Fixated On You (Torn Series #5) (2 page)

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“Whatever makes you happy, boss,” I quipped back playfully.

His smiled disappeared while his eyes caressed my face, penetrating me with those magnetic eyes that made me stop breathing all together. “
make me happy, Emma, more than anyone.”

Why did he get so serious all of a sudden? Was something the matter? “Everything okay?” His expression was nagging at me.

“It is now.” He kissed my forehead before guiding me towards the tent. “Hungry?”

For you… I am.
. “You bet.”

Bass halted his steps, now looking at me with a big frown on his face. “
, so what happened to the audition that you were supposed to go on tomorrow? You cancelled it?”

“No, I didn’t cancel.” I shook my head. “I called Barbara and begged if she could pull something off and get me the audition a day early. My power of convincing people seems to be working well,” I said, winking at him. “So, she called me last night, telling me in her stern voice that if I don’t show up at eight-forty five the next morning in the studio, I could kiss this audition goodbye.” It was for a chick-flick movie that my agent arranged for me.

“You got it, right?”

My eyes avoided his. “Yeah… I got it,” I murmured, pressing my lips together.

He nodded before giving me a second look. “Mind telling me what excuse you gave Barbara? Knowing how she is, she doesn’t convince easily.”

I did know…

“Well, about that…” I trailed off, taking a peek at him. “If she calls, tell her that you’re feeling better now and you’re not depressed, and that you don’t have any trouble remembering your lines any longer, okay?”

His eyes grew like saucers, laughter bubbling out of him. “
You told her I was depressed and I couldn’t memorize my lines?
” He barked out a belly laugh. “I don’t know if I should be appalled that you think my work could be affected with my emotions, or if I should be impressed that you simply couldn’t wait to see your man.” He was grinning from ear to ear as he grabbed me around my waist and laughed against my neck, his hot breath sending shivers all over my body.

It might sound funny now, but at that time, I didn’t feel like laughing. “It’s been two weeks, Bass. It hasn’t been easy.”

Bass immediately sobered up, knowing quite well how hard it had been for us. “I know, babe. I know.” His arms wrapped around me, lifting me off the ground a little before burying his face in my hair. “I’ve missed you, too.” A sexy groan came from him before he left a soft kiss on the side of my neck.

So that’s how our night started, with a lot of lingering kisses, touches and come-hither looks. After the large dinner riot of jokes and laughter, most of the crowd went to a bar and planned to get drunk before going back to the hotel. Since I was being greedy of sharing Bass, I told him that I was tired when he asked me if I wanted to join the others.

The second we got dropped off at the hotel, Bass was holding me with a death grip. By the looks of things, this man didn’t want me going anywhere. I was on lockdown, attached to him, much to my cloud nine state of mind.

The entire production was staying in Rosewood Hotel Georgia. The historic boutique hotel held elegance and charm. Bass already had arranged for my things to be sent straight to his suite, so I didn’t have to haul anything. I liked how thoughtful he could be. Little things like that made me grateful to have a good man by my side.

Bass was already nipping his way around my neck when his phone started ringing in his pocket. We barely got inside his room when he stiffened as he looked at the screen. Whoever the caller was, he didn’t like it one bit. I was about to ask who it was when his nostrils flared before he excused himself to take the call on the balcony.

Licking my lips, basked with dim lighting, I watched from afar, feeling ill.

Nikki… it had to be her.


Chapter 2



My lawyer was yapping, but I could barely register what was being said. After he mentioned what my parents intended to do, everything seemed to blur around me. The only thing that was registering in my shocked brain was,
my parents were really going to sue me,
and nothing more.

I knew that this day would come, of course I did. That they were going to do it sooner or later—however, there had still been a teeny part that had hoped they were going to get their crap together.
And as always
, those two let me down, completely. Repeatedly. Irrevocably.

My parents were pointless, selfish beings. Holding out hope that someday that might change would be wishing for a blue moon to happen. But me, being the fruit of their selfish union, couldn’t fully comprehend that they could really be that self-centered. Surprise, surprise, here comes their very own signature parental love and affection.

Releasing a long, agonizing breath, I spoke on the phone. “Do what needs to be done and keep me informed. That will be all. Goodnight,” I said with a cutting voice, though not directly at poor Lester; it was more towards my irresponsible parents.

It was beyond frustrating to be in this position. Sometimes I wished I were someone else, someone who had simpler means and an easier life to get on with. It’s one thing after the other. Just when I thought things were stabilizing for me, another conundrum comes rolling in, squashing any hope I have of ever having an easy, and yet, happy life.

I was still looking out at the view of the city below when I heard Emma come through the balcony area. Her slow, almost-silent steps showed how unsure she was to approach me. That brought a small smile to my face. Even when I was in the dumps, Emma brought light into my life. So I waited for her to reach me, silently willing and counting down the moment that she finally would.

A sigh of relief came out of me when Emma came up behind me, wrapping her arms around my torso as she pressed her face on my back. “I’m here. Whatever’s bothering you…I’m here to listen.

Her presence soothed my heart while her affection settled the riot that was my brain.

“My parents are suing me.” Saying those words aloud made it even more real. Sad how some parents were just not made to act like they should. Those two were better off childless with no responsibility to hinder their squandering lifestyle. Sadly, I sprouted out of nowhere, making life a tad—yes, a
—more difficult for them. “They’ve been stalling. I was actually expecting this last year… I almost forgot about it.” It had been in the back of my head. I should’ve thought better.

Emma’s arms held me tighter, making me feel her love, letting me know that I wasn’t alone.
That she was there for me, if I wanted it or not. The feeling of having someone to lean on, knowing that they were there without judging you, but just being there—to listen—while you pour your guts out, was a novelty for me. Nevertheless, it was a cherished feeling to share with someone I loved.

“God, that’s horrible. What are they suing you for?”

What else was there? When it came to my parents, it was the evil of all evils. “Money.”

“Is there anything I can do to help? I’m sure you’re going through so much already, but if you want to go out and party with some of your work mates to forget about what happened tonight, then we should go out. I don’t mind it at all.”

Why party with others when I had her here? I knew she was trying to be a good girlfriend and all, but really? Knowing that she was a jealous one made me love her all the more. This kind offer probably took a lot for her to say, and I appreciated that she was trying to be accommodating. We were, after all, still getting used to each other again. And where compromise was concerned, we were trying our damnedest.

I spun around and faced her thoughtful, worried countenance. “Understanding girlfriend…” I murmured, smirking. “Do you think you could get away from spending time with me?” raising my brow in question. She tried to speak, however I took over, letting her know where I wanted to be. “I’ve been dreaming about you from sun up to sun down. You have completely taken over my mind and body, and you think I want to go party tonight?” I cocked my head, disbelieving. “If I want to forget, there’s only one way I’d love to do it.” My lips took hers, seeking.

Our kiss was tender, passionate, sealing what I claimed as mine. Each stroke of my tongue took us deeper. My body was hot, fevered for her touch, her lips, her absolute surrender to me.

“The thought of me deeply seated inside of you, getting lost in your heated depths, and the feeling of your tight cunt, sucking and gripping the life out of me…” I groaned while my cock twitched as I slowly rocked my hips against her stomach.

My control was slipping away as hot kisses trailed away from her lips and onto her cheek then onto her ear with eagerness. Once I reached her hot spot, my tongue played with it—teasing, whirling—while my seeking hand started to find its way to its purpose, my sanctuary.

“Make love to me, Emma.”

Without disconnecting our gazes, she dropped onto her knees, biting her bottom lip as she eyed me with perfervid lust while her hands were busy unbuckling my pants, pulling them down along with my boxer-briefs with a quick, hard tug.

I looked down at my firm dick against her face, and all air left my lungs as I waited for that very first lick; that soft, wet lick that surged electricity all over my body.

Blue eyes still held mine as she softly caressed the tip of my shaft against her skin, her soft lips and then against her cheek, feeling its silkiness, its smoothness. She was cherishing it, showing how much she wanted me before closing her eyes.

I watched—fascinated with her, at what the hell she was doing.

It was only her who had the power to exorcise any ghosts, any hollowed emptiness that usually crept into my loneliness. Only Emma, who could make me feel like I had everything in life even if it was far from perfect.

There was only ever
her and no one else.

The woman captured me once more as she milked me, speaking in between suction. “Do you know I think of you every night? Counting down the hours until I see you again, so I could touch you… feel you,” she whispered.

Her hot breath tickled the tiny slit of my mushroomed head, making it release moisture. It glistened atop my cock, vying and provoking for attention. Licking my lips, I sway my hips to the side, aiming for her partially parted lips. “Taste me,” I commanded, the need rasped out of my lips.

With shut lids, her mouth parted as her hand gripped my shaft, stroking it without mercy while her mouth blew me away.

I barely had the chance to swallow the saliva that got stuck behind my throat, nor did I get the opportunity to howl in pleasure because Emma didn’t give me that favor. She sucked me with one goal in mind, and that was to obliterate me from thinking of anything else other than her amazing skills.

And Christ, how well it worked.

My eyes could barely take in the sight of her, on her knees, servicing me like a damned king—her king. Her king, I may be, but she owned me through and through, and I wouldn’t have it in any other way. She was my beautiful enchantress.

“Stretch those lips wider, moro mou. Take it all.
Suck it all
. Don’t stop until you take all of me.” Even though I was in the penthouse suite, howling with everything I could give, the last thing I wanted to worry about was propriety.

Slowly, with precise, excruciating suctions, Emma took all of me. It was a feat—a sight I always wanted to remember because she could barely manage to do it—and yet, she wouldn’t stop until she made it. Her determination was sexy. However, seeing her with tears, saliva dripping around and down the sides of her mouth, made me fall for her more. A fearless woman, who was willing to go through some discomfort and hard work just to make her other half feel better—
—was a woman worth keeping.

My balls tightened. My stomach clenched as my insides felt the dropping hum of my orgasm rearing up, boiling from within as it travelled upwards—surging, throbbing for the finale.

I was in love. I was in lust. I was a man who was screaming at the top of his lungs while I got thumped by the most powerful orgasm I’ve had in a very long time.

It was so powerful that I felt like I had sky-rocketed into the sky, all the while only ever seeing white, blanking out my brain with anything else. Only feeling this majestic, electrifying surge of beauty, which brought me back to life with such heady, intoxicating speed.

My body shook. Sweated. And I was oh so ready to go on for another wild ride.

Looking down at the siren that made my body quake like no other woman could, I watched in awe as she thoroughly cleaned my shaft from any milky residue. She was hungry all right… and thank God for that because my dick needed good milking… all weekend long.

Twinkling blue eyes looked at me. Expectant. Ready to be conquered. Eager to be dominated. Emma was feisty and passionate in nature, yet when it came to handing over the power to me during sex, she freely gave it away. She was my willing captive. My instrument. My whatever I wished her to be. As a man, I admired this trait because it made our sex life all the more exciting, thrilling and beyond cataclysmic. I needed to take charge—conquer her—when need be. When the roles were reversed, it made it all the more compelling.

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