Read Flesh & Blood Online

Authors: John Argus

Tags: #erotic, #chimera, #vampire, #domination, #dominatrix, #dom, #femdom, #damsel, #submission, #submissive, #corporal, #punishment, #spank, #spanking, #bdsm, #s&m, #bondage, #tied, #twilight, #pattinson

Flesh & Blood (12 page)

BOOK: Flesh & Blood
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It was a short drive to Morales’ home, and she parked against the curb and remained behind the wheel for a while, staring up at the house. It looked normal enough, though in daylight it seemed much older than she had thought. That only made it more bizarre that the house did not even appear on the local land registrar’s maps.

And it was very disconcerting the way she had allowed him to do whatever he’d wanted to her in there. Why had she submitted to a complete stranger in such a way? She should have known better, and the fact that she should have known better but still let it happen really frightened her. What if she surrendered to him once again?

Who was he?
was he? She reached up and touched her fingertips to her tender throat. Legend spoke of the ability of vampires to cloud the mind, to seduce women…

But where the hell did
thought come from? What had he done to her? Was she going insane?

Flustered and anxious Leah got out of the car and walked quickly up the path to the front door, rapping on the knocker and ringing the bell before her wavering resolve could evaporate completely. Her heart pounded and her tummy fluttered in apprehensive anticipation as she awaited an answer that did not come. She rang again, and again, then looking around her, stepped off the porch and moved around to the rear, trying to peer through gloomy windows as she did.

She tried a door at the back more out of habit than any hope of it opening, but the latch turned in her hand and she froze as the door eased open a crack. With her heart beating quicker she inched it further open and peeked inside, spying a short hall with another door at its end. She slipped inside and closed the backdoor behind her, careful not to make a sound, and then crept up to the next one, which was unlocked too. She opened it slowly, and saw to her surprise a narrow set of wooden stairs doing down.

With apparently no other way in to the house she forced herself to make her way down the stairs. As she reached what she had thought was the bottom she realized the stairway only turned, and another flight led still deeper into the bowels of the house. Frowning, wondering why anyone would need a basement so deep, she continued down. Vampires, she thought, the silly thought coming from nowhere; they would want to be deep to be sure of avoiding any daylight. She tried to shake off the thought as absurd, but it persisted as she reached the lower level.

Now she was in a chilly narrow passage made of unpainted wooden boards. There appeared to be no doors, save for the one at the far end, and a single low voltage light bulb hung overhead illuminating her path as she continued, against all her instincts to turn and flee immediately, to that door.

Taking a deep breath to try and calm her trembling hand she turned the handle and pushed the door, and it opened onto more steps, these of stone. It was warm now, but she felt a chill run down her spine as she took each dusty step in turn, slowly and quietly. As before there was a turn and then more steps descending deeper and deeper, and as before, she emerged into a narrow passage, this one hewn from stone walls and a claustrophobically low stone ceiling.

It was cold again and she crossed her arms protectively, trying to warm herself in vain, the gloomy passage barely lit by flickering torches as she moved fearfully along it.

A heavy wooden door appeared through the murkiness ahead. Leah swallowed nervously as she reached it, and then lifted the heavy iron latch. With her heart thumping as adrenaline pumped through it, she slowly pushed the door open to find a circular stone chamber lit by two torches set in the damp walls. There were waist high animal cages set against the wall to one side, and as Leah slowly, anxiously eased inside, she saw, to her shock and horror, that there were girls locked in them.

The light was too dim to tell if they were the same girls they’d been trying to find during their investigation. And as one raised her head Leah found herself staring in fearful dismay. The girl had been shaved entirely bald, and she was nude. There were four of them, lying on their sides in the cramped cages like undernourished animals in a third world zoo. They each had a bowl of water and scraps of food, and she stared, appalled that someone would reduce healthy females to the status of caged beasts. Outrage swelled within her and she hurriedly opened the cages and let them out, whispering comforting words of encouragement, thinking they must be traumatized by their imprisonment and whatever perversions they had been subjected to.

‘Come on, I’ll get you out of here,’ she assured them in anxious whispers. ‘Don’t worry, we’ll be out of this shit-hole in minutes.’

The girls crawled out of their cages and rose onto unsteady legs one by one, and as the fourth was released Leah turned to stare at them, blinking in amazement. They were very nearly identical in their nudity, with firm breasts, shapely hips, narrow waists and slender legs. Their faces were nearly identical too, though they were not, she realized, the girls they were looking for. And their heads were perfectly smooth, not as if shaven, but more as if they had simply been born without hair.

Yet the most remarkable thing about them was their eyes, for all had alarmingly dilated pupils. She had never seen anything like it in her life, and for a moment she could only gape in disbelief.

And then she noticed, with an increasing sense of foreboding, that each girl had rings through their nipples, and that those rings were identical to the rings piercing her own. Her eyes dropped and she saw they were pierced through the clitoris too, and suddenly her mouth felt intolerably dry with fear and she struggled to swallow.

One of the girls shuffled closer, reaching for Leah. Leah gripped her wrists, fending off the fingers that twisted towards her face, but then the girl pulled back, drawing Leah’s hands to her lips, licking her knuckles. Surprised and disturbed Leah yanked her hands away.

‘Come on,’ she said, her voice shaky, ‘we have to get out of here.’

Another of the girls moved behind her, her arms creeping around Leah’s waist, her full breasts molding against her back as she ran her moist tongue up her neck.

‘Stop it!’ Leah turned, twisting defensively and pulling away, staring at the girl in confusion and uncertainty. The backs of her fingers felt hot, and she rubbed them subconsciously against her jeans even as she reached up with her other hand to rub her neck. ‘We have to go,’ she said more desperately, moving towards the door as she wondered what manner of psychological problems the poor girls had been condemned to. They were all beautiful, and despite their hellish surroundings and bizarrely bald heads they looked deeply sensual. In addition to the rings each girl had a silver band around her ankles and wrists, with a similar but slightly wider band encompassing their throats, an odd, unreadable inscription engraved into them, possibly in Arabic.

Again one of the girls grabbed Leah from behind, her hands cupping her breasts as her deceptively strong arms hugged her.

‘Dammit!’ Leah cursed, wondering what was up with them. Why didn’t they just follow her out of that hellhole as quickly as they could? Surely they were desperate to escape?

Another of the girls dropped to her knees in front of her and gripped her hips, then leaned forward, lapping at her bare belly, her tongue indulging long slow laps across Leah’s soft skin. ‘W-we have to get out of here!’ she gasped despairingly, trying to shake free of them. But they were quickly all over her, the other two girls gripping her wrists, drawing her hands up to their lips, and they began to suck and lick her fingers as Leah struggled with increasing fear, frustration and confusion.

And more. For some inexplicable reason she was becoming increasingly, helplessly turned on. The simmering sexual warmth that had lurked all day was still present when she’d found the girls, but that was nothing compared to the furnace building within her now. It was not natural and not acceptable, she kept trying to tell herself that, but she felt almost drugged in her physical and mental responses. One of her hands felt like it was burning, the skin raw, the nerve endings flaring with power, and somehow she realized that this was where the first girl had licked her. And then she realized her neck felt the same, and that she was feeling intense sensations everywhere the girls were licking, as if their saliva was somehow setting her skin aflame.

‘Let me… let me go!’ she gasped, twisting and struggling, but her arms were drawn out to the sides, the two girls holding them licking up and down their length. The girl kneeling before her had slavered hungrily over her naked tummy, and her hands were now undoing her jeans.

,’ Leah gasped, struggling with growing desperation, ‘please no. I’m trying to help you. Please, we must get out of here!’ Despite her fraught pleas for commonsense to prevail she felt her jeans being tugged down, and with them her delicate thong, and the realization came to her that if their saliva did somehow contain some type of chemical enhancement she did not want them anywhere near her… ‘
…’ she implored as the girl’s mouth pressed avariciously between her thighs.

Leah’s hips rolled in shocked dismay as the girl’s tongue thrust impossibly deep between her labia, wriggling deep inside her vagina, probing and twisting and then withdrawing to flit teasingly around her clitoris. She couldn’t comprehend what they were doing to her. She was only trying to help them, risking her own safety for them, but they seemed to totally disregard that and far from desperately scrambling to escape this macabre hell, they were effectively raping her instead. Her tight top was being tugged up and off and her struggles became increasingly confused and feeble as she tried to fight the creeping lethargy and intensity of sexual need sweeping her mind and body.

‘I d-don’t want you to do this to me,’ she begged, conflicting need and loathing vying for supremacy, but they disregarded her, their expressions fixed with emotionless determination as their tongues lapped her shoulders and throat, her fingers and the palms of her hands. She sagged to her knees and the girls gathered her body into theirs, hands mauling her breasts and buttocks and thighs. She swayed weakly, her hips beginning to roll with the raw need blossoming within her.

Their tongues stroked her flesh, and everywhere they touched heat flared. Her skin began to feel raw and exquisitely sensitive, and she rolled her head weakly, arching her back as the two before her mouthed her breasts and suckled her nipples.

Feeling defeated and overrun she sagged lower on her knees, and rolled her head forward to see, dazedly, that one of them had slid beneath her parted thighs and was gazing up at her silently, waiting, and despite the last fragments of her determination to resist the onslaught, Leah surrendered and sank down onto her waiting mouth and let out a shocked cry of pleasure as the girl’s tongue thrust up between the lips of her sex, wriggling deep within the tightness of her body, stroking wetly across her clitoris.

,’ she panted, in futile denial of the dangerously delicious attention.

Another girl knelt behind her, her tongue sliding slowly, wet, hot down her spine. Leah’s hips writhed, and then the girl’s tongue was between her buttocks, probing at her anus, and she came, shuddering, her pelvis jerking helplessly. She moaned in wondering pleasure, swaying and sandwiched between the mass of writhing flesh and limbs.

Then she glanced up through lowered lashes and saw him there. A strong male hand gripped her hair, forcing her head back. She gasped, the pain minimal, drifting sparks amidst the furnace roaring through her. His eyes were intense, and she stared up into them. Then he released her and she drowned again amongst the other girls as he turned and left the squalid basement room.

Eight hands captured and caressed her body, lips and tongues bathing her in fire and lust. A sudden climactic shockwave sent her mind reeling, and for long minutes she rocked to the power of sexual bliss, her mind spinning and tumbling.

Her eyes seemed to clear a little, and then a strange desire gripped her. She lowered her hands, fingers searching, finding pussy lips, finding clits swollen with lust and adorned with gold rings. The girls shook violently, and almost as one their heads were thrown back, their lips wide, their eyes closed. Leah’s fingers rubbed furiously across the swollen wet buds, and one delirious girl fell forward against her, shaking with convulsions, eyes closed tightly.

Then Leah fell back, hot female flesh covering her. The five of them rolled and writhed on the cold, grimy floor. Her mouth found another’s and their lips mashed together, tongues squirming and thrusting. Her hips bucked wildly as she felt a moist tongue worming up into her anus. Fingers rubbed at her clitoris and pushed into her pussy, while tongues lapped at her toes and her breasts and her face and her throat.

She had no sense of time. She was exhausted, sweating, her muscles aching, her belly and breasts tight. Yet she could not break free. Every time she summoned her resolve and tried one or another of the frenzied girls would find a way to send her pulse soaring again.

After what seemed like hours of erotic overload Leah managed to pull partially free while the entwined mass of girls were occupied with each other. With sweat matting her fringe against her forehead she gripped one of the cages and dragged herself to her knees. Yet as if her movement had refocused their attention she felt their hands crawling up her calves and thighs.

Leah pushed at them, pushed at their upturned faces as they rose to lick her. With enormous effort she succeeded in dragging herself to her feet, but her legs were parted, straddling one of the girls, and her knuckles whitened as her fingers desperately grasped the top bars of the cage for support, and when a soft hand slid up to palm her sex she could only whimper and tremble.

Then there were two of them up with her, pressing their soft breasts against her arms as their lips sought her throat. She shoved one back. The girl stumbled, but her expression emotionless came forward again, reaching for her, fingers piercing her sex.

‘N-no…’ Leah sobbed shakily. More fingers pushed into her, and she twisted weakly between the two girls sandwiching her. Their tongues lapped her throat. Their hands cupped and kneaded her breasts. The pressure against her sex became unbearable, almost enough to distract her from the suffocating heat billowing around her. She tried to close her legs but felt strong hands gripping her ankles and thighs. ‘Fucking b-bitches,’ she gasped, teeth clenched.

BOOK: Flesh & Blood
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