it all and he knew it didn't matter. All he cared about was that he'd finally found a place to belong. A family with people who loved him. Raoul's strong arms held him. Pia kissed his cheek and smoothed away his tears.

For the first time since the car accident, he looked up at the ceiling and knew his parents really were watching him from heaven.

“You can stop being sad now,” he whispered. “I'm going to be okay.”

ISBN: 978-1-4268-6554-1


Copyright © 2010 by Susan Macias Redmond

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