Finding Willow (Hers) (3 page)

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Authors: Dawn Robertson

BOOK: Finding Willow (Hers)
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The elevator comes to a stop, and I push my body off the wall with all the force I still have left in my meek body. Yup, this is definitely my body screaming for a line of blow. The elevator opens into the empty foyer of Seven's apartment. I’m not used to her house being so quiet. Even though she offered to let me stay at her penthouse for the duration of her business trip, tonight is the first evening I have. I just can't come here when she isn't here, because I miss her.

Rarely have we spent time apart throughout our lives, and it never gets easier.

“Who are you expectin’, princess?”

I remember Blue is behind me. I wish he would just fucking leave.

“Evan, my ex-boyfriend.” I don't give any details. I don't want him to know anything more about my life than he already does. He has a knack for using it against me.

“Oh, this should be fun.” I know want he means. I dump my purse out onto the kitchen island searching for the last bit of coke I have. Makeup, jewelry, condoms, cell phone, gum, ah, there it is!

I pick up the tiny silver angel off the counter, and unscrew the top of the hollow charm. I tap the wings against the black stone countertop and the white powder pours out. In the distance, I hear Blue walking around the apartment, probably taking in his sister's success. She would never willingly let him into her penthouse.

Seven hates everything about Blue, and has since I can remember. He was downright nasty to us as kids, and the icing on the cake was the time she walked in on us fucking in the back of the old dilapidated bus we lived in.

I let out a strangled moan as Blue pressed his thick erection into my tight cunt. It was only the second time he’d fucked me. The first time he’d forced himself on me, and I’d hated it. It ruined me, but I loved the feeling. I pushed back to meet his dick. He let out a growl and slapped me straight across my ass.

“You like that, Star? You like my big dick, princess?”

He slowly pulled out, and slammed back into me with so much force that my arms gave out and my face fell right into the pile of pillows in front of me on the makeshift bed. His pace quickened, and I felt his dick so deep inside me I could barely breathe. My pussy clenched down on his cock and I felt the first ripple of a real orgasm flow through my body.

“You like that, Star?” he grunted as he fucked me harder. My moans picked up, enjoying every desperate thrust.

“Oh Blue, fuck me!” I yelled, as I bucked my ass back to meet his thrusts one last time as my release crashed over my body. Sweat beaded on my brow and between my breasts. My arms turned to liquid and my body started to collapse against the bed.

That was when I heard her. I heard Seven.

“You have got to be fucking kidding me.” She barely choked the words out. My body tensed under Blue, but he didn't stop. He continued to fuck me, thrusting into me over and over again, but now his urgent tempo slowed into lazy thrusts.

I turned in the direction of Seven's voice, my short blonde hair sticking to my face with sweat, and I gasped in shock when my eyes found her face.

“Oh my god, Seven!” I yelled, struggling to pull away from Blue and scrambling to find my clothes, somewhere on the rusting floor of the piece of shit bus.

Blue leaned back on his haunches, stroking his dick while he watched me flee, and Seven just stood across the room in a pissed off daze. Her face was blank, a tear pooling in the made up corner of her left eye. She used everything in her to try and fucking keep it together.

It hurt. I had done this to her. I’d betrayed her. I’d hurt the only person in my life I had.

“God, put it away. You are fucking disgusting,” Seven yelled at him, as she turned and stomped off the bus. I haphazardly slid my leg through my jeans, trying to get dressed as fast as I could so I could chase after my best friend.

“Let her go, princess. Come here, you got something to finish.” He continued stroking his dick with a smile on his face. I knew what he wanted, and I also knew that, if I played my cards right, I could get him off quick and go chase after Seven.

Fuck him. I push the cocaine around on the counter, and search for my trusty dollar bill that I always keep neatly tucked away in the inside pocket of my purse.

My red manicured fingernail meets the side of my nose, and I lean in for my line. I quickly snort the small amount before wiping the remaining bit up with my finger and running it across my gums.

The elevator doors open and Evan stands in the foyer. I kind of kick myself in the ass for giving him the code to get up here, but I'm just that fucking lazy.

“Star?” I hear him call out as he takes a few steps into the penthouse. The footsteps stop, and I turn just in time to see Blue extend his hand in greeting.

“Blue James, nice to meet you.” He is so fucking calm, and I hate him for that. This is it. For the millionth time, I tell myself tonight is the last night I will let Blue have his way with me. I’m going to reclaim my freedom. The freedom I had before Blue James took everything from me.

“Uh, Star? What is this all about?”

Evan doesn't want to be here right now. That’s clear. God, he is gorgeous, though. The top button of his white dress shirt is undone. His short blonde hair is messy, like when I used to run my fingers through it for hours on end. His dark chocolate eyes are nervous, and all I want to do is throw myself at him. I know there will never be anything more than sex with him. I know a Fortune 500 investment banker will never settle down and play house with a porn star. It’s a fact of life. We come from two very different backgrounds, and I was dumb enough to think it could work at one point in time.

Then I remembered Seven and Daniel.

“Blue’s joining us tonight. You up for it?”

I run my tongue against my lower lip, and wait for him to reply. If I could read people as well as my best friend, I’d say he goes through a number of scenarios in his mind in that very short period of time.

“As long as he doesn't touch me.” He shrugs in agreement, and we move down the hallway to Seven's playroom.

I’m shocked by Evan's revelation. I never would have expected him to agree to something like this. Maybe I was hoping he’d leave, and try to take me with him. Save me from Blue. Be my white knight. Ha. Wishful thinking, that is for fucking sure.

The reality becomes clear. He’s not here for me. He’s not here for a future. He’s here to get his rocks off, and go along on his way into the night.

Used again.

“What the fuck kind of room is this?” Blue asks as he takes in the sprawling guest bedroom, which has doubled as a fuck pad for years. Mistress Marilyn, also known as Seven James, is a love 'em and leave 'em kind of girl. A Dominatrix wielding any kind of sex toy you could imagine with a closest full of goodies to boot.

“The kind of room used just for sex. We fuckin' or what?”

The night I had planned with Evan was supposed to be fun, sexy. This? I just want it to be over.

I shimmy out of the red halter dress and black heels, revealing nothing but my birthday suit. I’m not a fan of panties, and since I had my tits done a couple years back, a bra is unnecessary. They stand at attention all on their own. I don't care that the D cups look fake. My hot pink hair and my My Little Pony body art is all fake, too, so I guess it goes with my overall fake everything. Completely manufactured look. If only my soul could be altered and fixed as well.

“Strip down, boys. Who wants what hole?”

If I had a dime for the amount of times I’ve said that, I’d be rich. Oh wait. I am rich, and it all came from fucking phrases like that. Figures.

“I want that pussy, princess,” Blue claims as usual. His ice blue eyes cut to Evan, who’s uncomfortably unzipping his black dress slacks.

He looks at me, and then back at Blue. I'll take her mouth,” he says, virtually ignoring me.

I climb onto the bed, and lie right in the center. My head rests on one of those fancy memory foam pillows, and I close my eyes and wait. When I finally open them again, Evan’s standing next to the bed with nothing on from the waist down, his white dress shirt hanging open. He’s fucking sexy. So fucking sexy. I want him, and only him.

I feel Blue nudge at my opening and plow into my cunt without an ounce of grace. This is how it’s always been. Never gentle, always rough with possession. Instinctively, I’m wet. I don't want to be. I don't want my body to react to him, but it does. Any male touch gets my juices flowing. It certainly comes in handy for work. But that’s about it.

“Oh, fuck I missed this,” he says between grunts.

I turn and focus my eyes on Evan. He climbs onto the bed and kneels next to my head. Just like that, he guides his cock into my mouth. As I slowly start to deep throat Evan's impressive cock, I ignore Blue altogether. I moan around Evan’s erection as I bob my mouth up and down his length, palming his balls, and working his cock to climax.

Blue pushes deeper, and with each thrust, he meets my g-spot. As much as I don't want to like it, the sensation is fucking heaven. I let go of Evan's cock and focus on my own pleasure. Blue slams into me repeatedly, and with each thrust, my screams get louder.

The door flies open, slamming against the wall, and my attention is pulled from the momentary pleasure to a fucking pissed off Seven standing in the doorway with Levi only a few feet behind her. Her dark brown hair is in a messy bun on top of her head. She has a hoodie pulled over her tits, and her black sweatpants hang low on her hips. Even like this, she is a work of perfection.

“What the fuck, Star?” she yells at me, and I can't do anything but stare.

Evan and Blue both turn their heads in her direction. Evan scrambles for his pants, and Blue continues fucking me like we don't have an audience that includes his baby sister.

“I'm sorry, Seven. I didn't know you were back yet.” I don't know what else to say. Fuck. That sounded horrible.
Yeah, it’s okay that I’m fucking your estranged brother in your playroom, because I thought you were still in London playing powerhouse CEO.
Could I be any fucking dumber?

I push Blue off of me and scramble to get away. He falls back on the bed and just lies there, completely fucking naked for his sister to see, with no fucking qualms about what he was just doing in her penthouse. I feel sick. I want to be sick. I need to throw up. I am going to throw up. I have to get out of here.

My body breaks out into a cold sweat, and I am cold and clammy all over as I desperately try to slip back into my dress. I’m failing miserably because I am far too fucked up to do anything but fuck or pass out.

“All of you... get the fuck out of my home. You are not welcome here,” Seven yells, and then looks me in the eye while pointing her finger at me.

“And you! I am done with you. All these years later and you do this? Again! You are dead to me! Do you fucking hear me? Dead!”

Yeah, I am definitely going to be sick. I fucked up far worse than I ever have before and there is no coming back from this. This is the end of Seven and Star and the twenty eight years we’ve shared.

I grab my black coat off the chair, pick my stilettos up in my hand, and stagger for the elevator. I don't know where I’m going to go, or what I’m going to do, but I need to get away from everyone tonight.

I slowly walk past the kitchen as my nose runs from a mixture of my tears and the drugs from earlier in the night. I hate this feeling. I hate fucking feeling, period. I turn and try to walk to Seven, but Levi stops me. He stands in between us as Seven clutches the counter. I try and push past him, but he continues block my path. It pisses me off.

“Who do you think you are?” I yell at him. I try and push past him again, but just like every other man in my life, he is way fucking stronger than I am. I want to hurt him. I want to hurt them both.

“She’ll walk away from you just like she walks away from everyone else in her life. She’ll leave you with nothing. Broken and alone. That is what Seven James does. She doesn't love. She destroys.”

I suddenly feel exposed. I wear my heart on my sleeve, and now that I’m losing Seven again, to whomever this uptight fucker in a business suit is, I am bitter.

He starts laughing. Laughing at me. I meet his eyes again, just as he begins to speak.

“Well, I guess if she walks away from me, I will be bitter and heartbroken. But one thing I won't do is betray her like you have.”

Ouch. That hurt. I don't think as my body reacts on autopilot and I slap him as hard as I can. The echo of my bare palm meeting his face echoes through the kitchen, and Seven's head snaps in my direction. If she could move, I have no doubt she would be pounding my face in with her fist.

“Get the fuck out of my house!” she bellows as her feet give out from under her. I want to run to her, to pick her up and hold her. But that’s no longer my job. It’s

I make my way to the elevator door and punch the button for the lobby.

As soon as the door closes, I fall to my knees and cry. Not your Hollywood sob, either. This is a full on ugly cry. I cry so hard that my body starts heaving for air, and I gag and vomit all over the floor just as the doors open into the lobby.

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