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Authors: Tristan Donovan

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_____. Letter to E. M. Hugh-Jones, May 9, 1944. National Archives of the United Kingdom.

Coste, Felix W. Letter to H. B. Nicholson, May 28, 1954. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Dorsey, William T. Letter to Bernard M. Culver, September 23, 1938. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Fleck, H. J. Letter to Duke Ludwig, August 17, 1953. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

_____. Letter to Duke Ludwig, August 24, 1953. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Forbes, Lt. W. J. Letter to Mrs. Williams, August 15, 1949. Coca-Cola Company Archives.

Forio, E. J. Letter to Lee Talley, March 27, 1964. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

_____. Letter to Robert Woodruff, April 15, 1952. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

_____. Letter to Robert Woodruff, January 23, 1953. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

_____. Letter to Robert Woodruff, April 1, 1957. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

_____. Letter to Robert Woodruff, November 26, 1965. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Foster, G. N. “Concentration of the Soft Drink Industry.” Letter to G. E. Todd, July 31, 1942. National Archives of the United Kingdom.

Frazer, Gordon. Letter to the Coca-Cola Company, March 3, 1944. Coca-Cola Company Archives.

Gaddis, Lt. W. P., Jr. Letter to his mother in Berkeley, California, undated. Coca-Cola Company Archives.

Goizueta, Roberto. Letter to members of the board of directors of the Coca-Cola Company. March 11, 1981. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Goodloe, John D. Letter to Thomas J. Deegan, April 9, 1966. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Haldi, John. Letter to Lucien Harris Jr., September 3, 1963. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Harris, Lucien, Jr. Letter to John Haldi, February 7, 1964. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Hayes, Ralph. Letter, September 8, 1938. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

_____. Letter to A. A. Acklin, October 4, 1940. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

_____. Letter to Lee Talley, December 18, 1961. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Hirsch, Harold. “Trade Mark Coca-Cola.” Letter to Robert Woodruff, July 7, 1931. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Hogan, Daniel E. Letter to J. Paul Austin, June 3, 1968. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Hoppers, V. G. “A Proposal to Establish a Plant in the Free Zone of Port Said for the Production of Coca-Cola Concentrate and Other Beverage Bases.” Letter to A. T. El Bakry, October 4, 1966. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

_____. Letter to John R. Talley, June 28, 1966. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

_____. Letter to John R. Talley, June 30, 1966. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

_____. Letter to John R. Talley, July 20, 1966. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

_____. Letter to John R. Talley, July 27, 1966. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

_____. Letter to John R. Talley, October 18, 1966. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Hugh-Jones, E. M. Letter to F. J. H. Corbyn, May 6, 1944. National Archives of the United Kingdom.

Johnson, W. T. Memo to Hunter Bell, March 3, 1953. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Jones, Harrison. Letter to Robert Woodruff, July 5, 1932. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

_____. Memo to Robert Woodruff, August 22, 1932. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

_____. Letter to Robert Woodruff, February 18, 1933. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

_____. Letter to Robert Woodruff, December 30, 1942. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

_____. Memo to Robert Woodruff, undated. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Jones, J. W. Letter to Robert Woodruff, September 11, 1973. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Lamb, D. R. Letter to F. J. H. Corbyn, May 8, 1944. National Archives of the United Kingdom.

Law, Thomas C., Jr. “Status of TAB.” Letter to J. Lucien Smith, September 22, 1965. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Lee, Archie. letter to Robert Woodruff, November 21, 1945. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Leonard, Earl T., Jr. “Saccharin Strategy.” Letter to Roberto Goizueta, March 9, 1981. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Ludwig, I. C. Letter to J. F. Curtis, July 24, 1953. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Mack, Walter S. “Re: End of Sugar Rationing.” Letter to all members of the Pepsi-Cola family, September 17, 1947. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Makinsky, Alexander. Letter to John Talley, July 9, 1966. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

_____. Letter to John R. Talley, July 11, 1966. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

_____. Letter to Robert Woodruff, July 30, 1931. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

_____. Letter to Steve Ladas, June 11, 1949. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Marshall, G. C. “Supply of Equipment and Supplies for Preparation and Bottling of Soft Drinks in Oversea Commands.” War Department circular no. 51, February 4, 1944. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Nicholson, H. B. Letter to Robert Woodruff, February 8, 1940. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Nixon, Richard. Letter to Robert Woodruff, December 15, 1959. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Oehlert, B. H., Jr. Letter to Dr. Harold Rowe, April 7, 1942. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

_____. Letter to J. A. Sibley, October 6, 1941. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

_____. Letter to J. Paul Austin, April 22, 1966. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

_____. Letter to J. Paul Austin, April 28, 1966. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

_____. Letter to J. Paul Austin, November 22, 1966. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

_____. Letter to James H. Bahti, August 11, 1966. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

_____. Letter to John R. Talley, April 25, 1966. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

_____. Letter to Ralph Hayes, April 7, 1942. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

_____. Letter to Robert Woodruff, December 12, 1941. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

_____. Letter to Robert Woodruff, June 1, 1942. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

_____. Letter to Robert Woodruff, November 20, 1942. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

_____. Letter to Robert Woodruff, January 20, 1954. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

_____. Letter to Robert Woodruff, January 26, 1954. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Powers, Ray. Letter to Robert Woodruff, October 7, 1930. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

_____. Letter to Robert Woodruff, February 24, 1931. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

_____. Letter to Robert Woodruff, May 14, 1937. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

_____. Letter to Robert Woodruff, April 23, 1938. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

_____. Telegram to Robert Woodruff, November 12, 1936. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Pinkerton's National Detective Agency. Letter to A. A. Acklin, June 27, 1933. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Randolph, W. H. Letter to Robert Woodruff, October 24, 1967. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Raney, Karen. Letter to Robert Woodruff, May 10, 1985. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Schumacher, J. A. Letter, May 1955. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Smith, Eugene C. Memo, June 30, 1967. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Smith, J. Lucien. Letter to members of the Coca-Cola Family, undated. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Spears, Francis H. Letter to all bottlers of Coca-Cola, October 19, 1969. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Stalnaker, John M. “Pepsi-Cola Scholarship Board Announcement.” Letter, October 14, 1948. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Stansfield, A. F. “Background About Sugar Rationing in the UK for Soft Drinks.” Letter, November 1, 1944. National Archives of the United Kingdom.

Talley, John R. Letter to J. Paul Austin, June 19, 1968. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Tewksbury, John L. Letter to the president of the Coca-Cola Company, October 4, 1963. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

US Office of the Military Attaché, Pretoria, Transvaal. Letter to R. Stuttaford, September 18, 1942. Coca-Cola Company Archives.

Wilson, J. A. Letter to Paul Austin, November 7, 1977. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Woodruff, Robert. Letter to Richard Nixon, December 21, 1959. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Newspapers, Magazines, and Other Periodicals

Advertising Age
. “Ad Age Advertising Century: Top 10 Slogans.” March 29, 1999.

_____. “Sales, Profits of 4 Major Bottlers.” October 17, 1955. Coca-Cola Collection.

Albers, John R. “Concentration.”
Clock Dial
, September–October 1978. Dr Pepper Museum Collection.

Albright, Joe. “Lawyers Study Question of Duncan's Coke Stock.”
Atlanta Constitution
, undated news clipping. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

American Dental Association. “Diet and Tooth Decay,”
Journal of the American Dental Association
133 (April 2002).

Ammunition. “The Pause That Erodes.” August 1951. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Aris, Stephen. “How Pepsi Beat Coke to Moscow.”
Sunday Times
, November 26, 1972.

_____. “Things Went Better for Pepsi Than for Coke in Moscow.”
, December 5, 1972.

Asa G. Candler & Co. Print advertisement.
Atlanta Journal
, May 1, 1889. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Associated Press. “Clients Make Peculiar Demands.”
Beaver County Times
, May 25, 1988.

_____. “Cola Wars.”
Jacksonville Times-Union and Journal
. April 22, 1984.

_____. “Designer Lacks Full Credit for Coke Bottle.”
Atlanta Journal and Constitution
, undated. Coca-Cola Collection.

_____. “NYC Ban on Big Sodas Could Face Legal Test.”, June 14, 2012.

Atlanta Constitution
. “B'nai B'rith Raps Coke's Israel Franchise Denial.” April 8, 1966.

_____. “Bottled Water Booms.” October 14, 1970. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

_____. “Coca-Cola Ban in Arab World Goes in Effect.” August 2, 1968.

_____. “Ecologists Try to Halt Plastic Bottle Use.” November 7, 1975.

_____. “India's Cola Conflict.” May 30, 1980.

_____. “Ray R. Powers Dies in Berlin Hospital.” December 14, 1938. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

_____. “Tasty Happiness a Hit in Peking.” July 10, 1981.

Atlanta Journal
. “Austin to Give Up Coke Posts by February.” July 15, 1980. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Battista, O. A. “Why Sugar is Scarce!”
News & Views
, September 1946. Dr Pepper Museum Collection.

Bauerlein, Valerie. “PepsiCo Chief Defends Her Strategy to Promote ‘Good for You' Foods.”
Wall Street Journal
, June 28, 2011.

Becker, L.A. “The Soda Fountain Industry.”
Pharmaceutical Era
, February 1913.

Bennett, Eileen. “Local Historians Argue Over the Root of the Story of How Hires First Brewed Beer that Made Millions.”
Press of Atlantic City
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Bennicoff, Jan. “The Secret Ingredient in Many a Tasty Batter.”
(Nashua) Telegraph
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Bittman, Mark. “Soda: A Sin We Sip Instead of Smoke?”
New York Times
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Blackman, M. C. “Reverse in Coke War: Israel to Bottle Drink.”
New York Herald Tribune
, April 16, 1966.

Bloomberg Businessweek
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Brady, Thomas F. “Arabs Vote to Bar Ford, Coca-Cola.”
New York Times
, November 21, 1966.

Brooker, Katrina. “The Pepsi Machine.”
Fortune Magazine
, January 30, 2006.

Brooklyn Eagle
. “Revolution in the Soft-Drink Industry.” March 21, 1954.

Business Week
. “Coke's Formula: Keep the Image Fresh.” April 25, 1970. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Cadbury. Print advertisement.
Illustrated London News
, October 22, 1898.

_____. Print advertisement.
Illustrated London News
, November 23, 1901.

Canaseraga Times
. “National Drinks: Queer Beverages Peculiar to Some Countries.” November 11, 1887.

Cantrell & Cochrane. “Now! Your Favorite Soft Drinks in Cans!” Print advertisement for Super Beverages.
Daily Mirror
, June 10, 1953. Robert Winship Woodruff Papers.

Changing Times: The Kiplinger Magazine
. “The Story Behind … Coca-Cola.” November 1959.

Chapman, Fred'k L. Op-ed.
Ram's Horn
. August 31, 1897. Dr Pepper Museum Collection.

Choi, Candice. “Coke, Pepsi Racing for a Better No-Calorie Soda.”
Huffington Post
, July 26, 2012.

Chun, Janean. “Red Bull Stratos May Change Future of Marketing.”
Huffington Post
, October 15, 2012.

Cicero, Linda. “Coca-Cola's New Flavor: Sweeter, Less Fizzy.”
Kingsport Times-News
, May 8, 1985. Coca-Cola Collection.

Cincinnati Press
. “Jake and Coca Cola Caused Several Arrests.” March 8, 1929.

Cleveland Press
. “Quits as Chairman of Pepsi-Cola Co.” September 18, 1950.

BOOK: Fizz
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