Finding Submission (Service & Submission Book 1) (15 page)

Read Finding Submission (Service & Submission Book 1) Online

Authors: Megan Michaels

Tags: #Contempory D/s Erotic Romance

BOOK: Finding Submission (Service & Submission Book 1)
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He pulled his still semi-erect penis out of her, and she could hear the jingle of his belt buckle as he redid his pants.

“C’mon, sweetie.” Preston gently pulled her off the horse, and tucked her under his arm, walking her over to the bed in the corner of the room. “Are you able to stand?”

“Yes, Sir.” Preston slowly let go of her body to pull down the comforter on the bed, patting it. “Crawl in, sweetie.”

Avery did as she was told, and felt his body cuddle up to hers. He wrapped his leg over hers, and then tucked her into his chest. His arm settled over her body, his big hand cupping the weight of her breast, gently and insistently kneading and squeezing. It was comforting. It was safe and secure.

“Why do you have a bed in here?” She looked back over her shoulder at him.

“Well, to do aftercare. It’s softer than sitting on the floor, and more comfortable than trying to curl up in a chair. I want to hold you and make sure you’re okay. I want you to feel cared for, and taken care of.” Preston turned her so she was facing him, pushing her hair over her shoulder. “Even though you were the cause of the punishment, and I’m the person who meted it out, I also want to be the person who gives you the love and attention you deserve.”

Avery didn’t know what to do with that. No one had ever cared how she felt after a scolding or grounding. Hell, most of the time, no one cared how she felt
. Sometimes the nannies did, but the people in her life had typically been too consumed with their lives to care about her. She stared at him, thinking.

“Such a serious girl. What’re you thinking about, Avery?”

“I… don’t know. I’m not used to this. People I know don’t treat me like this.” She averted her eyes, the admission making it suddenly too much to maintain eye contact.

“Explain that, sweetheart. What do you mean people don’t treat you like this?” Preston stroked her hair and brushed a light kiss across her forehead.

“Well, I haven’t been spanked in years, and as I got older I was grounded — or just ignored. They would let me know they were angry and then they would leave me alone to stew and simmer in my room. But I never felt forgiven.” She pulled at a piece of loose thread in the bedspread. “I would feel bad, and when no one would talk to me I would feel even worse — and because I felt bad I would just misbehave all over again.”

“I’m sorry, Miss Avery. If you’re punished in this house, you’ll always receive aftercare. It’s one of the benefits of being punished in my book. I’ll always care for your feelings, and what you have to say about anything. It may not stop a punishment, but it’ll let you feel heard. You’ll always know you’re restored to a clean slate, and that I haven’t lost my care and concern for you.”

The way he quietly watched her was unnerving.

“Now, let’s discuss your misbehavior.” Avery felt her eyebrows furrow. “How did you get the key?”

“I was doing the dishes, and I saw you put something above the window sill on the barn. So, when you left for work, and I’d finished cleaning, I went to the window and found the key. I just knew it was the key to the playpen.”

Looking him in the eye as she was confessing was easy until she got near the end and then she quickly dropped her eyes, feeling guilty.

“You’re looking pretty remorseful right now. How did you feel when you found the key? Did you feel nervous, or afraid? Were you excited? Did you remember my warning?” Preston had his finger under her chin holding her gaze.

“Well… I did remember what you said.” She averted her eyes, but he wouldn’t allow her to drop her head. So she closed her eyes. “But I hate secrets and things being hidden from me. I wanted to see. And I knew I’d be in trouble if you found out.”

“How did you feel as you were walking to the playroom?” Preston smiled at her. “And it’s a playroom,
a playpen.”

“I felt excited. It was ¬¬like solving a puzzle. It was like I had found the last piece.” Looking at her hands, she snuck a quick glance at him, very embarrassed by the next words. “I was dancing and jumping over to the playp — playroom.”

Preston stared back, looking so stern. He shifted her in his arms, and grasped her chin in his hand, forcing her to look him in the eye. “I’m glad you admitted it. Thank you, Avery. I saw you dancing all the way to the barn on my computer. I appreciate your honesty. If you’d lied to me we would’ve continued your punishment immediately. But I reward honesty. Therefore, you won’t be punished for the defiant and openly smug attitude.”

Preston kissed her nose.

“So you knew I w-went in there? Th-that’s why you came home?”

“Yes, that’s why I came home. Someone needed her bare bottom paddled, and I try to not disappoint the women in my life, especially when it comes to meting out discipline. You’ll find that I administer my discipline immediately, painfully, and much to my delight, on a very bare bottom. Now, I want you to explain to me what you were thinking when you opened the door. You knew you were going to be punished. Did the idea that you were going to be punished excite you? Concern you? Did you find yourself aroused?”

Preston sat back against the headboard and got comfortable, waiting for her answers.

“Well… I’m not sure. I was afraid after the paddling I got the other day. But the excitement of being in the room made me not care. And then when I saw some of the things in the playroom, I knew some of them from the books I’ve read. But some confused me too.”

“Did you find yourself aroused? Was your pussy weeping in excitement seeing the implements or the spanking bench?” Preston pressed a finger against her wet sex, playing with her hard little clit.

“Do I have to say, Sir?” Avery shifted in his arms trying unsuccessfully to move her pussy away from his wandering fingers. “I really don’t want to.”

“Yes, you do have to say. You lost the ability to choose what’s being discussed when you broke into this room —- you see, this room is mine, and I make the rules while you’re in here. So yes, due to your attempt to change the subject, and to avoid my question, you’ll have to explain to me not only if your pussy was wet, but if it was dripping from your lips, or down your thighs.”

Avery pursed her lips and frowned at him. “I don’t like it when you’re the mean Preston — I like gentle, sweet Preston.”

Preston again slid his finger into her moist slit. “Oh but sweetheart, your body
harsh punishment, and you can deny it all day and night, but no one’s cunt gets wet like this if she truly hates it.”

Avery groaned, feeling the heat of the blush rising on her cheeks.

“And that little blush told me the truth. Thank you for the honesty — even if you didn’t say it yourself.”

God, my body is a complete traitor.

“So, explain in the next five seconds if your pussy was wet, and if it was dripping, or I’ll turn you over my knee immediately for more attention.”

Avery stared at him a moment, not sure if he was joking. But he looked deadly serious. “I was wet, and I definitely had it seeping down my thighs.” She threw her hands over her head, burrowing her face into his chest.

Preston patted her hot bottom. “I think it’s absolutely
that you’re so embarrassed about this. And I also like the fact that you were hot without any spanking, or threat of a spanking, just by walking into this room. I think it’s the hottest thing I’ve heard in a while. Jesus, I’m going to be lucky if I can even go to work knowing that you, and that little pussy, are here waiting for me.”

Preston threw his head back, closing his eyes.

“Are you mad at me, or disgusted? Is that gross?”

Avery waited for him to open his eyes and look at her, dreading she might see disgust in his expression. When he finally opened his eyes though, what she saw surprised her. He looked… astonished, and then he laughed. A full belly laugh.

“Are you laughing at me? Don’t laugh at me!”

“Sweetheart, I’m just amazed. How could you think I would be disgusted by your wet, little pussy? Just the smell of it has me hard again — look. Christ, it hasn’t even been twenty minutes.” Preston grabbed her hip possessively. “I appreciate that you’re concerned about me. But don’t ever worry about what arouses, or disgusts me. I’m pretty turned on by everything, and very, very little disgusts me. Understand?”

“Yes, Sir. I’m glad. I really want you to be happy with me. I just… don’t always know how to behave.”

“Avery, would you like to know what’s expected of you every day? Know that there are certain rules and requirements set for you, and what the rewards and consequences are for following — or not following them?“

“Yes, I would. I just need to know. I’ll do my best to follow them.”

Avery tried to sit up, watching him to gauge if he’d really consider doing what he’d asked her.

“I’m sure you will, sweetheart. It would be a D/s relationship. I’d be your Dom, and you’d be my submissive. You’d have clear rules and boundaries, you’d always know what was expected of you. You’d understand what the rewards and consequences are for obeying, and not obeying the rules.” He paused, looking intently into her eyes, but what he was looking for she wasn’t sure. “I would love to be your Dom, Miss Avery Rose.”

Avery couldn’t contain her smile. She wasn’t sure what it all meant, but the way he said it made her desire it even more. Preston pulled her into his embrace, the hair on his chest tickling her nose. She loved the smell of him — sweat, sex, and cologne. He just smelled… safe.

He lay down with her head on his chest, but she had one more question.

“Preston, why’s there a cage at the end of the bed, and who’s ’Kitty?’”

He stilled, and she could hear him take an intake of breath. “That’s a discussion for another day. I’m hoping that someday I’ll have a kitty of my own — but not right now.”

Why would he name her before he even purchased her?








Chapter 9


Three months later


Preston couldn’t believe that three months had passed since the playroom, and that it had been four months since Avery had come to stay his house. It was now October, and she only had two more months left of her sentence. He had fallen completely in love with her, and wasn’t sure he was ready to let her go. He thought – and hoped — that she felt the same way.

She had made amazing strides in her journey into submission. She’d never be a docile submissive. She had too much fire, and if Preston was honest with himself, he loved that fire. He loved the sarcasm, and sassiness that landed her over his knee at least weekly — if not daily. She had, however, fallen into serving him beautifully. She loved cooking — and he’d
have thought that would happen. She loved greeting him at the door, and following any orders he’d sent via text dictating how she was to present herself.

He still watched her from the cameras, and would text to let her know if a punishment was necessary. Today he’d asked her to surprise him when he came home. His heart was racing, wondering how she would great him today. His cock was hard as he climbed the front porch, and entered the house. As he shut the front door, he marveled again at how she had transformed the house into a beautiful historic home. She had cleaned and organized. And together they had filled the barn with the items labeled, priced, and sorted for an auction in a month.

He could smell a beef roast in the oven, and if he was correct there was a hint of apples — which meant apple pie or apple crisp.

“I’m in here, Sir.” Avery called from the kitchen.

He walked in, and swore his heart had stopped.

Avery was wearing a ruffled black apron… and nothing else. But that wasn’t what made his heart stop, although that gorgeous sight was enough all on its own.

She was resting her elbows on top of the table, her head down, ass in the air.

“Sir, would you be interested in an appetizer before dinner, or do you want to go to the main course?” She didn’t raise her head or look him in the eye, just rested submissively.

“My God, Avery Rose, I’m not sure I can breathe. You definitely surprised me. Jesus. Let me get my bearings for a second.” Preston slid his finger down the crevice of her bottom, circling her dark hole when he glided over it. He pressed and circled, watching her fight the need to swivel her hips. He teased her by pushing his finger into her bottom hole just a little, then pulling out. He continued his glide down the cleft. She was dripping wet.

"My God, Avery I hope you didn’t sit on these chairs — you’d ruin the upholstery. It’s a wonder there isn’t a puddle on the table, sweetheart.”

Jesus, he couldn’t believe this woman. She was always ready, always wet. The one thing she
though, was totally compliant. But when she decided, and chose to be submissive, she did it beautifully. It made all the sarcastic and sassy remarks worth it. All the spankings she received for that mouth paled in comparison to her submission. He found it difficult to understand how no one in her family had seen her desire to serve. They should’ve put her to work serving as a child. If he had to guess, she was probably one of those children that got into trouble constantly out of boredom, and lack of understanding. His Avery wouldn’t have liked being treated like the cleaners, but if she had been told that what she was doing mattered, and made a difference in the house, she would’ve done it beyond expectations.

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