Fleeing Fate (10 page)

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Authors: Anya Richards

BOOK: Fleeing Fate
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“Sweetness…” He moaned it against her throat, his hands
sliding down to cup her ass. “No time of my life has been longer than these
months without you, waiting to see if you’d come back, dying a little more each
day you didn’t.”

There was pleasure to be found in his words, and pain too.

“I never wanted to hurt you.” The storm of emotion was
growing, twirling around and through her, making her ravenous for him. “And I’m
here now. Love me, let me love you.”

He lifted her with effortless grace and, with a moan of
assent, Gràinne wrapped her legs around his waist. Admitting their love was
more arousing than any foreplay, and there was no place for hesitation or
gentleness in this coupling. They both needed it to be as elemental as the
magic building and roaring around and within them. She was wild for him,
pressing down against his hands when she felt the head of his cock take
position at her opening, crying out with unrestrained bliss when it slammed
home inside her pussy.

Thunder rolled in time with their hips, or was it their
hearts that roared in her ears? The warm rain intensified and, curving her body
around his, she reveled in the wet slide of skin on skin, the urgency of his
thrusts, the sounds of passion breaking from both their throats. Jakuta was
trembling, shuddering in her arms, and no sensation experienced before had ever
thrilled her as that evidence of his desire.

His teeth grazed her neck, his hands tightening on her
thighs as she rode him as hard as she could, greedily taking him again and
again. Her entire body tingled and tightened, and she didn’t know, or care,
whether it was from his electric power or the orgasm hovering just out of
reach. All she knew was the need to reach out, grab hold and take him with her
into the glorious release.

“Gràinne.” His lips were at her ear, her name something
between a prayer and a groan. “You make me crazy. I can’t…”

She didn’t hear the rest, for her body had reached the limit
of the pleasure it could take and, keening, she came. Their magic exploded.
Lightning struck. Thunder roared. Jakuta did too, his body bowing, muscles
locking as he rocked convulsively into her, prolonging and intensifying her
orgasm, taking her to a plateau of ecstasy she never even knew existed.

Slowly he sank to his knees. They were still joined and she
held on with shivering legs and arms, not wanting to let go. He curved his arms
up her back until his fingers covered her shoulders. The rain had gentled, the
force of their release having expended the magic, but the connection remained,
strong, true and pure. Resting her forehead on Jakuta’s shoulder, Gràinne gave
thanks to the Goddess for seeing her through it all and bringing her to where
she belonged.

“I’ve waited many lifetimes for you, sweetness.” His words
rumbled into her ear and Gràinne thrilled anew to hear them. “And want to spend
many more with you.”

She lifted her head to tell him she now realized everything
she’d been and gone through had been worth it, for that fate was what led her
to him. But something caught her gaze and she gasped, breath suspended by
surprise and a rush of love so fierce she could hardly bear it.

“You took my mark.” With one shaking finger she traced his
new tattoo, a hooded crow, Badb’s symbol. “But what is this ax above it?”

“It’s the sign of the name I was given after my banishment
and have refused for so long to acknowledge.” His arms tightened and he touched
his lips to the sensitive spot beneath her ear, making her shiver with delight.
“I wanted you to accept the past so as to see me as your future. I needed to do
the same to be ready, with a pure heart and clean hands, when you came back.”

Overwhelmed, rocked to her soul, she pressed her lips to the
tattoo. Beneath her lips beat his pulse, as strong and sure as love binding
them together, and she felt her heart take up the rhythm. He murmured softly as
she tasted him, and stirred inside her, hardening once more. Smiling against
his skin, she shifted her hips, was rewarded by a welcoming groan and
quickening of his powers to a tingling, swirling whirlwind.

Before the storm overtook them, she whispered, “I fled from
a fate I didn’t think should be mine. Thank the Goddess it was into your arms,
for there is nowhere I’d rather be.”

And holding her as though he would never let go, he replied,
“Nowhere else you belong, but with me.”

About the Author


After living a checkered past, and despite an avowed
disinterest in domesticity, multi-published author Anya Richards settled in
Ontario, Canada, with husband, kids and two cats who plot world domination, one
food bowl at a time. Having trained the humans around her to recognize the Do
Not Disturb vibes she gives off when writing, she’s still trying to get the
cats to honor her need for space. The suspicion is that they perfectly
understand, but choose those moments when she’s most engrossed to once more
prove who wears the pants in the house.



Anya welcomes comments from readers. You can find her
website and email addresses on her
author bio page





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Ellora’s Cave Publishing





Fleeing Fate


ISBN 9781419940088


Fleeing Fate Copyright © 2012 Anya Richards


Edited by Grace Bradley

 Photo and cover design by Syneca

Models: Rodney and Shannon  


Electronic book publication July 2012


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