Fire & Desire (Hero Series) (23 page)

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Authors: Monique Lamont,Yvette Hines

BOOK: Fire & Desire (Hero Series)
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Trevor gave her the response she wanted and drove his shaft deep
inside of her. Buried to the hilt, as Tiffany arched her neck, cried out and
clenched the tight wet walls of her sex around him.

Hot. His manhood was wrapped in an inferno of sensations. He could
feel every contraction she made around him. His wife’s body was smooth as silk
where it touched and surrounded him.

Trevor looked down where they joined and connected. He was amazed
to see Tiffany’s clit once again swollen and ready for another climax. A smile
creased his face and excitement bubbled inside of him at the sight of his
wife’s desire.

As he ground his hips, pressing himself against her stiff bud,
Tiffany’s breath hitched, and her body gripped his shaft, confirming his

Tiffany opened her eyes and looked at him, as her lips gave him a
soft smile.

“That feels good, Trevor.” Her hands moved down his chest, and her
thumbs brushed his nipples as they passed.

Exhaling a breath, he bit on his lip to keep himself in check as
her body adjusted to his length. Spicy sweet. The scent of their bodies
combining was an aphrodisiac to his senses, driving him wild. She was his wife
and he craved to be inside of her like his lungs yearned air.

Feeling his wife’s body relax and her hips begin to undulate,
Trevor started his task of taking them both over the edge. Tiffany wrapped her
legs around his waist and eagerly met each thrust and grind of his pelvis.
Their groans and moans of passion saturated the atmosphere. They were in

Her muscles quivered around him. Joining her was his aim. He
lifted Tiffany’s legs to the top of his shoulders. The position granted them
both maximum stimulations as he drove deep inside of her to reach his

Tiffany cried out as she broke through the wall of pleasure.
Multiple quakes of her body around his shaft caused Trevor to erupt into

The music ended, and long moments passed before Tiffany’s legs
slid down his side, and he had the strength to raise himself on his elbows.

He removed the mask from her face and wiped sweat away from her
eyes. He smiled down at the woman who accepted him, including his faults. She
had taken away the revenge that filled his soul and replaced it with her love.
“I love you,” he said, still a little breathless.

Tiffany returned his gaze, placed her hand against his cheek, and
brushed her thumb across his lips. “I love you.”

“Honey, you may want to warn a brotha the next time you’re going
to do a teasing act like that.”

“Why? Didn’t you enjoy this?” Tiffany offered a broad smile.

“Yes.” Trevor placed a kiss in the center of her forehead. “But
the next time, it may kill me.”

Tiffany’s burst of laughter filled the room.



“Hi, baby, how’s your day been so far?” Trevor spoke into his
earpiece as he drove through traffic.

“It’s going well. How’s Heritage coming along?”

Tiffany’s soft voice caused his heart to expand. He’d never known
love like what he felt for her. He would be glad when he was able to tell the
world she was his, not just dating him, but his for life. “Awesome. All the
guys from CB are having a ball creating and designing the systems for Heritage.
It’s a worthy project.”

“I’m glad to hear it.”

Trevor imagined her smiling on the other end. He shook himself. He
had a task to do and needed a clear head to accomplish it. “Well, I called to
let you know I’ll meet you at the house, but I’ll be a little late. I have
something to check on.” Trevor attempted to keep his voice light and his words
vague. He didn’t want Tiffany to worry.

“That’s fine. It’ll give me a chance to cook. I’ll see you later.
I love you.”

“I love you, baby. When I’m on my way, I’ll call you.”

“All right. Trevor…” Tiffany hesitated.

Trevor gripped the small phone. “Yeah, sweetie?”

“Be careful,” Tiffany responded softly.

“I will.” Trevor closed his cell phone with a snap. To tell him to
be careful, Tiffany must have noticed something in his voice.

Finally arriving at his destination, Trevor turned into the
residential parking section and pulled into a spot that was two rows away from
Eddie “The Weasel” Sherman’s house but faced his front door. Manning wasn’t the
only one with connections on the police force. Trevor took a chance that
someone with Weasel’s reputation for shady activities might have a record. This
morning, he had made a call to a friend he used to dance with at EE. Rob had
called him just after lunch with the information.

Trevor looked at the townhouse. Three sixteen was his number, but
the six had broken away from the top nail, making it appear to be three
nineteen. He assumed the number was like that from Weasel’s laziness, or
purposely done by him. It probably worked in the reporter’s favor, bringing him
time if someone were looking for him, and depending who lived in the real three
nineteen, Trevor was sure it gave The Weasel a greedy opportunity to get a peep
at his neighbor’s mail on occasion.

Trevor hoped for a chance to lay eyes on The Weasel. He knew the
governor and Wallace were taking care of it; he had no plans of messing that
up. But it was daunting to know someone was out dumpster diving and taking
pictures of him and Tiffany.

Trevor got out of his car, walked to a metal newspaper stand on
the corner, dropped in the specified change and retrieved a paper. When he
returned to the car, he got in the passenger side, so if anyone saw him, he’d
look like he was waiting for the driver of the car to come back.

After an hour, the sun faded and evening set in, and Trevor’s luck
paid off. A sun bleached red 1998 Toyota Corolla pulled into three sixteen’s
parking spot. A shaggy brown haired, lanky guy of medium height got out. With
his T-shirt and blue jeans, he would have faded into the scenery.
Great for
his profession.
Evident in the large camera bag he carried on his shoulder
and the two black, kitchen-size trash bags he held in his hand.

“Out fishing for food tonight, I see,” Trevor mumbled aloud.

He watched as Weasel’s beady eyes scanned the surrounding area
before he put his key in his door and entered the dark residence.

“In your line of work, you
watch your back.” Trevor
saw the light in one window come on. He could see a tall rectangular shape and
what appeared to be the square frame of the back of a chair. He figured it was
the kitchen area. Next, a light came on in an upstairs room.

It was too tempting to knock on the door and confront the sleazy
reporter. After about twenty minutes, with no other movement in the house,
Trevor prepared to leave.

Before he could get out and switch seats, he saw Manning arrive
and park a row away from him. Manning backed his car into the spot, then
stepped out of his car and with purposeful strides walked up to Weasel’s door.

“Well, what do you know, Mr. ‘Soon to be Congressman.’ You are
very comfortable in the most unlikely places. Instead of sending another one of
your flunkies, you decided to handle it yourself. Less witnesses.” Trevor
chuckled and observed the situation, grateful that Manning had been too
preoccupied to notice his car.

Manning knocked on the door three times, made a quick glance over
his shoulder and checked the doorknob. Trevor was surprised it was open.
Manning quickly stepped in and closed the door.

Is he expecting you?

Trevor used that opportunity to slide over to the driver’s side.
Fifteen minutes later, Manning came storming out of the house, suit coat and tie
skewed. He pulled the door behind him, as if a ghost was inside and hot on his
heels in pursuit.

Not watching where he was going, Manning almost stepped on a
Teacup Terrier an older woman was walking. The woman snatched the dog up into
her arms, giving it a consoling stroke as she gave Manning an affronted look.

Manning stopped, snatched his coat and tie in place. Trevor
witnessed the swift expansion of Manning’s chest as he attempted to catch his
breath. In an instant, a change in the politician’s demeanor happened.

Manning gave the woman one of his infamous baby-wooing smiles and
apologized to her and the dog, stopping short of reaching out and petting the
pooch. Instead, he bowed his head gallantly and continued with his escape.

In a flash, Manning was in his car and gone. Too fast for Trevor
to consider trailing, which he’d had no plans of doing.

What in the hell was going on?
Trevor pondered the question. If he were a
betting man, he would have expected to see The Weasel come storming out of the
apartment behind Manning.

But nothing.

By the way Manning had looked, he had no doubt a fight or some
type of scuffle had broken out.

A foreboding feeling was nagging at his gut.
Something’s just
not right.

How far would Manning go to secure his seat in Congress and force
Tiffany and her father’s hand?

Trevor shook his head. Manning could have had any woman in
society, but his propensity to always win and have his way consumed him now
just as it had when they were in college.

Five years ago, it hadn’t stopped until Rebecca had died.
life would it cost this time?

Curiosity was nipping at his mind. Trevor reached over and grabbed
a piece of paper from his center console. On one side, it held a copy of a
tester page from a program he was installing at Heritage, and the other side
held the information he had jotted down about The Weasel when Rob called. He
had gotten the address and phone number of the reporter. When he wrote it
earlier, there was no intention of calling The Weasel, but circumstances had

Trevor opened his cell phone and began to punch in the numbers.
Halfway through the seven digits, he stopped. If something had happened to The
Weasel, his cell number would be in the reporter’s phone record.

Instead of blocking the call, he drove to the shopping center a
block away from the reporter’s residence and used the payphone on the side of a
convenient store to make a quick anonymous call to the police, telling the
operator a fight had broken out and he was concerned that someone may be hurt.
He gave them the residence and hung up the phone after the woman confirmed she
would send a patrol car out.

More than enough for one night.
Trevor returned to his car and headed
toward home.



When Tiffany awakened the next morning in bed, she was surprised
to see Trevor awake and staring at her.

“Good morning, sleepy head.” He leaned down and kissed her on the
tip of her nose.

Tiffany snuggled her body against his. “You’re awful bright eyed.
What time is it?”

Smiling, she walked her fingers down the center of his naked
chest, a purposeful destination.

When she reached his navel, she swirled a finger inside.

Trevor’s stomach contracted.

Tiffany gave him a surprised look, then touched the warm flesh of
his hard shaft. “Well, Mr. Wayne…you are standing quite tall this morning.”
Wrapping her fingers around him, she began to massage him.

Trevor’s breathing increased, and his eyes closed for a moment.
“Don’t start something we can’t finish.”

“We have time for anything our hearts desire.” Her stroking increased.

He groaned, “We’re…press…late…conference…going to be.”

Tiffany laughed as the urgency in Trevor built, causing all of his
blood flow to descend from his brain, removing his ability to provide literate
conversation. “Trevor, it’s only…”

Glancing over his broad shoulder, she looked at the clock. “Get
up. We’re going to be late.”

Tiffany released him, threw back the covers and vaulted from the
bed. “We have twenty minutes to get dressed and be on the road to Richmond. Why
didn’t you tell me?”

Trevor lay in the middle of the bed. “I tried—” He pointed to his
firm upright member.

“But look what you started.”

Tiffany gave him an apologetic look as she headed into the
bathroom. “I’m sorry, Trevor.

I’ll take care of you later, I promise.” She turned on the shower
and tested it for warmth. “We really need to shower and go.”

“You’re damn right we need to shower, but you’re going to take
care of this now.”

Trevor got up from the bed and followed her into the bathroom.

Tiffany shrieked with delight when Trevor stepped into the shower
behind her.

“What are you doing? We don’t have time for this.” Tiffany wiggled
around, grabbed her puff and added gel.

“Of course we do. It will only take a minute.” Trevor pulled her
into his arms.

Tiffany gave him an affronted look as he worked the soap into a
foamy lather. “A minute…?”

The smell of vanilla and apples permeated the area.

Trevor smiled at her evident frustration. “Yeah, don’t worry…
take care of you later,
” Trevor added in a mimicking singsong voice as he
planted kisses on the swells of her breasts, pulling her body closer to his
aroused one.

Tiffany pretended to be shocked but couldn’t hold the expression
and laughed. “Well, if you’re set on doing this, we’re going to have to come to
some type of compromise.”

“Just leave it to me.”

And she did.


Trevor picked up the shampoo gel bottle and put it in her hand.
“Hold this.” He lifted Tiffany. “Wrap your legs around me.”

As she obeyed him, Trevor leaned her back against the wall of the
shower. She arched her back and screeched, “Cold!”

Trevor winked at her, propped his foot on the side creating a seat
for her, then held his hand out for gel. After it was filled he began lathering
and arousing her simultaneously. He suckled her nipples while he glided his
cleansing hands over her back and arms.

Their breath became heavier, audible.

Pulling away from her breast, he moved onto her stomach and
breasts. As he washed her swollen peaks and taut belly, he kissed her.
Thoroughly loving her mouth, he continued to bring them both to readiness.

Moving away from her succulent mouth, Trevor got more gel from
Tiffany. He noticed the glassy look in her eyes, saw the rise and fall of her
breasts and could feel the purposeful undulation of her hips, her desire in
full force.

Taking her even higher, placing his shaft against her heated
opening, he started rubbing the soap into her thighs, hips and bottom as he
plunged forward. Tiffany’s legs tightened around his waist as her hot core
clamped around him. He leaned into her and flushed her body against the wall.

As Tiffany met each of his thrusts with arching hips, the water
cascaded down their slick forms and danced with scented bubbles at Trevor’s
feet. Her body squeezed and pumped him like a fist. His bubbly hands moved down
her legs to her feet. Grabbing her ankles, he held on as the increasing sexual
tension drove him to madness. Deep, hard, quick thrusts took them into oblivion.
Tiffany cried out her release as he exploded inside of her.

For a moment, they stayed there as the water beat against the
porcelain flooring, slowly recovering. Unlocking her legs, Trevor stepped back
and allowed Tiffany’s slick body to slide down his as his hands found the last
stop needing washing. His hand went between her legs. He gently massaged and
bathed her pulsing sex. Tiffany climaxed again.

Trevor placed his lips against her ear and whispered, “You’re two
to my one…You’re right baby…you will take care of me later.”

Tiffany bent down and launched her soggy puff at him.

It smacked Trevor in the chest as his laughter erupted into the
steam-filled room.


“Sorry, we’re late, Dad.” Tiffany walked into her father’s office
and embraced him.

Squeezing her tight, her father said, “Don’t worry, honey. I
already had Helen arrange to have it moved down an hour after what happened
last night.” Stepping back, he eyed her up and down, verifying to himself that
she was okay. “I told Trevor last night. Didn’t he tell you?”

Tiffany swung around and caught sight of her husband’s mischievous
smile. She’d known Trevor had told her father about Dan’s lurking, but he’d
failed to mention the time change. Lifting her brow at him, she conveyed the
message she would get even with him. “It must have slipped his mind.”

Trevor stepped forward and shook hands with her father. “Morning,
sir. She was sleeping so well I didn’t want to disturb her.”

“You’re so thoughtful, Trevor.” Tiffany batted her eyelashes
playfully at him.

Trevor grinned broadly.

“Well, I had no doubts she was in good hands.” Pulling her
attention back to him, her father asked, “Are you all right, sweetheart? If
you’re not up to this…we can cancel it all together.”

“No need to cancel. I’m fine, Dad.” Tiffany smoothed her hands
down the front of her salmon and cream pinstripe suit jacket. The final image
in her mirror said confident and secure.

“I’m more than ready to tell the world I’m happily married to this
wonderful man.”

Her father nodded toward Wallace, who stood beside the door in
silence. He opened the door. They all prepared to walk out the door when Helen,
a middle-aged black woman with a salt and pepper short natural, walked into the

Speech anxious, Helen said, “Governor, forgive me for the
interruption. I know you all need to get to the pressroom, but you need to see
the newsbreak.” Helen rushed to the wall unit, grabbed the remote and turned
the television on. “I don’t know if you all saw it, but during this morning’s
report they were talking about that reporter who was found dead in his
apartment last night…” She quickly found the local news channel and turned the
sound up.

The door clicked shut as they all did an about face and moved to
the center of the room and gathered around the screen.

“…apparently, Bob, Congressional candidate Christopher Manning was
seen at the reporter’s house around his time of death.” The slender man’s
straight, brown hair waved in the soft breeze as he spoke into his handheld
microphone to the anchorman sitting in a small corner box, answering his
questions relayed through his earpiece.

“Dave, this isn’t the first time a political figure has been
brought in for questioning. I’m sure Senator Manning and his family’s law team
will have all of this straightened out soon. Any information on what the
connection may have been between ‘Golden Boy’ Manning and the tabloid reporter?
Seems like a bizarre association.”

“You’re correct, Bob, a strange match indeed. The word is that an eyewitness
places Manning coming out of the house minutes after the time of death.
Furthermore, Dan McRyan, a retired D.C. police officer, came forward moments ago
with some new information about Christopher Manning. ”

“Well, however this turns out, it will definitely be interesting.
Thanks, Dave.”

Helen pushed a button on the remote, causing the screen to go
black. The room fell silent, for a long moment the only sound heard was the
humming of the ceiling lights.

“Helen, please let the press know we will be with them
momentarily,” Governor Selina said, turning away from the wall unit and walking
toward his desk.

Helen set the slender black controller down and exited the room.

“Christopher being questioned about a murder.” Tiffany was
awestruck, looking at her father, she asked, “I’m sorry to say, Dad,
Christopher’s not the man we thought him to be.”

Trevor spoke up as he stepped up to her and placed his arm around
her waist. Christopher Manning’s life was in the hands of the police now. They
had more important things to deal with.

“So what’s our plan of action for the press conference now?”

“Nothing different. I’m pretty clear about what we should tell

“Dad, is that because you think the police have the pictures in
evidence and they will come out soon?” Tiffany asked, feeling a bit uneasy
about the new revelation involving Christopher.

“No. That hasn’t been an issue since the day following the arrival
of the package.”

Tiffany and Trevor’s eyes observed the silent mountain as he
walked past them to the door. She glanced at Trevor who looked at her, a single
eyebrow lifted a confirmation to her thoughts that possibly Wallace was somehow
the one responsible for retrieving the pictures and negatives.

“Why do I have a feeling this conference is not what we originally
discussed?” Trevor said as he followed Tiffany and her father out of the

“You’re right, but patience is a virtue, Trevor.” The governor led
the way to the pressroom, trailed by Tiffany, then Trevor as Wallace brought up
the rear.

“A daily practice for me, Governor.”

Tiffany could feel his hand squeeze her shoulder, as he continued,
“A daily practice.”

She wrinkled her nose at his sarcasm as they entered the elevator.
With a quick decision, Tiffany slid her rings from her left hand, giving Trevor
her band and placing her engagement ring back on her finger. Just that morning,
she had removed the ring from the gold chain she wore under her clothes and
placed it on her hand, and Trevor had given her the band with a kiss before
they left the house. His earlier words echoed in her thoughts.
It’s not the
way I had planned to give it to you, but I love you and that’s most important.

Now, because of the death of a reporter, they were being given a
second chance to do things right.

As the elevator descended, her father said, “When we get in here,
I’ll begin the conference. You two just stand beside Wallace and follow my

Before either of them could answer, the doors slid open, and they
exited across the hall from the entrance of the pressroom. Her father stepped
up to the podium among flashing lights exploding through the room from several
cameras as Wallace directed her and Trevor to stand along the side out of the
lens range. Pretend spectators.

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen of the press. It’s good to see
friendly faces in a crowd. My staff and I selected each of you specifically
because most of you have been loyal and faithful constituents. I could always
count on you to be both objective and trustworthy.”

Tiffany noted the warm responses her father’s words invoked over
the group of anxiously waiting reports. A few nodded and others smiled. As
always, Governor Selina had a way of making everyone in his presence feel

“Thanks for your kind words, Governor. Lester Neil with
Eye on
. Like everyone else in the room, I’m eager to know what this
ninth hour call is about. There’s speculation that it has something to do with
your candidacy for Senator.”

Tiffany watched her father give Lester and the other reporters a
broad smile as laughter danced in his eyes.

“A smart group of people, you all are.” He paused as his gaze
traveled the room, connecting with each person of the press. They sat on the
edge of their seats, pens poised on mini tablets. “I have decided not to run
for the office of Senator of Virginia.”

Shock reverberated throughout the room. Tiffany pasted a smile on
her face and schooled her features.
No need to let the press on to the fact
I didn’t know anything about this announcement.

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