First Women: The Grace and Power of America's Modern First Ladies (45 page)

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and East Wing staff, 224

East Wing used as office by, 224

Eleanor Roosevelt’s influence on, 224

friendship of Luci Baines Johnson and, 43

friendship with Betty Ford, 43

human rights trip to Latin America of, 226, 228–30

during Iran hostage crisis, 231

Good Housekeeping
interview with Lady Bird and Betty Ford, 113, 254

lack of interest in arts, 2

left off guest list for mental health summit, 54

life in Governor’s Mansion, 125

meets and marries Jimmy Carter, 220–21

mental health interest of, 230–31

as navy wife, 221

on parenting in White House, 124–28

political advice to husband given by, 14–15

precautions against assassination in Venice and, 309

in return to Plains, 222

on role of first ladies, 7, 9

Sadat’s funeral attended by, 260

Sadats invited to Camp David by, 227

“steel magnolia” press nickname of, 226

strained relationship with Clintons, 261–63

sympathy with Lady Bird as campaigner, 152

on tension with Nancy Reagan, 258–59

and White House tour with Betty Ford, 255–56

Carter, Ruth, 220

Carter Center, 15, 43, 326

Casals, Pablo, 249

“Casa Pacifica, La” (Nixon home), 177, 321

Cash, Johnny, 177

Castro, Fidel, 85

Castro, Nash, 113, 114, 195, 288

Catlin, George, 197

cattle futures trades, 17

CBS, 197, 198, 306

Chambrin, Pierre, 26

Charles, Prince, 16

Chase, Chevy, 323

Cheney, Dick, 256, 268

Cheney, Lynne, 271

Chicago, University of, Medical Center at, 49, 138

Chiles, Lawton, 51

Chiles, Rhea, 51

Civil Rights Acts, 70, 151, 280

Clark, Cletus, 303

Clark, William, 234, 237

Cleland, Max, 228

Cliber, Bill, 150, 313, 314

Clinton, Bill

becomes governor of Arkansas, 159–61

Bush’s attacks on ethics of, 50

courtship and marriage to Hillary of, 33, 157–62, 280–81

elected attorney general of Arkansas, 158

George H. W. Bush friendship of, 275

on Hillary’s influence, 18–19

Hillary’s political ambitions supported by, 239, 240–41

impeachment of, 241

Jackie Kennedy friendship of, 1–4

on Jackie’s death, 73

JFK admired by, 2–3, 71

Lady Bird seeks presidential pardon for friend, 44

loses gubernatorial bid in 1980, 159

and Monica Lewinsky, 34, 35, 37–38, 277

and Obamas, 281–83

on role as first spouse, 38–39

strained relationship with Carters, 261–63

Clinton, Chelsea, 3

Michelle Obama on, 139

private school attended by, 38, 263

and Starr Report, 34–35

travels with Hillary on foreign trips, 240

White House life of, 72–73, 122

Clinton, Hillary

advice to Laura Bush, 58

Betty Ford’s funeral attended by, 325

campaigning for Democrats by, 29–30

and Chelsea, 3, 38, 72–73, 122, 134–37, 139

courtship and marriage of, 33, 157

differences from Jackie Kennedy, 74

on divorce, 35, 240

Eleanor Roosevelt admired by, 17–18, 307

emotions kept under control by, 316–17

as first lady of Arkansas, 160–61

friendship with Jackie Kennedy, 1–4, 71–74

Gallup poll rating, 239

health-care reform work of, 17, 56, 160, 171, 239, 240

and husband’s infidelity, 18, 31

interest in predecessors, 56

letter to Betty Ford, 2

and Lewinsky affair, 33–34, 35, 36, 37–38, 240, 285

maiden name controversy of, 158–60

and Michelle Obama, 8, 281–83

on middle-class women, 80

and Nancy Reagan, 57

Nixon impeachment investigation work of, 158

as only first lady to run for office, 16

political role of, during Bill’s presidency, 16–17, 238–41

on pressures of living in White House, 9, 47

on raising child in White House, 2, 3, 72–73

and run for presidency, 277–80

seeks advice from Betty Ford, 57

Senate campaign of, 240–41

staff’s loyalty to, 37–38, 279

stay-at-home mothers and, 42–43

strained relationship with Carters, 261–63

as student supporter of Republicans, 37

support for Bill during impeachment, 241

sympathy for Pat Nixon of, 58

on “vast right-wing conspiracy,” 35

West Wing office of, 279

White House chef replaced by, 26

Clinton Global Initiative, 283

Clyburn, Jim, 280

Colacello, Bob, 79

Colbert, Stephen, 47

Cold War, 44, 91, 302

Coleman, Barbara, 91

Colson, Charles, 177

Comerford, Cristeta, 25, 26

Committee for the Preservation of the White House, 62, 252

Compton, Ann, 164, 240, 270

Conger, Clem, 293

Congressional Black Caucus, 280

Congressional Club luncheon, 53

Conversations with Kennedy
(Bradlee), 204

Cox, Tricia Nixon, 56, 63, 64, 115–21, 214, 247

Cuban Missile Crisis, 83–93

Cullen, Ann, 217

Daily News
, 49

Daley, Richard J., 208, 262

Dark Tower
(film), 206

Daughters of the American Revolution, 180

Davis, Edith Luckett (Nancy Reagan’s mother), 232–33, 302

Davis, Patti, 128–30, 268, 305

Death of a President
(Manchester), 204

Deaver, Michael, 236, 303–4

DEFCON [Defense Condition] 2, 88

de Gaulle, Charles, 194

Democratic National Convention (2004), 51

Dent, Harry, 174

de Santis, Rita, 178, 295

Diana, Princess of Wales, 16

Dickson, Reginald, 312

Downs, Maria, 168

Dranov, Polly, 180

Drown, Helene, 211, 295

Dunn, Anita, 20, 46, 171, 311

du Pont, Henry Francis, 77

East Wing

Clinton administration staff for, 170–71

first ladies “confined to,” 7

“Guam” as disparaging reference for, 172

as location of first lady’s office, 24

under Michelle Obama, 47–48, 168–73

under Rosalynn Carter, 224

vs. West Wing staff, 24–25, 26–27, 167–91

Ed Sullivan Show
, 108

Egypt, 15

Ehrlichman, John, 121, 174, 183, 187

Eisenhower, David, 117, 118, 121

Eisenhower, Dwight, 62, 243

Eisenhower, Julie Nixon

and antiwar protests, 119–20

Barbara Bush invitation to White House for, 43

and Kennedys’ White House visit, 63, 64

on mother’s childhood, 205

on mother’s conflict with West Wing, 176

parents supported by, 115–21

and president’s resignation, 214, 292–93

relationship with mother, 56, 181, 188

see also

Eisenhower, Mamie

concern for White House staff of, 80

influence of, 11

and Jackie Kennedy, 243–46

mentors Pat Nixon, 209

Pat Nixon corresponded with during Watergate, 211

Pat Nixon’s admiration for, 184

sympathy for Betty Ford of, 319–20

on threats hanging over families, 301

tour of White House with Bess Truman, 244

White House life enjoyed by, 243

Eisenhower Executive Office Building, 170

Eisenhower Medical Center, 323

Electoral College, 208

Elizabeth Arden Salon, 178

Elms, the (Johnsons’ Washington home), 67

Elvira, Mistress of the Dark (char.), 277

Emanuel, Rahm, 53, 169–70, 172

and Hillary Clinton, 30

and Michelle Obama, 28–29

Emery, Chris, 22, 268

energy crisis, 259

Equal Rights Amendment, 14, 188, 253, 254

Erkenbeck, Jane, 129, 265, 308, 309

, 268

ExComm (Executive Committee), 85, 87, 89, 92

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 28, 297

feminist movement, 209

and Barbara Bush, 272

and Hillary Clinton, 272

Lady Bird’s influence on, 153

Michelle Obama on, 54

and Steinem, 184

Ferraro, Geraldine, 272

Ficklin, Charles, 65, 245

Fierst, Anna, 17–18

Final Days
(Woodward and Bernstein), 119

first ladies, 39

assassination fears of, 40

family concerns of, 5

first use of title, 10

as husband’s ultimate protector, 28

influence of, 40

letters to and requests for help by, 79, 186

as political wives, 7–10

similarities among, 331–32

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