Fire in the Heart : The Princess and the Bandit (9781629020112) (9 page)

BOOK: Fire in the Heart : The Princess and the Bandit (9781629020112)
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“What have you got going on today?” said Elijah as he yawned.

With a shrug, he replied, “Nothing important.”

Elijah chuckled as he thought about the heat. He felt the same way.

Karim grinned again as he carefully set his colorful jug close to his friend.

“What’s that for?” asked Elijah.

“Oh, there is a man who makes these jugs outside of town. He is really good as you can see,” stated Karim as he rotated his art slightly.

“Look at that! How did he paint those horses on there? They look so real!” Elijah leaned in closer.

Excitedly, Karim continued, “He is a master. He makes necklaces, pots, portraits, just about everything you could ask for.”

“Did you steal it?” chuckled Elijah.

Still focused on the horses, Karim chided, “Not everyone is like you, Elijah.”

Elijah frowned. “Yeah, I guess not.”

“I bought it,” added Karim.

Elijah’s forehead wrinkled. “You did? With what?”

“You keep your secrets with the princess, and I will keep mine with the silver, okay?” laughed Karim.

Elijah grinned, “I thought we were closer than that.”

“Never,” said Karim, smiling.

Thoughts of Natalia in the garden kept flashing in Elijah’s mind. He breathed in and tried to recreate how beautiful she smelled that night she visited the hideout. Suddenly, he was overcome with desire. He wanted to connect with her in a special way and thought that, maybe, this artist could help. “Take me there. I want to see this place,” he said.

Karim’s jaws clenched a little. “I will not let you steal from this man.”

Elijah quickly replied, “I do not intend to, Karim.” He slowly stood up and stretched. “I only steal food for us so that we can eat.”

Karim’s silence didn’t change Elijah’s newfound focus. “Will you take me to him?” said Elijah with a marked degree of urgency.

Karim stepped back. “Of course! Why do you want to go so badly?”

Their eyes met. “Maybe I can have him make something for Natalia.”

Suddenly, Karim grinned. “He can do anything. What is her favorite animal?”

Elijah paused. “I do not know yet.”

“Well, maybe you should find out,” laughed Karim.

Elijah joined in. “Don’t worry. I’m on it.”

Karim nodded his head toward the door. “Let’s go.”

The two men ran across the neighboring roof and scaled down to the crowded streets. Several carts lumbered by, overflowing with orange and green gourds. Their camels let out loud screeches when Elijah and Karim hit the ground. A bouncing ball landed in the street just as a running kid kicked it up against the wall. Elijah’s instinct kicked in as he ducked, causing Karim to chuckle. Just then they approached a street vendor selling fat oranges, and Elijah quickly stuffed two in his pouch. They quickly sped off past the outskirts of town and were soon approaching a small shack. Karim pointed just as Elijah focused in on a bunch of hanging ornaments and pots. His imagination sparked and he ran closer with Karim by his side.

Elijah gleamed. “I like it,” Elijah said as he handed Karim an orange.

“He is a good man,” laughed Karim, throwing his head back slightly.

Trying to be careful, Elijah stepped closer to some brightly colored pots, swaying in the breeze. “Can’t wait to meet him.”

Karim reached up and rang the bell. Before long, the door opened. They were greeted with kind eyes set in between a large grey and black beard and a loosely wound turban.

Waving, Karim said, “I am back, Markis.”

“Ah! Karim. Back so soon? Are you here to make another purchase?”

Karim pointed toward Elijah and grinned. “No, but I have a friend that is interested in your work.”

Without an introduction, Elijah said, “Hi. I am Elijah.”

Markis bowed. “Pleasure to meet you, Elijah. What brings you to my store?”

“I need a gift.”

“Ah, yes. A gift. A gift for someone special? A gift for someone you love?” He twirled his dye-stained hands.

Elijah chuckled. “Well, I do not know about love. But very special indeed.”

Markis perked up. “You are not in love?”

Elijah squirmed. “No…I…no,” as he felt the blood rush to his skin.

Markis glanced at Karim and said, “His face tells us a different story, does it not?” Both Karim and Markis chuckled.

“Ah!” sighed Elijah.

Karim said, “That’s cute, Elijah,” as he chuckled again.

Markis threw his shoulders back slightly and rearranged his turban. “So what kind of gift do you want to give this princess?”

Elijah practically shouted, “Princess?” His eyes darted between the two. “How…what…how…?”

“You seem troubled, boy,” replied Markis, shaking his head.

“I…I…,” stuttered Elijah as he listened to Karim laugh.

“You do not call that special someone your princess?” asked Markis, hand on his chin.

Elijah’s eyebrows quickly lifted. “Oh, you mean not literally a princess.” He tried to chuckle. “Oh, I…”

Markis stepped back. “Do you call that special someone your prince instead?”

Karim let loose with laughter.

Elijah stuttered again, “Ahem. What could you make fit for a princess?”


Elijah thought for a moment. “How about a necklace?”

“Okay. What would you like on the necklace?” nodded Markis.

Elijah paused again. “Uh, I don’t know. How about…a…” He tried to imagine what would look especially beautiful, laying against her graceful neck, but came up with nothing. He quickly wiped his forehead as Markis continued.

“Does he have a favorite animal? A favorite symbol?”

Elijah quickly looked up and frowned. “No…she…I…really don’t have a clue.”

Karim and Markis waited patiently.

“Look, I need something fit for a princess. Something that will last throughout the ages.” Elijah breathed a sigh of relief.

Markis quickly responded, “Ah.”

A breeze kicked up as Elijah thought about what he had just said. He was about to say something else when Markis continued, “Then you will need the best product. I have only rope for my necklaces. However, if you were to get me some gold or silver, I think I might make a necklace with a symbol on it or with an animal! So much better. You will need a diamond or an emerald for the animal.”

Elijah asked, “Yeah, but where do I find gold or silver? Or a diamond or emerald?” He had never needed or owned such things.

Again, Markis quickly answered, “If you think this person is that special, you will find it.”

Karim glanced at Elijah.

“I’m doing it! I will be back!” said Elijah.

Markis smiled and said, “Now that’s a good lad.”

Elijah suddenly smirked at the two men. “I will find what I need, and you will make the most beautiful necklace. And I will give it to my princess.”

Chapter 9

ast night, on
the way to the palace, Elijah noticed a small street he hadn’t seen before. Several houses along that way connected him directly toward his destination, but around a pesky guard station. He almost forgot about it tonight but remembered at the last moment. It was a good thing because the guards had been doubled ahead on his normal route. Soon, he was obscurely on his way. As he sat in the cool of the night, eyes on some passing guards, he started wondering what her favorite animal was. His only reference was the bold-faced tigers from the passing Chinese caravan. Natalia had to be pried away from that spectacular sight that night. He wondered if Markis could make her special gift of a tiger. Suddenly, images of her beauty flashed through his daydreams and his heart started pounding. He looked over at the awaiting tree and was just about to leap down when “Hey” broke the still of the night.

Quickly turning around, he instantly broke into a huge grin. There was Natalia, standing in the shadows, fully dressed in commoner clothing. He stood up just as she sprang out from the roof corner. “Natalia!” A second later, they were in each other’s arms.

He felt her warmth as she sunk into the hug, gently laying her head on his chest. They held each other tightly, neither making a move to let go. A rush of emotions suddenly surged through his body. He had never felt something so good convening together like this—ever! His knees started to buckle and forced him to hold on even tighter.

Natalia tensed her arms, hesitated, and pulled back ever so slightly, just enough to glance into his eyes.

Tenderly, Elijah asked, “How are you?”

Her gentle words floated across, “I’m okay.” But Elijah sensed that everything was not all right. Her words didn’t hold their usual spark, and her half-hearted smile convinced him. “Is everything okay?” he asked.

She quietly shook her head and answered, “No, it’s not.”

A pang went through his chest as he lifted his hand to her chin. “What is it? Hey. I’m here for you. What is it? What do I need to do?”

She turned toward the palace and sighed. “I am expected to marry a prince soon,” she said as her voice trailed off.

He closed his eyes for a second as he embraced the inevitable. She was a princess after all. He had battled this fear earlier and couldn’t stand thinking about it. He felt his pulse quicken as he imagined someone else holding her hand. But he also knew that he could not let her see him so angered. She was a princess, his princess. He stirred deep inside and shut the negative feelings down, knowing that he had to be positive—for her. Anything less ran the risk of losing her. His tender glance gently embraced her fears. “Hey. It’s okay,” he said.

“No, it’s not,” she snapped and stiffened. “I thought you would understand!”

Elijah pleaded, “Then help me understand. What is happening? Please tell me. Maybe I can help?” He reached out and waited.

Their hands met as she replied, “There are some princes coming to impress me. I have to choose one of them.”

His chest throbbed again. “Why?”

She turned quickly. “Because if I don’t, the kingdom will fall to the barbarian hordes! And everything will crumble around us. The sky will fall!” She swung her arms wildly. “And…” Then she stopped and stared into the night.

Elijah let the stillness of the night air settle around them.

“It’s just my father. This is his will. The will of the sultan be done, right?” continued Natalia.

Elijah stepped toward her.

“I wish I was free…like you,” she said as she gazed into his eyes.

Elijah nodded.

“Am I asking too much?” she asked as a tear exposed itself.

Both of his hands grabbed hers. “No, you are not.”

She broke a tiny smile. “Sometimes, I think you are my only way out. You are the dream that I wish to live in. I wish I could escape this reality of mine and just live in this dream I have with you.”

Elijah gently raised his hand to her face. A surge of passion rushed through his body as he drank in her beauty—so smooth, so perfect. How he wanted to kiss her moistened face. “Hey. It’s okay.” He wiped the moisture away. “We are going to get through this together. I promise.”

Natalia pleaded, “How?”

Elijah nodded. “I will figure something out. Do not worry yourself.”

“Well, what do I do in the meantime?” Her voice was strained.

Elijah turned his gaze up at the sky for a moment. “When is the first prince coming?”

“Three days from now. Why?”

A grin suddenly appeared. “Well. When he comes, you be the most disgusting, nasty princess the world has ever seen.”

The stillness was shattered by her laugh.

“Yeah! Just completely disgust him with your bad manners and everything!” continued Elijah.

Still laughing, she asked, “And how will I go about that?”

He gleamed. “Pick your nose at the table.”

She frowned and hit Elijah’s shoulder. “Elijah!”

“Belch! Or be really obnoxious! Maybe throw your dinner in his face?”

She kept laughing as his list grew. “Make him run away from you.”

Natalia suddenly stopped. “Do you think it would work?”

“Of course, it will!”

Natalia smiled. “And would it work on you?” as she squeezed his hand.

Elijah chuckled. “You’re going to have to try harder than that to get away from me, Natalia.”

Finally, Elijah felt the mood change as they again embraced. He held his breath for as long as he could with her head resting against his chest. “Thank you, Elijah. Thank you for being there for me,” she replied.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” said Elijah.

As they gazed into each other’s eyes, Elijah’s thoughts went into overtime. He wondered,
Should I kiss her? Is it too early? Will it upset her if I do?
He kept thinking of how beautiful she was. Again, his knees tried to give way.

Her giggle broke his thoughts. “What?” he asked.

Her eyebrow gently lifted as she slowly replied, “Nothing. Will you watch the stars with me tonight?”

Elijah looked away. “Well, Natalia. You know I have so many other important things to take care of,” he said, with a grin.

Giggling, she punched his chest. “Come over here.” She grabbed his hand and started to walk away.

Suddenly, a loud cracking noise jolted them. Something slammed onto the roof in the shadows not far away. They stood motionless until Elijah slowly stepped closer. He noticed a couple of stacked crates with a third fallen one. But whatever had caused it was gone.

Behind him, Natalia peered out. “What is it?”

“It’s nothing,” answered Elijah as he turned back into her embrace.

Chapter 10

rilliant yellows and
reds flickered throughout the desolate room tonight. Karam’s dark skin shone from a day of sweating and the reflected flames now heating the area. The smell of fresh game, rabbit to be exact, taunted the hungry men and gave the underground hideout a slight resemblance to a place once called home. The abandoned building was large, but not large enough to accommodate the nearly 500 followers of the rebel leader. One thousand eyes proved to be Karam’s most valuable asset as he built his ever-increasing threat against the sultan. A handful of these men were standing, ready to serve as they prepared to leave. The town weaponry, next to the large prison, was closed to all but the sultan’s men. Tonight, Karam planned to change that and provide him and his men with all the weapons and armor they needed. Weeks of scouting consistently verified a minimum number of guards, usually two to four, guarded the fortified structure. But Karam wasn’t afraid, not with his overwhelming numbers, and especially as they put the finishing touches on their blades. Some were eating too, and several had just donned their specially made masks.

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