Five Exotic Fantasies: Love in Reverse, Book 3 (38 page)

BOOK: Five Exotic Fantasies: Love in Reverse, Book 3
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“Don’t leave me,” Coco sobbed.

Eleanor removed Coco’s hand from her face and pressed the back of it against her cheek. “Darling, I don’t know whether Felix is the one you’re supposed to be with. But he makes you so happy—it’s written all over your face. Love doesn’t come to us handed on a plate—we have to work for it sometimes, and it’s hard and it hurts, but it’s worth it in the end, and perhaps the hard work makes it more worthwhile. So anyway, what I mean is, go out with him tomorrow. Have a fun time. Stay the night. And keep an open mind as to the future. Please. For me.”

Tears trickled through the fingers of Coco’s other hand. “Don’t be so reasonable. Please, I can’t bear it.”

Eleanor kissed her. “Don’t worry too much about everything right now. Concentrate on tomorrow and on having a nice time with that young man. And hopefully everything else will fall into place.”


Coco couldn’t possibly see how everything was going to work out right, and part of her was still angry that Felix had gone over her head and organised care for her mother without asking. But ultimately it meant she could have a final date with him, and in the end she gave in and admitted to herself that she couldn’t pass up on the chance to see him one last time.

So when he knocked on the door at six o’clock Sunday evening, she was ready and waiting, and opened it with a mixture of pleasure and exasperation at his mischievous, slightly rueful grin.

“Hey,” he said. “Are you going to swing a baseball bat at my head?”

She laughed at that and kissed him on the cheek. “No, you’re safe. I’ve calmed down now.” She stepped out and closed the door.

“The nurse came then?” He took her hand and led her over to the taxi.

“Yes. And Felix, I’m still a bit angry that you went over my head, but I understand why you did it, and I’m grateful that you bothered.”

He pulled her to him and kissed her. “I only want to get in your panties one last time.”

“Yeah, I know.” She smiled and kissed him back. She’d determined she was going to put everything else behind her and enjoy this evening, and obviously he thought the same way.

The taxi took them to his hotel, and he led her inside and through the foyer to the bar. “I thought it might be nice to have a drink first,” he said.


He grinned and ordered himself a brandy, the grin broadening when she asked for the same, and they sat for a while in the peace of the bar and chatted while they drank their spirits, then ordered another round and drank that too.

Coco finished off the glass and stretched, enjoying the feel of the alcohol making its way around her body, releasing all the tension from her muscles. “Are you trying to get me drunk?”

Felix finished his, then stood and took her hand, leading her out of the bar and along to the elevators. “Maybe.” He kissed her. “Just trying to relax you.”

“Another scenario?” she teased, her heart beginning to speed up at the knowledge that he’d planned something else.

“Absolutely.” The doors opened and he led her into the lift and pressed the button. “And for this one there are a few rules.”

“Oh?” She swallowed nervously.

He turned to her as the doors closed and stroked her cheek with his hand. “First, you have to trust me, okay?”

She blinked, wondering what had prompted that instruction. “Um, okay.”

“I mean it. This will only work if you put your trust in the fact that I would never hurt you or do anything to embarrass you or make you uncomfortable. Whatever happens, I do because I want you to enjoy yourself, and to help you explore your sexuality. Okay?” His eyes had turned molten, scorching with heat.

Her knees went weak and her mouth went dry. “Okay.”

“Secondly…” He put his hand in his pocket and pulled something out. It was a black silk scarf. Her heart hammered. “I’m going to tie this around your eyes. And, whatever happens, you mustn’t remove it, understand?”

Dear God, what was he going to do to her?

“Promise?” he said.

“I promise.” Her voice was a little more than a whisper. “What…what are we doing?”

He kissed her nose. “You remember your final fantasy?”

She struggled to remember, and then the memory hit her with full force. She stared at him. “You mean…the sex club?”

A naughty light filled his eyes.

Her mouth fell open. She’d talked about a room that could be hired out for parties, and described her fantasy of being tied to a bed while a group of men got to use her any way they wanted. Jesus
She’d not been serious.
Please God, tell me he didn’t think I was serious.

The elevator pinged and the doors opened. Felix walked forward, taking her with him, and she walked in a daze to his room at the end. Could she hear music behind the door?

The corridor was empty, and he turned to her and held up the scarf.

“Remember,” he murmured, looking into her eyes, “trust me.” And then he tied the scarf around her eyes, opened the door and led her forward.

Chapter Forty-Six

Coco stopped inside the doorway, her heart pounding. Behind her, she heard Felix close the door and then felt his presence at her back. He rested his hands on her upper arms and waited.

Her senses spun with light and noise, and she struggled to comprehend where she was. Felix had said he’d arranged a room in a club for her, and that was exactly what it felt like. Behind the blindfold, she could just see flashes of coloured light against the darkness like laser lights dancing across the room. The music was loud but not deafeningly so—probably because he didn’t want to disturb his neighbours, although the fact that they had the end room with the kitchen and bedrooms between them and next door would make it more difficult for anyone to hear.

The room was also filled with people. As she entered, a loud cheer went up and everyone clapped. She shrank back into Felix’s chest, and he chuckled and kissed her ear. “They’re pleased to see you,” he murmured into her ear, sounding amused. “Don’t worry, they’re all good friends of mine. Just nice guys looking for a good time.”

A good time with her? Had he taken her at her word when she said she wanted to be taken by a room full of men? She’d been talking fantasy, not reality. She couldn’t really have sex with more than one man, in front of all the others. What was he thinking?

She shook her head. “Felix, I can’t do this.”

Half-expecting him to immediately open the door and take her out, apologising profusely for misunderstanding, she stiffened when he chuckled again and locked his arms around her. “Trust me,” was all he said. He placed a kiss on her shoulder and waited again.

Chest heaving, head spinning, she forced herself to think of everything he’d done for her since she’d met him—all the fantasies he’d gone to such time and effort to organise for her. He’d been so kind and caring every time they’d been out together. He’d gotten jealous when he thought she’d slept with Peter Dell—she’d seen it in his eyes. He wouldn’t want her being taken by a room full of men—he would never do that to her.
Trust me
, he’d said, and she had to do that. She had to place herself in his hands and understand what he was trying to do for her here.

He wanted to fulfil her fantasy, but that didn’t mean he’d actually organised twenty guys to come to his room. She listened to the voices that rose and fell, the cheers, the clink of glasses, the wolf whistles. It must be a recording. He wanted her to feel as if she were in a room full of men, to throw herself into the fantasy. But she had to trust that he had her best interests at heart.

He kissed slowly up her neck to her ear and then nibbled the lobe. “Ready?”

She moistened her lips, deciding to go along with it for a while until she could work out whether they were truly alone. She nodded.

He kissed her hair. “Good girl.” He moved her forward to stand in the centre of the room. Then he left her side.

Coco stood there, trying not to panic, reassuring herself that there weren’t twenty or so sex-craved men in the room waiting to take her in front of their friends, but it was difficult. It
like there were twenty men there—the room was warm as if packed with bodies, and the voices were very convincing. The brandy she’d drunk earlier had dulled her brain a little too, and having her eyes covered meant the rest of her senses reached out to try and make sense of her surroundings. Her skin prickled, and against her will, her nipples tightened at the thought that maybe there were people there, waiting for her. Maybe these men
expecting to have sex with her. She was going to have group sex, in public.
Oh dear God

She was just about to panic when once again she felt a presence at her back and Felix took her arms again. He kissed her shoulder. “They want to check out the goods before they buy. I’m going to undress you now. Okay?”

She breathed rapidly, about to refuse. She couldn’t go through with this.

Then Felix’s fingers slipped around her face and he turned her head so he could kiss her. His warm lips moved across hers, his tongue stroking her lips before brushing into her mouth. In the room, a cheer went up, and her heart pounded in response. If that was a recording, how had he organised a cheer right at that moment?

His hand brushed her arm, something cool resting on her skin. A small rectangular object. It felt like…a remote control.

He removed it and lifted his head. “Ready?”

He’d tried to show her how he was making this work. To put her at her ease. There were just the two of them here. But she had to believe there were others to make the fantasy work.

Moistening her lips again, heart thudding from his kiss as well as the cheers, she nodded. “Okay.”

From behind, he unbuttoned her jacket, then slid it down her arms. The group cheered.

Felix then slid down the zipper on the back of her skirt. He held it in place for a moment, saying, “Ready, guys?” before letting it fall to the ground. A huge cheer went up with wolf whistles all around.

Coco’s mouth had gone dry. Felix ran his hands across the lace of her panties to the top of her thighs, where a strip of skin lay exposed above the top of her thigh-high stockings. “Nice,” he murmured, pressing against her back. His erection fit snugly between the cheeks of her bottom, hard as stone. His fingers danced tantalisingly across her skin, sending tingles across her stomach, making her nipples harden again.

His hands now began to undo the buttons of her blouse.
It’s just me and him,
she told herself hurriedly, but it was so difficult to believe when the warm room felt cramped with bodies. He popped the buttons through the holes leisurely. When he reached the bottom, he slid the material slowly off her shoulders, and it slipped down her arms to the floor.

Everyone cheered. Coco automatically crossed her arms over her breasts, heart thundering. Felix trailed the tips of his fingers down the back of her arms, then up the front to her shoulders. “You look beautiful,” he murmured. “I think they agree too, don’t you?”

She leaned back against him, feeling safe in the circle of his arms. He kissed her shoulders, up her neck, trailed his tongue around her ear. “I want you,” he whispered. “I’m going to let some of my friends play with you for a bit, and then I’m going to take you in front of all them because you’re mine, understand?”

She shivered, entranced by the possessiveness in his voice. “Yes,” she said, wishing she could see him, knowing his eyes would be hot with desire.

“But first I’m going to take off your bra. They deserve to see how pretty your breasts are.”

She felt his fingers at her back, unhooking the catch. The elastic gave, and she tightened her arms across her breasts as he slid the straps off her shoulders.

“Now, now,” he teased. “You agreed to do as you were told. Drop your arms.”

She swallowed, still fearful the room really was full of strangers, nervous about stripping naked in front of other men.

He gripped her upper arms and put gentle pressure on them. “Do. As. You’re. Told.” His voice sounded amused, as well as firm.

Trust me
. She focused on the words he’d whispered earlier and dropped her arms. He slid the bra down them and it fell to the floor. Then, before she could cross her arms over her breasts again, he caught her hands behind her back. To her surprise, she felt him tie them with another scarf.

A huge cheer went up, and Coco stood there frozen, blood racing through her body, naked except for her tiny lace panties, her hands fixed behind her back. Felix moved away. Her chest heaved with her rapid breaths and she could feel her nipples tightening under his silent stare, but she forced herself to remain still.
This is just a game,
she told herself. And she had to play her part in it too.

After a few moments, her skin prickled—he was standing in front of her. He came forward and she felt his hands on her breasts.

“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he said, his voice husky. The men roared in response. “Are you enjoying this?” he asked, rubbing his thumbs across her nipples.

Coco sucked her bottom lip, unable to confess how aroused she was at that moment. The thought of performing in front of an audience—well, it was a fantasy she’d had for years, and she couldn’t believe she was actually carrying it out, with Felix, possibly the most gorgeous man alive.

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