Finest Years (81 page)

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Authors: Max Hastings

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129 ‘
Churchill and his generals
' Hinsley op. cit. vol. i p.260

130 ‘
I hope, Jack
' Eden op. cit. p.240

130 ‘
General Wavell should regain
' BNA CAB120/10 14.4.41

131 ‘
I think it is desperate
' Kennedy MS op. cit. 10.4.41

131 ‘
CIGS is miserable
' ibid. 11.4.41

131 ‘
Chiefs of staff overawed
' ibid.

132 ‘
I am afraid of a disaster
' Robert Menzies diary
Dark Days
ed. A.W. Martin and Patsy Hardy National Library of Australia 1993 p.120

132 ‘
Aren't you going to listen
' Nella Last op. cit. 27.4.41

132 ‘
All that the country
' Nicolson op. cit. 13.4.41

133 ‘
He himself took
' Hankey op. cit. p. 506 13.5.41

134 ‘
We hold our breath
' Hodgson op. cit. 25.5.41

135 ‘
The difference between
' IWM 92/12/1 Belsey Papers

136 ‘
Churchill a few months later
' Colville op. cit. p.443 28.9.41

136 ‘
Once more Germany
' Mikhail Sebastian
Journal 1935-44
Heinemann 2001 9.4.41

136 ‘
You've lost the game
' Kurt Pauli
Von Serbien Bis Kreta
Steirische Verlagsanstatt 1942 p.137

136 ‘
the utter darkness
' Brooke op. cit. p.379 4.2.43

136 ‘
The PM in conversation
' Menzies op. cit. 1.3.41

137 ‘
Churchill observed crossly
' CAC Eade Papers 2/2 op. cit. 24.7.41

138 ‘
was right when he asserted
Germany and the Second World War
Oxford 1995 vol. iii p.555

138 ‘
As far as I can make out
' BNA PREM4/17/2 20.3.41

138 ‘
He said some very
' Colville op. cit. 3.6.41

139 ‘
that fine commander
' BBC broadcast 27.4.41

139 ‘
I understand he has
Speaking for Themselves
op. cit. p.480 13.5.43

139 ‘
Wavell's best biographer
' Ronald Lewin
The Chief
Hutchinson 1980

139 ‘
My trouble is that
' Pownall op. cit. vol. ii p.95

139 ‘
Now I'm going to waste
' Kennedy MS op. cit. 14.9.39

140 ‘
They are a pretty fair
' Pownall op. cit. vol. ii p.19 3.6.41

140 ‘
It is a bad feature
' Kennedy MS op. cit. 9.7.42

140 ‘
When he is in
' Kennedy MS op. cit. 9.2.41

141 ‘
It is a strange thing
' Brooke op. cit. p.647 20.1.45

141 ‘
At times you could kiss
' CAC A.V. Alexander Papers AVAR6/1 diary 10.6.42

141 ‘
Captain Stephen Roskill
' see Stephen Roskill
Churchill and the Admirals
Collins 1977

142 ‘
I…have to confess
' Cunningham op. cit. pp.578 & 580

142 ‘
I never saw him
' Denis Richards
Portal of Hungerford
Heinemann 1977 pp.202-3

143 ‘
I am thankful I have
' Kennedy MS op. cit. 5.12.41

143 ‘
Ismay is such a devotee
' ibid. 10.4.41

144 ‘
Is there any evil
' IWM Alec Bishop unpublished MS 98/18/1

144 ‘
The chief difficulty
' Martin diary op. cit. p.10

145 ‘
In truth it is only
' Michael Davie and Anne Chisholm
Hutchinson 1992 p.664 14.5.41

146 ‘
If you see that
' Thomas Wilson
Churchill and the Prof
Cassell 1995 p.16 & passim

147 ‘
Moran was seldom
Action this Day
op. cit. p.110

147 ‘
He always retained unswerving
' Colville op. cit. p.125

148 ‘
The people strike me
' Lee op. cit. p.243 16.4.41

148 ‘
Young man
' Kennedy
The Business of War
op. cit. p.236

149 ‘
War consists of fighting
' quoted Reynolds op. cit. p.244

149 ‘
I suppose you realise
' Kennedy MS op. cit. 21.6.41

Chapter 6: Comrades

150 ‘
There is nothing straightforward
' Garfield op. cit. p.129

152 ‘
None of this conflicts
' 17.9.39. On this issue see for instance David Carlton
Churchill and the Soviet Union
Manchester 2000 passim.

152 ‘
That the Russian armies
' BBC broadcast 1.10.39

154 ‘
a sentiment widely felt
' Colville op. cit. p.436 3.9.41

154 ‘
They think they are dealing
' Pownall op. cit. vol. ii p.36 17.7.41

154 ‘
I don't suppose
' Headlam op. cit. p.157 22.6.41

154 ‘
One feels that God
' ibid. p.258

155 ‘
I glory in all this
' IWM 85/49/1 G.W. King MS 30.7.41

155 ‘
The Russians have not
' Hodgson op. cit. p.185 22.6.41

155 ‘
Somehow I think Stalin
' ibid. p.190 2.7.41

155 ‘
I was agreeably surprised
' IWM 92/12/1 Belsey letters 25.6.41

156 ‘
It's impossible to say
' Pownall op. cit. vol. ii p.30 29.6.41

156 ‘
I don't believe Winston
' ibid. p.31 30.6.41

157 ‘
Why the authorities
' Cunningham op. cit. p.350

159 ‘
It was quite evident
' Lee op. cit. p.416

159 ‘
Britain's radio spies
Daily Mirror

159 ‘
The danger of enemy
' Hinsley op. cit. vol. ii p.671

160 ‘
almost a pariah
' Lee op. cit. p.317 23.6.41

161 ‘
an obstinate, high-minded man
' quoted Reynolds op. cit. p.256

162 ‘
The British government, by its passive
' Chris Bellamy
Absolute War
Macmillan 2007 p.415

163 ‘
We would like to inform you
Ocherki Istorii Rossiikoi Vneshney Razvedki
Studies on the History of the Soviet Foreign Intelligence Service Moscow 2007

164 ‘
In order to enable Russia
' Hansard 30.9.41

164 ‘
Hitler is throwing
' IWM 85/49/1 G.W. King MS

166 ‘
I can still remember
' G.A. Kumanyov ‘Close to Stalin' [
Ryadom so Stalinym
] Moscow 1999 p.300

166 ‘
Now I have to bring
' Hankey op. cit. vol. iii p.533

167 ‘
Chris Bellamy
' Bellamy op. cit. p.446

168 ‘
The effect upon us

168 ‘
My main feeling is
' quoted Garfield op. cit. p.172 9.10.41

168 ‘
the rising temper
The Churchill War Papers
ed. Gilbert op. cit. vol. iii p.1372 25.10.41

168 ‘
Things are pretty hard
' Churchill Archive CHAR1/362

168 ‘
The fundamental difficulty
' Kennedy MS op. cit. 7.9.41

168 ‘
Would that the two loathsome
' Pownall op. cit. p.50 29.10.41

168 ‘
After his first enthusiasm
' Harvey op. cit. 27.10.41

169 ‘
In two years struggle
Churchill War Papers
op. cit. vol. iii p.1204 12.9.41

169 ‘
Winston's attitude to war
' Menzies op. cit. p.99 31.3.41

169 ‘
The Army must do something
' Kennedy MS op. cit. 9.10.41

169 ‘
Winston is in a difficult position
' ibid. 13.10.41

169 ‘
Yes, I am afraid
' ibid. 11.10.41

Chapter 7: The Battle of America

171 ‘
I wonder if the Americans
' Kennedy MS op. cit. 25.5.41

171 ‘
rushing vast quantities
The Memoirs of Cordell Hull
Hodder & Stoughton 1948 vol. ii p.967

172 ‘
The United States Administration
' Eden op. cit. p.176

172 ‘
after the victory was won
' Kimball op. cit. vol. i. p.102

173 ‘
I have never realised
' quoted Kynaston op. cit. vol. iii p.472

174 ‘
Our desperate straits
' Eden op. cit. p.135

174 ‘
I have never liked Americans
' quoted Roberts
The Holy Fox
op. cit. p.280

174 ‘
the heavy labour of toadying
' ibid p.278

174 ‘
I only said
' Eden op. cit. p.182

174 ‘
During a trip to Detroit
Christian Science Monitor
12.5.41 p.15 & 4.11.41 p.8

174 ‘
pretty hopeless
' Harvey op. cit. p.20 15.7.41

174 ‘
because he couldn't
' Dalton op. cit. p.272 25.8.41

175 ‘
They really are
' Headlam op. cit. p.270 15.8.41

175 ‘
no great enthusiasm
' BNA FO371/34114 175 ‘it wouldn't really pay' LHA Slessor Papers Box XIIC

175 ‘
when one is dealing with
' RAF Museum Hendon Harris Papers folder H98 15.9.41

176 ‘
It is just a little humiliating
' Dalton op. cit. p.247 10.7.41

176 ‘
the average man's
' Planning Committee minutes 4.6.41 BNA INF1/249

176 ‘
Donovan…is extremely friendly
' Kennedy MS op. cit. 7.3.41

177 ‘
a possible America
' D.C. Watt
Succeeding John Bull
Cambridge 1980 p.161

177 ‘
he quite understood
' Colville op. cit. 1.11.40

177 ‘
I was…only a Second Lieutenant
' Robert H. Pilipel
Churchill in America
NEL 1977 p.16

178 ‘
Had he been pure English aristocracy
' Hodgson op. cit. pp.189-90 2.7.41

178 ‘
Here's a telegram
' Colville op. cit. p.136 19.5.40

178 ‘
By late 1941
' Report by Richard L. Coe
Washington Post

180 ‘
I believe that we really can
' Sherwood op. cit. vol. i p.125

180 ‘
He can work only seven

180 ‘
of the exact state
' Sherwood op. cit. vol. i p.239

181 ‘
I suppose you could say
' ibid. p.237

181 ‘
We seek no treasure
Memoirs of Lord Chandos
Bodley Head 1962 pp.165-6

182 ‘
Hopkins was, I think
' quoted Gilbert
Finest Hour
op. cit. pp.997 & 999

I have never had such
' Lee op. cit. p.220

182 ‘
Apparently the first thing
The Secret Diary of Harold L. Ickes
Simon & Schuster 1953-54 183 ‘He finished with really' Hodgson op. cit. 27.7.41

183 ‘
Winston is completely certain
' Menzies op. cit. p.64 22.2.41

184 ‘
It is never very easy
Books & Bookmen
October 1977 review of Joseph Lash's
Roosevelt and Churchill 1939-41
André Deutsch 1977

185 ‘
Personally I am very sorry
' IWM MP Troy Papers 95/25/1 1.1.41

185 ‘
As soon as the Lend-Spend
' Averell Harriman and Elie Abel
Special Envoy to Churchill and Stalin
Random House NY 1975 p.5

186 ‘
We can't take seriously
' ibid. p.15

186 ‘
He resented this so much
' Lee op. cit. p.307 9.6.41

186 ‘
By contrast Colonel
' Forrest Pogue
George C. Marshall: Ordeal and Hope 1939-42
Viking 1965 pp.133-4

186 ‘
If rather than when
' ibid. p.139

187 ‘
I was deeply worried
' Harriman op. cit. p.18

187 ‘
I must attempt to convince
' ibid. p.18

187 ‘
The PM is much smaller
' ibid. p.61

188 ‘
the PM bluntly stated
' ibid. p.28

188 ‘
believing that we shall get
' Amery op. cit. p.689 19.5.41

188 ‘
The great difficulty is
' Harriman op. cit. p.57

188 ‘
The idea of being our armoury
' Headlam op. cit. p.234 31.12.40

189 ‘
The great thing is not to
' Nicolson op. cit. 21.3.41

189 ‘
Well, yes
' Lee op. cit. p.357 26.7.41

189 ‘
frightened of nothing
' Cadogan op. cit. p.393 21.7.41

190 ‘
A wonderful story
' quoted
Churchill War Papers
op. cit. vol. iii p.810

191 ‘
a disorderly day's rabbit-shooting
' BNA PREM4/27/9 13.3.41

191 ‘
I must say I do not think
' BNA PREM3/485/6 fo.16

191 ‘
with a retinue which
' Colville op. cit. 3.8.41

192 ‘
Working in H[arry] H[opkins]'s cabin
' CAC Geoffrey Green GREE1

193 ‘
really incapable of
' quoted Kenneth S. Davis
FDR: The War President
Random House 2000 p.212

195 ‘
Not a single American officer
' CAC Jacob diary 11.8.41 JACB1/10

196 ‘
It would be an exaggeration
' Sherwood op. cit. vol. i p.364

197 ‘
My God, this is history!
' CAC Green op. cit. GREE1 10.8.41

197 ‘
the occasion must fulfil
' CAC Jacob diary op. cit. 10.8.41

197 ‘
That afternoon, Churchill took
' CAC Martin diary op. cit. p.60

197 ‘
Am I going to like it?
' ibid. p.62

198 ‘
It was hard to tell
Action this Day
op. cit. p.206

198 ‘
a very interesting and by no means
' Churchill Papers 29.8.41 CHAR1/362/28-32

198 ‘
Roosevelt is all for coming
' Pownall op. cit. vol. i

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