Flashback (9 page)

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Authors: Ella Ardent

Tags: #menage, #bdsm, #domination, #submission, #bondage, #interracial, #multiple partners, #novellas, #erotic shorts, #linked series, #continuing characters, #private sex club

BOOK: Flashback
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“Of course I do.”

“Then let’s stop talking about condoms,” she
said. Before Rex could argue, she dropped to her knees and took him
in her mouth. Her tongue rolled across him, flicking against the
tip of his penis, touching that tender spot right beneath the head,
driving all sensible thought from his mind.

It was true. He felt more without a condom,
and he wasn’t quite ready to lose the full sensation of what Leya
was doing to him. Her tongue was wicked - and wonderful.

He’d talk to her about it again, later.

Much later.

As he tangled his fingers in her short dark
hair, Rex had a thought that almost made him laugh aloud. He was
having vanilla sex, again.

This had to be love.

The funny thing was that the realization
didn’t worry him, not one bit. For years, he’d evaded long term
commitments, but it felt so right with Leya. They were two of a
kind and understood each other, anticipated each other, supported
each other.

She was Rex’s future and he was glad.


* * *


Athena thought long and hard about Rex’s
safeguards at the Plume after she left the Count’s house. She
walked as she thought, taking satisfaction in the decisive click of
her heels on the pavement. She didn’t care where she walked: she
had to think.

She had only the clothes she’d worn to the
Count’s house, and wished her black boots were a little less
flamboyant. She braided her hair and slipped it into her collar.
She’d tied a black scarf around her head and put on her sunglasses,
even though it was a dingy day. She still wouldn’t blend into the
crowd, but she looked less like a dominatrix on the loose.

Athena knew that Rex had installed a software
worm on the computer system at the Plume because they’d talked
about it many times. The security of their members was something
they discussed obsessively. If Rex had had time to launch it, he
would have done it, as much to protect himself as everyone

She had to find out if he had before she went
to her apartment.

She hailed a cab and gave the driver the
address of the Plume. She tried to brace herself for the sight of
it in ruins, but still the reality of it brought a tear to her eye.
The air was full of ash and the sidewalks were crowded with
onlookers. The ruin of the building still smoldered and firemen
were working at extinguishing the last remnants of the blaze. The
cab driver jabbered about some people’s filthy secrets, his disgust
clear, but Athena ignored him.

She paid him and joined the crowd, ignoring
their commentary as well. The building was smoking rubble. Athena
guessed the hard drives were ruined, whether Rex had launched the
worm or not. It would take ages for anyone to even find them in the
debris, and the firefighters weren’t letting anyone enter the
building as yet.

For the moment, their data was securely
hidden, which was a relief. Even if the police unearthed the
computers this very morning, it would take days for anyone to
decode any information that could be retrieved from the hard
drives. Then they’d have to work through the network of numbered
corporations that Julius had engineered in order to find her

Athena could go home on this day to pack, but
she wouldn’t return there again. She had a few things to collect:
some cash, favorite shoes, the key to a safety deposit box. She was
glad to know she could risk it.

Still, she couldn’t tear herself away from
the sight of the ruin. So much work, lost. A gust of wind stirred
the smoke rising from the building, and Athena saw the eye of a
peacock feather being blown down the street. She bent down and
picked it up, still unable to accept that it was all gone. The
feather had been partly burned, the tips touched with ash, but the
eye gleamed gold and green.

A beacon of hope, maybe.

“Is it you?” a man asked from behind her and
Athena spun, uncertain who to expect.

It was Tex. Her knees nearly gave out beneath
her. He was dressed casually, in jeans and boots and a leather
jacket, his expression wary. Athena hugged him hard and he hugged
her back. She was so relieved to see him that she could have

“Are you all right?” she demanded in a
whisper. “Were you there? Who have you heard from?”

Tex cast a glance at the spectators, some of
whom were taking notice of their meeting. He tucked Athena’s arm
into his elbow and turned so that they were walking away. “Let’s
get out of here.”

Athena let him take the lead, glad to be in
the company of someone with a plan. Tex headed toward the busier
thoroughfares, talking in an undertone the whole time. Athena was
glad to just be able to match her steps to his as she lived the
disaster vicariously. He told her about his escape, about Rex
activating the second alarm system, about Rex’s return to the
offices to launch the software worm.

Athena was so relieved.

“Tess had to work a flight to Amsterdam
today,” he said, referring to the woman who had become his most
frequent partner inside the Plume. “She didn’t want to go, but I
told her to act like everything was normal.”

“What about everyone else? How many were

“Not that many, really. Most people got away,
thanks to Rex. Amanda had Julius’ phone number. She was arrested, I
think maybe on purpose. She wanted to orchestrate their release and
coordinate what they admitted.”

Athena smiled. “Amanda is so efficient.”

“Yeah.” Tex hesitated for a moment, then
spoke in a rush.

“What about Rex?”

“He got away with Leya. I heard from Rafe. He
drove them away and they sank the limo before going their separate

How like Rex to have thought about destroying
the limo.

Tex cleared his throat. “The papers say Rex
called the cops. It can’t be true,”

“I can’t believe it either.”

He gave her a cautious glance. “Rafe thought
maybe you did it.”

“Me?” Athena was dismayed. “Never! Why would
I destroy something I worked so hard to build?”

“That’s what I said,” Tex agreed, clearly
relieved. “But then, who?”

Athena shook her head. Who could have hated
the club enough to destroy it? Who could have hated Rex enough to
see him blamed?

She had an idea, one that made her

“What about the Plume, Athena?”

“What about it?”

“Are you going to re-open it?”

Athena opened her mouth, then closed it
again. “I’m not sure. I don’t think it could be here.”

“There’s a lot of us who want to know. We’ll
go wherever we have to.”

Athena pulled a piece of paper and a pen out
of her purse. “Give me phone numbers,” she said. “I’ll have to
ditch this cell phone, but I want to be able to reach you.”

“You have a plan?”

“Not quite yet, but I feel one brewing.”

“Excellent! I knew you wouldn’t let us down,”
Tex said and the first sight of his familiar smile made Athena feel
optimistic all over again.

Could she start over? Without Rex or the


* * *


“What has Mike bought for you?” Eric asked,
when he and Joanna were standing in a private back room at the
fetish wear store.

The angular blonde who was serving them had
bright eyes and watched them closely. Joanna could already tell
that she was interested in Eric. Could she use that somehow?

“Tall boots,” Joanna said, answering the
question. “Black ones with spike heels.”

“They go up to your thighs,” the woman said.
At Joanna’s glance, she nodded. “He bought them here.” I know who
you mean now. Hot guy.”

“Not as hot as me,” Eric said and the clerk

“And a black hood with elastic at the back,”
Joanna continued.

The woman nodded again. “The one that fits
really smooth.” She nodded. “He likes sleek and smooth, preferably
shiny. Black.” She went to a computer screen and tapped up an
image. “If you want to own his soul, you need one of these.”

The model in the photo looked like CatWoman
to Joanna. “A catsuit?”

“A PVC bodysuit. Put baby powder inside when
you put it on. It’ll be easier to take it off.” The clerk pursed
here lips. “It can be hot, so turn the thermostat down beforehand.
You might want to make it a quicker scene.”

“Sounds like you’re familiar with the model,”
Eric said, his tone flirtatious.

The clerk shrugged, then slanted a hot glance
his way. “I make a point of familiarizing myself with all of the

“Really?” Eric leaned on the counter but
Joanna cleared her throat. “I’m thinking a model with an open
crotch would be the way to go,” he said, to Joanna’s surprise. “And
a face mask.”

“Lots of people go that route,” the blonde
said. She pulled up a few more images. Joanna thought the outfits
looked too menacing to work for Mike. “Full mask?”

“Over the eyes, so she can still see,” Eric
said, indicating one he preferred. “And then the wristlets and
anklets with the D-rings, so she can be taken unawares and tied

“Nice touch,” the clerk purred.

“No,” Joanna said, because this wasn’t about
Eric. “He loves corsets so much. And a more feminine look.”

“It’s all about him, isn’t it?” The clerk
clicked through the images, and Joanna pointed at the screen when a
black corset was displayed.

“That’s it,” she said. The corset had large
silver bar clips down both sides. It pushed up the bust, nipped in
through the waist then curved around the buttocks. It was longer
than her others but the shiny black patent would drive Mike

“Love the hardware,” Eric said with such
enthusiasm that the woman smiled.

“With black patent boots,” Joanna said, her
excitement rising. “Just ankle high, but with spike heels and laces
up the front. And one of those short sheer white dresses underneath
the corset. A short one, maybe knee length. Ruffles.”

“Very Victorian,” the clerk said with
approval. “This mask, then.” She picked up a black velvet domino
edged with black feathers.

“Black gloves all the way to the underarm,”
Joanna said.

“Satin,” the woman agreed. Eric looked
between them avidly. “Black lace stockings.” She paused by a
display. “A wide black choker?”

“Perfect!” Joanna exclaimed.

“I gotta sit down,” Eric complained, but both
women ignored him.

“This is a great look,” the clerk enthused.
“He’s going to love this.”

Joanna knew she was right. “It’ll be
perfect.” Oh, she was going to make Mike pay for his choices. She
moved to the array of crops and whips, knowing she needed something
new for this scene.

“I’ll have to check your measurements, just
to be sure the fit is right.”

Joanna nodded agreement and the woman went to
get her tape measure. “We’ll need restraints for Mike,” she said to
Eric and he nodded.

“Pick a style. She probably remembers him
well enough to order the right size.”

Joanna dropped her voice. “Is this

Eric grinned at her. “This whole scheme is
crazy, Joanna. That’s why it’s going to work.” He snapped his
fingers. “By the way, where do you want to take your lessons?”


“We have to play the game and lead Mike on.
He might get suspicious and call your apartment.” He smiled. “This
week, you’d better still be locked up and mine to enjoy.”

Joanna wasn’t entirely sure whether he was
joking or not. She spoke firmly, knowing it would diminish his
interest. “I’m not letting you lock me into that place again.”

Eric laughed. “So much for your submissive
side.” He heaved a sigh when Joanna ignored him. “So, here’s the
thing. You’ve got to keep calling in sick to drive him crazy. Do
you want to crash at my place?”

“Only if you promise to not try

“Be still my heart,” Eric muttered. “She’s
going to take my word as my bond. If that isn’t love, I don’t know
what is.”

His comment gave Joanna an idea.

“Why don’t we go back to that place?” she
said as the clerk came toward them. She felt Eric’s surprise. “But
this time, you give me the keys.”

His brows rose. “And you have your way with

“You’re supposed to teach me how to drive a
male submissive crazy.”

“Right.” Eric didn’t look so excited about
that, which reassured Joanna yet again.

“I’m going to need a lot of toys,” she told
the clerk. “A cock leash and a ball band, some French ticklers, at
least two dildos and whatever else you recommend.”

The clerk eyed Eric. “I think this one is
going to be tough to discipline, honey, but I wish you luck.”

“Pleasure,” Eric breathed, turning his charm
on the clerk. “Wish her pleasure.”

“Do I need to?” she asked, her tone
flirtatious, and Joanna watched a little sizzle of energy pass
between her and Eric.

“What about yourself?” Eric asked, moving

“Oh, I’m no dominatrix,” the clerk said with
a smile. “I like to be tied down tight and taught the rules. I
don’t suppose you know a good, tough master who’d want to remind me
of my place?”

“Maybe I do,” Eric said and the clerk

Joanna moved to look at the restraints and
make her choice. She didn’t need to feel sorry for Mike’s friend.
Eric was never going to be lonely for long.


* * *



Chapter Four


Athena made a hasty trip to her apartment,
relieved to find that there was no one apparently watching it. Its
contents were untouched. She packed quickly, because there was very
little she needed.

She changed her clothes, choosing a classic
suit and heels instead of her usual outfits. She coiled up her hair
and used more muted colors for her make-up, going to elegance
instead of drama. She was surprised to see an echo of her
grandmother reflected in the mirror.

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