First Love (10 page)

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Authors: C.J. Harte

BOOK: First Love
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“Why didn’t you tell us this was your birthday?” Drew asked.

“It’s not.” Jordan was frustrated. “I mean it is, but this was just supposed to be a small gathering. Anyway, I just wanted to have a small get-together for some friends. I rarely do anything like this. I originally only planned to have you two and a couple of friends. Someone mentioned the party to Brandan, who is just a friend, and he invited the rest of the people. ‘Good opportunity for some political good will,’ he said. Sorry.” She couldn’t hide the regret from creeping into her voice. “Here, try some of this.” She briefly wondered what Drew thought, but Drew was unreadable. “I spent most of yesterday fixing a lot of this. These cakes and pastries. Do you like sweets?”

Drew nodded.

Jordan didn’t hesitate. She reached for a small almond cookie and plopped a piece of it in Drew’s mouth. She couldn’t stop herself. She grabbed a spoon. “And this.” A spoonful of meatball slipped into Drew’s mouth. Jordan watched as Drew licked her lips. Jordan was having trouble swallowing. She took a step back. Feeding Drew had stirred an unfamiliar feeling in the pit of her stomach.




“You did this?” Drew wiped the side of her mouth. “This is delicious. I didn’t know you could cook.”

Mark’s wink was not very subtle. Drew wanted to smack him. “Mark, why don’t you get us something to drink?”

“I’m enjoying Jordan’s tour. You were mentioning her cooking?”

Drew glared at him, but Mark just turned back to Jordan.

“You were telling us about your cooking?” Mark said.

“When we lived in the governor’s mansion,” Jordan began, “my mom used to do a lot of cooking.” She smiled at Drew and offered her another bite of food. “We had caterers for the large parties, but Mom always cooked the family meals. I often helped.” Jordan turned red. “Sorry, if I’m boring you. I don’t usually get a chance to talk about my life with my family. Besides, I enjoy cooking.”

“This is really delicious,” Drew said.

Jordan picked up a slice of warm bread and put jam on it, and once again fed it to a surprised Drew. “Guess you don’t know everything about me.” Jordan winked at Drew. “There are lots of things I’m good at.”

Drew coughed and spilled her soda. She quickly recovered but needed to grab a handful of napkins to wipe her drink off her jeans.




“Oh, honey, did she just make a pass at you?”

“Shut up.” Drew needed to discourage Mark’s teasing, even though she was thinking the same thing. “She did not. Besides, didn’t you see the boyfriend when we arrived?”

“Uh-huh. She winks at everyone. Let’s watch.” He turned and watched as Jordan walked around talking to her guests. “Hmmm. No winks. Not any there. Oh, yes, she’s smiling at those lovely young men.” Mark kept up the commentary. “Oh, and I definitely remember Jordan making a point of telling us that Brandan was just a friend. Followed by her hand-feeding you.”

“Mark, she’s straight.” Drew said this as much to herself as him. “She’s being nice to both of us.”

“Okay, let’s watch again. No winks. Not even non-boyfriend Brandan gets a wink.”

Drew reluctantly admitted Jordan didn’t wink at anyone else. “But she may have just blinked. It may not be a wink. She could have had something in her eye.”

“Mmhmm. She definitely had you in her eye.”

“You’re determined to not survive medical school, aren’t you?”

Mark acted surprised. “Whatever can you mean?”

“I mean you won’t live through tonight if you don’t drop the editorial comments.”

Mark grinned and quickly changed the subject. Primarily because Jordan was again walking up to them.




“Sorry. I wanted to check on the rest of the guests. Can I get you anything?” She tried to include them both, but she could only look at Drew. Drew caused goose bumps, nice goose bumps.

“Jordan, we’re fine,” Drew said, then smiled. “Just sit down. If I need anything I can get it.”

“Really, I don’t mind.”

“Please sit.”

Being around Drew was disconcerting. Jordan was still stunned that she had winked at her. She wasn’t ready to call it flirting, but she knew she was acting strangely. When Drew’s lips grazed her finger as she fed her, Jordan experienced a tingling that quickly spread through her body. It was part of the reason she needed to walk away. These feelings were so foreign to her. Jordan needed to put space between them.

Out of the corner of her eye, she had watched Drew and Mark as she walked around. They were watching her. No, Drew was watching her. She could feel Drew’s gaze as surely as if it was a touch.

She sat down and talked with Drew. Drew’s eyes were so expressive. They held her captive. Her hands were in constant motion when she talked. Jordan loved the way they danced through the air, like punctuation marks. Drew leaned back in her chair and stretched those long, jean-clad legs. Jordan found swallowing difficult.




Drew watched a range of emotions dance across Jordan’s face.
Her eyes dance when she smiles.
Drew mentally stepped back. Those thoughts were way too personal! “How about if I get you something to drink?” Drew needed to create distance—emotional and physical—between them. She couldn’t think with Jordan so close.

A hand on her arm stopped further thoughts. She stared down at Jordan’s hand.

“I’m fine. I’d like to just sit and talk with you.”

Jordan’s hand burned on her skin. She was sure there would be a permanent imprint.

“And Mark.”

Drew tried to swallow, but it was useless. Jordan was unsettling, and she needed to run. As fast and as far as she could. Keeping things business was becoming more and more difficult. Too many other thoughts, and feelings, were eroding her good intentions. “I’ll grab some drinks and be right back.”

By the time she returned, Drew had her emotions under control. “I wish you had told me about your birthday.”

“I just wanted to have an informal, small”—Jordan put her air quotes around the word—“gathering where I could get to know you, and Mark, better.”

Drew watched the flush creep up Jordan’s neck and finally encompass her face.
She’s embarrassed. Why?
“Maybe we can get together for dinner later this term.”

“When’s your birthday?”

“May twenty-fifth. Why are you grinning?”

“I was just wondering what kind of cake to make for your birthday.”

It took every ounce of her western good manners to not jump up and run. There was something in the way Jordan looked at her that was much too tantalizing.




When they were back at the apartment, Mark offered a truce. “Okay, I won’t say anything, unless it’s ‘I told you so.’” Drew threw a book across the room but missed him by several feet. “Oh, honey, I didn’t know you had such poor aim.” Mark turned to walk into the kitchen but was stopped by a much more accurate loaf of bread.

“Believe me, I hit what I aim at.”

Chapter Twelve



Drew no longer thought of Jordan as just a job. She was beginning to really appreciate her. Jordan was warm, sensitive, and attractive. Not only that, she was sexy. That thought made her feel guilty. Jordan was straight and Drew had already walked that bumpy road.
Been there. Done that. Not going back.

March arrived, bringing heat and humidity with a vengeance. Drew anxiously awaited her brother Hayden’s arrival for spring break. He had always been her close friend and ally. She needed to talk with someone about Jordan. Friday morning, Drew was up early. She sat out on a bench and waited for him to return from his run.

“What’s up, sis?”

“I have to tutor tonight.”

“So?” he asked. He leaned over and stretched his hamstrings.

“Hayden, the person I’m tutoring is Hatchet Thompson’s daughter.”

“Bad joke, Andy.” He walked around in circles, cooling down and stretching. “You’re kidding, aren’t you?” Drew knew he was waiting for the punch line. She was well known in her family for her practical jokes. “You’re not kidding?” Hayden sat next to her. He shook his head. “Is this the same person who gave you the stitches?” Drew nodded. “Does Dad know? Of course not. He would never allow it.”

“I’m supposed to tutor her tonight, and I needed to talk to someone in the family. I’m trying to think of this as a business transaction, but all I can think about is what am I going to tell the folks?”

“Man, Andy, I don’t even want to think about what Dad would say. I’d hate to hide this, but he’s so damn unreasonable about Thompson. How in the hell did this happen?”

“I could say it was the bad luck of the draw and I didn’t even have a gun.”

“Not funny.”

“No shit.” She briefly told him the story. “What’s she like?” Hayden stared at her, shaking his head.

“She’s smart and has a good heart. I really like her.”

“Oh, man, Andy, I don’t know what to do.”

“Would you like to go with me tonight?”

“Am I there for protection or to help you with your guilt?”

“Neither. Both. Maybe I just want someone else to feel as guilty as I do.”

“Thanks! I’ve got to hand it to you; you’ve topped all your other stunts collectively.”

“Now you’ve really made me feel great.” She didn’t even try to hide the grimace.




Jordan eagerly greeted Drew and her brother Hayden. “I assume Drew told you who my father is.” Hayden nodded. “My parents are really wonderful people. My dad’s a very kind man. I never understand the bad things people say about him.”

Drew watched while Jordan talked to her brother, offering food, bringing in dishes, eliciting smiles and conversation. She was both charming and considerate. Drew saw the way she asked questions and answered them. Jordan’s head tilted, her expression intent. Her interest was genuine.
She really is a good person. And sincere.

“I think you can relax,” Hayden said. “Please sit down. My mother made sure we all knew how to get up and help ourselves.”

Jordan laughed and finally sat at the table. “Yes, your sister already informed me. She looked at Drew and winked.

There goes that damn blink. Come on, AnDrew, it’s a wink. Hope Hayden didn’t see it.

“My sister is impressed with your determination and that says a lot about you.”

Jordan couldn’t hide the red creeping up her neck. Drew smothered the grin. She really embarrasses easily.

With Jordan occupied with Hayden, Drew could sit back and carefully watch. Her auburn hair was pulled back, framing an attractive, girl-next-door face with a touch of freckles sprinkled across her nose. When she smiled, she had a hint of dimples. She was dressed in long-sleeve royal blue polo shirt and khaki pants. The shirt gave her eyes more of a blue tint. Her only jewelry was a gold watch.
She’s damn attractive.
Drew was surprised by her assessment.
Must take after her mother ’cause her father is not

“I think we need to get to studying,” Drew said, “because Hayden will be eating everything in sight if we don’t.”

“Only if I get there faster than you, sister,” he quickly replied, grabbing some cookies and a plate with pie.

Jordan smiled and opened her books. “It’s obvious how close you two are. I love my brother, but we don’t have the same kind of relationship.”

“We’re driving over to Daytona tomorrow for the day. Want to come? Spring break, you know,” Hayden said.

Drew quickly fell out of her reverie. She kicked her brother under the table and enjoyed his attempt to not make a face. She wore a huge smile and a look of innocence. He continued to ignore her.

“Thanks, I would love to go, but I need to study tomorrow. Besides, I would have to make arrangements with my protection detail. Maybe we can do something when you get back. I’d love to have you over for a cookout, if you’re interested.”

Hayden eagerly agreed, promising to call when they got back.

As soon as they were in the car, Drew turned on her brother. “Hayden, how could you invite her?”

“Stop. I’m sorry. My shin is sorry. She seems to like you, and I thought it might be a great time to get to know her. She probably doesn’t get to relax and play much.”

“Apology accepted. I’m sorry I overreacted, but I don’t think socializing with Hatchet’s daughter is going to make things any better for me. Or you.”

“Fine. Next time, how about you wear sneakers instead of boots if you’re planning on kicking the shit out of me?” He rubbed his leg. “Do you think she’s homophobic? I think she’s more your type than mine.”

Drew nearly ran off the road. “I assure you, the kick was instigated by you. I don’t know, and are you out of your fucking mind? This isn’t funny.” She allowed her breathing to return to normal. “We have six weeks left this semester and then she’s gone for the summer.” Hayden smiled. “I’m going to have you and Mark committed to the same institution.”

“Oh? Mark thinks she’s interested in you? I’m sure his gaydar is much more accurate than my straightdar.”

“You’ll be thrown straightdar out of here if you don’t watch it.”

“Ah, that’s my Andy.” Hayden was quiet until they reached Drew’s apartment. “Drew, what are you going to tell the folks?”

“I don’t know. I’m actually beginning to like her. She’s been admitted to the engineering program for next year, and she’s been working her ass off. You’ve got to admire her determination and hard work.”

“And her ass?”

“You are an ass.” Drew chuckled. “Okay, I think she’s cute. That doesn’t solve the family problem.”

“I don’t know what to say. Maybe it would be best not to say anything to Dad.”

“That’s what Mark said.”

“Smart man. I really like him. Right now, I think I need some sleep. This has been a stressful day.”




Jordan was relieved when she saw Drew’s Explorer drive up. She had just about convinced herself they wouldn’t come. Most of the day she fretted over what to cook, what to wear. Now, she was thrilled to have more time to spend with Drew—and Mark and Hayden—she again reminded herself.

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