Fire in the Heart : The Princess and the Bandit (9781629020112) (8 page)

BOOK: Fire in the Heart : The Princess and the Bandit (9781629020112)
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“It would have to be pretty good.” Elijah raised his left eyebrow. His mind started grinding away at those words though. He tried to look further into the man’s eyes in hopes of uncovering some gem of truth that would satisfy his building curiosity. But his questions were not answered.

“Well, of course it is!”

Finally, Elijah smiled. “I am listening.” As he waved off a gnat, his hand came to rest under his chin.

The crusader’s eyes now were aglow. “I can make all your dreams come true!”

Elijah couldn’t hold back his laughter. “I guess my fellow man was right about you.” He took one last look at the man and started to turned away.

The man reached out from between the bars. “No. It’s true! Any wish you ask for can be granted! Trust me. I swear on the king himself!” His eyes shot out at Elijah as his breathing grew stronger and stronger.

“Any wish?” Elijah slowly turned back.

Their eyes met in solitude. “Yes! Any wish! Anything you desire would be yours!” And then, the man winked at Elijah.

Elijah dropped deeply into his thoughts. He found himself asking himself what that one thing would be. If he had only one wish, what would it be? As the thought developed, it was suddenly jarred by a menacing command. “Beggar! Step away from the cage.” The leather-clad soldier had just returned and stepped back onto the chariot.

Both men turned their cold eyes on each other in silent respect.

The crusader listened to the silence and whispered, “My name is Aiken! You must save me! Then we would both get what we want!”

Still staring, the soldier repeated his command, “I will not ask again, peasant!”

The street noise took over as the clattering of metal against stone became far removed from his dream of that one thing. Aiken’s words trailed off too into the distance. “Remember what I said! Anything your heart desires!” Elijah’s last sight of Aiken was of him standing, feet firmly planted above the rumbling of the platform, hands cleaving onto the dark metal surface of his prison. He kept asking himself who this man was.

He was suddenly jolted by the little woman too close to him. “He will be executed soon.” She stood there, vigorously nodding her head.

Elijah glanced at a stranger brushing off his hands. “Ha! Not soon enough if you ask me.”

Elijah scowled at the little woman. Elijah felt his heart rate speed as his eyes went from her to the man. “Where are they taking him?”

The man’s calloused words came quickly. “To the dungeon, of course. There, he will wait to be beheaded!”

Elijah stared down the street and caught one last glimpse of the remarkable man. Their eyes locked, one last time.

Chapter 7

he steady breeze
circled around the room and finally released the captive silk drapes. Their rhythmic dancing to the flickering candlelights on Natalia’s makeup table abruptly stopped. Finally, the lights steadied themselves as she gazed into her eyes, lost in her dreams. How she wanted to see Elijah again. Nervously, she leaned closer and tried to peer into her soul, but stopped short as her apartment door quietly opened. Reaching out, her pearl-encrusted brush clattered, causing it to teeter above her lap. The door closed, just as quietly, behind her maid. Natalie pulled her brush through her hair and gazed in the reflection of the sparkling city lights. She let her eyes flit to several of the windows in the mirror, busy displaying the bustling city below.

“Mera!” exclaimed Natalia.

“Good evening, princess!” said Mera as she lightly bowed. Her silky, black hair, perfectly braided, hung gently forward and fell to her waist. The stiffness of her apron scraped against her arms as she reached to pull back Natalia’s hair.

Natalia laid her brush on the table and stood up. “What is it?” she said, surprised.

Mera stepped back and replied, “Your father, the sultan, is on his way to speak with you, princess.”

“Oh really? Then, I must look my best! Will you comb my hair? Will you make me look like a princess? I must impress him.” Natalia wasn’t expecting her maid or her father, but was used to their occasional visits nonetheless. She turned back to the mirror and adjusted her top.

Mera bowed again and continued, “You already are beautiful, princess.” A gentle smile appeared. “I would love to help you get ready.”

Natalia broke into a beaming smile at the thought of Elijah, standing in her garden. She quickly turned back to her mirror and sat down as Mera started brushing her hair.

Mera said, “You seem to have been glowing the last couple of days, princess. I have not seen you this happy since you were but a child.”

Natalia followed Mera’s long strokes, but didn’t respond.

“Will you not tell your most trusted servant?” Mera asked.

Natalia shrugged and let out a small giggle.

“Have you come to like a young man?” Mera paused briefly.

Natalia, still tight lipped, glanced up and quickly turned her gaze away.

“You have!” exclaimed Mera.

Natalia couldn’t help but smile now, especially as she considered the comfort of Elijah’s embrace.

Mera stopped brushing. “Who is it? Where is he? How did you—”

“Mera!” Natalia chuckled. “Why so many questions?”

Natalia tried to hide her frown, but Mera kept probing. “Who is he? Is he a guard? A noble?”

“Neither.” Natalia let her shoulders drop as she pulled her hand through her hair.

They both looked at each other’s reflection as Natalia wondered why the woman was so interested.

“Well?” asked Mera.

Natalia winked and then turned around and grabbed Mera’s hands. “Okay, you can’t tell anyone!” whispered Natalia as the wall candles sparkled in her eyes.

Mera quickly nodded. “Of course, princess! What is it?”

Natalia whispered again, “It’s a bandit.”

Mera’s eyes opened wide.

“I am in love with a bandit!” laughed Natalia as she threw her head back.

Mera didn’t laugh. “Princess…I…” she stuttered.

Natalia threw her hair back again and thought of all the men she had run into in the palace. No one compared to Elijah, but for once, she was able to stop thinking that love and happiness were not meant for her. And now, she felt as if someone understood her and loved her back! She couldn’t believe that one man had so easily captured her thoughts. She kept wondering if it was truly love or what love even was.

Mera abruptly interrupted her dream. “Princess. What do you mean a bandit?”

“Oh, I know it sounds so silly, but you will never believe what happened! I have been sneaking out of the palace! I have been meeting this bandit, and oh, he is so handsome!” giggled Natalia.

Shocked, Mera exclaimed, “Princess! If your father ever found out…”

“He won’t!” she said, beaming. “Oh I am so happy, Mera! I feel so free! Free like a bird! I even feel as if I can fly!” Natalia said as she stood up and twirled around.

“But, princess. You know the dangers of going out into the streets! And especially with a bandit!”

Natalia faced Mera. “It’s okay, Mera.” Her eyes continued to sparkle. “He protects me.”

“Oh, dear princess,” sighed Mera as she shook her head.

“What is it, Mera? I thought you would be happy for me?”

Mera replied, “Oh, my dear princess.” She gently placed her hand on the princess’s cheek. “You are a princess. You cannot be seen with a bandit. This will destroy your family name.”

Natalia stepped back. “What? Why not?” Her smile disappeared. “Should I not have the right to my own love? Should not my heart be able to choose as well? Or must I be stuck in this prison and let others decide my own heart’s desires?”

“You have responsibilities, princess, and they do not include running away with bandits!” responded Mera sternly.


“Do not worry, princess. You will find your true love soon. Just be patient,” pleaded Mera.

Knock, knock, knock.

Suddenly, Natalia felt lost. Thoughts of her time with Elijah swirled as her fears resurfaced.

Mera whispered, “That must be your father.” The maid turned toward the door, but quickly turned back. Her eyes narrowed. “Do not leave the palace again, princess.” She abruptly turned. Moments later, the sultan stood before them in his great robe and cape, his rough face peering through. “Hello, Your Highness,” said Mera as she bowed.

“Leave my daughter and me in private please.”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” replied Mera as she turned to leave, but not before she shot Natalia one last glance.

“Hello, Natalia.” His voice resonated throughout the room.

Her shoulders dropped and her heart ached. “Hello, father,” replied Natalia as she tried to regain her happiness, but it seemed too far away to try. She thought back to when she was a child and her father had brought her so much happiness. But those were only distant memories today as she gazed into his hardened eyes.

Almost gruffly, he asked, “How has the day treated you?”

“Average, at best,” she said and quickly turned away.

The sultan crossed his arms and said, “Well, I have some news that may lift your spirits.”

She turned back to her father. Her smooth skin radiated from the glowing lights and barely hid the raised crease above her eye.

“You have come of age and it is time for you to be betrothed,” he said quickly.

Natalia yelled back, “What?” Her heart started racing.

He continued, “We have several princes coming to offer their hand in marriage,” with his arms still crossed.

Natalia’s voice was still raised. “And who does this benefit?” She felt a throb in her throat.

He smiled. “Why, the kingdom, of course.”

“And what? I just choose which one I like the best?” she said as she threw out her hands.

His face flushed slightly when he replied, “I will help make your decision.”

Natalia blurted out, “Of course. I wouldn’t have it any other way,” and rolled her eyes.

In an instant, his face darkened. “I do not have time for your belly aching, Natalia!”

Natalia fired back, “You never do! Why must I be married? Why must I give my heart to someone it doesn’t even yearn for?” She felt her breathing increase and wanted to cry.
If only Elijah could take her away from this
was her next thought. Her heart felt so heavy. She caught a glimpse of the city through the windows and wanted to run as far and fast as she could.

The sultan quickly replied, “You are the princess. It is your duty. Whoever you marry will seal an alliance with their country that we desperately need! The barbarian hordes grow in strength and number! They will overtake us soon if we do not have an alliance!”

Natalia shouted back, “As long as everyone is happy, right, father!” Inside, she was seething. All of a sudden, her disdain of palace life, her father’s heavy rule, and her princess’s responsibilities came crashing down. Something came over her and kept trying to pull her away, far away from these pressures. She felt herself give in as it screamed at her, “It’s not fair, Natalia! Why can’t you just be a peasant! Why can’t you be free like everyone else?” The only thing that saved her from running out of the room was a cool blast of reality from a rush of wind. The wildly swirling drapery seemed to match her confused thoughts perfectly.

He yelled back, “Do not speak to me like that again!” His eyes narrowed.

But she raged in return. “I choose not to be a princess! I do not want to marry a prince!” With one sweep, she sent her makeup and jewelry flying.

“Natalia!” shouted her father.

Tears flooded her eyes. “It’s not fair! I do not want to be miserable for the rest of my life. I want to be free, father! I just want to be…” She dropped to her chair, head in hands.

“Hold your tongue, girl!” he yelled. His flickering shadow spread across her small shoulders as he continued. “You will start acting like a princess. Do you understand?”

The room was filled with her sobbing.

He continued. “You will marry one of the princes. You will save this kingdom! My father and his father before him have kept this kingdom safe, protected, and cherished! I will not let a selfish, spoiled little girl ruin that tradition!”

She didn’t lift her head. The pain was too great and the struggle too powerful. Those voices kept at her, both from without and from within. Darkness swirled around and around and slowly dampened her ears as she sat there alone.

“The first prince will come three days. He hails from the east, from the city of Nisa. If you are not ready to act like a princess then, I promise you, you will wish you were never born!”

He stepped away and shouted back, “Three days!”

Her brush teetered again from the slamming door, and only then did Natalia lift her tear stained face. She suddenly ran to her bed, crying and wishing that her dream would appear. As she fell to her knees, her only escape was Elijah’s radiant smile, beckoning her on.

Chapter 8

he wavy radiation
dancing above the rooftops was more than Elijah could stand. He glanced out one more time, and grinned as he turned and headed for his mat. Soon, he was fast asleep in the cool of the hideout, thanks in part to the thick walled construction designed for these hot summer days. He lay there on his back with his hands tucked gently under his head. The shuffle of feet roused him from thoughts of Natalia and her beauty when he realized that his fingers had fallen asleep. He pulled them out from under this head and shook them gently just as Karim walked in.

His sleepy eyes focused on images of dancing horses, multicolored, nestled in a band decorating a fanciful, earthen jug. Karim, with small beads of perspiration on his forehead, snickered. “So when did you become so lazy?”

His fingers came to life as he rubbed his eyes. “Late night,” stuttered Elijah.

Karim nodded. “I saw you down in the crowds talking to that crusader.”

Elijah had to think about this for a minute, and then he remembered the caged man with the promise. “Oh, yeah.”

Karim asked, ‘Did he say anything?”

As he continued to shake off his drowsiness, he replied, “Nothing important.”

Karim grinned. “Of course.”

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