Fitzwilliam Darcy, Rock Star (66 page)

Read Fitzwilliam Darcy, Rock Star Online

Authors: Heather Lynn Rigaud

Tags: #Romance, #Music, #Contemporary

BOOK: Fitzwilliam Darcy, Rock Star
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“I’ve got you now; you’re safe.”

Elizabeth lifted her trembling lips to his and kissed him deeply, desperate for the succor she found in his mouth. They kissed until their exhausted bodies could take no more, then Darcy gently dried her off and led her to the darkened bedroom. There they snuggled together under the coverlet, the sheets cool against their tired skin.

Elizabeth was uniquely comforted by finally being in the place that she had needed for so long. Her mind wandered freely as her body sank heavily into the soft mattress. She realized something and giggled softly. “So, Char and Richard?”

Darcy’s voice was warmed with relief. His heart was lightened to hear her sounding something like her old self again. “I don’t know exactly what happened, but they talked.”

Elizabeth laughed. “Knowing them, I can guess what happened.” Darcy laughed softly with her, and they relaxed in the comfort and familiarity of the moment. Elizabeth wanted to ask him about playing her song, but she drifted to sleep before she could, exhaustion finally overcoming her.



Elizabeth awoke disoriented. The cause was immediately clear: she was alone. If Darcy had been there, she would have known exactly where she was, but he was missing, so it took a minute for her brain to piece her location together. She sat up and saw by the clock on the bedside table (the same one that had awoken her for that flight a lifetime ago) that it was 7:19 p.m. She puzzled at Darcy’s absence until she saw a note and a cell phone on his pillow.

Opening the note, she read:

My dearest, loveliest Elizabeth,

Call me.

Your Fitzwilliam

Elizabeth hit the button that was programmed with Darcy’s number and waited for him to answer, her lips curling into a smile.



“Hang on a moment.” She could hear him moving. His voice was relaxed, warm, and touchable. “I had to get away from the meet-and-greet. How are you, Sleeping Beauty?”

Elizabeth smiled. “Missing my prince.”

“Well, I tried kissing you back to life, but you just rolled over.”

Elizabeth laughed.

“I’d like for you to come down for the show. I understand if you are too wiped out to perform, but I want you here.”

Elizabeth was touched by the earnestness in his voice. “Then I’ll be there.”

She could hear him smile. “Great. Rachel is there and I’ll send Tommy up with the limo. They have instructions.”

Elizabeth suddenly had the sensation that he was planning something and her stomach tightened in anticipation. “I’ll see you soon.”

“I love you.”

“I love you.”

She hung up and found a robe draped across the bottom of the bed, clearly for her. He had planned for her, just like he always would. For once she found this didn’t offend her; instead, she was touched by his thoughtfulness and love. She realized that the two biggest control freaks she knew had accepted, with surprising ease, letting someone else have control. Smiling to herself, she put the robe on, opened the door, and called out to Rachel, “So, what would you suggest I wear?”

Chapter 21

Darcy turned off his cell with a smile. Inside, he felt a sense of deep contentment. He loved the sound of her voice, thick with sleep, knowing she was in his bed. A part of him was appalled at his possessive feelings, and there was no way he would tell Elizabeth about them, but he couldn’t deny them either.

He was pleased and comforted to know she was safe and well, in his home. Having lost that simple blessing for even a few hours had magnified its value to him. And that value wasn’t going to recede for quite a while.

“Hey.” Charles’s voice arrested his meditations. “Time to get ready.” Charles looked at the phone in Darcy’s hand. “Is she coming?”

Darcy smiled and nodded, not needing to explain anything more.

Charles looked pleased. “Good. Are you sure you want to do this?”

“What? You think I can’t?” Darcy’s tone was playful, not defensive.

Charles matched his mocking tone. “I just wouldn’t want to see you choke.” He tilted his head. “That would suck.”

Darcy smiled. “You just play your bass. I’ll be fine.”

Charles smiled back. He knew that Darcy would never have taken him up on his offer, but friendship had demanded that he make it.



Darcy collected his acoustic guitar from the instrument area and joined Jane and Charlotte, being mic’ed in preparation for the concert. Richard and Charles stood nearby.

Darcy wore his leather pants and a black clingy T-shirt. He didn’t want to take anything away from Jane tonight. Jane stood quietly, letting the sound technician wire her and test her equipment, her expression calm and distant.

Charles studied her, reflecting on how easily someone else could look at her and believe her indifferent. He knew that was far from the truth. Behind Jane’s still blue eyes, he knew she was distressed. The news that the charges against Elizabeth had been dropped had reached them the same way it had reached the rest of the world: on the television, flickering in the darkness of his bedroom. There, in their private cocoon, she expressed her feelings of relief, crying on him, and then finding comfort in his body.

After they learned the details, first from Rachel, and later from Darcy, she became defiant. Long Borne Suffering were not victims and they would perform that night. Charlotte’s fearlessness matched Jane’s, and Darcy immediately volunteered to take Elizabeth’s place. They spent little more than an hour rehearsing the three songs they would perform. It wasn’t a full set, but it was a statement.

Now, as Jane prepared to go onstage for the first time without her sister or her manager, Charles knew the apprehension that filled her, yet he was impressed by her cool resolve. He felt deeply touched and honored to know that he was one of the few whom his private Jane would trust with her feelings. She was like a beautiful work of art only exhibited to a very select few. He found it was yet another reason to love her, his heart won over once again.

She looked up and her eyes met his. He stepped forward and took her into his arms, holding her close and shielding her for a moment with his body. As he embraced her, letting her ground her fears in him, he was struck by the memory of the first time he held her, on that jet so long ago. He realized that while Jane might not have trusted her heart to know she loved Charles until much later, the way she trusted him with her fears was all the reassurance he should have needed.

He kissed her lips lightly, careful of her makeup, and his eyes spoke comfortingly to her.

Charlotte couldn’t help but look around, her eyes seeking people she knew wouldn’t be there, as her hands rhythmically moved in their mindless dance.

“You okay, beautiful?”

Charlotte focused on her lover, and she couldn’t repress the smile that came to her. Love, the experience of being in it, continued to surprise her, with tiny and immeasurable delights that she had never known before. Hearing Richard call her beautiful and knowing now what it meant, sent a tiny electric shiver up her back, interrupting her thoughts and playing havoc with her senses. She was goofy with love and relished it.

She laughed, her emotions too high to bottle up, and nodded. Richard took her hands in his and brought them up to his lips.

“Big house tonight.”

Charlotte voiced a sound of agreement. “We’ve played bigger.”

Richard’s eyes crinkled. “You’re not going to do it, are you?”


“Let me play the big strong man while you swoon in my arms.”

Charlotte laughed again. “No.” She took her hands out of his and wrapped her arms around his neck. “But if you want, I’ll be happy to swoon in your arms when we get back home.” She lifted her eyebrows seductively and Richard kissed the rich sweetness of her lips, pressing her slight body to his.

She was amazing, growing in beauty and confidence by the moment, each second becoming more and more desirable and beloved to him. He was awestruck with the knowledge that his love had effected this change in her. And while he knew his demons might return, he believed that he would never stop craving the remarkable woman in his arms.

“I love you, Char,” he whispered in her ear, delighting in the response he provoked with his words. She purred happily before kissing him. As he tasted her once again, he knew he was lost. Gone. Done. Take him off the market and put him out to pasture. This smart, sassy, beautiful, sexy woman wanted him, and he would be happy to follow her around for the rest of his life.

Caroline approached the group and shared a smile with Darcy at the two couples. “She’s coming?” she asked softly. Darcy nodded and Caroline found herself pleased for him. “Good.” Then she raised her voice. “Jane, Char, it’s time.”

The two couples released each other and the women shared an awkward smile. Their routine was broken and they were uncertain what to do next.

Charles stepped up and said, “Come on,” in a low, easy voice, leading them along the dark path to the stage edge. Charlotte had earlier explained her discussion with Alex to Jane, who accepted it, both of them knowing nothing would be final until they had conferred with Elizabeth. But it did leave them in an uneasy position on this night.

The trio was surprised when Charles walked boldly out to center stage, after stopping them offstage. The audience roared with recognition. He waited a moment and then held up his hands.

“Hey,” he said as easily as if he was talking to a single person instead of a crowd of twenty thousand. He waited while they responded and then continued. Offstage Jane and Darcy shared an amused look. This was Charles at his best. “You might’ve heard, we’ve had a busy day,” he told the crowd conversationally, intimacy building with each word and expression.

The audience puzzled for a moment, then responded with a loud building cheer.

“Yeah,” Charles shrugged, “but that’s not gonna stop us.”

Screams followed.

“Are you ready for this?” he asked, his voice deep and sexy. “Long Borne Suffering.”

The trio moved out as the crowd climbed to an even higher pitch, not a seated person in the house. All the audience’s doubts and concerns about the night’s performance had been dashed by Charles’s confidence. They knew they were in for one hell of a show.

Darcy started the familiar riff of “Everything You Are” and they were off. After “Wanted” Jane took the entirely redundant step of introducing and thanking Darcy for playing for Elizabeth. They finished with “The Longest Good-bye,” Jane singing that night for someone she had never sung to before, who wasn’t even there.

Charles was waiting to lead them back when they came off the stage and Richard met them at the green room, full of praise for all of them. The three men came together fully prepared to show everyone why Slurry was one of the top names in the business. They moved with a precision founded on confidence and long practice. Charles was wired for sound while Darcy removed his shirt and warmed up his Paul Reid Smith. The stage was done over for them, with an additional monitor set up for Darcy.

When Caroline came over, Darcy asked her, “You know what to do?”

Caroline smiled. “I’ve been briefed.” They found themselves together as once again the others were locked in passionate embraces. Darcy looked charmingly embarrassed. “So, um, how’s Faust?”

Caroline struggled to keep her countenance. “He’s great,” she answered warmly, trying to reassure him. “It’ll be fine. Don’t worry.”

Darcy nodded, relieved that once again, Caroline always knew what he was thinking. They took the stage, and all of their distractions fell away. Darcy lost himself in his music, Charles giving voice to his thoughts, and Richard pounding out his heartbeat.

And the crowd responded to
. He was reaching them through his music and he felt a sense of acceptance that Darcy hadn’t recognized before.



Elizabeth declined Rachel’s offer to go shopping for an outfit for the night. She couldn’t help but suspect Rachel was trying to torment her employer by keeping Elizabeth away from the show as long as possible. She dressed in one of her concert outfits, finding that it felt natural to wear, even though she didn’t expect to perform.

She was hungry and did stop to eat when Rachel had some wonderful-smelling take-out delivered. She was finishing her makeup when the phone rang, with Tommy announcing he was waiting for them downstairs.

When they were safely in the limo, Rachel gave Elizabeth her backstage pass and put on her own. Elizabeth followed Rachel into the building as Tommy hurried them past the security points. They walked down a long corridor, the sound of Slurry passing through the walls. Elizabeth smiled, hearing her lover’s playing and finding herself warmed by it.

They emerged backstage and Rachel took Elizabeth directly to the control center. Caroline greeted her warmly, giving her a hug and expressing her happiness at Elizabeth’s good news.

“Darcy asked for you to stand here,” Caroline told her, leading her to the bank of monitors, which showed Slurry rocking out onstage. Elizabeth stood where Caroline placed her, not even noticing the small camera aimed at her. Caroline took a moment to stand at Elizabeth’s side, enjoying the spectacle on screen before going back to the console.

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