Fitzwilliam Darcy, Rock Star (26 page)

Read Fitzwilliam Darcy, Rock Star Online

Authors: Heather Lynn Rigaud

Tags: #Romance, #Music, #Contemporary

BOOK: Fitzwilliam Darcy, Rock Star
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Charlotte suppressed a snort. “Well, I’m sure that you and
will have a good time.” She patted his arm in sympathy.



Charlotte was already set to go, so she waited by the stage door, having a cigarette. Soon Richard took his regular place at her side and lit up.

“Where is
?” Charlotte asked mockingly.

“She doesn’t smoke, so she’s waiting inside.”

Charlotte nodded and continued, “Did you enjoy the show?”

“Which one?” Richard asked flatly. “It seems to be the night for shows.”

Charlotte’s eyes widened a moment. “Ohhh, good one.”

Richard acknowledged his conversational victory and said in a low voice, “I enjoyed the show
much. I wouldn’t mind seeing a repeat of it.”

“I’m sorry, Richard, but I think you’ll be too busy tonight for any more shows.” She ground out her cigarette with her shoe and walked back inside.

As she passed by the gates that separated backstage from the rest of the theater, she heard someone calling her name and stopped.

Pressed up among all the girls that were seeking to get backstage to meet Slurry was a man who was calling to her.

Her mouth twisted into a half smile and she approached the gate.

“Do I know you?” she asked the man. He was tall with reddish-brown curly hair. There was something about his voice that intrigued her.

“No, my name’s Phil. I’m a big fan of yours, Charlotte,” he said in a soft Australian accent.

Charlotte studied him for a moment and then gave Tommy, who was guarding the gate, the nod, and Phil was let through. Charlotte led him away from the screaming girls but kept in view of Tommy and the gates.

“Tell me about yourself, Phil,” Charlotte said.

“I’d rather talk about you.” He ran his hand lightly up her arm. “I think you are really beautiful and I love your music.” He looked at her questioningly.

Charlotte saw Richard approaching from the stage door and lifted her mouth to Phil. He kissed her softly, and then opened his mouth to slip his tongue into hers. After a few moments, Charlotte pulled back. “You kiss very nicely, Phil, are you busy tonight?”

He kissed her again in response.



Breakfast the next morning was carried out with an uncomfortable forced easiness. Charlotte and Richard sat next to each other, pointedly making loud jokes and laughing at everything, determined to prove they were okay.

Darcy observed this and for the first time, he was concerned for his cousin. He knew that Charlotte and Richard were having an affair, having been an eyewitness. But he had always trusted that Richard knew what he was doing and would keep from getting too close. Now as he watched them, he wondered if Richard had made a mistake.

His eyes found Elizabeth’s and he saw that she shared his concern and uncertainty. Charles and Jane were the ones who had been prone to getting hurt in the past, the ones who had needed protection. Charlotte and Richard had always been tough, never letting themselves be touched by what was going on around them.

Yet now it was Jane and Charles who seemed strong and Richard and Charlotte who seemed almost brittle.

Darcy was distracted from his silent communication by a touch on his shoulder. He looked up to see Rachel standing over him. “Sorry, Darcy,” she said with an apologetic grin. “Georgie needs to talk to you.” She held up the cell phone. Darcy placed it to his ear, listening. A moment later, he rose and left the room.

Richard took a sip from his coffee, wincing at its bitterness. “So, who was that guy last night?” he asked casually.

“Oh,” Charlotte replied with equal casualness, “that was Phil.”

“Phil, huh?” Richard said, nodding. “What was he like?”

Charlotte looked at him a moment, then shrugged. “He was
. He’s a pilot.” She took a bite of her breakfast. “How was
?” she asked.

Richard snorted. “You hate that name, don’t you?” he asked with genuine warmth.

Charlotte had her first real smile of the morning. “Yeah, I do.”

“Rebecca was very nice, and very young,” he replied indifferently.

Charlotte turned to him with an expression of mock surprise. “Perhaps too young for the great Richard ‘I’m a sex god’ Fitzwilliam?” she teased.

“Perhaps,” he shrugged.

Charlotte frowned thoughtfully. “I was never that young,” she observed.

Richard regarded her carefully before answering, “I know,” in a low voice. He cleared his throat, and then said in a lighter tone, “I’m glad you had a good night with Phil.”

Charlotte’s expression slipped. “It wasn’t that good. I mean, don’t get me wrong, he was nice and all, but,” she looked away and ran a hand through her hair, “I’ve had better.”

The conversation was forced to end as Caroline began her morning update. Both Richard and Charlotte were glad to move away from the increasingly uncomfortable topic, but as the meeting went on, Richard’s jaw became more and more set.

“That’s all for today. Make sure you have all your things out of your room before you leave for the stadium; we’re back on the road tonight. I’ll see you this afternoon,” Caroline concluded, dismissing the tour personnel for a rare morning off.

Charlotte rose and quickly made her escape alone to the elevator. She stepped in, but before the doors closed, Richard slipped in with her. Charlotte attempted to speak, but one look at Richard’s intense gaze and words failed her completely. She stared at his face, at his eyes devouring hers, and tipped her lips up instinctively to his. If time had slowed before he kissed her, it seemed to speed up as soon as they made contact. Suddenly her arms were around his neck, and his were around her waist and his mouth was everywhere, kissing, licking, and teasing.

“What’s the matter?” she gasped as he pulled her shirt aside, revealing her shoulder, which he then covered with kisses and light nips. “Couldn’t stand me being with someone else?” she moaned.

“Don’t be,” he panted as she nibbled on the skin under his ear, “ridiculous. I just—oh!” he cried as her hands slid under his shirt and found his nipples. “I just hate to see you left unsatisfied.”

The elevator doors opened. Charlotte pulled down her shirt, which had somehow slid up, exposing her breasts, as Richard dragged her to his door. He fumbled with the keycard as her hand stroked his ass. Finally, with an emphatic swear he got the door open and they tumbled in, their mouths once again tightly pressed together.

“No,” Charlotte broke away to gasp, “not the bed.” She shook her head and licked her lip. “I don’t want to—not there.”

Richard looked puzzled, then picked her up and took her to the large luxurious bathroom. There he put her down and turned on the shower while Charlotte quickly undressed.

Richard left the room, coming back a half minute later with a condom in his hand. He stopped when he saw her, naked and aroused before him. “Oh God, Char,” he groaned and quickly stripped off his clothes.

She stepped into the shower and adjusted the temperature, when he joined her. Once again he took her into his arms and kissed her, hard yet tender, over and over again. She made a whimpering noise in her throat as his hand slid down to cup her breast, and he could feel her push herself against him.

He broke off and, his eyes never leaving hers, sank to his knees. She took a ragged breath as he took her breasts in his hands and closing his eyes, rubbed his face against them. She wove her fingers through his hair as he sucked her swollen tit into his mouth and drank the hot water that was pouring like a stream down her breast to its apex.

His one hand rested on her hip, holding her steady, while the other slowly traveled up her thigh to her sex. Charlotte began a low moan in her chest as his fingers delicately stroked her, using the water washing down her body to heighten the slipperiness between their skins.

“Charlotte,” Richard sighed, “you taste so good!” He gently moved her back so she was against the wall of the shower, still under the hot spray. Then he pushed her legs apart and knelt between them, lifting his face to her sex. Charlotte thrust her hands against the side walls, bracing herself as Richard’s hands curled around her slim thighs and his mouth began pleasing her.

She wondered what his power was. How he alone could move her so much, pleasure her so completely. Then she stopped thinking altogether as the pressure built. Her hand found his head, and she held him close as she ground herself into him. He was so good, so strong, and so perfect. She felt sexy, and wanton, and wicked, and then she exploded, her passion and pleasure released in a scream that filled the tiny space they shared.

She slumped back against the wall, her chest heaving with each breath. Richard released the hold he had on her hips and she slowly slid down onto his lap and his embrace. She rested her head on his shoulder while he rubbed her back and murmured soft words to her, listening to her shuddering breaths.

After a minute she became aware of what he was saying: “Thank you, Charlotte. My beautiful, beautiful Charlotte.” She lifted her head, and looked at his face, her eyes full of wonder and doubt. Tenderly, he touched her cheek, and then softly kissed her lips. “You are so beautiful, Charlotte,” he whispered, his lips lightly brushing hers as he spoke. “Thank you.”

Charlotte kissed him once more, then waited as he rose back into the spray of the hot water. He offered his hand to help her up, but she ignored it, instead rising to her knees, her face level with his impressive erection. “Char?” he asked, his voice shaky.

Charlotte smiled in a feline way. “Turnabout is fair play, Richard.” She opened her mouth and slowly licked the head of his cock, pleased with the sound of his gasps. Holding him at the base with her hand, she slowly slid his length into her mouth then drew it back. She repeated the movement with agonizing slowness, enjoying his cries of pleasure. Gradually she sped up her strokes, as he placed his hands on her head. She let him set the rhythm for a few minutes, learning what he liked, and then she took him as deep as she could and held him there. “Jesus Christ, Char!” he groaned. She lightly raked him with her teeth when she slowly slid her mouth up him at last, delighting at the sounds he was making, as he begged her not to stop.

Again she returned to the rhythm he preferred, relishing the power she had over him. For once he was the one screaming and she was doing the pleasuring. She could hear his gasps becoming more frequent as she felt him growing even harder in her mouth. “Oh God! Don’t stop! Please don’t stop!” he cried and a moment later his body jerked as hot come filled her mouth. Dutifully she swallowed it all and gently licked him clean as he leaned against the shower wall, limp and breathless.

Only then did she rise and slide into his arms, where he held her close and kissed her. “Thank you,” he said in a soft breathless whisper.

“Thank you,” she sighed contentedly, pressing her head against his chest and letting the hot water wash over them as one.

Chapter 10

Elizabeth sighed tiredly as the elevator doors closed on her, and the small car spirited Darcy, Caroline, Alex, and her up to their floor. Weary after a long day and night of performing, Elizabeth had avoided the other elevator car, seeing that it contained Jane and Charles, Richard with his latest flavor (she heard the name Maria), and Charlotte with some man she picked up. No way was Elizabeth going to get anywhere near that situation.

Darcy’s mouth curled in the half smile she now recognized as signaling his amusement with something she did. “What?” she asked.

Darcy’s expression changed to a full smile at her. “It’s funny. We live the lives that people dream about having: traveling, making millions of dollars, being adored by thousands of people every night, and at the end of the day, what’s the one thing you want the most?”

Elizabeth chuckled. “A bed,” she answered knowingly.

Darcy nodded. “Something most people don’t even think about.”

Elizabeth grinned. Somehow they had maintained their easy truce. While Jane and Charles were romancing each other, and Richard and Charlotte were banging everyone else, they found a comfortable niche with each other.

“How did the photo session go today?” he asked.

“Oh,” Elizabeth groaned, as the unpleasant memories she’d been trying to forget came back. “It was fine, except for Collins.”

Darcy’s expression turned cold. “Did he harass you?”

“No,” she said tiredly, “he barely even spoke to me, which is a good thing, but now he is making a big show of ignoring me. He spends all his time talking up Charlotte.” She pulled her hair back from her face. “I find photo sessions to be so boring. The first time it was exciting, but after that, it’s just dull. And I’m not sure I like how they are marketing me. The studio always puts me in these sexy poses. I’m not really comfortable with that.”

“I know,” he nodded. “On one level you are a product being marketed, and you know that, but you are still an artist, and you wonder where the line is between people listening to your music because they like it and people listening to it because they think you’re sexy.”

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