Fly on the Wall (15 page)

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Authors: Trista Russell

BOOK: Fly on the Wall
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“Mm,” I hummed as I traveled upward on his dick and kissed its tip. “You like?” I licked my lips.
He could barely speak. “Yeah.” He was breathing heavily and looked down at me. “Don't stop.” I stroked him tightly, but when our eyes met, he saw my concern. “What's wrong?”
I licked my lips and looked away. “I'm just thinking.”
“About what?”
I hesitated. “About what we're doing.”
He quieted me. “Shh. You're thinking too much. I'm not thinking about it.” Still on his back, he rose up onto his elbows and took my hands in his. “There's nothing wrong with what we want to do, as long as we both want to do it.” He pulled me on top of him, in a straddle position, and my legs rested outward at his sides. “Don't worry so much.”
“But what if people find out?”
“Fuck people.”
“You can't just have a fuck-the-world attitude about this.” I rested my head on his chest. “It's possible that people could find out about us.”
“All right.” He steadied and positioned his flaming arrow, aiming at the target. “I won't have a
attitude about this.” He rubbed his arrowhead against my wet crease. “I'll have a let's-make-love attitude about this.” He locked his hands on my waist and pushed upward, again giving me no time to protest.
“Oh, ooh yes. Oh yes.” I took him in and realized that there was no turning back.
“Oh shit.” He closed his eyes and savored the feel of my tight, wet, hot fold. “Yeah.”
I was still trippin'. “Are things going to be different?”
“Are you going to change?”
“Why would I?” he asked.
“Just answer the question.” I pushed myself downward on him.
“Never.” He kissed me softly and braced my back to give me more.
“Ooh shit,” I moaned. “Fuck. Oh yeah.”
“I'll never change,” he promised me again.
I rushed down his pole like a firefighter on her way to a four-alarm fire. I rode him like he had wheels, taking him places that even in his imagination were unreal. His toes began to curl and his sweat beaded up as large as dimes. I assumed I had taken him to school, but he put on his game face and brought it on like no other man ever had.
He found the strength to flip me under him then mounted and nailed me to the bed. “Oh, oh,” I screamed. “Oh, God.” I was nowhere near a church, but Theo had me calling on the name of the Lord like he was my pastor. “Jesus.” I looked up at Theo's face, but couldn't find the strength to say anything except, “Oh, oh, oh, yes, yes, yes.” He pulled a great deal of himself out of me, but slowly dug his way back into my grotto. “Oh, Theo, please, oh, boy.”
“Boy?” He slammed into me. “I am a man.” He increased his vigor. It felt like he was about to burst through my navel. “Are you gonna treat me like a man?” His thrust fell deeper into me. “Answer me.”
“Yes!” I screamed through pleasure and replied to him all at once. A salty drop of sweat danced from his forehead into my mouth. “Oh, yes.”
His dark brown, glistening body tightened then shivered as he pushed into me one more time. “Shit.” He closed his eyes and his octave elevated three levels. “Oh yessssssss, ah, ahh, ahhhhhh, oooh.” We both climbed the steep, sleek, and snowy mountain together; we reached the summit, planted our flags, and quickly fell back to the shaft of the mountain range. At the end of our journey, his eyes flew open.
“Damn,” he whispered, as he lowered himself to kiss me. He fell to my side and draped his hand over my chest. “Damn.” I reached for the sheets and covered our sweaty, heaving bodies and heard him mutter once again, “Damn.”
I finally asked, “Are you all right?”
“Well, what are all the
about?” I had to know.
“You.” He rubbed his fingers across my stomach. “You.”
“What about me?”
“How can I put it?” After pondering awhile, he came out with it. “You're a hell of a woman.”
I was flabbergasted. I had heard that my “stuff” was good, but damn. “Wow.” In the midst of my blushing, I remembered who was complimenting me and came down from my cloud. Theo was eighteen years old and probably didn't have much to compare me to. He was used to getting head in the back of cars, and fuckin' and runnin' while some girl's mother was at church.
He massaged my arm. “I'm not just talking about sex when I say that.” I snuggled closer to him and figured to hell with whomever he had before me. With the way he just broke me down, I was trying to have him . . . on the regular.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” I shook my head. “I just hope you know what you're saying.”
“I know exactly what I'm saying.” He kissed my shoulder. “You're a number of unbelievable things packaged into one person, and that's something that is rare, something that I thought I'd never get my hands on, especially at this age.” He paused. “Paige, you're smart, cute, funny, nice, sexy, and with what just happened between us, I can now add super freak to the list.” He laughed and then continued. “I've never found all of those things in one person before. It has always been something that was too much, or not enough, or something was flat out just missing.” He was looking right at me. “There's nothing missing in you.”
I felt the same way about him. Nothing was missing, and he felt right.
Theo pressed his lips against mine, inserted his tongue, and my sweet juice was still present. Shortly after, we were asleep, still wrapped in our warm embrace.
When the telephone rang, I jumped up and scanned the clock. It was after four in the morning. My heart dropped. No one would be calling me at that hour without a purpose. I reached for the phone slowly, and on the second ring, I felt Theo stretching out next to me.
“Hi,” the voice said. “Ms. Patrick, I'm so sorry to wake you, but your number was still in my Caller ID from the other night.”
“Who is this?” I asked as Theo began rubbing my back.
“This is Ms. Lakewood.” It sounded like she was crying. “Ms. Eva Lakewood, Theo's mother.”
“Ms. Lakewood?” My eyes nearly popped right out of my head. “Hi.”
“Theo isn't home yet,” she said. “Do you remember what time he left your house?”
I sat up and faked the panicky tone I would've really had if her son had not been in my bed. “Theo's not there yet?” I nudged him.
“No.” She sounded extremely concerned. “He's never done this. If he's staying at a friend's or coming in late, he normally calls. I've spoken to all of his friends, and no one has seen him except for earlier at your house.”
“Well,” I lied as Theo sat up and put his ear to the receiver, “he left here around eleven when the last of the kids left.” I thought quickly. “But he did mention going to another party.”
“Another party?”
“Yes. A few of the students were talking about going to a house party down south.”
She sighed. “Theo knows that I don't play this mess. He didn't even call to let me know that.”
“That's probably where he is.”
“He's never done anything like this.”
“Wow.” I smiled and thought,
That's because he never had pussy like mine.
“He's normally more responsible than this.” She paused. “At six o'clock I'll be phoning the local hospitals and hope to God that he's not admitted into any of them.”
I tried to reassure her. “I'm sure he'll be home before then.”
“He better be.” She continued, “I hope that this has nothing to do with some girl.”
I giggled. “I hope not.” My girlish days were gone. “I'll call you in the morning to make sure that everything is all right.”
“I'm going to kill this boy.” Ms. Lakewood apologized. “Sorry about waking you.”
“No problem,” I said and hung up while looking over at her incredibly attractive firstborn son with a smile. “There's an APB out for you.” I slipped from under the sheets and made my way to the other side of the room to blow out the candles. “I can't believe we fell asleep with these things lit.” I shook my head. “I never do that.”
“That's because I've never been here.”
“Is that what it is?”
“Yeah,” he said. “I'm all about seeing that you start doing new things.”
“Like burning down the house?”
“Yep.” He looked at the clock. “I didn't realize that it was so late.”
“Me neither.” When I approached the bed, instead of jumping up like he should've done after that phone call, Theo lay back down. I bent toward the candle on the nightstand and let a tiny bit of air escape to send the flame to rest. “So, what are you going to do?”
“I don't know.” He took a deep breath. “I'm sorry, though.”
I curled up next to him. “Sorry about what?” His body was warm and his skin still smelled edible, like it did when he walked through the door hours ago.
He seemed embarrassed. “I'm sure that you've never had some dude's mother calling you in the middle of the night before.”
“No, actually, this happens to me all the time,” I joked. “Theo, it's okay. Don't worry about it.”
He was quiet for a while. “So, is this about to happen?”
“You and I?”
“You and me?” I corrected him teasingly.
“Whatever.” He tickled me. “Theo and Paige.” He continued. “Are we going to do this?”
“Do what?”
He clarified, “Are we gonna be together?”
“Um, I think . . . well.” I paused. “I guess we can see.”
“Don't guess. If you don't want to, just say it.” Lord, I wanted nothing more than to have a man again, but Theo wasn't really a man. Okay, in biology he was considered of the male persuasion, he carried the XY chromosome, but he wasn't a
man, like the one I had prayed for. Theo didn't have a job, drove his mother's former car, lived with his mother, and was still in school . . . high school, to be exact. Was I desperate?
“Yes,” I answered.
“Tell me what you want,” he said, “and not what you guess.”
“What could we have, Theo?”
“A lot,” he replied without hesitation. “I know that I'm young, but I'm not your average high school senior. I'm going places in life.”
“What can we have, though? What can we do together? Where can we go?”
“Are you serious?” He continued. “We can have whatever we want, do whatever we like, and go where we please, but only if we both want it.”
“That all sounds good, but let's keep it real.” I was straight up. “We could never go anywhere in public.”
“True,” Theo agreed and kissed my cheek. “But privately we can do whatever we want.”
“Okay,” I said. “I'm willing to see where things go.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah.” Actually, I was still thinking about it. “Is that what you want?” I asked.
“No doubt.” He pulled me toward him and kissed my forehead. “I ain't never scurred.” We laughed. “I guess I better get going before my mom reports the ride stolen.” He positioned himself over me and kissed my lips softly. “I'll call you tomorrow.”
I felt like a kid on Christmas . . . I had a new toy. I hated watching him get dressed, walk out of the door, and then reverse out of my driveway. I even fixed my mouth to ask him to stay, but that just couldn't be.
I couldn't go back to sleep, so I flipped through channels until the sun came up then got the energy to get up and complete my three-mile run.
Afraid of what her attitude would be like, I reluctantly called Ms. Lakewood as I promised. She informed me that Theo arrived around five o'clock, stating that he did go to a party after leaving my house. He left the party at one, but on a long, dark road on the way home, he fell asleep at the wheel. He did just as
had told him many times to do if that ever happened. Instead of driving dangerously tired, he pulled over and took what was supposed to be a power nap, but lapsed into a four-hour dream.
Later, I sat at my dining room table to eat lunch and finalize my lesson plans. However, the many black eyes of the scattered dominoes ogled me and I smiled. The smell of alcohol and sex had long vanished from my house and me, and surprisingly, I had no regrets.
~Situation #10~
The Fly
i, it's, me Musca Domestica again. Surely you haven't forgotten me. What? Are you suffering from Alzheimer's or something? I'm the housefly. Remember, it was me that first brought this story to you, hence the title of the book . . . duh!
You can clearly see why my jaws dropped when I flew into the bedroom and saw ass everywhere. Now that you're caught up and know just as much about them and their situation as I do, please tell me what this heifer is thinking. I mean Paige is an attractive, thirty-two-year-old woman. Not only has she taken back her body—at five foot nine, she is 36-27-40, and that's not the combination to my locker—the girl is fine. Hell, even Doran's “gaydar” picked up on that. I know that you stronger than strong women are thinking that homegirl is a fool to occasionally still be messing with Craig, but honey, y'all don't know what this man looks like. Imagine a combination of Rick Fox, Will Smith, and Jason Taylor . . . that's Craig. Yeah, now let me see you resist him.
Let me get your mind percolating again. Envision, if you will, that Morris Chestnut and Tyson Beckford are siblings and had a younger but taller brother. That's my man, Theo. As you've heard, he's doing the damn thing on the basketball court, and driving people crazy with the anticipation of his decision of college or the NBA. Everybody wants Theodore Lakewood. Colleges are giving him athletic scholarship talks during the day, but at night they call back from unknown numbers, throwing out dollar amounts. His phone is constantly ringing with calls from colleges, girls, sport agents, girls, NBA representatives, more girls, and television and radio stations wanting interviews. However, all Theo wants is a basketball, a girl, and his mother to chill the hell out.
As Theo smuggled in, once again after the bell, Paige erased the board then turned to face him and the others. “Well, it's certainly great to see all of you.” She smiled at her sixth period students. “Did everyone have a good time on Saturday?”
Theo partially raised his hand and spoke without being called on. “I didn't, so I say that we do it again this Saturday.” The class laughed.
“Ms. Patrick, your house is beautiful.” Angie was still kissing ass. “It was absolutely perfect.”
“Thank you, Angela.” Paige gave her nemesis a fake smile. “So everyone was satisfied?” Theo winked, and that answered her question. “By the way, Mr. Lakewood, don't think for a moment that I didn't see you scurry in late.” She found it hard to communicate with him like he was just another student.
“Scurry?” He smiled. “Is that a vocabulary word this week?”
“No, but during your detention later on, I'm sure that writing thirty sentences to include the word might make you appreciate it.”
“Detention?” he whined. “I have practice, though.”
“Well, this will be the free-throw line.”
He pretended to be upset. “Damn.” Theo was actually very anxious. All he thought about since leaving her house was the way he felt inside of her, the way she tasted, and the way she moaned.
“I need you all to break into groups of threes and turn to section C of chapter five.” Underneath the teacher routine, all she could think about was the way he handled her body when he was on top of her. “If you read the story over the weekend, then this assignment shouldn't be a problem. However, if you didn't, you better hope that your neighbor did, or this will certainly be an F.”
Angie attempted to walk to the other side of the room. “Work with those around you. Angela, there are plenty of people for you to work with over there.” Paige pointed then explained the assignment. She spent a few minutes with each group to be sure that her instructions were clear. During her brief stop at Theo's group, she was outright astonished to hear him discuss the story in detail. He had done his homework.
“Theodore Lakewood is a true talent,” the reporter said as he wrapped up his mini-interview. “He plays the perimeter, passes the ball, and has great ball handling, shooting, and passing ability. Those things, in addition to his supernatural capability to see the floor, make him a rare find.” He smiled. “Back to you, Ann.”
“So, Theo, any decisions yet?” asked one the of the many television reporters who ran down to the court after West Dade won their first game of the season, in which Theo scored thirty-three points.
“Decisions?” He wiped his face with his jersey and smiled. “I prefer my coffee black, no cream and no sugar.”
“That's a good one.” The reporter issued a live-on-TV giggle. “I should've clarified my statement.” He spoke into the microphone once more. “We know that you have everyone knocking, not only
your door but knocking
your door, NBA and college teams alike. Any word on where you're leaning?”
“Well, Wes, I've spoken to several college coaches, and I'm currently weighing my options. I truly haven't made up my mind about anything yet.”
Another reporter screamed out, “We have word that you were signing with the University of Connecticut.”
“Really?” Theo shook his head from side to side. “The UCONN basketball program is without a doubt one of the best in the nation, but so are Duke and Kentucky. There are many schools that I would love to be a part of. Picking just one is tough.”
“So, your decision is college?” a female reporter asked.
“No, I haven't made a decision yet.” His charming smile was sure to project well on the eleven o'clock news. “When I make a choice, I promise not to leave you guys out.”
“You'll be holding a press conference of some sort?”
“Yes, something. After I inform my family and friends, you'll be next in line.” As he answered questions, he stepped slowly toward the other side of the gymnasium, but they didn't leave his side until he disappeared into the locker room.
Paige watched all of the commotion from the bleachers. She, his biggest fan, was the quietest person in the gym during the entire the game. She didn't want to stand out, be noticed, or be mistaken for overly excited when he hit a three, stole the ball, or was at the foul line.
He spent the entire first quarter trying to pick her out of the sold-out crowd. Instead of listening to Craig's advice during a time-out, he scanned the mob until he spotted her up top in a royal blue blouse. As he ran back onto the court, he blew a kiss, which sent the girls into an uproar. Every female seated in that section believed that it was meant for her, but the real recipient never flinched.
The “after-game plan” was for them to link up at Paige's house, so after watching him fade into the locker room, she fished her keys out of her purse and exited the back of the gym to avoid the crowd. There wasn't much light in the area, so she ran instead of walked. When she reached the parking lot, she ran right into—
“Hey, where are you going?” Ian grabbed her by the arm as she rushed by.
“Hi.” She caught her breath. “You enjoyed the game?”
“Oh yeah.” He smiled. “That damn Lakewood packs the house, doesn't he?”
“Yeah.” The mention of his name made her search the crowd for him. “He played really well tonight.”
He chuckled. “That kid must shit basketballs.”
She blushed and hoped it couldn't be detected. “He's awesome.”
“He has a great future ahead of him. I mean he doesn't even seem like an eighteen-year-old. Talking to him last night blew me away.”
Her ears tuned in. “Where did you see him last night?”
“I didn't see him. We talked on the phone when he called for Angela.” He carried on. “I told her that this is one she can't fuck up. That boy is a damn treasure. Treat that muthafucka like a goddamn king.” He went on, giggling. “I'll change her curfew for him.”
“Is that so?” Paige was less than amused.
“Hell yeah. Having him for a son-in-law would make my life complete.” Ian grinned. “Shit, I'd retire the day after the wedding.”
Whatever temperature blood boils at, Paige had surpassed it. “So, they're dating?”
“I don't know,” he shrugged his shoulders, “but there is some interest there.”
“Who's interested in whom?” She had to know.
“Well, I think they're equally interested in each other.” His eyes brightened and he rested his hand lightly on her arm. “Since you have them in your class, why don't you pair them up for special projects or to be homework buddies or something?”
What the—? “I think you need to get a life, Ian.” She chuckled as the words slipped out, but her level of seriousness was no laughing matter.
“Come on, encourage them.” He wasn't smiling. “They need to be together.”
“I think
need them to be together.” She tried not to sound bitter.
“Relax,” he said. “Damn, I was just kidding.”
“Sure. So was I.” She was sick to her stomach and had to stop herself from saying too much. “I need to get going.”
“So soon?”
“Yeah, I have to get home. Business to take care of.”
“Can I help?” He winked.
“I can handle it.”
“As I've asked before, when are you going to allow someone, a man, to handle things for you?”
handling things for me,” she said with the same fake smile she gave his daughter daily.
“Who?” he asked.
She tried dismissing him. “It was nice seeing you again.”
“How about dinner next week at your place?” He licked his lips. “I'll bring the goodies. All you have to do is let me put it in your mouth.”
How tacky. She was in shock. “I can't believe you just said that.”
“I'm just keeping it real.”
“Yeah, real nasty.” She walked away.
On the way to her car, she mingled with the students and Ms. Henry, the economics teacher. They talked about the game, the weather, and the upcoming holiday. It was mid-November, and the chill in the Florida air was to be praised.
During her conversation with another teacher, she saw members of the basketball team slowly trickling out of the front door, of the school. Though she was quite a ways from the door she could read the numbers on their jerseys like they were on paper in a mathematic equation just an inch away. Numbers seventeen, three, sixteen, two, six, nine, twenty-two, twenty-nine, then finally number twenty-seven walked through the doors all alone.
Before Theo exited the school, several girls, one being Angela, asked him about his plans for the evening. He lied to them all, telling them that he needed to baby-sit his younger brother. Angela volunteered to assist, but he declined the offer. His evening was already arranged. His mother, who was at the game but left in the middle of the fourth quarter to start her shift on time, was under the impression that after the game he'd hang out with the team a bit then go to Will's, where he'd sleep because Will needed a ride early the next morning. Will didn't need a ride or anything else from Theo. He was too busy with Jessica; so busy that they were even holding hands throughout the basketball game.
Once he was outside, Theo looked around the crowd until he spotted her in the distance, then pointed at his car.
“Well, Ms. Henry, you drive safely. Have a good night and an even better weekend,” Paige said.
Though they were walking in two different directions, they had a common goal . . . being together. Paige hopped into her car with a smile that could turn an onyx stone into a princess cut diamond. As she reversed from her spot, headlights crept up to her bumper. She pulled off, and he flashed his lights and followed suit. Other than their moments alone after class, this would be their first time together since their “first time” together.
During this boring ride to Paige's house, I'd like to vindicate myself by discussing some common fly stereotypes. All flies do not eat shit, hover over dead bodies, or find delight in buzzing dangerously close to a human ear at three in the morning. I am a fly with class. You won't find me around your crusty-ass toilet. I stay in the kitchen, and the moment you leave an uncovered pot unattended, you better believe that I act as your professional taste tester. At dinnertime, I pray that you'll let the clumsiest muthafucka in your family pour the drinks, so that through their spillage I can get my drink on. As for trying to annoy you, hell naw. I saw what the fly swatter did to my aggravating big brother, so when you sleep, I sleep.
When she turned onto her street, Paige looked in the rearview mirror and watched the headlights behind her turn too. However, when her house came into view, her eyes widened. “What in the hell . . .?”
Theo's car was in the driveway, and he was standing in front of his opened trunk with an overnight bag draped over his shoulder. As she approached, he waved her in with a smile as the car behind her stopped.
She let the passenger window down and pulled halfway into the driveway. “Who's in that car?”
He didn't hear her. “What?” He walked over.
As she looked back, the car's lights were now off and it sped, in reverse, down the street. “That car followed me here from the school. I thought it was you.”
He strained his eyes to try to make out what kind of car it was, but he couldn't. It was too far gone. “Was it Coach?”
“I don't think so. I hope not. I thought it was you.” She parked, sprung from the car, and stared down the street. “They followed me here from West Dade.”

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