Flawfully Wedded Wives (27 page)

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Authors: Shana Burton

BOOK: Flawfully Wedded Wives
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Book Discussion Questions
Do the characters in this book realistically portray Christian women in today's society? Explain.
Considering the circumstances, should Lawson have fought for her marriage? Why or why not?
Would Sullivan have been better off not finding her father? Why or why not?
Should Angel have consulted Jordan before having an abortion? Should she have asked his permission or simply informed him of what she was going to do?
Do you think Mark and Reginell are equally yoked, or is he better suited for Lawson?
Was Simone a real threat to Lawson's marriage, or was the perceived threat all in Lawson's mind?
Does Sullivan exemplify what a first lady should be? Why or why not?
Was Kina judged too harshly by the media and her friends, or was the criticism warranted?
Should Angel have gotten an abortion? Why or why not?
As a professed Christian, should Reginell have stopped working in the strip club? Does one have anything to do with the other? Explain.
Shana Burton Bio
As a child, Shana Burton, a native of Macon, Georgia, wanted to be two things: an author and a flower. Eventually, she sided with being an author. She is a two-time Georgia Author of the Year nominee and has received many awards and accolades for her work as both an author and educator. She is the mother of two children and enjoys reading, dancing, traveling, and taking long naps.
In addition to
Flawfully Wedded Wives,
Shana Burton is the author of
Suddenly Single
First Comes Love, Catt Chasin', Flaws and All,
Flaw Less.
She can be contacted at:
UC His Glory Book Club is the spirit-inspired brainchild of Joylynn Jossel, Author and Acquisitions Editor of Urban Christian, and Kendra Norman-Bellamy, Author for Urban Christian. This is an online book club that hosts authors of Urban Christian. We welcome as members all men and women who have a passion for reading Christian-based fiction.
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Shelia E. Lipsey,
President, UC His Glory Book Club
Urban Books, LLC
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Wyandanch, NY 11798
Flawfully Wedded Wives Copyright © 2013 Shana Burton
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.
ISBN: 978-1-6016-2764-3
This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living or dead, or to real locales are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.
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