First Steps (Founding of the Federation) (38 page)

BOOK: First Steps (Founding of the Federation)
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already working on it Commander," Mario called. He had been
hanging from a safety harness. He was repelling down the side of the

here, don't move him," Tess said as she touched Joyce's right

can you give us a sit rep bud?" Mario called.

I think they are busted," Toshi sobbed.

Mario asked as he unhooked the safely line.

looked it over. "I am, but I don't see any on Toshi, looks like
the bar flattened him. We can't see anything on the other side
though," she cautioned.

don’t try to move him," Mario said. He clambered around
the wheels and got his first look. "Shit." He checked the
spar. "Not good." He tried to heft it, but Toshi screamed.
"Crap. Tess get Joyce sorted out. Toshi calm down, breath, focus
on not passing out. I am going to grab a jack to get that off you."
Mario ducked out and sprinted to the nearest rover.

grabbed Joyce by her pack. "Turn, I see." She pulled out a
patch and then pulled Joyce's hand aside. "I have. Nasty."
She placed the patch and sealed its edges. "Will hurt. Should go
to rover."

shook her head. "No way. I'll be okay." She slowly rolled
her shoulder. "Toshi, I owe you a beer," she said looking
at him. Toshi groaned softly.

into beer," he chuckled weakly. His breath could be heard over
the radio. There was ragged sobs in it, but he seemed to be getting
under control.

we don't have a warm Saki either,” Joyce joked weakly.

don't drink,” Toshi said weakly. “Though a shot now would
do me some good,” he sighed biting his lip in pain. It felt
like his legs were on fire.

knelt and plugged into his suit. "Okay, your vitals aren't good,
but you’re relatively stable. No sign of leak." She looked
up to see Mario coming in with the jack.

cold," Toshi said, trying to suppress a shiver...

going into shock. We'll bump up your heater, but you need to stay
with us," Mario replied as he dug out a spot under the spar and
then jammed the jack in.

what do you want?" Joyce asked, trying to distract Toshi.

kiss," Toshi replied softly. "Never mind, forget I said
that." He groaned as Mario started jacking the spar up.

when the spar is high enough, we can pull him out. Are you sure your
back is okay?" Mario asked.

is fine. Butt is numb. Legs are in pain," Toshi replied through
clenched teeth.

I think you got spanked a little hard," Mario chuckled. "Almost
there buddy." He watched anxiously as the spar rose a few
millimeters above his calves. When it was two centimeters above his
calves he nodded to Joyce. "Grab an arm Tess." Joyce and
Tess carefully pulled. Half way through the pull Toshi screamed and
passed out. "Damn," Mario said, feeling like his ears were

clear." Joyce reported. "Here."

maneuvered him out from under the Hab. "How are we going to
carry him?" Joyce asked as they got a look at his broken legs.
"Damn, is that bone sticking out under the suit skin?" she
asked softly. Her stomach roiled at the sight of it.

Glad it didn't pierce the suit," Mario replied. He grabbed the
little Japanese man's right arm and quickly slung him up over his
shoulder into a fireman's carry.

get to the rover, let them know we are coming in hot and prep for
injured," Joyce ordered, training kicking in. Tess sprinted for
the nearest Hab. Mario followed as quickly as he could Joyce followed
watching anxiously.


awake, good. Well little man, you've got compound fractures of both
legs. Nasty." Doctor Waldecker rested her hand on his shoulder.
Toshi tried to lift his eyelids but they felt heavy. "Sedatives
are wearing off. We're giving you morphine for the pain," the
Doctor reported. He felt confusion, then a sense of embarrassment. He
knew he must have said things he had kept to himself.

were lucky the broken bones didn't break your skin or suit. It is
still going to take you a long time to recover," the Doctor
finished. His eyelids drooped. "Yes sleep. Good. It will help
heal. I will turn heat up to combat shock," she said and then
moved off. An anxious voice asked if he was okay and they murmured.
He tried to focus but was suddenly too tired. He felt himself drift
then fall asleep.

he going to be okay Doctor?" Joyce asked feeling an odd sense of

his injuries are severe, but recoverable. I set all four bones so he
should recover without any loss of motion," the Doctor replied.
"Let us just look at that shoulder shall we?" She motioned
Joyce to sit. Reluctantly she did.

nothing," Joyce replied.

you won't mind my having a look. Oh my, this is a little more than
nothing commander; you’re going to need stitches." The
Doctor sucked in her breath as she lifted the bandage back. "Oh
yes, what did you do?" she said, voice full of dismay. She felt
along the edge. Joyce gasped and flinched. "Yes a local at
least. The flesh is bruised; we may have to wait on stitching until
the swelling has gone down. Glue may work."

Doctor went over and pulled out a set of rubber gloves. "I'm not
contagious doc," Joyce teased.

Doctor grimaced. "I hate getting blood on my hands," she
sighed. “Glue is even worse,” she replied and then
smiled. "Okay, let’s get your top off and have you lay on
your front that should let me get to this a little easier."
Joyce pulled her top off and instinctively covered her breasts.

are they doc?" Mario came in and caught a glimpse of Joyce's
front before he hastily backed up around the corner. "Oops,
sorry Joyce," he called.

sighed. "Never mind, we're all family here," she replied.
She groaned softly as the Doctor probed the wound.

will be okay, he is out. I set both legs," the Doctor replied as
she probed at the wound. "Let me just get that local your
flinching too much." She went over to the medicine cabinet and
started pulling supplies.

Joyce?" Mario asked.

centimeter bruise and four centimeter laceration. I am going to give
her a local and then clean and disinfect the wound," the Doctor

you need an assistant? Tess and I both have paramedic training,"
he replied.

think I have it in hand. I will call one of you if things change,"
The Doctor dismissed him.

doc. Hope you get better soon Joyce," Mario replied and then
went to check on things. He'd have to find a way to patch her suit.
Fortunately the Hans and Commander Brower had left theirs behind so
they had plenty of material to work from.


looked over the site and grimaced. Mario had dragged the broken truck
away from the hab with the rover and winch. He was examining the
thing. He kicked the tire and then unhooked the cable. "Is not
safe to work alone Mario, close to dark," Tess reminded him.

Stupid. So stupid. It was on the outer edge of the tires tipped, I
should have known better, I should have propped it up so it wouldn't
have done that," he grumbled. He slapped his thigh.

accident. These things happen," Tess said softly. "Is no
one’s fault," she said.

it's mine," Mario replied with a growl.

everyone’s. I should have known, Toshi, Joyce, we all should
have thought of it. We didn't. Toshi and Joyce will live and learn,"
she replied firmly and then shrugged. "Is best we can hope for.
No sense crying over split hydraulic fluid." She waved to the
puddle. He chuckled.

think you're confusing your metaphors there but I get you," he

and Toshi don't blame you. They will tell you themselves if you
listen. We will learn." She waved. "Is much better, we have
four wheels fixed. Can move with them."

nodded. "Yeah, but Toshi is right, we should go with five."
He looked at the broken and cut spar hanging.

weld patch like you suggested," Tess suggested and waved.
"Tomorrow. Now we need to get back to base before dark."
She waved to the rovers. "Coming?" she ordered. He nodded.

nodded to Joyce as he passed her when they returned. "Cutting it
a bit fine aren't you? Sundown was twenty minutes ago," she
asked arms crossed.

shook his head. "Sorry for breaking curfew mom," he
replied, head down as he passed her and left. Joyce looked over to

eating him?" she asked.

feels responsible," Tess replied, racking her gear.

well, it was an accident," Joyce said and then shrugged then
grimaced as the wound on her shoulder stabbed her.

she sighed. "Well, we're not going back to hab three for a
couple days; another storm front is rolling in." She shook her

fester. Need projects to keep mind occupied," Tess sighed then
brightened. "I have idea. I check on it, let you know in
morning." She rushed passed the commander smiling.

someone can think of something to do," Joyce chuckled.


next morning Tess looked Mario up. He was looking out the porthole
moodily. She cleared her throat. "What? If this is another
speech you can save it." He didn't turn from the view.

need you to get off ass and help," Tess replied. He turned on
her eyes glittering. "I need help with project," Tess
smiled. He raised an eyebrow. "Will help Toshi." She
beckoned him to follow. Reluctantly he did.

sucks, no way am I going to be trapped in this bed for the next three
months!" Toshi grumped for the thirtieth time that morning. "My
butt is already numb and getting bedsores. If I have to watch another
re-run of Ninja gladiator I swear I am going to break something,"
Toshi growled as Joyce came in.

it's been two days and you're already going stir crazy?" she
teased and then smiled. "Glad it finally set in, I thought you
were made of iron or something," she said. She came over and
rested her hand on his arm. He looked up at her. "So I seem to
remember owing you something for saving me," she said, voice
softening. He tried not to blush. She leaned forward and looked into
his eyes. "Something like this." She tilted her head and
kissed him. He returned the kiss, arms instinctively reaching out to
hold her. She sat down on the edge of the bed.

samurai hero," she said as they broke the kiss. "Next time
you want to get my attention, find a less dangerous way of doing it
okay?" she said softly. "I know it takes a lot to get past
my guard, but you have my full attention." She smiled at him. He
ducked his eyes. "I'm not immune to charm you know," she
teased. "And the anonymous gifts in training didn't go

really did blush then he thought he had gotten away with it. "As
a commander I wasn't supposed to get into a relationship. But since
Mario is in charge, I don't think we have to worry about that right?"
She captured his chin and pulled it up gently so she could look into
his eyes. He nodded, struck dumb by her sudden change. "We've
got all the time in the world," she said softly. Tess cleared
her throat behind them. Reluctantly he broke her lock on his eyes to
look. She turned and looked as well. "What?" she asked
lifting an eyebrow.

smiled. "When the Doctor lets you out of bed we have something
for you to move around deck in," Tess replied. She motioned to
Mario. He pushed in a makeshift wheelchair.

regulation it's not, but it should get you around for a while,"
he replied sheepishly rubbing his thinning hair. Tess smiled.

did you do it?" Toshi asked, eying the contraption.

took the wheels from carts, bits from the Reprap, and the seat from
plastic sheets..." She waved. "You can look it over
yourself." Mario wheeled the chair up to his bed.

is cool," Toshi smiled. "Thanks."

nodded. "Thank Tess, she thought of it.” He nodded to her.
“I know it sucks to be stuck in the bed, hopefully this will
help." Mario finished with a shrug.

nodded. "Thank you for carrying me back to the rover." He
looked at both of them.

problem." Mario blushed. "I'm sorry you got hurt..."
Mario began.

waved. "It was worth it." He looked up at Joyce. "Wasn't

smiled. "Yeah. It was," she said with a slight smile. He
sighed. Mario and Tess gave each other a look then retreated. Tess
grinned but didn't say anything as they went their separate ways.


there, you got it." Mario waved as Tess rolled past him. The Hab
was at the edge of the crater, teetering. All six rovers had been
drafted to pull the hab up the slope. Doctor Waldecker had pitched a
fit over loosing mission time to do the pull pissing Mario off to no
end. Joyce had intervened and sweetly suggested the good Doctor start
some of his recent finds in the lab while they
worked on the Hab.

we're at the edge. Good, keep up the momentum... “Joyce called
out encouraging. They had dozered the lip of the crater a little to
make it a little easier to get over. Hopefully anyway she thought.
"Okay over the lip, easy! EASY! This slope down is rough!"
She pulled ahead, trying to keep the line taught to keep the hab
under some control.

we could have had something behind to pull back like train,"
Tess replied.

good,” Mario replied. He looked over to the empty rover being
controlled by Toshi remotely. A camera turned to view him.

okay Toshi?" he asked. Toshi was doing a bang up job remote
controlling three of the rovers. It gave him something to do and feel
like he was a part of the team.

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