Finest Years (84 page)

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Authors: Max Hastings

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343 ‘
We are winning victories!
' Hodgson op. cit. p.331

344 ‘
the only occasion on which
' Brooke op. cit. p.340 9.11.42

345 ‘
Is it really to be supposed
' Harvey op. cit. 10.11.42

345 ‘
I never meant the Anglo-American
' Gilbert
Road to Victory
op. cit. p.260

346 ‘
The Russian army having played
' Harvey op. cit. 14.11.42

347 ‘
La France ne marchera pas
' Colville op. cit. p.311 13.12.40

347 ‘
Although the French
' Kennedy MS op. cit. 18.11.42

348 ‘
“In war,” he said
' Gilbert
Road to Victory
op. cit. p.277

348 ‘
I have always deemed it
' Harriman op. cit. p.173

349 ‘
It shows how wrong
' Harvey op. cit. 26.12.42

349 ‘
The historian David Reynolds
' Reynolds op. cit. p.330

349 ‘
One comes away
' Macmillan op. cit. p.101 1.6.43

350 ‘
I do not want any of your
' Brooke op. cit. p.376 31.1.43

351 ‘
not much good
' ibid. p.364 20.1.43

351 ‘
Conversations with the British
' Eisenhower
War Papers
Johns Hopkins 1970 vol. i p.98

351 ‘
Getting on with Americans
' Dalton op. cit. p.722

354 ‘
still something of an enigma
' Pogue op. cit. vol. iii p.5

355 ‘
a general atmosphere
' Macmillan op. cit. p.8 26.1.43

355 ‘
At present they are
Speaking for Themselves
op. cit. p.473 15.1.43

355 ‘
I think CIGS's extremely
' CAC Jacob diary op. cit. JACB1/19

356 ‘
throwing down his facts
' Moran op. cit. 1.1.42

356 ‘
Then you will have to
' Pogue op. cit. vol. iii p.7

356 ‘
with consummate skill
' Macmillan op. cit. p.9 26.1.43

356 ‘
The PM stood in the hall
' Moran op. cit. 22.1.43

357 ‘
Being naturally extremely gullible
' CAC Jacob diary op. cit. JACB1/19

357 ‘
We feel that the Americans
' Kennedy MS op. cit. 14.1.43

357 ‘
Many American officers
' Stephen Ambrose
Eisenhower the Soldier
Allen & Unwin 1984 p.146

357 ‘
a pointer pup
' Orlando Ward Papers USAMHI Carlisle diary Jan. 1943

357 ‘
They viewed the Mediterranean
' CAC Jacob diary op. cit. JACB1/19

358 ‘
You know what a mess
' Brooke op. cit. p.362

359 ‘
My object is to serve my country
' Roosevelt Papers Hyde Park PPF 8832

359 ‘
The better I get to know that man
' LHA Alanbrooke Papers 14/39/B 9.2.44

359 ‘
Mr Churchill…takes his place
The Times

359 ‘
He was offended
' Harriman op. cit. p.188

360 ‘
we had made a public statement
' BNA CAB65/24 27.11.41

360 ‘
He always enjoyed
' Harriman op. cit. p.191

362 ‘
Whatever we decided
' CAC Jacob diary op. cit. JACB1/19

362 ‘
Hundreds of thousands of Soviet people
' G.K. Zhukov
Vospominaniya i Razmyshleniya
(Memories and Reflections) Moscow 1992 vol. ii p.314

363 ‘
“Ah! that is good”
' Brooke op. cit. p.370 26.1.43

364 ‘
I told him that
' ibid. p.374 30.1.43

365 ‘
if they marched with us
The Second World War
op. cit. vol. iv pp.647-8

365 ‘
It would be a pity to have to
' CAC Jacob diary op. cit. JACB1/19

366 ‘
they are now warrior nations
' Hansard 11.2.43

Chapter 14: Out of the Desert

369 ‘
In absolute terms
' French op. cit. p.284

370 ‘
Americans require experience
' quoted Gilbert
Road to Victory
op. cit. p.360

371 ‘
Good news today
' Bonham-Carter op. cit. 9.3.43

How Green is My Ally
Dalton op. cit. p. 557

371 ‘
The enemy make a great mistake
' Reynolds op. cit. p.207

371 ‘
50 per cent “Russia” 43 per cent “Britain”
' Gallup Poll 1.6.43

371 ‘
They all look exactly alike
' Macmillan op. cit. p.256 14.10.43

371 ‘
I am told that our efforts
' Headlam op. cit. p.410 26.6.44

373 ‘
It is rather strange
' Brooke op. cit. p.464 28.10.43

373 ‘
He says he would not
' Dalton op. cit. p.551 8.2.43

373 ‘
The less said about that
' Nicolson op. cit. 20.4.43

374 ‘
Sawyers brings the breakfast
' CAC Jacob diary op. cit. JACB1/19

374 ‘
There is nothing in the world
' quoted Gilbert
Road to Victory
op. cit. p.356 letter of 17.3.43

374 ‘
He is so funny
' Layton letter 7.4.43 quoted ibid. p.375

374 ‘
so the boss was in a good temper
' ibid. pp.374-5

374 ‘
sharing his secret thoughts
' Moran op. cit. p.198

375 ‘
He is always so reassuring
' ibid. p.209 20.8.44

375 ‘
I had never seen him
' Kennedy MS op. cit. 6.4.43

377 ‘
Oh, I shall like that
' quoted Lord Birkenhead
Life of Halifax
Hamish Hamilton 1965 p.537

377 ‘
Have you noticed
' Moran op. cit. p.116 25.5.43

378 ‘
unless almost the entire bulk
' BNA CAB120/83

378 ‘
It was quite evident
' Brooke op. cit. p.406 18.5.43

379 ‘
the most exhausting entertainments
' Brooke op. cit. pp 409-11 24/25.5.43

380 ‘
I had always wondered
The Second World War
op. cit. vol. iv p.727

380 ‘
very human & lovable side
' Kennedy MS op. cit. 8.12.43

380 ‘
I was speaking from where
' Brooke op. cit. p.416 1.6.43

382 ‘
Experience has taught me
' BNA CAB120/683 25.7.43

382 ‘
I am the last to plead
' CAC CHUR4/301/187 fs272-4 276

382 ‘
In my view there is
' Library of Congress MS Div H.R. Luce Papers Box 1 Folder 7

382 ‘
When Mr Churchill received
' IWM 85/49/1 King Papers

382 ‘
To some of the Government
' Harvey op. cit. 10.2.43

383 ‘
All these instructions
' Macmillan op. cit. p.1767 29.7.43

385 ‘
On this, I'm thankful
' Harvey op. cit. 24.7.43

385 ‘
Agreement after agreement
' Brooke op. cit. p.398 4.5.43

385 ‘
I firmly believe
' USMH Carlisle OCMH Forrest Pogue notes of 1947 interview with Morgan for
The Supreme Command

387 ‘
The guests take hardly
' Moran op. cit. p.130

388 ‘
stir the imagination
' Pogue op. cit. vol. iii p.241

388 ‘
As usual, he was
' ibid. p.244

388 ‘
Yet there is no period
' Harvey op. cit. 24.10.43

389 ‘
The full implications of this
' BNA WO205/33

389 ‘
If we once set foot
' Kennedy MS op. cit. 13.8.43

391 ‘
The Quebec conference has
' Brooke op. cit. p.450 30.8.43

391 ‘
He subsequently acknowledged
' ibid. p.466 1.11.43

391 ‘
It was like fighting tanks
' quoted Rick Atkinson
The Day of Battle
Henry Holt 2007 p.207

392 ‘
He did not believe
' BNA CAB120/83

393 ‘
Must be a relief to the Boss
' Hassett op. cit. pp.169 & 315

393 ‘
loves W as a man for the war
' Harvey op. cit. p.238 11.3.43 & p.239 29.3.43

394 ‘
The chief of the army indulged
' see Pogue op. cit. vol. iii p.318

394 ‘
mercurial inconstancy
' ibid. p.320

395 ‘
But we cannot dictate
' Kennedy MS op. cit. 3.9.43

395 ‘
In the end I suppose
' ibid. 26.9.43

395 ‘
Beaverbrook had tabled
' Hansard 23.9.43

395 ‘
I need him
' A.J.P. Taylor

395 ‘
He says we must not
' Dalton op. cit. p.660 29.10.43

396 ‘
he says a Second Front is in existence
' IWM G.W. King 85/49/1 22.8.43

396 ‘
will save a piece of rope
' IWM 92/12/1 Belsey letters 23.9.41 and 12.9.43

397 ‘
no loss…I never did like
' ibid. letters of 1.5.43 and 23.9.43

397 ‘
It would be wrong to belittle

398 ‘
Even such help
' Chuev op. cit. p.39

398 ‘
had made himself
' Vladimir Sokolov and Pyotr Stegny
Eagles and Lions
Moscow 1998 p.261

399 ‘
I think I may claim
' BNA INF1/220

Chapter 15: Sunk in the Aegean

403 ‘
his jumbonic majesty
' Macmillan op. cit. p.425 19.4.44

403 ‘
Good. This is a time
The Second World War
op. cit. vol. v p.182 et seq.

404 ‘
He believed, probably rightly
' Brooke op. cit. p.185 25.9.41

405 ‘
was clearly affected
' Wilson Despatches 1946 quoted Jeffrey Holland
The Aegean Mission
Greenwood Press 1988 p.33

410 ‘
It is pretty clear
' Brooke op. cit. p.458 6.10.43

410 ‘
He is excited about Kos
' Cadogan op. cit. p.565 7.10.43

410 ‘
I have never wished
' Kimball op. cit. vol. ii p.498

410 ‘
worth at least up to a first-class
' BNA FO954/32

411 ‘
I am slowly becoming
' Brooke op. cit. p.459 8.10.43

411 ‘
I propose…to tell Gen. Wilson
' BNA FO954/32

411 ‘
It does seem amazing
' Kennedy MS op. cit. 13.10.43

413 ‘
the price we were paying
' ibid. 28.10.43

414 ‘
a very nasty problem
' Brooke op. cit. p.464 28.10.43

415 ‘
The enemy had boldly
' Stephen Roskill
The War at Sea
HMSO 1960 vol. iii pt 1 p.202

415 ‘
Lack of RAF support
' IWM LRDG 2/3

415 ‘
As the battle progressed
' Holland op. cit. p.135

415 ‘
We were amazed to see
' Anthony Rogers
Churchill's Folly
Cassell 2003 p.203

416 ‘
The Germans moved quickly
' Holland op. cit. p.148

416 ‘
At midnight on 14 November
' Ralph Bennett
Ultra and Mediterranean Strategy
Hamish Hamilton 1989 appendix xiii p.398

416 ‘
I much regret
' quoted Tedder op. cit. p.485

416 ‘
One would have thought
' ibid. p.486

417 ‘
I am still strongly of
' Cunningham op. cit. p. 582

418 ‘
Bad news of Leros
' Cadogan op. cit. p.576 16.11.43

419 ‘
The fall of Leros should be
The Times

419 ‘
CIGS feels that the war
' Kennedy MS op. cit. 7.11.43

420 ‘
Likewise, the British
' C.J.C. Molony
The Mediterranean and Middle East
HMSO 1973 vol. v p.541

420 ‘
Am still grieving
Speaking for Themselves
op. cit. p.485 21.11.43

420 ‘
the most acute difference
The Second World War
op. cit. vol. v p.199

421 ‘
and if they were disregarded
' ibid. pp.198-9

421 ‘
All the British were
' Pogue op. cit. vol. iii p.307

421 ‘
I cannot pretend to have
Speaking for Themselves
op. cit. p.487 26.11.43

Chapter 16: Tehran

422 ‘
that he is often deaf
' Michael Foot
McGibbon & Kee 1962 p.326

422 ‘
Mr Churchill did not like
' Eden op. cit. p.441

422 ‘
Winston handled the debate
' Amery op. cit. p.1016 2.10.44

423 ‘
The red and gold dressing gown
' Brooke op. cit. p.223 27.1.42

423 ‘
and that it was really too much
' Dalton op. cit. p.676

424 ‘
remind the Turkey
' Brooke op. cit. p.467 3.11.43

424 ‘
Why break off the handle
' ibid. p.468 8.11.43

424 ‘
Trying to maintain
' ibid. p.516 24.1.44

424 ‘
Adam Tooze
' Adam Tooze
The Making and Breaking of the Nazi Economy
Allen Lane 2006

426 ‘
In an expansive moment
' Dalton op. cit. p.947 18.10.43

427 ‘
We were greeted by
' Macmillan op. cit. p.293 15.11.43

427 ‘
From the street below
' Moran op. cit. pp.156-7 18.11.43

427 ‘
We have now crystallised
' Kennedy MS op. cit. 7.11.43

427 ‘
the PM's stock is not high
' Pownall op. cit. vol. ii p.119

427 ‘
The pattern of battle
' Fred Majdalany
Cassino: Portrait of a Battle
Cassell 1999 p.33

428 ‘
Winston is getting
' Macmillan op. cit. p.304 25.11.43

429 ‘
This caused Eden to observe
' Sherwood op. cit. vol. ii p.717

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