FLOWERS and CAGES (23 page)

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Authors: Mary J. Williams

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"You were with Dalton in Midas." Zoe's gaze turned serious. "He downplayed his trip. Was it as innocuous as he led us to believe?"

The question made Colleen pause. There was something Dalton didn't know. Something he couldn't have shared with his friends. She wanted to tell Zoe and Quinn about Collier's visit to the garage. It would have felt good to get it off her chest. The problem was, she couldn't expect them to keep her secret. It wouldn't be fair to ask. Dalton wasn't going back. Judge Langley couldn't hurt him. He was out of Tolliver Cline's reach.

Dalton shared what he wanted to share. It wasn't up to her to elaborate. In the end, Colleen decided to adopt the theory that what happened in Midas should stay in Midas.

"Dalton gave it to you straight. Midas no longer has a hold on him."

That seemed to satisfy Quinn. Zoe was harder to read, but she let it go. That left Colleen to think about the evening ahead. Dress, shoes, makeup, hair. She wasn't worried about any of that. Landing on her face in front of all those people? That would be difficult to live down.

With a sigh, Colleen decided to stop thinking about what could go wrong and relax. All she had to do was smile and hold onto Dalton. She knew he wouldn't let her fall.


HOW MANY PEOPLE had the opportunity to walk an honest to goodness Hollywood red carpet? The flashing lights. The screaming fans. The glitz and glamor. Colleen had seen the highlights. Hundreds. Thousands of times. It wasn't something she thought of after the fact or dreamed of attending. Moments like these were otherworldly. She couldn't relate. Why would it occur to her that someday, she would be the one strutting her stuff in front of members of the press from all over the world? Yet, here she was. Colleen McNamara. Humble mechanic.

"So much for stage fright." Dalton tightened his grip on her hand. "You look like you were born posing for the camera."

"It's easy. I've decided to embrace the moment." Colleen paused when a photographer shouted Dalton's name. "You're the talent. I'm the eye candy. When these pictures hit the internet, my mother is going to have bragging rights at the beauty salon for the next six months."

"Never mind the internet. Try magazines and newspapers."

Entertainment Weekly

"At the very least," Dalton nodded.

"Did I say six months?" Colleen flashed her best,
I'm with the band
, smile. "My mother will work this for at least a year."

Though Colleen enjoyed herself immensely, it wasn't what she had expected when Dalton mentioned a benefit.
The Ryder Hart Band
equaled rock and roll. In her mind, that meant t-shirts, jeans, and suspicious-smelling puffs of smoke. Woodstock. Monterey. What she found was more upscale.

That morning, Quinn and Zoe had given her a bit of a heads-up. They tried to prepare her. Colleen quickly discovered the red carpet and all the glitz were things one had to experience to truly understand. This was a moment she wanted to savor. She wanted to see everything. Take little snapshots in her mind. Tonight was once in a lifetime. Colleen was determined to enjoy every second. Especially the man next to her.

"Have I told you how gorgeous you look tonight?"

Dalton shook his head when the usher holding the door for them snorted, trying unsuccessfully to contain a laugh.

"That is supposed to be my line, Red."

"You told me. Four times."

"And you mentioned that I looked mighty fine in my tuxedo. Handsome was the word you used in the car." Dalton lightly flicked a finger under her chin. "Remember it the next time anybody is in earshot."

"Handsome. Gorgeous. Both apply." Colleen needlessly fussed with Dalton's tie. It gave her an excuse to stare into his deep blue eyes. When he rested his hands on her hips, she smiled. "You look as good in clothes as out of them. Not all men can say that."

"Right back at you." Dalton's gaze dipped to the plunging neckline of her dress. "How am I supposed to keep my eyes off you? Long, bare legs and all that creamy skin?" His roaming finger stopped between the base of Colleen's neck and the swell of her breasts.

Colleen had watched video after video of Dalton playing the drums. His skill and concentration had left her breathless.

"Once you're on stage, you won't know I'm around."

"Not likely, Red."

Dalton kissed her ever so lightly. It was a moment. The kind she would never forget. By the way he looked at her, Colleen was certain he felt the same. Together, they inhaled. Deeply.

"Time to get changed, lover boy." Ryder slapped Dalton on the back. "We open and close this shindig. You can canoodle with Colleen at the after party."

"What about you and me?" Quinn, stunning in a form-fitting yellow sheath, tugged on Ryder's hand.

"Canoodle. Snuggle. Smooch. Name it. I'm there."

"Oh, for crying out loud." Zoe exchanged looks with Ashe. "Would you give these two a move-it-along kick in the ass? I would do it, but this dress won't let me lift my foot that high."

Zoe wasn't exaggerating. The long column of her shimmering skirt was fabulously flattering. However, it made certain the soles of her strappy silver sandals stayed firmly on the ground.

Amused, Dalton winked at Colleen, following behind Ryder. "I'll see you after the concert."

"Want to watch the fun from the audience or join me backstage?" Quinn slung a canvas bag over her shoulder. "I can't resist a chance to take pictures of the band."

"Backstage," Colleen said with enthusiasm. Falling in step, she nodded toward the bag. "Is that how you and Ryder met? Taking his picture?"

"Dalton didn't tell you?" Before Colleen could answer, Quinn laughed. "Why am I asking? I have never met a more close-mouthed bunch in my entire life."

"Dalton told me that they don't talk about each other's business."

"Did he mention why?" Quinn showed her badge to a burly security guard. With a nod, he let them pass. It was a different entrance than the one the band had taken. Colleen assumed the other door led to the dressing rooms.

"Something about respecting privacy. Yadda, yadda, yadda."

Quinn chuckled. "I know it seems extreme."

"No. More… mysterious."

"I get that." Setting down her bag, Quinn removed an impressive-looking camera. She changed lenses before adjusting several settings. "I can't say a lot. You understand."

She did
That was news to her
. Colleen merely shrugged.

"When Zoe asked you about Midas?"

"Oh. That."

"Exactly." Quinn raised the camera, snapping a quick shot of Colleen. "Sorry. I tend to do that."

"Okay." Colleen didn't mind having her picture taken. The walk down the red carpet had told her that. It was the suddenness of Quinn's movements that threw her off.

"It isn't secrecy," Quinn continued. "Not really. As a group, they share more than any people I've ever known. Nor are there any major skeletons lurking in anybody's closet."

"You're positive about that?" Colleen didn't believe in open books. They didn't exist. Along with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, everybody had the right to keep a few things to themselves. If that weren't in the constitution, it should be.

"I said
skeletons. There
a difference." Quinn lowered the camera. "The band has few rules. Don't talk to the press comes in first, second, and third on the
hell no

"Is that a warning?" Colleen would have expected it from Zoe. Quinn seemed too easy going. First impressions. To some extent, they always needed revising.

"Only because I like you." Quinn's easy-going smile was back in place. "You do understand?"

"Feel free to call me Schultz."

Momentarily confused, Quinn's frown slowly lifted. She snapped her fingers. "
Hogan's Heroes

"I see nothing." Colleen did her best exaggerated German accent. "I know nothing."

Quinn took another picture, laughing when Colleen pushed out her chest in an exaggerated cheesecake pose. "I knew I was going to like you."


MESMERIZED. THAT WAS the only way to describe it. Colleen felt drained and invigorated at the same time. A night of magic will do that to a person, she supposed.

The concert started on a high note.
The Ryder Hart Band
took the stage to a chorus of frenzied screams. From the first note, the energy was electric. Colleen watched Ryder as he sang lead on a song she knew very well.
Under a Blue Moon
. How many times had she played that tune while draining an oil pan or rotating a set of tires? Countless. It seemed impossible that she stood only a few feet away. Watching as they played it live. Stranger yet? She knew the band. It was crazy.

Ryder gave new meaning to the word dynamic. Zoe? What else. She was a badass on lead guitar. And Ashe sent shivers down her spine when he wailed on the saxophone. Yet it was Dalton she couldn't stop watching. Non-stop, he didn't keep the beat—he lived it. The others followed him. Who wouldn't? When a woman in the audience yelled out his name, swearing her undying devotion, Colleen didn't blame her a bit. All she could think was,
I'm right there with you, sister.

When the song ended, there was no downtime for the band. They didn't do interviews, but as one of the organizers, there were photos to be taken with donors. All the money from the benefit went to children's organizations throughout the city. The proceeds helped set up shelters with clean, warm beds, hot meals, and counseling.

Colleen knew why this charity was so important to the band. Ryder and Zoe grew up with an abusive father. That was common knowledge. It could be a vicious cycle—one that the Harts thankfully avoided. Stopping the abused from becoming the abuser. Dalton and Ashe supported the cause all the way.

"This will take a while." Dalton had a towel wrapped around his neck, using another to wipe the flow of perspiration from his face. His t-shirt was soaked through. Drumming was a workout and a half. In deference to Colleen's pristine appearance, he merely brushed her cheek with his lips. "Will you be okay?"

"Bruce Springsteen is down the corridor. Word has it Madonna is in the building. Not to mention Beyoncé and Jay-Z. I think I'll muddle through."

"Keep an eye on her," Dalton said to Quinn. "Some of the musicians can get pretty handsy."

"Who is going to watch out for me?" Quinn called after him.

"They know you're mine." Ryder smoothed a hand down Quinn's hair. "If anybody touches you, they know damn well I'll tear them a new one."

Quinn stared him down. "Excuse me?"

Lips twitching, Ryder shrugged. "
tear them a new one?"

"That's better. For a second there I thought a stage light must have fallen on your head." Quinn slid her hand around Ryder's neck, pulling him close so only he heard what she said next. Whatever she said brought a huge grin.

"I think that can be arranged." The kiss they shared was searing, giving Colleen an,
oh, my,

"Should I ask what you said to him? Or is it too personal?" Colleen asked as Ryder and Dalton exited to their dressing rooms.

"I told him that caveman routine might be fun. Later. When we're alone." Quinn sighed. "Ryder is such a lovely combination of sexy alpha and sweetheart."

"You love him very much." Colleen wasn't asking. What Quinn felt—what Ryder felt in return—was obvious. And enviable.

"I do." Quinn didn't hesitate. "Does that surprise you?"

surprises me."

Where did that come from
? Colleen wondered. Funny. She hadn't realized she felt that way. Not really. True. She always found love to be a strange concept. In high school, her friends seemed to fall for one boy or another every other week. Some were still following that pattern. Through her mother's unfortunate second marriage and the current one that worked so well, Sherry claimed both men were the loves of her life—after Colleen's father.

Perhaps Colleen would understand love a bit more if she had felt its effects. Just once. Like? Absolutely. But love? Her feelings for Dalton were messing with her brain. For the first time in her life, she
to be in love. For the first time, she thought she might be capable of the emotion. What if that twisting in her gut—the squeezing in the vicinity of her heart—was merely once in a lifetime lust?

"I understand what you mean," Quinn nodded.

"Great. Can you explain it to me?"

"Can I explain love? Sorry." Somebody bumped into Quinn, sending her tripping toward Colleen. "Let's find someplace out of the crazy zone. One of the dressing rooms should be free."

Taking her camera bag with one hand and Colleen's arm with the other, Quinn led them down a busy corridor. Each door had a card taped to the front. When they reached the one that read Ryder Hart, they ducked inside.

"Did I say crazy?" Quinn laughed, pushing her hair back. "Between the talent and their entourages, it's chaos."

"You sound like that's a good thing." Colleen took a seat. The green sofa looked worn but clean. Before joining her, Quinn took two bottles of water from the small refrigerator.

"I love the energy. Getting a job covering
The Ryder Hart Band
was my big break as a photographer. If I had any hint that I would fall in love with their lead singer, I would have run for the hills. Ryder was not part of my plans."

, Colleen could understand. "Are you sorry?"

"Ryder Hart is the finest man I've ever known. Every morning I wake up in his arms. Every day, he tells me he loves me. More important? He

There it was again. Quinn's words gave her that twisty feeling in the vicinity of her heart. Unconsciously, Colleen rubbed the left side of her chest.

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