Fire In Her Eyes (16 page)

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Authors: Amanda Heath

BOOK: Fire In Her Eyes
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“Well damn, and here I thought we were going to be fucking all night long!” I say with fake excitement in my eyes.

He chuckles befo
re pulling his phone back out.




“Let’s go ride the four-wheelers.” I suggest to her. Her dark blues glare at me before she goes back to sharpening that knife I’m sure that Mason gave her.

“I’m not going anywhere with you.” I sigh. This is going to be way harder than I thought. I have spent the past month staying away from her. I had hoped that would cool some of the anger she has toward me, but it appears to have stayed about the same.

Carter pokes her head in and says a
soft, “Hi.” She looks hopeful
at Harley who only glares harder at her.

“You know what, Spencer, I’ve changed my mind. Let’s go ride some four-wheelers.” She gets up and shoves past
shocked Carter. Carter looks at me like I have the answers, but I just shrug. For as long as I have known them, Carter and Harley were joined at the hip. I get up and follow Harley out of the tent.

She didn’t wait for me, but headed to Dean’s truck for the ATVs we brought with us. We unloaded them earlier so they were just waiting to go. “Okay, I can’t drive one of these things so it’s all on you,” she states, sitting down on the one closest to us, which just so happens to be mine.

“Okay,” is all I say. I’m too worried that the excitement of being alone with her for a little while will come out in my voice. Don’t want her to think I’m too eager. I climb on in front of her and start it up. I reach back and pull her hands around my waist. I ignore the twitch in my dick from her touch. It’s been so long since she has touched me; my body is a little excited.

I head out down a trail on the property I have used before. I have a little trick up my sleeve. The path is bumpy and I feel us rising up and down as we go along. Harley’s hands
tighten around my waist as she
presses closer to me. Damn that feels nice, oh how I have missed it.

We ride a little way in silence. Mostly because it’s too loud to really talk. You also don’t want to swallow a bug. This trail ends in a secluded field about five miles in. I want to take her there and talk. Knowing Harley, she won’t want that, but I have to try. I miss being around her. Hell, I miss her so much it hurts.

When I pull up to the field about ten minutes later, I kill the engine and hop off, taking the keys with me. I shove them in my pocket, hoping she won’t go there to get them. I look over to her gorgeous face and see the fire in her dark blue eyes. She is livid, and I love every minute of it.

“Really, Spencer? I had a feeling you were going to do this, but my dumbass thought
you were smarter than this.” She rolls her eyes, but stays seated on the four-wheeler.

“I just want to talk, baby girl. That is all. I swear.” I plead to her with my eyes and she begins to soften a little bit.

“You could have talked to me back at the tent,” she huffs.

“Not with all your friends hanging around. You had every excuse to get up and leave when I started to say anything to you. This is the only way I could think of to really get to talk to you.” I run my hands through my hair as I pace back and forth in front of her.

“Fine.” She pats the seat in front of her before scooting to sit on the rack. “Just say your peace so we can head back. The bugs are driving me nuts!”

I slowly stride over to the four-wheeler and sit in front of her with both legs hanging off the sides. I place my hands in front of me, which puts them right next to her knees. If I wasn’t sure before now that she is affected by me, the way she shifts her legs further away would totally have tipped me off.

I had this whole speech planned out in my head. I mean, come on, I had an entire month to plan one. Of course, when it comes down to saying it, my lips are sealed. It’s frustrating how she makes me feel this way. I have never liked to feel unsure of myself and that is one of the main things she brings out in me. I kind of want to knock her upside her head for it.

“I’m waiting, Spencer,” she states, with a bit of irritation.

“I’m trying to figure out where to begin.” I shake my head nervously before saying anything else. “You make me so unsure of myself. I’m at a loss of where to even begin.” I sigh and look up into her dark blue eyes. “I know that we didn’t have a real relationship know.” I lift my fingers up and do quotation marks around real. “I don’t think either of us thought we would have anything with the other. That’s not the case, at least, not with me. I have wanted you for as long as I can remember. It used to scare me how much I did. I think that’s why I always played pranks on you. Maybe it started as harmless flirting, but it turned into a way to keep you at a distance.

Then you came back this summer and we got shoved down each other’s throats. I was just so tired of the bullshit and pretending that you weren’t all I was thinking about. When I finally got you where I wanted you, you got ripped out of my arms. What happened to you was so horrible. I didn’t even want to think about what you would have to go through. Mixed with what Dylan said to me that night, I couldn’t handle it. I didn’t mean to sleep with her, Harley, it just happened before I even realized what was going on. I didn’t even enjoy it. She wasn’t you. She didn’t have your hair, your eyes, you’re body.
Her personality is different, way different.
She wasn’t you.
She is a troll compared to you, honestly. What I’m trying to say is, I also figured out I was in love with you that night. I didn’t know how to handle that either. I mean, how could a guy like me really hang on to you?” I feel her soft thumbs brush something off my cheek. I look down at them and see liquid. Am I crying again?”


Chapter 21




I feel the shell around my heart crack. Spencer Grady is bawling his eyes out right in front of me. I don’t hesitate to wiggle over to him. I throw my arms over his hard shoulders and push his head onto my shoulder. His strong arms come around my waist and I almost let out a sigh. To be touched without fear is something I don’t think I wil
l ever get used to again, and
Spencer takes that fear away from me.

I know he didn’t mean to hurt me, but hurt me he did. He hurt me very badly. I think I cried myself to sleep for the past month because of it. Now, of course, who did I want to come comfort me? Spencer. I haven’t totally forgiven him. He’s going to have to work on that part, but I think after his admission I know where his head was at. I mean, I kicked him so hard I dislocated his shoulder while I thought he was trying to rape me. Doesn’t matter if I really thought it was Dylan; he got hurt in the back lash of what happened to me.

“It’s okay, Spencer. You think too low of yourself. It’s a wonder you’re still sniffing around my skirts. You know what you did was wrong. I can see that now. It just might take some time before I forgive you for it. Or maybe I won’t forgive; either way...I love you, too.” I stopped breathing when I said that. Fucking shit. That was not supposed to come out!

He looks up at me with those pale eyes and they feel with an emotion I can’t read. I know that it grips my heart and won’t let it go. “I knew that already,” he says.

He chuckles at my reaction and I smack him on his chest. “How the hell did you know that?” He gives me a smirk. I feel like I could drop dead from the way it lights up his sad face. “You yelled it at me about a month ago. I guess you didn’t realize that you even said it.” He takes a hand off of my waist and pushes a loose lock of hair behind my ear.

I shiver with the depth of emotion I see when I look into his eyes. It’s an unconscious decision when I lean in and brush my lips across his. He lets out a small gasp, but doesn’t pull away. I don’t either and I really don’t know what that says about me. The guy
cheat on me. His soft lips move under mine and his tongue swipes out, asking for permission, which I stupidly give him.

He probes my tongue with his and I let out a moan from deep in my throat. He responds with one of his own. He moves his hands from my waist, putting them on face, where
he caresses my cheeks with his
thumbs. I feel him start to lean forward, pushing me back, as he devours my lips.

My head gently hits the rack on the back of the four-wheeler as Spencer repositions my legs over his own legs. His hands leave my face to remove mine from the back of his neck. He curls one hand with mine and lifts it over my head. The other one lands on my thigh and goes up to the edge of my shorts.

I cringe when he maneuvers a finger under the fabric. I know what is going to come next. He freezes when he realizes I’m wearing panties.

“Why did you get panties?” He black eyebrows furrow together in confusion. I sigh and answer him,

“I didn’t want to flaunt easy access anymore. I’m sorry if you don’t like it.” I cringe when I hear the voice of a scared little girl escape from my lips in saying this.

Understanding dawns on his face and he gives me a quick kiss before moving his finger even closer to my sex. “Well, underwear or no underwear, you’re still fucking hot to me.” My breathing becomes shallow as he slips his index finger under the cotton underwear. He nuzzles into my cheek and down to my ear before whispering, “I love it when you get all wet for me, baby girl.”

I shudder as my eyes roll back in my head. It feels like it has been a hundred years since Spencer has touched me like this. I have to say, I’m quite addicted. I arch my back into him when he slips his finger inside of me. He slowly thrusts it in and out, driving me crazy.

“Please...Spencer, please.” He knows what I want. I beg him anyway. His middle finger slips into me as well and I let out a hard groan. His thumb finally settles on my swollen nub and rubs ever so gently. “Is that what you want, baby girl?” He asks as he thrusts his fingers harder into me.

I feel my free hand
clutch onto his shoulders hard. My nails are digging into his exposed skin. “Harder, Spencer. Harder!” I almost yell out at him. This isn’t our first rodeo; he knows exactly what I like. It’s driving me stupid that he won’t give it to me. I hear him hiss as I dig my nails into him even harder. He finally rubs his thumb harder against me and my he
ad thrashes from side to side.




She is so damn gorgeous. It’s hard to look at her when she is like this.

Her pale skin is flushed from her desire. Her dark blue eyes are wild when she has them open. Her auburn hair is all over the place. If I had a hand free I would be running it through that magnificent hair.

She is so wet, so turned on, you can fucking feel it in the air. I’m drunk on it. My dick is as hard as a rock, but I don’t plan on using it. I just got her to consider forgiving me, I’m not about to take advantage of the situation. No, this is all about her.

I know she is close and I almost want to prolong it, but that wouldn’t be fair. This is something that Dylan tried to take away from her. I would never deny her it. I trail kisses down her neck, swiping my tongue here and there. I make my way up to her ear and trace the shell with my lips. I feel her shiver under me and smile. “I love you, Harley.” That pushes her over. She cries out my name, cumming all over my hand.

Damn, that felt way better than most of the actual sex I have had. She looks up at me with glazed over eyes and breaks into a huge smile. “Thank you,” she says softly. I can’t help but smirk at her, which earns me a slap on the chest. “You ass.”

“It was my pleasure, baby girl.” I sit up and pull her up with me. I kiss her lips softly before letting go of her. “Are you ready to head back? “ I ask.

She smiles and nods. I’m overjoyed to see that smile on her face again. You don’t know how much I have missed it. I turn around and sit the right way on the four-wheeler. Shortly after, I feel her put her arms tightly around my waist and I get a big goofy grin on my face




My high from the ride with Harley dies quickly when we arrive back at
tents. Every single one of our friends is standing in a line waiting for us. The girls all look scared and the guys look like they want to kill someone. I really hope it’s not me. “What the fuck are y’all doing? You look like the Mickey Mouse Club on acid,” Harley says from behind me. We quickly get off the ATV and I grab her hand befor
e walking over to the group. I
walk over to Dean since he will tell me what is really going on before anyone else would.

He looks at Harley and shakes his head. What the hell? Lucy walks up to us and whispers something in Harley’s ear. Harley nods and pulls her hand out of mine. I try to pretend my skin doesn’t feel cold without her touch. They walk off toward Lucy and Mason’s tent. When they enter it I turn back to Dean. “So?”

“Harley’s dad called Lucy’s cell phone. Apparently he didn’t realize that we would be with such a crowd this weekend and started to panic.”

I get a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. I somehow know exactly what he is going to say. “He didn’t feel the need to let anyone know that Dylan made bail.” Even though I knew it was coming, all the color drains out of my face and my knees hit the ground.

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